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HE need to leave HER alone???


So funny because they are actually genuinely pissed that he IS leaving her alone šŸ˜‚


This ā˜ļø


They are insane


They need to leave HIM alone


He looks happy, unbothered, and peaceful vs. sad and miserable pap walk


Lake Como $20k a night pap walkā€¦LOOK HOW HAPPY WE ARE


His whole existence is about taylor apparently šŸ˜‚


They are mad Emma Stone and Jacks wife did a movie with him.


These people have no perspective. What a sad small world to not see things from others viewpoints.


At this point, him existing is offensive to Taylor


What is his name? I realize it is TSā€™s ex, but simply Googling ā€œswift ex boyfriendā€ will likely shut down my WiFi for a week.


Screaming. Joe Alwyn.


Iā€™m genuinely concerned for the mental health of the swifties. I understand being passionate about something but youā€™d think theyā€™re defending the messiah.


Itā€™s incredibly concerning and I donā€™t know how this subject hasnā€™t been mentioned in articles and things. It seems to be increasing overall


I had to ditch a podcast I otherwise enjoyed because they had an episode basically glorifying Swifties. They were like "Yes, it's a cult, but it's a harmless cult". Yeah, tell that to all the people who have been targeted by them.


ā€œHarmless cultā€ is an oxymoron.


I think the podcast hosts were scared of the Swifties and hadn't done enough research to understand how psychotic they really are. They thought it was just people loving Taylor's music when it's so much darker than that.


Was it Is This A Cult?


It was Sounds Like A Cult.


In general I try to avoid directly associating every bad fan behavior to the celebrity...But in the Swifties case, Taylor absolutely encourages this behavior and treats these fans like weapons she can harness.


I feel like Jake Gylenhaalā€™s agent would agree with you


Such a long pattern of this behavior. With nice people on the receiving end of the vitriol.


Considering at the end of the day, the feelings are not reciprocated by Taylor.




I mean I think that any celebrity of that level of status and money only cares about their fans to a certain extent. She seems to keep releasing different aspects of her music that will make her fans pay even more money to partake in and I donā€™t think thatā€™s really ā€œfor the fans.ā€ Also I think her fans are so deep in it that they really believe Taylor wants to be friends with them. ETA: Iā€™ve also come to realize this about all celebrities. Itā€™s really easy to romanticize them and possible experiences with them.


I jumped off the fandom as soon as I recognized how cult-like swifties are. Taylor isnā€™t perfect, far from it. They genuinely think she is, and would probably defend her to their own destruction.


Iā€™m a Swiftie, but I donā€™t defend her like sheā€™s Jesus. Sheā€™s far from perfect. I like her music and her personality. She has flaws.


Agreed. I think the biggest issue is her fans thinking she doesnā€™t need to be held accountable for any wrongdoings. Because always, somehow, itā€™s somebody elseā€™s fault.


There's a difference between being a Swiftie and being a fan, with differing levels of commitment, intensity, and obsession.


I saw a [really good video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM3PDwtC/) about this on tiktok last night. She was talking about how celebrities are the new religion for a lot of people and that seems right. As much as I enjoy celebrity gossip, I dont lose sleep or argue online about it. I like to find the threads and go through them but I learn a lot by doing that. But the swifties (and Iā€™m a fan of Taylor btw) are just next level. I see similar patterns in other fandoms as well. I believe people who dedicate their time to create theories and post them online, are mostly either in psychosis or very much alone and bored. I think most of those people are lonely and this is the outlet they found. They get to experience community online and watch Taylorā€™s life since they dont have one they love.


I was a die hard Bernie and Yang supporter at certain points in my life and definitely cringe looking back at how i would engage in arguments online. But I just donā€™t understand doing it for a pop star. You almost brainwash yourself and get high off the echo chamber of other supporters. But everyoneā€™s super volatile at that level of obsession.


