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HE didnt do anything. The swifties built a fantasy of gentleman hero feminist Travis Kelce. Just because their delusional version of him is some prince doesn’t mean he has done a single thing for feminism. So has he or Taylor said ANYTHING about this speech? Said by someone they themselves directly know? I thought Taylor was a huge feminist championing for women’s rights where’s her statement against this guy (who again she personally knows) saying that women can be who they want to be? All those tweets said she would be outraged


![gif](giphy|3orif68nbIeBrnIK1q|downsized) Travis right now:


Completely off topic but vis a vis ur gif - this is also perfect for the fringe fandom and I'm losing my shit thinking abt it


They haven’t “said” anything about it, but she sure did make a big show for the paparazzi of cooking him a fancy meal a few days after Hairy Bukkake said women belong in the kitchen. That feels like a statement to me.


I thought it was spelled buttkiss?! At least bukkake involves a group of consenting adults, which he would probably call “woke indoctrination”


Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! You are 100% correct!!! I just can’t do Buttkiss, because even as a Packers fan I believe Dick Butkus deserves better than association with that Gilead Stan.




Well she has to change her marketing some can’t keeping singing about break ups and bad communication when she happy in a relationship


You mean her chef did the cooking.


Oh I absolutely do not believe she cooked herself, but she implied it.


her feminism is mostly a marketing choice


Wouldn't that mean their perspective of Swift is just idealization?


It 100% is. They’re just as delusional about her. The number of tweets I saw like “just wait until Taylor hears about this speech” or “trying telling Taylor that she’s only good if she’s a mother” yet we’re going on week 2 of radio silence from her about it. For a champion of feminism she’s awfully quiet about her acquaintance telling women they’re worthless if they aren’t mothers.


I think on some level, she believes she isn’t fully woman until she’s a wife and mother. She so desperately wants a ring and a child, and I don’t think it has anything to do with maternal instincts lol. Remember, this girl has self-professed “Tennessee Christian values,” and we both know she’s never unpacked which parts of those don’t serve her or are just straight misogyny. Her “cooking a meal” for Travis the day after this speech was a calculated PR move. She’s aligning herself, without saying anything, with a more conservative base, and on some level, it probably feels right to her. Which is … well. It is what it is.


Yeah I think the married and kid thing is to check off her life list, but she doesn’t actually have the maturity to do either of those things 😭


I think part of it may stem from the fact that apparently Taylor wants to be a mother and a wife very, very badly, as evidenced by TTPD. I wouldn't be surprised if she's struggling with feeling like Butker's speech was objectively wrong while at the same time also feeling like she hasn't fulfilled her own calling to be a wife and mother.


that’s the whole point of a stan for sure


You mean they are only *just now* realizing Taylor Swift isn't a person, it's a brand that sells a product?


That's true for most who have fans. We dont know these motherfuckers, yet everyone act like they do based on public personas.


Taylor is only a huge capitalist championing for her own monetary value.


Travis has said nothing while his brother Jason [declined giving a speech so his wife could have the spotlight ](https://athlonsports.com/nfl/jason-kelce-stunning-reason-declining-college-commencement-speech)


Straight up. where is feminist icon t swift when she actually has a chance to stand up for what she believes in. Or is it that she is a feminist when it benefits her only? She’s trash


Travis is less of a feminist icon than the prince in sleeping beauty lol


>I thought Taylor was a huge feminist championing for women’s rights Taylor is only interested in one woman: herself


Yes, Travis Kelce shooting his shot (which she denied for a few weeks until her team told her how well this would look) brought all these women fans to the nfl and it wasn’t at all simply Taylor Swift. These women didn’t know Travis Kelce’s name before last year. He didn’t do shit to bring a female audience to the NFL. I’m so tired of this hot headed, aggressive oaf being put on a pedestal.


