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Lipstick bothering me. You have a big masc chin already so this color and style with the half lip draws bad attention to that area and making it seem more masc. I would use a lighter color maybe a purple if you wanna stay gothy and make the lips as full as they are naturally and then a tad bit more but not go crazy. And I think those glasses are framing your face badly


Okay thanks for the advice. I actually have a purple lipstick. What glasses shape would u recommend besides round? I got them to round my face out more.


I'm not an influencer or anything trying to push this brand but check out [Aromaleigh](https://www.aromaleighcosmetics.com/), namely the Gorgon lipstick. I feel like it'd look fantastic on you, definitely while keeping that witchy/goth aesthetic. When I saw your lipstick, it immediately sprung to mind of a good color for you (I own it, hence why). They're a solid brand too, but yeah. Again, I'm not pushing this company at all, this isn't self promotion. I don't benefit from you looking or not.


So I think lipstick shades like these rarely look good on anyone and tend to be clocky on trans women Also making your lower lip look smaller doesnt help with passing


I think you came here to ask if you passed, yes you absolutely pass as a gender fluid male. You do not pass as a cis woman, but that’s not your goal/identity anyways.




Girl... Are you okay?


So if I was wearing different lipstick I would look fine?


Honey, you have a lot of male features working against you right now. I would also say your clothing choice. Basically, everything you're wearing is showing clocky and perverted. Look to me, do you evan have gender dysphoria? Because at this point, it's kind of offensive!


Assuming someone doesn't have gender dysphoria because of how they dress is weird as fuck. There's no right way to be transgender.


Ohh but you're over here in Texas dealing with the f****** 911 style b******* right??


Hey newsflash, not non passing people's fault, not non-binary people's fault, also holy fuck you're projecting. OP your clothes are fine, not sure what's "clocky" like i've seen grown cis women dress like this.


You're just a liar we are f****** watching you we're tired of you we're tired of people like you f****** doing this to the community and f****** us all over we're done with you it's over I don't care if you get pissed off about this comment😁


Uh huh sure, I've been passing consistently for 2 years as a woman and I'm a grown adult, bar's a lot higher for fully grown woman, but this is absurd. Get real and get a hold of yourself. Please.


Honey me too oh wow are you so special oh my God I didn't know???


I feel like op passes better than you notpretty psycho so stfu


Ew. Get your transmed ass out of here because no one needs this awful energy you're exuding.


offensive is *definitely* the right word


It's so hard being us with this crapy mental disorder, and now I'm dealing with people like this it's terrible! LOL have you seen the new laws because of people like this and I'm over here supposed to sit here and say this is okay it's not okay I'm f****** tired of this I am a normal f****** woman I just have a transsexual experience I like men I just want to be left alone with your stupid laws and religion


There is no way for trans people to exist that right wingers would be okay with. Respectability politics is a futile strategy. You can see it with trans people in their own ranks. They break their back to fit in and they are still being call TIMs and TIFs and misgendendered. I see where you are coming from and I FEEEL the same sometimes but it is mostly that… a feeling. Making queer looking nb people responsible for our oppression is the same as the gays making trans people out to be the reason the reason for their oppression back in the day. This sectioning off of a group within a minority and scapegoating them is a repeating pattern and it is always bs and plays into right wingers hands. You are absolutely delusional if you think that without nb people they wouldn’t have passed these laws.


You're right if I'm not right winger I don't know where you came up with this idea you have no idea who I am you're just over here f****** with a person f****** talking about actual real problems and you're like oh my God I got to choose sides 😁 you're the worst you're such a loser!


What? Where did I accuse you of being a right winger lol? I have no idea how you came away with that idea. I just argued against your point because it is flawed. I don‘t think I made any claim about you except calling you delusional which in retrospect may be krass but I don‘t have to know anything about you to claim that. The argument you provided is delusional so you are delusional for arguing it. You are not talking about a real problem. The problem is the people making life hard for us, Right wingers (NOT YOU!). They will try to stop us from existing with or without queer looking nb people bc there is always a group that is closest to being unacceptable. There is no stopping.


Did you even respond to the right comment? This makes like zero sense as a reply to my comment. Maybe take a break. I now times are hard and emotions are high. If this is bothering you too much you don’t have to respond to my other comment. Honestly, take care <3


Trans people aren't responsible for transphobia, transphobes are. They hate you every bit as much as they hate OP.


This person is who the laws were meant to legislate against… I don’t think OP realizes the impact of dressing the way they are. Or they refuse to realize. Getting *denounced* by a teenaged girl on reddit should be a wakeup call, right?


