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It's a great show, with a lot of fun reinterpretations of classic characters, that still retain their original, "essences," otherwise. I'm definitely biased, since it's my favourite Transformers TV series, but...yes, absolutely. The show's officially [available](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP72deF2QGY) on YouTube, for free, too, so there's really nothing to lose!


Absolutely. The show is one of the best. Arguably top 3. The toyline is consistently good (though expect some to be rather expensive) and holds up. Not too long or complicated either


It's a love letter to transformers fans,I'll die fighting on the hill that TFA is better than G1




1000% yea, and recommend following your curiosity onto the tfwiki regarding any character as Derrick J Wyatt and the team behind it filled the show with references and great guest voices.


I’d say definitely. It’s the best Transformers show, to my mind, and if you enjoyed it as kid you’ll probably really enjoy picking it up again.


Hell yeah this show is the best


Both the toy line and the show are top notch, so absolutely yes. Be warned though, those toys can run for a pretty penny.


I think that when "diving into the franchise" I'd say it's a good idea to start with at least a taste of Generation One, to get an idea about where things came from, to understand how things differ from the baseline (instead of feeling like your starting point IS the baseline). At minimum, I would suggest More Than Meets the Eye Parts [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1ujpoDlgRU), [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdskAJwHdLw), and [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6XpDmtizL0) (free on Youtube) and The Movie (like Star Trek and the Wrath of Khan movie, the TF franchise is often trying to recapture the magic of the 1986 movie). After that, I think you can pretty much watch anything that's good, in any order, and Transformers Animated more than qualifies as "a good part" of the franchise. If I were to recommend three shows for anyone to watch after getting a taste of G1, they would be Beast Wars, Transformers Animated, and Transformers Prime. Although I wouldn't argue against starting with Transformers Animated. It's a perfectly fine starting point.


I'll give them a try, thank you :3




To get into the IP G1, Animated and Prime are usually the ones I recommend for a quality baseline feel of the IPs staples. If you favor animals go Beast Wars. If you love the 2000s style anime approach go Armada.


Great show, but it’s also a massive departure from the general Transformers mythos. It’s one of the few, if not only, shows where Optimus isn’t top dog. Most other installments depict the rank of Prime as the highest position in the Autobot ranks, or even a divine and sacred title in Cybertronian society. But here, Prime is the second highest military rank, and a fairly common one at that. Optimus himself is something of a wash-up at the start of the series. It’s also one of the few series that takes place post-war. Most of the cast came online after the Autobots won the war. Granted, the show predates the standardization of Transformers lore that started with the Aligned Continuity, the last major project before it in fact, so the departures are understandable. I would definitely recommend the show, but not as your first. Maybe second or third after something like G1 or Prime.


if you want to experience the whole cybertronian war and its consequences and prime as a leader of the autobots and all the main themes of transformers that carry in LITERALLY every other series, this isnt the one. however, if you just want to watch a fun transformer series, then yeah its amazing


Animated, alongside Prime and G1 are probably the best series to go with for someone looking to get into the franchise.


Yes, but every other show will feel like a downgrade if you start with Animated.


Yes and no. Yes because it's one of the best shows all around and it gives you a fun, updated take on G1. No because everything else (other than Beast Wars and the first 75% of IDW) is all downhill.


watch that, beast wars and g1


Nahhh,of you want to get into transformers,watch the live action movies or the 1984 cartoon


yes! Definitely!