Yeah I think itā€™s valid discussing politics, as long as you dont waste hours too often doing that, theres value in that discussion and itā€™s also something that affects our lives deeply, especially as women. But yeah, in the long run that could become an obsession. Itā€™s definitely damaging to our mental health.


Recently I came across a Swiftie on Twitter who had floor seats to Eras in Paris and had apparently been vomiting for days, ended up being taken to a hospital before the show started, had to receive an MRI of her kidneys and possibly needed emergency surgery. All she tweeted about was how upset she was that she was missing the show, tagging taylornation begging for a floor ticket to another show, even though she *already had two more tickets to two additional shows*. But they ā€œwerenā€™t floor seats.ā€ Perhaps Iā€™m comparing apples to oranges here, but I had to miss a show for an artist Iā€™d been dying to see for years in order to have emergency surgery to keep me from going permanently blind. Sure I was bummed, but I was more concerned with what was happening to me. I cannot fathom the headspace some Swifties are in.


I was very sick last year, necrotic pancreatitis caused by gallstones. I was on the legal maximum doses of ketamine and fentanyl and could have done with 5X that. I was still trying to run my social group from an ICU bed. Being that sicks and on those kinds of drugs fucks with your perspective.


Swifties are dumb human beings


Just now? Worshipping any celebrity is a mental illness itself.


Itā€™s concerning. He and Hunter are coworkers and they are just walking. Thereā€™s no shade to Taylor.


I like Taylor in moderation, but a coworker of mine calls her ā€œMy Lord and Savior Taylor Swiftā€ yet I am close minded for actually believing in Jesus?


they are all absolutely insane, middle school minds with ā€œwomen rageā€


Itā€™s getting a little to close to Stilgar saying Lisan Al Gaib at everything Paul does.


One radio show used to call her Taydolf Switler and now I canā€™t her name as anything else.


It has turned me off to her music completely


Even the apostles had moments of doubt. Swifties could never.


Joe: \*breathing\* Swifties: This is Taylor shade


how dare he smile i guessšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/tuury5att41d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2898fdc6847b854b6c01c15d3930bbe5d24051d9 Swifties are definitely unhinged. They need to leave this man alone


ā€œHe made her hide away for yearsā€ is crazyyyyy like WHAT


Swifties Are so stupid. They act like he locked Taylor in a fucking dungeon for years.


Itā€™s so funny too and says a lot about the swiftiesā€™ immaturity/collective mentality that they think whatever she is doing with Travis is peak HAPPINESSS and COUPLE GOALS when really anyone over the age of like 14 can see that someone in a relationship centered that much in publicity/convincing the public that youā€™re so much ~*better off and more in love than before*~ is probably not happy and not sincerely just enjoying their time with the other person. I would argue that when people get into more healthy relationships, they tend to settle down a bit and care less about what everyone else is thinking, which is clearly the opposite of what has been happening lately hahah




That's why Taylor still writes the songs she does. They're all stuck in the same mental stage.


Also, years of their relationship took place during literal lockdown in the pandemic?? We were all inside!!


Didn't she release 3 fucking albums and play in that atrocity of a movie all while dating Joe? She certainly was a lot busier than I was the years she was "locked away". Guess I should let my husband know he's falsely imprisoning me.


It was also her CHOICE. šŸ’€


this is why i don't get, she chose to be with him for 6 years. she knew he didn't like being so public with their relationship, if she didn't like it she could have left? joe just seems like a normal (as normal as a celebrity can be) dude to me, sorry he didn't want to stage "romantic dates" in the front lawn of a chateau to prove his love was real.


Released 5 albums (7 if you count the re-records), won a grammy, and went on a worldwide stadium tour. Must be a pretty fucking magical basement!


Yeah, maybe I should try to convince my husband to lock me away if the basement is as awesome as it seems!


And Joe was one of her good exes. Heā€™s not a bad person. And they still attack him.


