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I'd love to know what drug they are on if they think you are ugly. You are cute as hell 😍.


definitely datura


I had to look the term up lol. It must be poisonous if they thought she is ugly.


Thanks a lot babe, I think their drug is transphobia


Sounds about right. It's a hell of a drug. I'd be honored to have someone as beautiful as you by my side.


You are truly beautiful (whether cis or trans). ❤️




Personally I think you are cute and pass.. kids are mean and over critical. If you want help though I think it’s the eyebrows making them say that, I don’t even think they’re too thick, just a bit too wide/close to each other and *maybe* your temples *could* be too thick but I’m not sure. (Pluck from the bottom for it to look more feminine if you do make them thinner btw) Again, I wouldn’t call you ugly just because your eyebrows might need a little work but kids are asses.




Your classmates are wrong. You do pass as a cute cis lady.


You look like an average cis girl.


Frankly she doesn’t look average. She’s very pretty and I would think she’s a beautiful cis woman. Much better than average. Her classmates OTOH are … I’d get myself banned if I say what I think. But frankly they seem misogynist to me. To think that a cis woman who looks like OP would be ugly. It speaks to an ugliness in their very own soul. It speaks to a lack of intelligence because to me being able to appreciate beauty such as art is a sure sign of smarts. And OP, your classmates don’t got it. Most important, frankly, I don’t think her classmates like women much at all.


Yeah her classmates are def jerks. I imagine they are just trying to tear her down for being trans.


It could be that or they’re jealous of her beauty. Either way they’re most definitely jerks.


Your classmates are imbeciles and need to launched from a cannon into outer space!


Shape your eyebrows and you'd pass as an above average woman


Thanks for your advice


Thin the brows a little and you're golden. They aren't stopping you from passing, but shaping them would really enhance your appearance. For what it's worth, I think you are beautiful.


Girl, your skin is GLOWING. Your hair is sleek and perfectly styled. Your makeup is lovely. You have beautiful style. Kids are just being mean. Just drink lots of water, wear your sunscreen everyday, eat your vegetables, say your affirmations, and ignore them haha. I think cleaning up your eyebrows would tie in the whole look a bit more. Don’t let them go crazy… just get the stray hairs waxed. Look at Lily Collins’ eyebrows for inspiration. But honestly, you have to be firm about what you want or you will leave with pencil brows. Don’t let them wax from the top at all.


Thanks 🥺 I try to take care of my physical appearance and when they call me ugly I feel down 😔 I'll try correct my eyebrows


You’re doing a great job. ♥️ Just remember that this doesn’t last forever. I had a girl who used to bully me relentlessly freshman year in high school apologize to me junior year and tell me she was just jealous. Bullies are often just really miserable people and one day you’ll have a better community.


attraction is subjective. Insecure people attack other's appearances. You look like a regular gal.


Uh well you're not ugly and you are definitely a lady. I think your classmates are dicks


They are haterz and just mad that they arent as cute as you are


What’s their excuse for being ugly then? Where I sit they sound ugly af. Also, what a weird thing to say to someone. You aren’t ugly. You are perfectly lovely young woman. You’ve got excellent skin, soft feminine features, pretty eyes. In all realness, they are probably just jealous of you.


>You aren’t ugly. You are perfectly lovely young woman. You’ve got excellent skin, soft feminine features, pretty eyes. Can absolutely concur >In all realness, they are probably just jealous of you. Ah, now we have arrived at the crux of the matter. Definitely jealous AF that OP is living her best life!


They sound ugly? Can you hear their faces? Lol


Ugly on the inside man


You’re not ugly but honestly it’s giving princess diaries before anne hathaway got a makeover


Youre not ugly. Your fashion sense could be better— the first outfit is super cute. The other two dresses are unflattering though.


You’re pretty, sis. They may be brainwashed. Did they say why?


You look kind, tender and pretty; they don’t know what they’re talking about.


You pass, you're not ugly at all but not exceptionally beautiful either.


You're not ugly, but they're right that you pass. Try thinning and shaping your brows.


I forget to thin my eyebrows I'm too lazy for that


You're absolutely not ugly in any way.


