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'morally wrong'? What does that mean, and on what basis are these people made judge?


"The local leader of my hate-cult said so."


"Some religious book I never even read says so!"


Is it not rather "Someone told me their version of some religious book must say so, because other people told him so. Sorry, never cared to check for myself!"


What the fuck Bible says against it? I need to read the american version, maybe they have add-ons. There is literally nothing in entire Bible against trans people, not a single thing


Yes, the joke is that they never read it and thinks it says so.


Either way, I don't view transitioning as changing my gender, personally. I was always a woman. I was just being forced by everyone around me to pretend to be a boy before


You didn't transition? Are you cis?


Huh? No, I did / am transitioning. I'm a trans woman. I'm saying though that I feel I've always been a woman, it was just society/my parents forcing me to live as a boy throughout my childhood.


Oh I was confused. We typically don't use woman to describe children, I'm not sure if English is your first language. Do you mean to say you always felt like a girl?


Or they can fuck off and mind their business. That would be morally correct :) 


Woah! Where are you going with these coherent, logical, thoughts? Next you are going to tell people discrimination is a bad thing? The horror….


This is the way


And the worse the laws, the more trans porn they watch


" Morally wrong " 😂 😂 coming from conservative maniacs that makes it even more frustrating. Its like if hitler were too go and say " genocide is morally wrong " or trump saying "crooked politics are morally wrong " People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Let people live there fuckin life in peace and happiness, just cause your miserable and close minded doesnt mean we ALL have too be.


> trump saying "crooked politics are morally wrong " He ran on that in 2016. And it wouldn't suprise me if Hitler today wouldn't be talking about how "white genocide" is morally wrong. Where's that Jean-Paul Sartre quote? > "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."


we do not “change gender”. the only thing that changes is other people’s perception of our gender. we are assigned a tortuously incorrect gender at birth, and coerced into obeying under threat of bullying, ostracism, abuse, and violence. when we transition, we finally express our true gender. this survey question is phrased so poorly.


They don't record gender at birth. Only sex. In fact they do genetic testing now around 12 weeks and record sex at that time. People confuse sex and gender all the time


When my boyfriend fucks me it feels morally right to me! When you all pass me on the street and say “hey Mrs Aria” it feels morally right to me that you have no fucking idea I’m trans! 😄


I would love to hear some of the reasons. Seems really odd to me that so many people think it's *morally wrong* to change one's own identity and body. Like, how many of them think plastic surgery is morally objectionable? I also wonder how much the question affected the result. To ask if it's morally wrong to change gender kind of implies there's something that could make it morally wrong. But what could? They're framing the situation as a moral debate, and not as it really is: people choosing to live the way that makes them happy. What would the results be if you asked "Should trans people be free to express themselves and live how they wish, and to access the healthcare they need to do so?" I feel like the answers would be much different.


Yeah I don't understand how it's a moral thing at all


Why? It's not even a moral issue. What the hell does that mean


Innocent trans people always being held to some arbitrarily high moral standard that no one else is expected to live up to


They set it higher so we'll fail for certain. If only they could see how close our community is to reaching that bar compared to everyone else.


That's funny, I don't remember asking anyone else their opinion on my body ever at all.


I have read through the Bible in a year every year since I was in my 20s, and am now 70. I have never read one single thing about being trans. Jesus Christ gave us two rules: love God and love your neighbour. If people would just follow those two precepts, there would be no problem at all. But people would rather just listen to whatever some right wing idiot televangelist tells them to think. God forbid they should use their own brain.


"Jesus Christ gave us two rules: love God and love your neighbour. If people would just follow those two precepts" if most religious types followed just those two rules, especially the love your neighbor part , the world would be a much better place


It might just be that an segment of the population who are uncomfortable with the existence of trans people but don’t think discrimination against them is justified and needed


I mean I’m glad that a majority are anti doing bad shit. Even if they’re hearts not in the right place, at least their weird ideology makes it so that they support at least one good thing


Their morals don't apply to me.


I agree, it is morally wrong to even try to change someone's gender - conversion therapy should be banned everywhere!


So you say it is moraly wrong to want a body that matches your psyche and none should help people with that problem. What would you say if you were forced to have a sex change operation and you were not allowed to object because it is morally wrong.


I think you're confused


These numbers make no sense. According to Gallup (https://news.gallup.com/poll/642548/church-attendance-declined-religious-groups.aspx) 56% seldom or never attend church. If 59% of them view it as moral, it’s more than half. I suspect their MoE is off, or their balancing.


There are a lot of atheists and agnostics who think trans people are morally wrong for existing, they're just less likely to than religious people.


There were no stats on conservatives or religious folks at all? I expect that significantly more find gender affirmation morally wrong, but I know there are at least some that wouldn't. I'd be very curious to know if such a poll has been done. Edit: nvm... They just didn't break down the stats the way they did for the side in support of gender affirmation


Sorry but what the actual F does "morality" have anything to do with that? We're talking about healthcare topics using science towards a particularly vulnerable part of the demographics for F's sake, not about "whether it's illegal/immoral the pick an apple from a tree in the middle of nowhere to give it to a starving passant. Tldr the question is flwed from the beginning. It isn't a philosophical question but rather a life/death situation. This put to the side, I'm really scared about how low the responses for the younger generations (especially educated ones) are... All I know, is that I WILL continue to travel the world and my own region/nearby city/my very own village with my gender fuckery, trailblaze and prove that there's nothing wrong for the following generations.


I refuse to take my morals from the only organization that needs and is provided molestation insurance.


Well, good news; I'm not changing my gender.  I was always a woman.