And he literally has only gone to like 3 events this year, all of which are bc he has to promote his work? Like it is part of his job to go to premiers even though he obviously enjoys his privacy 99% of the time.


At least the replies arenā€™t in favor of her lol Also, does the original commenter not understand what promoting a movie is ?? Like, hello ??


He did attend events solo and smiling when they dated.


They gotta leave my golden retriever boy alone


Travis is such a downgrade


I get the emotional appeal of Travis, but physically? He looks like a dude from an Indiana trailer park who drives a lifted truck with a Monster Energy logo sticker and a Punisher sticker. No thanks.


As someone who grew up in an Indiana trailer park, can confirm.


I meanā€¦which is perfect for Taylor who literally always looks like a middle American barista


Honestly so true


He is every man who works at a sawmill in my hometown. Itā€™s not bad, its just not my type (and I donā€™t think itā€™s Taylorā€™s either since she has previously dated tall, rangy artistic types)


Right Joe is giving like old money gorgeous. Travis looks like he farts and then purposely smells it.


Grew up in Indiana, went back for a visit and had a group of friends try to bully me into agreeing this dude is hot as shit. He looks exactly like every dumbass trash-hole we hated in high school, guess the brain rot hits if you never leave.


This is a perfect description


Emotional appeal? What? Where? Am I missing something? I thought we all were in agreement that heā€™s not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, where is the emotional appeal of someone who canā€™t converse about much beyond what he had for lunch? Agree he looks like lifted truck monster energy guy, and that couldnā€™t be further from my type, but at the end of the day I do get the physical appeal. He has a cute smile and heā€™s huge. He cleans up nice


That heā€™s just a big dumb dude giving her attention. Heā€™s just fawning and whatnot. Just my opinion.


As a taller lady, I get the appeal. Sometimes itā€™s nice to have a man you can climb like a tree.




No doubt. He is gorgeous šŸ˜Š


Travis is a party animal so he is ok with the publicity that Taylor needs to always have. That's why she is with him.


The man is so full of himself.


Standing next to a beautiful blonde woman = him not leaving taytay alone apparently


Is it because sheā€™s trans and kinda looks like Taylor in a certain light? Like, Joe is comparing Taylor to her or is dating a trans woman after Taylor so thatā€™s likeā€¦ if your ex turns gay after dating you or something. I had no idea this woman was trans but if the Swifties do I feel bad for her. They will attack


I think it doesn't matter who it is or what they look like, if he looks happy they'll find some way to connect it to Taylor. Their lives revolve around her so they think everyone else's does as well


Is that Hunter Schafer? She is so pretty.


they finna attack Hunter next.... Hunter get behind me baby!


The republicans arenā€™t gonna know who to attack. They hate Taylor and Hunter lol


She took my breath away when I first saw her in Euphoria, very unique beauty.


I love her!! She looks amazing šŸ˜


I love her dress and the way everything goes together. She is very pretty.


She is the new Cate Blanchett. She looks amazing in every outfit!!


I feel like whoever styles her has her color analysis to a tee. Like the dress, the hair, the lip, the jewelry, every single piece looks amazing on her.


The first time I saw hunter I was like who IS that gorgeous person??! Seriously, so beautiful! And the STYLE!


Her fashion at Cannes has been simply stunning.


yesss so gorgeous


Hunter is gorgeous šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


My exact thought


I was scrolling the comments to see if anyone else thought so!


They look comfortable together. They have the same kind aura around them.


Some one said they want them to play a wealthy snobbish siblings in a movie and that would be so fun! Like in a Knives Out movie!




They're both in Cannes promoting the movie they're in together, 'Kinds of Kindness'. Swifties have lost their minds.


Itā€™s wild because I feel like Travis has taken on that miserable look (at least from a lot of pap photos) and Joe actually looks lighter and ā€œfreeā€. Funny how that works. Seems like relationships with Taylor are draining šŸ˜¬


travis looks like šŸ’©


I was just thinking this! This is the first smiling photo of Joe in ages! He looks so free


Hunter Shaffer needs to play Rosamund pikes daughter N Ow


I thought it was Rosamund Pikes in this picture!




