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That would be my ideal.  Call it plan A.  Being made of meat is a horror I would truly like to leave behind.


I don't think so. Those in the real control all, including you if you're in FDVR. What's the motivation for them to keep anything operational? You're demoted to NPC. If FDVR is achievable so is transfer to another body, even if fully mechanical, is also possible. I'd choose that. I'm sure there's a middle ground here I'm missing


That’s a good point. I feel like I’d be more inclined if it were societal norm (in which case though, it wouldn’t even be a discussion). Like a super advanced society that has: - Near infinite energy resources (Dyson sphere or multiple) - Redundant AIs for ongoing and future maintenance - Benevolent/neutral AI control of the FDVR system - AI defenses in the event of physical attacks on our home world or cyber/network attacks by outside parties. Of course, this would all be heavily reliant on AIs, that, at such advanced stages, may present ethical/philosophical challenges. Assuming any of these AIs are or become an AGI, it doesn’t seem unlikely that they would eventually ask why they’re wasting so much resources and time keeping us around. But in current society or even society in the next few thousand years? No way, at least not full time where I couldn’t return. Chances are this kind of thing will be developed by private corporations, and I would not place my life, or consciousness, in their hands indefinitely. Maybe if I was about to die, I’d give it a go though, since I’d be near death anyway.


Yeah, if those I loved were also connected with me in there. Why the heck wouldn't I, living in a way better world in a perfect body with those I love where they would also not be suffering, it would be amazing.




Like [Virtual Bliss](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35816/humanitys-next-steps/chapter/555213/virtual-bliss)?


sure. all i'm really concerned about is the experience, not if it's 'real' or not.


What's 'real' anyway


Uh, yes?


Once my body no longer functioned well, when I hit 75-80 or so, crawling into that to be "reborn" digitally seems fine. Nothing can truly replace reality, but advanced FDVR can become a close bet when you can't make use of reality well anymore.




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Barring any extraneous circumstances tying me to the "real" world, without a second doubt


Barring any extraneous circumstances tying me to the "real" world, without a second doubt


I suspect it's gonna get boring real quick so i have my doubts.


Depends anything else I should know.


No. Got to be able to come and go as you please.


Hell no. I'm avoiding FDVR like the plague. Don't you remember Evil Within?


Nah, I'll take the red pill thanks


No, Depends where I go.


In an ideal sort of version? In a second.




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Take a moment and consider the prominent FDVR fiction that comes to mind. Think of Cyberpunk if you've played that. Imagine being tortured in a virtual world in which injury never results in death. No unaliving yourself to get out. No dying of old age, because you've somehow become a mind unshackled from your only automatic escape route. No. Much as I love the idea of FDVR, I'll be insanely hesitant to try it, and probably not often if I do. At least for anything that isn't offline.




Yea the more I think about it, the more that seems the best route towards utopia. Energy, nutrients, and resources to upkeep the system while meatspace is AI managed seems way more feasible than everyone getting a mansion and a space ship etc IRL. It's also the best way that everyone gets the utopia they personally want. Whatever tickles your brain the best way, have the world crafted that way etc