No, the laws are meant to be arbitrary. There is no way for a trans person to exist that they like. They trying to stop people from transitioning medically and forbid people to be non passing. They are trying to stop trans people existinging… „transgenderism needs to be eradicated“. You are delusional if you think otherwise


There’s definitely a sect that thinks that way, and that sect are the ones in power. But those people got *elected* in part through the support of people who are more ignorant than hateful. To receive a simple majority, these politicians have to pull from a big tent. A lot of people under that tent want us dead, but a lot are redeemable. At least I’d like to hope so…


The thing is that if you cater to these people they will move on to the next best target bc you are moving what is acceptable and now there is a new group that borders what is acceptable. That is a pattern that repeated a thousand times in history. Even within the queer community gay people used to scapegoat trans people for giving them bad look. This pattern is so incredibly abundant and all it does is play into the hands of the right. I get it I am also uncomfortable with some people bc I physically cringe at the thought of leaving the house like that but that feeling is not a political strategy worth pursuing. That is what bigots do and want I know the times are hard but people like OP are not the reason for our suffering… it is the right is.


There are a lot that are redeemable but how will they redeem themselves if we are catering to them? We have to move away from them, and make it less acceptable to be that kind of right-wing. If we kowtow to them they will just shift the goal post and if we don't stop that it will end badly. It always ends badly. We have historic precedent for that.


Sorry, I just woke up and I suck at typing on my phone. I corrected some stuff. I hope it is readable lol


The laws are meant to legislate against you, they're meant to legislate against me, they're meant to legislate against all of us. There is no good trans person to these people. They are actively stripping our rights and your reaction is to attack our own?


This isn't meant to be in a comment against crossdressers that's fine you want to cross dress do whatever you want to do be you a crossdresser over there just being like everybody else it's like a botnd a f****** liberal look Miss that's meant to destroy what I am the Law of the protect me and everything else


Sorry about spelling. I'm mad at the moment 😅


You’re good!


I’m just offended they went *here* of all places… I though I was safe here. I don’t like denouncing people. It takes a lot of energy… I should probably do to slep… Progesterone is making gravity stronger and making me go crosseyed. I’ll check back in the mornjng i think and see what’s up here. I just wish there was somewhere i could feel safe


You know what's not fair at some point we are going to get banned from Reddit because of our comments about offending our space


thanks for being nice to be… I think i maaaay have made myself a little hormonal, so i definitely needed some reasonability in my life


I hope not… That’d be reeealy ridiculous to band a trans girl for trnasphobia


Piss off, r/truscum


Calling trans people scum is kinda transphobic, no?


I'm not sure where the name comes from but it means transmedicalist, look that up


Uuhhh.... How is seeing a picture of someone on the internet offensive? It sounds like you need to step back and see where these hateful feelings are coming from cause this sounds very much like projection babe.


Your bottom lip is only half covered by lipstick. Was that intentional? Looks like it's way fuller, so just pointing it out in case it wasn't intentional.


I appreciate you pointing it out but YES I did do it intentionally. I also added a clear gloss to the matte lipstain to give it a bit more dimension.


The clothing and makeup are pretty clocky. Not sure how much you’ve been on HRT but you should start a savings fund for FfS and discuss opinions with your doctor .


Im not on HRT I'm gender fluid. So when I switch to femme I wanna be as femme as I can without drastically altering my body. I dont necessarily think an alternative style is clocky (imo) but I appreciate the feedback nonetheless =)


It’s not that it’s alternative, it’s that it’s extremely immature for your age and draws even more attention to your physical features. It doesn’t come across emo or goth but 5 year old girl who doesn’t know how to coordinate outfits, not in a cute way but in a “please look at me because I desperately need attention” A lot of people have Alt fashion and Alt lifestyle’s, this looks more Adult male in the Rumi clearance section and *thats* clocky and unattractive. Unfortunately, I think a lot of trans women get stuck in the idea of their prepubescent bodies because they weren’t capable of exploring their sexuality at that time but it’s just adding to the narrative that Transwomen are some how looking for children’s attention. Women (trans and Cis) look fem without needing to look childlike.


You're completely right. Alt fashion can extremely beautiful if don't right and is not inherently clocky but you really need to know how to actually coordinate outfits and being on hrt would help if you're AMAB and a lot of trans woman know how to dress properly especially for their age. I genuinely don't get why this person is even posting here If they're not wanting to alter anything about their appearance


Validation. This sub has become an appendage of other hugboxing subs. It’s sad because I think it used to be really helpful to people who lived in situations where they might be at risk if they were clocked. People pretend as if others being respectful of someone’s presenting gender is the same thing as passing but unfortunately in a lot of the world Not truly passing can be very dangerous.