Remember he’s only perfect till they break up ☺️


Then he is a SONG!


oh please he won’t be a song, he’ll be 87 vinyl variants of a whiny white girl temper tantrum with bad football metaphors. @ Taylor here are some potential lyrics for you (and you can have them cause I know you’d never credit another woman 🫶🏼) I took one for the team, made the whole crowd scream Cheering for my boy, thought I was living the dream But then I woke up, suddenly broken up Got me seeing red all over the field once green You’re welcome!!!!


I spent a lifetime on the bench, they said "what a track record", But baby, cut to the big game and I scored you in a second. Between the whistles and the roars I thought I heard wedding bells ringing. And they say love's a game, but now it was overtime with no chance at winning. Your sneer was a penalty but there was no referee to call it. 💔 Tell me, do you still see my reflection melt on your trophies? And was it worth it? *Was it worth it?* (breathy)


I can win anything anything anything but him He shot his shot I was down bad thought why fucking not but couldn’t stand to hear him talk I had stadiums screaming long before he was stadium screaming at me / it was never meant to be He loved the Friday night lights / the spotlight glare / I loved heartbreak midnights / hidden forbidden stare


https://preview.redd.it/utep6wt92r1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156273450cd85c8e61c98246d03d0abf1e4dcbbc AI generated because I’m not creative with lyrics in the slightest.


the cringe I crunged  


OMG! Your lyrics 🔥🔥🔥🎤🎤🎤🎧🎧🎧 Thank you- this made my morning :)




So I tried it lol (Verse 1) Caught in the whirlwind of love's sweet embrace, We danced in the end zone, lost in your grace. But like a fumbled pass, our love slipped away, Now I'm left alone, watching you play. (Chorus) Oh, Travis Kelce, our love was a dream, But now it's shattered, torn at the seam. Your touchdowns used to light up my sky, But now they're just painful goodbyes. (Verse 2) From touchdowns to heartaches, the story unfolds, In the game of love, we lost our hold. Your jersey hangs in my closet, a silent reminder, Of a love that faded, lost in the grind, sir. (Chorus) (Bridge) I'll cheer for you still, from afar I'll stand, But I'll find a new anthem, a new marching band. For in the game of love, we both took a fall, But I'll rise again, standing tall. (Chorus)


no just my little brain 💕


And an abusive monster! 👹


Stop playing with me fore I turn you to a song


[Already written!](https://youtu.be/Tv9m3aXBgJU?si=6ZKuyh2L-1STuoY4)


The low views are criminal


Gotta love “feminist icons” who cave to pressure on who to date


I only knew of the Kelces because my family likes sports and the media made such a big deal about the two brothers facing off between each other in the superbowl a couple years back. It was actually really cute how their mom took both their jerseys, cut them down the middle, and then sewed them back together so she could rep the both of them at the same time 🤣❤️ But other than that, yeah, no, neither of the Kelces would have ever been on my radar 🤷‍♀️


His mom didn’t cut those jerseys nor sew them back together lol she purchased the jersey from a custom jersey manufacturer, still cute but not nearly as wholesome


Oh I remember that. He’s one of ‘em huh?


I mean he had his own reality dating show like a decade ago lol, he’s been very famous for quite a while


Oh yes we did know him before Taylor! He had black women in a chokehold before Taylor Swift came along🥲 I do agree that it was all very niche before Taylor. I remember all the tik tok edits of him that would go semi-viral among a very specific crowd. But anyone putting him on a pedestal as this feminist icon is pretty stupid. His allure has always just been his looks


Exactly, I only knew him because I know so many black women were wild for his goofy ass 


I mean, he’s also just one of the most talented TEs to ever play the position. Just saying beyond the pop culture zeitgeist he has been a boon in the sports world. Maybe not as recognizable as Gronkowski, but definitely is now.


