• By -


Dead End- An optimist who always looks on the bright side! Drag Strip- A Humble car, always rusting and dirty. Motormaster- A father to his men, he has a great respect for Megatron. Breakdown- Someone who doesn't think anyone would ever harm him, not paranoid at all! Wildrider- "Road Safety Laws, get ready to be followed!"


And they're all lovey dovey and can't keep their hands off each other Y'know, cuz they all hate each other


Breakdown probably always touches their privates.


I miss 5 seconds ago before you posted that 🥴💀


What a terrible day for eyes :3






What the fuck is wrong with you 


Menasor: a hesitant combiner who doesn't like to harm his surroundings with his size and thinks to much before he acts


You know what, that actually fits his name. He prefers to stand there and let his mere gigantic presence intimidate - or *menace* - the opponents into retreating instead of jumping into combat from the get-go, because he would rather not fight if he can help it.


If we throw in the two later recruits Blackjack and Offroad, what do we get out of them in their SG counterparts?


Blackjack- A wall-headed bruiser, hates thinking despite being small. Offroad- Rude as The Pit, but for some Primus-forsaken reason, everyone in the Stunticons love him, they lather him with praise, even Wildrider, who ignores his Road-Safety law breaking. But don't be fooled, Offroad hates everything and everyone, even you.


So basically Offroad is the Snarl of the group who hates everyone and everything and is an absolute, yet lovable asshole. Gotcha.


Would that not be more Slag than Snarl?


I was thinking more of AOE Snarl who basically hates everything [https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Snarl\_(AOE)](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Snarl_(AOE))


I didn’t even realize there was a Bayverse Snarl lol


Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg if you don't know the rest of the Bayverse Dinobots


And they're all volunteers for the neighbourhood watch


Breakdown is the equivalent of a toddler who follows strangers who offer them candy. Gullible to a fault, almost.


They can be a group of mental health advocates who emphasise the value of cooperation and friendship and that teamwork makes the dream work.


I love the idea of shattered glass Breakdown being so blissfully ignorant of any kind of threat 


Shattered Glass Motormaster: doesn’t want to combine because he feels bad about just wearing the other four like armor


The Arielbots - Caused 9/11 Combaticons - Total Softies and Pacifists Stunticons - Helps People On The Road Technobots - Dumb As Shit Constructicons - Actually constructs helpful stuff Protectobots - Are the ones causing trouble


The arielbots: Me: wut


Protectibots: the cybertronian mafia running rackets on energon shops and loan sharking lower class bots.


Oh I LOVE the idea of racketeering for these guys, what a cool concept!


They gotta run a really obscured racket you wouldn’t think would be profitable but is actually ludicrously lucrative. Something like Avocados.




Imagine if the Technobots were super smart and suddenly grimlock suddenly took all there intelligence.


Probably what happened


That is actually what happened in the main SG continuity


I feel like they would’ve actually caused 9/11


The Combaticons are all troopy troop squad up army boys and Swindle is as honest as they come The Technobots are all savage and nasty like the Terrorcons Hot Spot is an arsonist and pyromaniac, Streetwise and Groove are partners in crime who aren't above stabbing each other in the back, First Aid is a serial killer and Blades kidnaps people out of hospital who are on life support


Lemme guess, u/IlikeTMNT : Hun-Grr and Swindle run a charity, with Hun-Grr giving food to the less fortunate, and Swindle doing the same but for non-edible goods?


hey, it’s me, that guy’s alt account, Hun-Grr just hates eating food altogether, he has to be constantly repaired and forced to eat Energon in order to stay functioning. Swindle is still a salesbot but he is terrible at it, he sells the worst slag imaginable, if you want a bucket of scraplet poop, then go to Swindle, he charges absolutely outlandish prices for it. One jar of Cybertronian (CENSORED BY AXIOM NEXUS) costs like $100000000 shanix.


Stunticons are well coordinated cons that are actually their own racing team like dinoco, traveling in motormaster trailer while preparing to win on velocitron again. Well respected, with several velocitronians wanting to join the team


Combaticons are a bunch of pacifists


Devastator sees all the death and destruction: *”Devastator is feeling really Devastated about this 😢”*




Funnily enough Shattered Glass Computron does exist https://preview.redd.it/4i76007vjtuc1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841c8eb4a4023a52edd22ffb94b830a596a2f6ff Obviously they and Abominus swapped colours really