I'm wearing breast forms, and I'm doing my makeup, and eyebrows. As a guy I dress alternative as well. I like the hot topic look, it's what I grew up on. I have other "mature" outfits, but I don't wear them all the time. Just because I don't want surgery doesn't mean I'm not trying to alter my appearance. If I can be upset 50% of the time rather than 100% (in case any body altering things didn't help me feel more femme and made me feel uncomfortable when masc) then that's a win. But here I actually felt good.


Breast forms?!!? This is EXACTLY what society confuses trans women for; when people see things like this, it gives all of us a bad name! Please please please please do not put on fake breasts in a public place


Is there a problem with that???


well yeah… I mean, OP specifically stated they were getting cat called, which I think is relatively strong evidence for them getting more attention


I so agree with you !


This could easily be a rant by Elektra in Pose


Haven’t got to watch it yet but Dominique Jackson is regal 😍


It’s a must see even for her alone


I (obviously) have trouble sleeping so I appreciate the recommendation!


Hell yeah, I can tell you’re gonna appreciate her reads a lot


Okay, and again, this was for the strawberry moon. I was merely asking mainly about my face and my makeup. Hence, I did my makeup and felt i did a good job. I don't always dress that way. But that said even as a guy I shop at hot topic. I'm emo/goth/scene and I'm okay with that. Just because I don't want to dress mature doesn't inherently mean I'm wrong. I dress the way I want, because I find it cool.


Face/ makeup looks male. Clothing emphasizes that. Not sure why you posted, most people don’t just throw on makeup and girls clothing and look female or there’d be no need for this sub.


Then I dont know why I got hit on a couple of times in public and when they found out I was a guy they flipped out 🤷




LMAO sure


i disagree


Feel free to.


I don’t believe it’s appropriate for a femboy to be in this space in the first place… This isnt a place for you


I'm not a femboy? I'm gender fluid and I'm trying to become comfortable in my body whenever I feel like I should be a female?


You post on r/femboy… (and r/sissies??) You’re a guy (sometimes) and You’re feminine… Look, it isnt worth it to argue semantics, but this really isnt the place for this sorta thing…. You can see the difference im referring to, can’t You?


I mean to me it seems like I have to be all in or can't be at all? That's what it seems like. And I posted to those things because at first I had no clue WHAT the hell I was. Now I know. And I have a very slim physique, actually, so the forms look good. They're the kind u put in a bra. Again, if I've been cat called and had men hit on me and I had to tell them I'm a dude, idk why that would happen if I looked like a guy.


Definitely not passing. You mentioned in another comment wearing *breast forms*?!!!? That’s a TERRIBLE BADBADAAD Fake boobs will make You stand out *more*; fake boobs are a bad choice


I feel like this is gatekeeping if I'm being perfectly honest. I have to be doing things YOUR way, or I'm not REALLY dysphoric. I know I'll never be a woman in the way I want to, so I want to get as close as I can without altering my body besides makeup, and something that makes me feel gender affirmed, and you're saying that's WRONG? I'm masc some of the time, and during that time I'm okay with my body. If I did something to mess up both my gender identities, I wouldn't be happy, so I'd rather be unhappy some of the time, than all of the time


This is absolutely gatekeeping. Posting on r/sissies doesn’t carry nearly the same experience as what everybody here has gone through. I’m have suffered through hell and back, and am currently hiding because of what I am. I’m in a family that hates me, a school that hates me, a state that hates me, and a country that hates me. You have absolutely no right to claim the identity of a group You know full well You are different from. You are willing knowingly risk the reputation if *all* of a minority group that You are only borderline apart of because You want to wear *fake boobs*? This is gatekeeping; it isnt a judgement of You as a person, all it means is that this subreddit isn’t a space that was made for You


Trans men wear packers. I fail to see what is so different and offensive about fake boobs besides your own personal disdain for them.


ah good point…


Posting on r/sissies means nothing, half the posters there are trans, often even binary trans women. They're not "borderline apart of" our minority group, they are wholly a part of it. Maybe it's a hard pill to swallow, but your family, school, state, and country don't hate you because of nonbinary people. They hate you because they hate trans people. Throwing OP under the bus isn't going to make them like you. At such a critical moment, we have to stand together. Also as someone I'm sure you can consider to be wholly "apart of" the minority group, I wore fake boobs before I got HRT. Looking back it wasn't my wisest idea (because the sudden change was more noticeable than the slow-growing breasts I grew on HRT), but they made me feel a little less shitty about myself when I was suicidal. If they make OP happy and aren't inappropriate for a public setting (it doesn't seem they are), there's no reason they shouldn't be able to wear them.