I love how people forget the begging people were doing for her to give him a chance and how he acted bummed because she didn’t bite at first. They have spun this into some love story but it started bumpy as hell lmao


I’ve been an nfl fan for a while now and honestly Mr. Kelce is a bit sketchy and seems to only care about a few things: Money, fame, and occasionally football. I quickly learned this over the last two seasons, and it’s sad when people think he’s perfect because of who he is dating. Like I don’t wanna see another pfizer commercial with him in it when 1) the man needs to train for his career bc he is no longer the best after last season. Gotta get back on track, trav, and stop all the hollywood deals. & 2) Pfizer paid him more $$ for one commercial than he makes in 1 year on the chiefs. Some of these nfl players are turning into hollywood puppets and Travis is the prime example of what’s annoyingly happening in the sport and Tay just boosted his status in hollywood even more so…


Don't worry, we will get a good song out of it.


I love all the people who were saying Travis kelce was gonna beat that guy up or something. And yet… not a single player has spoken out against him. In fact, people in the chiefs orbit have come out in support of him. Harrison butker is not an outlier, he is who the nfl caters to. Just because their faves do silly little dances or whatever you think makes him charming, come on. The chiefs haven’t changed since they got their “new female audience” they just have more people paying attention now.


See, this is what I don't get. The NFL isn't suddenly more sensitive to women. If anything, it's that the women weren't paying attention. And Butker is hardly the worst case of, well, anything in particular in the NFL. He said something, oooooh. Meanwhile, go and search on actual felonies committed by NFL players, and then clutch your pearls so hard they turn to dust.


A catholic man gave a catholic-values speech to a catholic school…big surprise. Where is the outrage when the players literally beat other women?


As a Ravens fan who had to endure a lot of other fans supporting Ray Rice during his domestic violence scandal, this is spot on.




>A catholic man gave a catholic-values speech to a catholic school…big surprise Catholics do not agree on what's right. He openly fed the hateful side of the argument. Implying that the church should rebuke and exclude those that don't fit the rules. There are Catholics that don't feel even close to that way. As evidenced by the statement from one of their catholic investors.


Well it's not really Catholic values and the religious of that school have actually publicly stated that his speech did not align with Catholic values (man literally went up there to rant because nobody else wants to listen to him), but I do agree with you that there should be more attention placed on abuse/violence more than a speech that most people would forget if it didn't go viral.




That’s the truth. They beat women, had a murder show from one, and beat/kill animals. What he did was mild and average in comparison.


Yes. There are convicted domestic abusers still actively playing in the NFL, and all other pro sports. But this guy....is beating women with words, so its worse?


>He said something, oooooh Reading that speech, this is not how'd I'd describe it.


And they never will speak out against their teammate. If these women actually understood who and what they’re propping up when they put Kelce on a pedestal  Oh who am I kidding these white women don’t actually give a shit about anything but their childish fantasies. 




The owners wife came out with a statement saying that he was right and that her daughters will grow up just like that. And something about yay Jesus.


Yep. And the coaches son hurt a young person in a DUI crash and used his power to get him off


I mean the owners wife and their descendants can afford it, they're multibillionaires. They could have 10 children and those children would still be richer than 99% of the planet. They don't care if poor people can't afford anything. Poor people have never had stay at home moms either, they have always worked.


**Paying** being the key word there.


i'm genuinely curious for the swifties: what he's done that's feminist? was it the breeder comments? saying that women should be giving blowjobs and not having sex by the third date is a dealbreaker? his old tweets (when he was still in his 20s) about fat girls and "ugly" cheerleaders? leading on and disrespecting his ex? cheating? enjoying strip clubs?


You know my caption was sarcastic right


yes i know that, i guess i was just asking a general #questionfortheculture


Ah ok in that case it was definitely the breeder comments


a supportive reproductive king letting us breed 🥰


I just came across this sub recently and don't know much about Travis or taylor, so im hesitant to ask but what are the breeder comments?


To me it’s wild how Swifties excuse who he is lol. I mean he’s gotta be a Republican. He’s a bro’s bro. He’s likely completely opposite her politically and socially.


Is he opposite though or does Taylor just have good pr?


It cracks me up that she has self-professed “Tennessee Christian values,” (as recently as the lover era lol) and yet people expect her to be some kind of feminist icon. I’m sorry, what about Tennessee Christian values screams feminist? Voting for Biden over Trump isn’t some feminist statement, it was just the right thing to do lol


She’s no paragon of virtue herself


I don’t think that boy has enough brain cells to be any sort of icon.