At this point just being alive is shade


As long as he has a shadow, there is shade






They hate him when he does a film, they hate him when he doesnā€™t. Only time they loved him to death is when they thought TS loved him. But she cleared that up real quick by saying he was a cage :) Proof once again from the horseā€™s mouth that swifties donā€™t know shit about TS or her personal life and they should accept it and stop hounding people ew


They want drama so bad.


They're sad sick little children.. But Jesus he's looking amazing šŸ˜ (& brave af, just read that he perpetrates a rape in Kinds of Kindness.. He must know how the crazyassed swifties will react to that, cost they struggle to differentiate acting a role in a movie from reality šŸ™„)


Oh my god. Iā€™m sure swifties will be very normal about thisā€¦


Hunter Schafer is gorgeous as always. šŸ„°


Is he near her? Lmao. Hes just doing his duty as an actor isnā€™t he. Like doing his job and people are like this is shading taylor! Crazy Unfortunately they seem to be barking up the wrong tree. Taylor seems to be more interested in one other ex theyā€™re ignoring, because they think the entire TTPD is about Joe šŸ˜‚


Swifties when peopleā€™s lives donā€™t revolve around Taylor like theirs: šŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


Joe: *breathes* Swifties: thatā€™s actually really offensive


Oh no, sheā€™s bejeweled!


Apparently Joe isn't allowed to ever leave his house or smile again according to swifties


I love how she said that he stole her youth. Sheā€™s older than himšŸ˜­


'stole her youth' like she wasn't, like, 27 years old when they started dating lmao


He surely dodged a bullet.


He needs to leave her alone but itā€™s okay for her to write 5,000 songs about him?


He looks so fucking good.


Heā€™s better looking than Taylor


He's so under the radar that I forgot they were dating most the time they did. Poor guy, I feel bad his mental health was outed on a one sided album.


All I know is this mediocre self guilt admitting album has strengthened Joeā€™s relationship (with Hunter AND scorned Taylor ex-fans). Whilst ruining her and Travis AND Matty and his gf. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


They hate how they cant hate on him im telling you the crazy fans are mad taylor didnā€™t give them a reason to hate or paint as the villain theyā€™re making things up to be mad


joe looks soo good


I know! Seeing him smile like that makes me want to smile too.


Taylor and Joe broke up over a year ago and her fans need to get over themselves


I just know she's seeing him out and is mad af. šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚


How dare he be happy without Taylor!


They both look like they're attending a wedding including the man in the back. She's so pretty tho!!! Is she an actress? And also damn Joe's looking šŸ”„šŸ”„


She was a model first, so she really knows how dress and take photos, too!


Yeah thatā€™s hunter Schafer ! She was just in the new hunger game movie as Tigris snow.


I always thought that she would do well playing a Targaryen, had she been British.


Yeah theyā€™re at Caines promoting a movie theyā€™re in together


Just let bro live




He looks like heā€™s so happy to have her out his life. Go Joe!


I feel like he is happy


Hunter is so gorgeous!!! Iā€™m so happy sheā€™s getting so many opportunities. And Joe is also a very handsome man, and he looks happy. Canā€™t wait to see their movie.


he is cute


Swifties arenā€™t mentally balanced. Itā€™s really crazy.


Literally me refreshing my algo to see all the new footage of Barry Keoghan at Cannes thinking ā€œwhy is he so obsessed with me and canā€™t leave me aloneā€ /s šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹




Right heā€™s giving like old money gorgeous. Travis looks like he farts and then purposely smells it.


No competition.. Drop dead gorgeous, a well developed social conscience, talented, modest and the sweetest guy alive (just ask Emily (Emma) Stone)


For real like I could walk into McDonaldā€™s and see a Travis


Did you mean frat boy?