We are at a point in time where playing respectability politics ought not to be optional.


respectability politics have historically never worked as a counter to genocide.


“genocide” is an exaggeration and i think You’re well aware of that


It is not an exaggeration. Genocide does not start at gas chambers. If you genuinely don't think we're on the path of genocide, you're ignorant to how bad it really is right now


My husband is FTM, i found out I'm gender fluid about a year or so ago... I found something that makes my feminine side feel happy. I found something that makes other people in public think I'm a woman until I talk (which I'm voice training for), I'm growing out my hair, and I'm doing whatever I can to feel comfortable. I came here asking if my makeup looked nice. I'm sorry you're going through so much, but to take it out on me is just uncalled for. I don't do this as a hobby. And again I posted there BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS.


You came here asking if Your makeup looked nice, but this isnt the place You ought to be doing that. r/transpassing is for trans people. Wearing fake boobs does not make You trans


It's also for gender questioning people. So gender fluidity isn't considered dysphoria? I don't CHOOSE to be femme and deeply despise the body I am in, it just happens. So unless I do surgery and hormones I can't be posting here? You're THAT bigoted that youre turning away someone who is wanting to find a different way to be a woman?


By definition, this sub isnt about finding a “different way to be a woman”; it’s about fitting into the preexisting way to be a woman that’s dictated by biology and by our society (passing). I’m not a bigot; I’m not transphobic; I *am* trans. Calling a trans person bigoted against trans people is just ridiculous


Objectively false. So because my husband is on hormones but believes surgery won't make him a man the way he wants, he's not trans? There are other ways. There isn't a cookie cutter way to become a woman or a man. You feel how you feel and you do what you are comfortable with. So yes, I will continue to be "immature" and post "harmful things" because not everyone is you. I know I said i was done talking, but that thing about the preexisting way to be a woman, made me think of my husband, and the pain he is in and going through, and I had to retaliate because people like you, tell him he isn't trans, when he 100% is.


I don’t know Your husband. I’m not saying there’s a *cookie cutter* way to be a woman. What I’m saying is that woman cookies come in all different shapes and sizes, and that’s great… But Yours isnt even made out of cookie dough, which makes it a different desert than a cookie.


This subreddit is to give tips on what makes trans people pass. You understand that, right?


Yes? Hence why I posted...


Okay. To each their own. Why do you think fake breasts would make someone stand out?


Because breasts don’t fit with the rest of Your body! Looking like a man wearing fake breasts forms could easily become dangerous to Your safety, and moreover, *You could be the first and only trans person someone sees* Society thinking of trans women as just men with fake boobs is a constant struggle, and by dressing like that publicly You contribute to that issue.




I think nonpassing trans people should *strive* to pass. Wearing fake boobs isnt striving to pass, it’s just completely sexual. Wearing clothes in a good faith attempt to pass and wearing fake boobs out of pure hedonistic desire are two very different things


how is that different from a non passing trans man that binds? is that wrong too? and boobs are not sexual so why wanting to relive dysphoria with them is?


Binding is *hiding* a sexual feature. Saying boobs are not sexual is confusing is and ought. Maybe boobs *shouldnt* be viewed as sexual, but they definitely are.


but they are not and we should not perpetuate the thought that they are thay are organs for a thing that is the opposite of sexual stuff. they are for feeding babies thats it yea they can be viewed as sexual but in sexual contex not in the street when a person is just minding their on business but in a sexual contex the whole body is sexualied not just the boobs


No, you don’t pass. I don’t real see any punk vibes and you’re dressing very clocky.


Black lipstick always look awful, why people insist on use it?


Its really hard for amab people to pass without hrt


I dont know where all these truscum people came from, but being genderfluid is very valid, and Posting on a trans passing subreddit to see if you can pull off both is also very valid. I might leave this subreddit over this since it's been bugging me a lot how mysoginistic, transphobic, and bigotted people can be here even tho they're trans themselves. Wearing fake breasts is also very valid to me. They gave me euphoria when I was exploring my gender and starting hrt since my body didn't pass by itself, but did with the breasts. I think you look beautiful, maybe not fully passing, but at least 70% there. I really love your clothes and am jealous if your hair. You're beautiful, so don't let these gatekeeping truscum people keep you from being yourself. Genderfluid is under the trans umbrella for a REASON.


Also I'd say you could pull of the whole alternative vibe better with a little eyeshadow and a bold eyeliner, they make me feel very woman. Maybe some blush, too. Keep rocking friend (=^・ω・^=)


Thanks for the LEGIT advice. I greatly appreciate ur honesty of being 70% passing (Im very self concious of my chin and nose but still working on it lol) and I agree eye shadow and line would DEF help... Only issue is I only know how to do guy liner. Eyeliner is still something I struggle with. Hard to draw the damn wing ;-;. But that said, thanks for saying what u did, and I'm glad I'm not alone.