SG combiners: Bruticus is a bunch jovial marines in good spirits. Menasor is a James Dean-like speed junkie with a heart of gold. Preadking is a jungle warrior who protects the weak and respects the laws of nature. Abominus is loner who hideous form hides the soul of poet and brave heart. --- Superion is a living corporation, who will one day rule the autobots through collective exploitation. Computron is like shockwave if his research team could combine. Protectobots are as corrupt as they come within reason, definition of lawful evil. The "Volcanicus Project" was shelved due to inability to control the end result, one of Team Computron few "known" failures. Optimus Maximus is the autobot commanders last resort, it puts him in a vulnerable position of unity with his top lieutenants. --- Victorion are a group of mercenaries who dabble in bounty hunting, sabotage, skirmishes, heists, etc....for the right amount of credits on either side (Menasor things they can save them and bring them to good guys permanently). Liokiaser is an...unknown to either team but has shown up from ***time*** to ***time*** to help the Decepticons out of a tight spot in the nick of ***time***. Almost as if they already knew something bad was going to happen right then and there.


What about piranacon


And God Neptune and Ruination and Magnaboss and Sky reign and Galvatronus and Tripedecus (Predacon council combiner) and Tripledacus (Mexican bug fellows’ combiner)




Why? This is just a thought exercise based off the question. If he exists in canon then he does, doesn't detract from my idea.


SG Predaking's just the anibot concept from the 1986 draft?


I was thinking more a Steve Irwin meets Tarzan but yeah... Also as a add-on he thinks of humans in the same way as animals so he strictly against fighting and distrupting their native habitat.


The Aerialbots already have an SG counterpart. They are a repurpose of the 2003 Decepticon Sixwing micromaster combiner, and the thing about them is their combined form of Superion is no bigger than any ordinary transformer. But because of that, I like to imagine them having a Napoleon/Inferiority Complex because of their small stature compared to his combiner contemporaries. In my head canon, the SG Protectobots are a secret police/DJD analogue.


The Dark Creators of Hasbrotron one day, looked at all the unsold materials and moulds; bellowed "Marketing! We have a task for you. Be rid of all goods taking space in the great warehouses of the earthly Orient. It is the one thing, the only thing, that stands in our way, from record Xmas sales revenue. Now go, destroy the wallets of customers" Marketing: "We will crush collectors, kids and parents alike! To the pigment chambers!"


I think the already established shattered glass computron is absolutely amazing!


I've seen he Combaticons described as an A-Team sort of group, which is awesome because I love that show. The official word on The Terrorcons is they're protectors and champions of Cybertron's arts and culture. The 'Structies are a Search and Rescue team, helping humans after disasters and bringing aid. Not sure if it's official or something that arose in RPs, but the Seacons are privateers raiding both sides, both primarily the Autobots.


Since no one mentioned the Seacons but I saw someone mention Victorion and Liokaiser, here's how I'd imagine they'd be. Since the official SG Seacons don't have any personality nor large appearance outside of a tiny little cameo, I had to look up exactly what their personalities could be based on their positive universe counterparts: Snaptrap - The ingenious and artistic leader of the group. Spends time painting beautiful images of sea creatures. Overbite - A friendly shark who rescues humans that are stranded far out in the ocean and takes them back to shore. Nautilator - The most graceful and confident member out of the group. Loves the ocean, loves his team and he even loves being a lobster since he prefers to take things slowly and one thing at the time. Skalor - A Decepticon who is obsessed with hygiene and that everyone should be clean as a whistle, including himself and his surroundings. Tentakil - An honest and well mannered Decepticon that cannot lie and speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. Seawing - A good-humored manta ray that always knows how to make a negative presence positive with some comedy and laughs. Piranacon - Hunts only those who dare to harm the sea and its marine life. Considers himself the 'Protector of the Seven Seas' due to his respect for the sea creatures and desire to protect the sea.