Letā€™s go with frat boy, itā€™s more fitting and insulting


And not fatphobic against a perfectly healthy man




He must be so nice and considerate to her ED šŸ«¶


Every time I see celeb tweets from 2008 to 2014 dragged out, I'm reminded that about 90% of people had bad takes back then - humor, society and Twitter was just different - they just did the same to multiple people in the Kendrick & Drake thing - Kelce was 20 yrs old then, a college guy




Joes such a cutie :3


Ayden looks 16, what else would you expect from a 16 year old online?


They have such a parasocial relationship over her. Theyā€™ll turn on Travis when these two eventually breakup.


You know when someoneā€™s genuine happiness (knowing theyā€™ve been blue for so long) pisses you off, youā€™re on a path to jealousy and insecurity and insanity. This is a sign for swifties to begin working on their mental health. Ms Swift ainā€™t paying for your therapy and you wonā€™t be able to make cash grabs and mediocre songs about your ruined relationships :)


Oh ffs! Ayden needs to get a grip! Meanwhileā€¦team Tattyā€™s are having strokes at the thought that Trav proposed to Tay Tay when they were at Lake Como šŸ™„ Swifties are losing their minds.


omgersh he's existaaang, I feel like it's to get to TayTay


Ok, Iā€™m not a swiftie, thankfully. But, can someone explain why we think she wants Matt back and why we think her and Travis are not a real couple. This is very genuine. Iā€™ve been curious for a while.


there was this album which had a very vague clue


Joe: Swifties: OMG, leave Taylor alone, you loser šŸ™„šŸ™„


Some of her fans are crazy!! Like scary crazy




Thatā€™s exactly what a teenager would think


The children are so easy to spot in the Swiftie community.


It is so unhinged. How on earth is Joe, an actor, walking next to her costar while in Cannes is a T's shade. Is it because Hunter is blonde? Is it because he looks happy ? Is it because he keeps on working despite the one-year-old breakup? Or is it because he got to escape the cult?


i never thought id see joe and hunter next to each other im levitating


Iā€™m so confused. This reminds of the Selena and Justin Bieber beef that is created by fans.


Itā€™s insane how three years ago taylor was just a regular pop artist and now everyone worships her like sheā€™s the messiah


(Moves on, lives happy life, stops thinking about past relationships) ā€œThis monster wants to destroy ***ALL*** our lives, he must be destroyed!ā€ - Fuckwit Swifty Hivemind


Heā€™sā€¦ literally just walking next to Hunter and they both happen to be smiling??? What the fuck šŸ„“


They look good together. Swifties are seething because he found a better looking woman.




I donā€™t understand what this means. Whatā€™s a Taylor shade?


I donā€™t understand why anyone would want to deal with the fallout of dating and breaking up with Taylor Swift. Itā€™s a recipe for a lifetime of harassment


He upgraded so much. Hunter got arrested for protesting and he advocates (albeit more silently than Hunter) for a ceasefire. While Taylor galavants around town with known Zionists. They can never make me hate you Joe. They can never make me like you Taylor.


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen this man smile, didnt see any of that in that 6 years relationship.


Is anyone else clowning at the fact that her birthday is Taylorā€™s in reverse. 31 December 1998 šŸ˜³


How is a photo of him promoting a film he made alongside a costar fulfilling the same professional obligation shade?


Nooo hes with a blonde woman dont u know heā€™s obviously throwing shade at taylor ?!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’” (this is a joke btw not a freak)


šŸ¤” Wonder who is keeping who in the basement...


Is it me or Joe has gotten even more handsome šŸ˜


Sheā€™s definitely an upgrade imhoā€¦ good for him


Theyā€™re both adults who were in a long term relationship that just didnā€™t work out. Theyā€™ve gone their separate ways. Thatā€™s all it is.


Yorgos Lanthimos KNEW what he was doing when adding Joe Alwyn to his roster of actors he reuses in his films šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ /s