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Apparently the kidneys of astronauts shrink to worrying sizes, so super kidneys so we can find out what next we need to fix for solar system travel.


Artificial heart sounds cool health purposes


How about artificial heart v2 that just goes for 200+ years w/o maintenance. v1 versions have been around for decades.


Hyperspectral +telescoping +magnifying eyes




Zoom in. Enhance


Edited as I hit enter before finished. Genetically engineered cells have been implanted in mice that make Ozempic like drugs. This will be more common in the future. Stomach that regulates my weight automatically. Would be nice


Finally, adapting the metabolism for modern times!


Stomachs and/or intestines that absorb nutrition in accordance with modern needs rather than trying to hoard fat like a squirrel saving for winter


LED veins? holy mother of god this would look so sick


Rate my organ setup, the RGB improves performance.


Eventually, everything, but heart and brain seem to be very obvious points of failure in terms of health and longevity.


Reliable hormone secretions : )


me, forgetting to pop my E every second day:


Vatgrown muscle implants




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Just take steroids


Addiction for life is not fun


How about a Pancreas. It would be great to not have to take these insulin shots several times a day.


Jeeze, no one? Well now I feel shallow. Penis.


Autonomous Nanites


More like tech revolution tech than implant


For what purpose?




Can't find it gif but the nano machines son meme


🍆 Just kidding. Infrared eyes would be cool tho.


In the book by Larry Niven "Legacy of Heorot" (a sci-fi take on Beowulf) the creatures that stand in for Grendel have an organ that releases a blood supplement that works like biological Nitrous Oxide, allowing short bursts of incredible strength and speed at the cost of heat build-up and fatigue afterward. Another cool organ I'd like to have is in the book "Sentenced to Prism" by Alan Dean Foster. The main character sufferers a horrific injury to his abdomen from a creature and the locals he befriended who call themselves "The Collective" and feature extremely specialized dimorphism between castes to where there's a specialized caste of Doctors that replaced all of the damaged organs and added an organ to store glucose, allowing him to go for an extended period without eating when it's full.


That just sounds like adrenaline


The stuff was superoxygenated, and when the monstas used it, they had to find water to cool off or would cook themselves. Idk what it was called in the book, but yeah it has a similar function as adrenaline for fight-or-flight, so "Super Adrenaline" it is!


both sound super cool and plausible enough to at least attempt in real life once the tech is here


Even just regular lungs. I'd fucking love to run without my lungs deciding I should just die instead.


Practically? A better digestive system to minimize waste. Less practically, infrared and ultraviolet eyes, and if we can connect it to the brain, a HUD in my vision.


I wonder if one could have added mitochondrial bundles to increase energy. I only imagine what someone with adult knowledge and 10 year old energy could accomplish 


As an aside I wonder if our replaced organs could end up as hand-me-downs.


I don't want it, but I can see advanced militaries eventually offering Astartes-style organs to soldiers.


thats a hope of mine side note any idea on what each of the Astartes organ implants do alot are pretty straight forward but i was never able to work out what alot of them do


Any and all upgrades from Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. …except for the green skin.


It would be cool to install some of the sensory organs that are present in some animals: - magnetic compass (used by migratory birds and insects) - electric field detection (similar to hammerhead sharks) - being able to see other spectrums like ÚV (birds and insects) or IR (snakes) - enhanced chemical detection- taste/smell (snakes sticking their tongues out/catfish whiskers/elephant trunks) - echolocation/sonar (bats/dolphins) The world would be a completely new experience and no doubt there would be lots of fields where these could be a distinct advantage.


Turbo pancreas. I would start chugging monster and Mt Dew cocktails. Then I want camouflage like an octopus. And the ability to breath underwater and survive intense pressure.


Just my brain, I will become a Dalek. Keep the brain going well and regenerating, replace the rest with machinery.


A second Heart. Some kind of second stomach or a calorie storage organe so every excess calories goes there.


More/better endocrine system to help regulate weight/promote muscle growth. Artificial heart that won’t die. External liquid cooling for enhanced brain, if it has RGB then better lol.


I remember when I was in high-school I really wanted a constant flow replacement for the ol' thump thump. It's something that I'd still love.


I would love a better brain, eyes


Widen senses - not too hard to implement with a glance at other animals and lots of fun.


Being able to see outside our current visible spectrum would be AMAZING.


Bunch of high tech/technical stuff i dont understand being mentioned… just gimme an extra pair of regular lungs so I can smoke my life to oblivion


super kidneys, super adrenal glands... super pituitary replacement? idk just rip out everything that releases hormones and put a customizable better version in place that won't fuck up as you age, oh and also bone marrow, i hate having autoimmune problems, and kidneys, because those always go to shit after a while


Now we just need Ripperdocs instead of regular old school ones


Better eyes, my glasses are ridiculously thicj


Gimme some eyes that can see in other spectrums as well as RF alongside visible light.


liver immune to alcohol effects


Lungs, kidneys, liver and pancreas. Particularly lungs that are better adapted to more savage respiratory diseases and air pollution. And a liver that can take more of a beating when I get on the piss.


I want lungs that work underwater


I guess if you could somehow get gills to breath underwater it's kinda cool.


Im not sure if that counts as an organ implant, but I would like to get the ability to photosynthesize. And I would like to just not need organs to get oxygen, water and nutrients and getting rid of waste, but I don’t know if that would be scientifically possible to have a biological fleshbag that does that


the photosynthesize thing is a possibility actually all you really need for that is to have a an organ with cells inside that were modified to include the photosynthetic components or copy's there from plant cells. a species of slug actually has actually gained the ability to photosynthesize by absorbing said structures from a symbiotic algae living inside its skin it may one day absorb the ability to generate these structures its self from the algae. so making a synthetic version of this is possible albeit difficult. mind you making someone not need food water or not have to er excrete is likely impossible as even plants need to do these things mind you if your body was modified enough you could make it so efficient that the the times you have to do these acts could be minimized to an insanely low level to the point of people without it wouldent realize you still have to do those. i hope that is appealing to you


I’ve suffered from moderate/severe eczema my whole life so I would love new skin just so that I’m not itchy anymore.


Brain extension


True haptic feedback across the spectrum of touch.


What do you mean? Like for people who don't already have a sense of touch?


For people who've lost it. Imagine losing a limb in an accident or warfare, and then getting a replacement limb through which you can feel pressure, heat, texture, etc.


New dygestive system




An very durable artificial heart, the artificial hearts we have now only last for up to 4 years


I want a third brain sphere which I can use like a computer but inside my brain. Imagine doing calculations in your head that only a computer can do nowadays. Imagine programming little things and seeing it unfold directly in your brain.


I just want trans people to be as happy as possible. Even if that just means being able to produce the right hormone. That would be cool.


A better brain? lol? I feel like this sub doesn’t really get transhumanism and most of these posts would be better suited on r/biohacking


biohacking is part of transhumanism




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Possibly boring answer; I could really use new lungs, pancreas, liver, and large intestine. And arteries, I suppose. BP isn't great.