It's a harsh compliment, but still a compliment. I would be glad to look like you, and definitely wouldn't bother with that, tbh


Honestly if I were to pass by you on the street I would think "I wish I had the guts to talk to that pretty lady" Anyhow, the point is that you're actually pretty cute and you seem like a really sweet girl. Don't let those fools get you down. You definitely pass as a woman. EDIT : The part I neglected to say is that you're beautiful even though you're not really my type. Either way, I hope you're doing well. Just don't listen to the fools that can't see your beauty because they've got their head stuck too far down in the sand. Don't let anyone sexualize you either.


Thanks for taking the time away from the foot fetish and cumsluts subs to share your creepy opinion. This isn’t a place to come jerk off to!


1. I'm transitioning from mtf my damn self 2. Don't make assumptions about my intentions, you don't know me 3. Congrats, you checked my page. Not like it means anything 4. It's honestly hilarious that you think I came here with the intention of jerking off. 5. Instead of assuming people's intentions with a cynical pessimistic black & white point of view, you should actually consider the Grey area. 6. Keep checking my page throughout the future to see that I have interests outside of sexual bs. Anyways, I doubt you'd want someone to go to your page only to make a bunch of assumptions about you so for future reference you should refrain from doing that crap yourself. Now, I am going back to working on doing research for my future podcast. After this, I will no longer engage with a so called ally that has cynical and pessimistic viewpoints that result in them making automatic assumptions of one's intentions based on simply looking at my page. You don't act much different from my bigoted great grandparents if you ask me. Try acting like an adult from now on.


Definitely not ugly💋💋


You're cute as fuck, genuinely. Your classmates are legit transphobic


Remotely far from ugly, close to or spot on a cute girl


Long hair doesn't really look yours, but the rest is quite girly 🫤


Not ugly but average yeah


Baby, tell them all who said that to open there eyes, you are a Beautiful Butterfly and i would love to show you how you should be worship


They're just being mean. You're beautiful! 🤩


u pass as an adorable woman period


Well, if you are attempting g to be ugly you failed! Looking great!!


I'd date you in a heartbeat


You are so frickin pretty 😍I only have one critique and it's just my opinion but I would love to see you with your eyebrows done


You’re actually very cute. Your classmates must be either haters or blind.


You pass


One thing you are not is ugly


You’re actually so pretty wtf


I think some classmates are jealous. Or attracted to you and their immature brains think bullying is still the right way to get your attention. Who knows what goes on in their feeble minds.


You’re heaps cute. You’re the kind of attractive that people don’t always appreciate as teens (who have a very narrow view of what is attractive), but that really becomes obvious in your 20s and 30s. I’m in my 30s, and someone with your look would be considered by me and my friends as very attractive. Being young is rough.


If you’re ugly then who the hell isn’t?


Classmates are giving you a compliment saying you are cis. Then saying ugly cos classmates are like that. You look beautiful


You do pass and you definitely aren't ugly. Idk wtf is wrong with people.


You look like a young girl, that’s all. you just need to find your style like all young girls.


You do pass really well. And you're pretty.


Nah girl you are so pretty 💕 (please help I am dying of gender envy)


You pass as a totally cute and beautiful woman and could even Only if you want as a man Give huge Frida Kahlo vibe


Ok fuck them you’re not ugly but passing? Yeah 👌🏾


Not at all!! Love your glasses!!


You're totally cute, FYF


Your classmates are cruel dorks. You pass like a beautiful cis woman. One should only be so lucky.


You’re lovely. Just ignore them.


Honestly, couldn't pick you out of a crowd. Pass grade; 10


Your classmates are mean for literally no reason smh You’re literally so pretty 😭😭


You kinda look like me and I'm a biological woman. And I think I am very pretty in a non-conventional way. Only thing I would tell you is to pluck your eyebrows. When I started doing my eyebrows it was an absolute gamechanger. Best of luck and don't feed the trolls.


They probably say it cause the have interalized transphobia and don't want to face the fact that they are atracted to you. It's on them, you pass and you are cute as hell :)


They're living in la la land


I would not say ugly at all


There is nothing ugly about you!


You're so cute tho. Ignore them if you can 🫂


You are not ugly at all


Why would those asshats say you're ugly?!?!! Your fucking beautiful girly, don't let no one tell you otherwise


Don't pay attention to then


Girl, you pass as a BEAUTIFUL woman!