The technobots actually have a shattered glass version


SG Predacons, because I always forget the exist and they need some love: Razorclaw is an impulsive and reckless jokester who takes every advantage he can get, and enjoys killing unaware Autobots the most. Sadly, he rarely gets unaware targets because he doesn't know the meaning of the word "wait". Divebomb is utterly depressed. His life has been ruined by the war, and he doesn't know what to do anymore. His teammates are the only ones he actually *likes*, but that's only helps stave of the melancholy for long enough to combine. His depression has gotten to the point he often finds it difficult to make somewhere to sleep, and just collapses on the ground when he feels tired. Headstrong cannot keep an objective in mind for more than 5 minutes. He might be more mercurial that Quickswitch, if that's even possible. Thankfully he's smart enough that whatever he does decide to do for the next 5 minutes will work, if someone else is around to finish the job. He's aware of this and truly feels the best way to solve problems is to get everyone working on it, and if he can pull other people in to the process by abandoning his solution, so be it. The first thing everyone who meets Rampage thinks is that his name must be ironic. There's no way someone so singlemindedly focused on his goals could be known for wanton destruction, right? He's been known to drag himself halfway across a planet to catch up with a target after falling off a cliff, and he doesn't know the meaning of the word "retreat". Sadly, his name is not ironic. He is enraged by the casual disregard and outright contempt some Autobots have for the fine arts of literature and theatre, and his actions upon the destruction of the Iacon Archives have left both Autobots and Decepticons scarred for years afterwards. Tantrum would be a pacifist, if he didn't feel the absolute necessity of preventing the Autobot's tyranny over others outweighed his personal qualms with violence. The closest thing to his pre-war occupation would be a monk, and he still meditates regularly. His hesitance to fight is a valued counter to both Razorclaw's impatience and Rampage's occasional rage, and somedays it's the only reason Divebomb has to keep going. Secretly, Tantrum is terrified by how much he enjoys the rush of combat, and hopes fervently that the war will end soon so he doesn't have to end every day staring at his energon-soaked hands and wondering when he's going to finally lose control. As a whole, the team is considered some of the best bodyguards in the Decepticon army, and as such are mostly assigned to protect valuable assets and personnel from sabotage or assassination. Predaking is a menace in combat, even if only because his legendary clumsiness and incoherent thought process result in something like a living wrecking ball. Rest assured, if Predaking gets his disparate minds together enough to think straight, they'd try to stay out of a fight. Predaking has been known to report that they destroyed the outpost they were guarding and let the saboteurs get away, with multiple friendly fire casualites, so could someone please send a medic? As a result, Predaking is something of a last resort among combiners, as the Predacons work much better separated.


No lore but I do have fun flips for the combiners: Superion - An ignoble warrior. Where Superion is roughly coherent for Justice, SG Superion is greatly coherent for injustice, opting less to outright kill but not really one to save either. He just fights the fight in his way. Bruticus - A total pacifist of grand perspective. Where Bruticus is narrow and for the fight, SG Bruticus — while still able to fight— is more philosophical and broad. Bruticus destroy? No. Bruticus destroy ignorance. Menasor - Mentally sound powerhouse. Where Menasor is a conflicted mess, SG Menasor is a pretty cool guy of sound mind. Everyone’s jiving in his head for a good time but he’ll absolutely fucking zap you with his sword. Computron - All gas, no brakes. Where Computron is a stationary warrior of higher intellect, SG Computron gives no fucks and just blows shit up in a very animated way, very unlike his robotic other self. No measurements, no calculations. Just trigger. Defensor - Killer of the good and weak. Where Defensor is defender of all things good, SG Defensor is a raw menace. He could inherently protect but now he just destroys shit.


Swindle is Robin Hood in this continuity


SG Silverbolt loves to fly. The Aerialbot's color scheme is based on Universe 2008 Darkwind. SG Protectobot killed Blades for being too soft and replaced him with Rook. The use a uniform urban camo design and their combined form is named Supressor. SG Computron is a mindless monster and no consistent color scheme. SG Swindle is a communist manifesto on legs. Obviously he's red. Everybody else is just as bland and unremarkable as their G1 counterpart and I still can't tell who is who in the Aerialbots.


Protectobots - A Secret Police ordered to protect functionism culture like the Dai-lis with Earth kingdom from Avatar Aang. Stunticon - Basically the Mystery gang from Scoobydoo. Technobot - the Contructicons, but with **real** technology rather than raw muscle. Combaticon - They act autonomously like the Avengers from Marvel, with Swindle as rich jerk guy who funding all the matter. Aerialbots - Silverbolt is a brilliant schemer much like Scar from Lion King. Yet his team are stupid as the Hyenas.


The Combaticons are pacifists


the techno bots were made by grimlock to be his lab rats and a equivalent to monstructor


The Combaticons are the A-Team. Ex-Autobots accused of a crime they didn't commit.


Seeing as Computron is a super genius or whatever, I'd say the SG Technobots would be flat earthers


They would also probably vote for whoever the cybertronian equivalent of Trump is.


Aerialbots are a strike team, Combaticons are a police force, Stunticons are a charity group, Technobots are mad scientists competing with Wheeljack, Protectobots are Military Police like the SS to the Nazis.


Menasor; a old grumpy combiner who acts like he can’t stand his comrades, but would absolutely die for them Superion; an egotistical megalomaniac who desires to be the only thing in the sky Bruticus; a master tactician and strategist with a silver tongue who specializes in group combiner operations and reconnaissance. Computron; a soulless husk of a combiner created by Grimlock who uses him as an occasional personal stead. Defensor; a pyromaniac who drools at the idea of earth, cybertron, and the whole galaxy being burned down by his mighty will. Devastator; an incredibly gifted genius with a passion for architecture and technological innovation. Victorion; a quiet, unpredictable combiner who usually hides in the shadows until it’s time to strike. Megatronia; a bubbly, optimistic, affectionate, and easily excitable combiner who loves fashion, but loves her combiners besties even more. Abominus; a shy, sensitive, kind hearted combiner who’s only on the battlefield because he wants to hang out with his combiner comrades. Liokaiser; an honorable samurai combiner and the personally appointed leader (chosen by megatron of course) of his fellow combiners who acts as a sort of older brother to them.