Did you know that other eyeliner techniques exist beyond a wing? My post about winged eyeliner https://www.reddit.com/r/transpassing/comments/143llpa/tips_regarding_eye_makeup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


U could use an eyeliner stamp for the wing! They are super practical and work wonders till you can get the shape yourself. Some contouring under the cheekbone might help you too :) I also recommend an eyeliner brush pen for the beginning, they are way easier to handle.


Also I don't know where all the hate for black lipstick is coming from, I agree that a full lower lip, topped with some gloss would look better (or a fade) but I dint see anything wrong with the color, I love blsck lipstick myself :>


Black lipstick shows mistakes like crazy and makes lips look smaller Also most cis women dont wear black lipstick


It's not 70%. It's 0.


I walked into these comments and my Geiger counter started going off. There’s nothing more pathetic than a pick me. Anyway, for an alt look I think what you got going here works. I’d read you as a being gender-fluid in femme mode, anyway.


Most people in our society don’t read people like that… The vast majority of people read others as either men or women


We have have a word for those people. Idiots.


This is confusing how the world \*should\* be and how the world \*is\*. Like it or not, we have to deal with the world the way that it \*is\*.


As the fancy pants humanities major I feel adequately equipped to say that it is the inverse that is true. The world IS more complex than we often give credit for, this is literally the user interface and the given illusion of our day to day. Why should we suffer fools who routinely reject reality? Because they’re insecure? Maybe they should grow a pair of their own tits as well so they can keep suckling.


That’s fair; we don’t necessarily *have* to suffer fools… But my pick me attitude has made me a lot of friends out of people You would designate as irredeemable. A lot of people are evil bigots, definitely, but a whole lot more are just passively ignorant; it’s worth drawing a distinction there.


I just wanna know how to get those earrings!


Hot topic =)


people in these comments are acting pretty insecure (way to be productive lol). please don't take the negativity to heart. you have every right to seek feedback in this sub, although after this experience i don't think you'd want to again lol. i think the skirt is the most "clocky" outfit element because its immediately evoking weebiness to me. \[the shirt is also weeby and weeby = more clocky but i didnt notice it at first because of the mesh shirt, so the skirt is more important to me\]. but i get that you were dressing up for the full moon and like.. its not that big of a deal like other posters are making it out imo. i don't think you're nearly as clocky as people are saying, at a glance you look like a weird (neutral) androgynous femme to me. im emo which might make a difference in how i perceive this versus other posters lol. i don't get what's wrong with the breast forms, your chest looks fine to me and i wouldnt have guessed it was prosthetics so....... whats the big deal. your glasses and haircut are pretty girly so nice job. i agree that you should fill in your whole lip in the future if you want to look more feminine and i agree that liquid eyeliner would go a long way. i'd also try some dark fingerless gloves for an outfit like this next time.


What's up with all of the negativity and downvotes??? You look great! Maybe try overlining your lips a bit and wear some blush and mascara if you want to look more fem, but overall I absolutely love your outfit and hair!!


This sub isn’t about “looking great”, it’s about *passing*


Omg I absolutely love your outfit! It’s very witchy


I love the outfit and think your makeup is good too. Insanely jealous of your curls. Have you thought of growing them out? I think it might look more feminine.


Oh I'm trying to grow my hair out point blank. I've never had hair longer than the start of my shoulders, and I had wavy hair in the past. The fact my hair naturally curls now is funny cuz that happens to my mom XD


My dad has super curly hair and I was hoping to inherit it but no luck for me. Yeah I think letting it grow is a good idea.


You are definitely bewitching 🌹🌹


Thanks! I appreciate it. I got hit on a few times at the mall so I think I actually did a pretty good job with the makeup lol.


Your fashion sense is SO nice!


I love your top and choker. I'm a sucker for any black see-through girl apparel


I have such a goth vibe. Should have seen the boots that went with it lol. Tha KS for the kind words. I hope I looked femme enough to pass.




Stop being a trans bully you are not the gate keeper of trans ok? You don’t even pass yourself


I don't know what u mean by lying. Can u please clarify?


This person has been bullying you op and then there’s a picture where they are a mall security cop. Don’t let it bother you


Okie. Thanks for all the support, everyone =)


No problem sis


Ok seriously, I know people don't want to hugbox, but I know several cis women who have similar facial features to you and I wanna say you're gorgeous and I love this style. Very witchy and alt but I think it clicks very very well.