Your classmates are pathetic assholes that need to put other people down to make themselves feel better about how deeply insecure they are inside. You're beautiful.


kind of true yeah


You look cute to me, not ugly you achieved what I like to call I exist mode lol you look fine and pass


You definitely pass but you’re above average in terms of beauty imo.


Yes, ya look like a cis woman. Youve passed!


They must be high or jealous or both. You are gorgeous.


You’re not ugly


You definitely pass. And you’re “ugly” in like a 2000s main character She’s all that/Princess Diaries kind of “ugly”. Meaning you’re not actually ugly just unpolished. Learn how to do your hair. That’s my biggest tip! Humans are obsessed with hair and it can make or break your presentation. Try rollers and heartless curls if your afraid of heat damage. You have great facial features. Ditch those frames. Try a more natural lip oil/gloss/ or tint. Nude colors look great too! Start lightly cleaning up around your eyebrows I love your natural brow shape tho. Find a good concealer and spot conceal. Only using a liquid liner can look kinda harsh and for beginners I recommend practicing applying lashes. My favorite go to are the kiss wispy lashes. Get the longer ones you might think it looks dramatic but it looks natural when you put it on. And as for clothes simplicity will work in your favor. Opt for a tight black brown or white long sleeve with well fitted high rise jeans. High rise jeans will femininize the figure and will elongate your legs making your upper body look smaller. Simplicity is best in the beginning cause you’ll have something to fall back on in case you change aesthetics You don’t really have to change anything about you do what makes you feel comfortable:) these are just things I felt made the biggest physical difference on me and things I wish I knew sooner. Plz be easy on yourself.


Girl you’re gorgeous, you pass so well and I love the eyebrows honestly. Your style reminds me of Enya Umanzor and you give off her vibe to me. Love it


dude why are they so mean like the fuck 😭 also you're so pretty holy shit! I wish I was half as gorgeous as you


Kids are cruel that’s all. If they said that, then congrats to them. They fully pass as sacks of 💩


and then they woke up and realized it was a dream? baby u look like a mexican 16 cis year old girl don’t let these jealous mf get to u


No you are every inch perfect and girly...🫶❤️


Absolutely not. You are very pretty, and very cute. They are just being mean, they can’t deny that you pass cause you clearly do, they are just looking for other ways to tear you down. Don’t listen and keep your chin up


"Ugly" my ass. You're adorable


You are beautiful and defo passing! I would recommend doing your eyebrows x


You look exactly like a cis classmate I have now I have no clue where they’re getting ugly from




they’re just transphobic. You pass and you’re pretty


Yes it's very true and it's better than being clocky lol


In what world is this girl ugly? I'd love to see what your reaction is to truly ugly people haha


I don't really think she's ugly, but I can see what they mean by "ugly but passing" vs being drop dead gorgeous & passing. She looks average to me personally lol


But just like you said, she's average. Normal. Saying that normal = ugly is concerning to me. Some people are born drop dead gorgeous, others are not. Me neither haha. But Op is far from ugly. Just because she isn't a model with a full face of perfect makeup, doesn't mean she is ugly. I think it's a really sad thing to conclude.


I don’t think she’s ugly but that is a subjective thing person to person.


Ever noticed how transphobia is always, always, absolutely always rooted strongly in misogyny? There's your answer. Pass on them.


I don't know why I'm being downvoted here but it would be nice to know if I'm off the mark here because I don't think I am. Imagine a trans man being told that he passed as a man but he was ugly. It would be perceived as a back-handed compliment and transphobic at the very least. But no one would make that kind of comment to a guy because it's just plain rude. So the point I'm trying to make is when transphobes attack a woman, especially a young and attractive one, they almost always resort to misogynistic comments such as comments about appearance or adequacy to put the woman in her place.


Imagine believing this


Believing what?


The reason I think this is because whoever said she is ugly is basically validating her femininity by making comments about her physical appearance. It's highly misogynistic and incredibly complex and difficult for the subject of such abuse to face because on one hand she is being told that she is accepted as a woman but only based on her attractiveness which is considered low (which definitely isn't). It's a cruel comment to make which is both transphobic and misogynistic in the extreme. I'm sorry OP had to go through that.


I think they have a very narrow view of "pretty". They are probably going by white European standards. You know white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. I think a lot of girls who are not of European ethnicity get this from young immature class mates (it looks like you're probably in High School?).


I'm in college, I'm 22