Stunticons: Dead End: Still a fatalist, but with a cheery disposition. His philosophy is that everything is going to kill you, so die doing something fun. Wildrider: stunt expert. His specialty is calculating how to do crazy things that just look dangerous. Dragstrip: hyper competitive, but only because he believes competition makes everyone do better. Breakdown: this was the hardest. When he guards, he gives those who intrude a chance to leave, but will cause them to break down if they don’t. Motormaster: drill sergeant, knows that his team will be easily distracted if he lets up on them. He is harsh, but he would die for them if need be, and the Stunticons know it. They combine to form Menasor: calm, calculating, powerful. He’s not worried about beating you. He can crush you with little effort, he knows he can, and most importantly, he knows that you know that he can.


First Aid is a masochist who loves all forms of pain whether or not it's inflected onto him or others. Also he hates fixing things, *especially* non-cybertronian technology


You mean a Sado-masochist? (I think that’s atleast what the combined form is called)


my take is that it plays out similar to the cartoon but the decepticons being the good guys wanted the protector bots and aeiral bots and the autobots wanted stunticons and combaticons but they ended up getting the inverse as why would the vil autobots end up with protector bots. then both factions resent the ones they end up with


Idk but that image of the Stunticons goes hard. Bros are about to drop an epic rap album


They have lots of individual personality and are easy to remember outside of their team gimmick.


The stunticons are all law abiding, safe drivers who give kids driving lessons in their spare time.


lol I never noticed this, why do the technobots all basically have the same head


Stuntacons would not be interesting at all, they'd be completely sane and every team member would have nothing but love and respect for each other


People liking each other is very fun and interesting when they're in conflict with another group! Imagine how hard they would try to keep each other safe and the problems caused when one of them is injured or captured! It would be the height of drama!


That is true.. I can see it


3rd image looks like an album cover


Aerialbots: Autobot air strike team. Protectobots: Optimus Prime’s praetorian guard. Technobots: Hacker team. Constructicons: Proper construction team. Combaticons: Proper military team. Stunticons: Law enforcement.


Bruticus - Prefers talking over fighting if it can be done.


The Protectobots, each of them are violent psychopaths in their own right. Hotspot will burn is targets alive. Streetwise is a corrupt cop who will frame others, not only to cover his own crimes, but just for the fun of it. Blades is a serial killer who is obsessed with seeing how much he can cut off a bot before they die. Groove doesn't inflict physical harm, he tortures other bots' minds into extreme paranoia, being able to be seen then disappear so quickly that his victims question if they saw him or not. First Aid is the leader, and the most unhinged, he will kill bots on his operating table, just to revive them as part of conducting experiments to better understand death and the afterlife for a transformer. Separately, the Protectobots are dangerous, together they are feared, but they all secretly fear Defensor. When they form Defensor, all of their personalities merge and he unleashes a rampage of chaos that would put the Decepticon Justice Division to shame. What's worst is that he chooses when to disengage, so the Protectobots are trapped until He chooses.


I feel like ever the combat icons or stunt icons would be the shattered glass decepticon version of the wreckers But anyways                                                                               Onslaught: a noble leader and the won who wants the best for the rest.                                                                                          Brawl: a kind and soft alley ready to protect anyone for the greater good                                                                             Swindle: a fast and slightly annoying alley wanting to get rid of the auto bots                                                                               Vortex: a violent and fed up with everyone’s bullshit (kinda like bayverse Optimus)                                                                       Blast off: a scared for his and his teams life and paranoid about what might happen in the future.                                          Bruticus: a brute that doesn’t want to harm or squish anyone with is size and only kills if attacked                                            The Combaticons


I just noticed that either wild rider or dead end I don’t know which is which but any way the one in the front is doing an Eminem pose


Fun game! Let's have a go... Aerialbots- Unthinking Soldiers, the type who follow orders blindly and take no blame for murder. Combaticons- Freedom Fighters. Violent, ruthless and above the Law. Their Cause is Just. Stunticons- Elite extraction team. Disciplined and Daring, they specialize in lightning raids. Technobots- Cyberpunk Villans. Hacking Security is their favorite game. Protectobots- Harbingers of Doom. Like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they disrupt societies with misfortune and plague on a grand scale.


The Aerialbots really like NYC...


Evil Silverbolt be like: "I love heights!"


computron would be the new shock wave