You don’t have to be super smart to recognize when something is right or wrong. You also don’t have to be super smart to do the right thing or have character.  I have never met Kelce so I try not to judge him from the public persona, but if only smart people could do good things we’d be fucked as a planet. 


If Travis cared the way these people think he did, he would have said something about the speech by now


I’m out of the loop, what is ‘the speech’ everyone is referring to?


Harrison Butker gave a long commencement speech that clearly states his views on abortion


And the LGBTQ community. And womanhood (motherhood). Guy's a complete tool.


Adding to the other comment: he quoted Taylor Swift in support of his perspective, then ended up saying that women’s lives (using his wife as an example) don’t begin until they become a wife and then a mother. He said the women in the audience who are graduating have been fed “diabolical lies” about their purpose. It was dystopian and frightening.


That’s what you get for thinking one of the nastiest and most racist franchises ever were cute because they supported your favorite pop star


The one thing is I’m surprised people think the NFL is gonna do anything. They’ve let abusers play with 0 consequences


The Chiefs are becoming the team to root against for many reasons. The whole “dynasty” talk is what made everyone hate the Patriots and now the Chiefs are acting like they are in the same position. Between Taylor fatigue,Travis acting like a frat boy and Butker thinking that it’s still 1950, there is a lot to dislike about this team.


Don’t forget Kermit Mahomes with his awful family that gets away with illegal things like his nasty brother assaulting women.


Yeah I heard that his brother is a real scumbag and is probably living off of Patrick’s fame.


We went to the same college together (UMKC) and he truly is a horrible person. Rude to everyone (students, faculty, staff) and is a known predator across campus. Shady party boi that would haze anyone for a laugh vibes. He uses his brother to get into places all around KC and will try to have people kicked out if they call him out for committing sexual assault. He turned down a scholarship in Texas bc he knew he made it following his brother. This man literally tried to pressure faculty into letting him do whatever he wants and just pass him too.


oh wow, i live in kansas city and i only knew about his recent scandal with him grabbing and kissing a bar employee or whatever that situation was. i didn't know it was an ongoing problem. good lord.


How could you have sex saying “oh Kermit ❤️👄


Ask Miss Piggy


And their ownership with the Hunt family - their grandfather was where they got their money and he was a HUGE white supremacist. He worked with George Wallace to try to get him to run after he was barred by the state constitution and spent tons of money propping up politicians and programs that advocated sending all black people back to Africa (in the 1950s and 60s mind you).


Why do they think this is a flex. That’s just admitting that he’s using her.


Glorification of this brainless clout chaser needs to stop


Maybe Travis and Taylor support his views. Taylor looks like she could live the trad wife style.


TBH, I suspect a lot of Swifties are religious conservatives and even tradwife advocates.


Weird ammount of crossover there. Was the republicans trying to push her as a conservative at some point


Not the Republicans *per se*, but neo-Nazis in the mid-2010s held her up as an “Arayan Goddess,” and claimed she was secretly one of them. In fact, her brief and seemingly performative “political” phase was in response to such claims.


Didn’t Trump say something about her only pretending to be a Liberal in the same speech where he called her unusually beautiful?


I don’t disagree with you.


Let’s not forget how he screamed in his coaches face at the Super Bowl


Is anyone going to acknowledge that the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs wife came out and said that all of the stuff that he told that class was perfectly normal and that her girls are going to grow up that way. No one’s worried about that.


Also, the owners’s daughter came out in his defense, the other day as well


who is this guy ?? i can’t find his name and want to look this guy up


Harrison Butker




Maybe this is just me but calling men “feminist icons” literally just for dating successful women sets the bar extremely low for other men and it makes me mad. Why should a football player be a “feminist icon” over someone who’s actually doing important things for women and women’s rights?


BUT would they accept that TK hitting on instamodels and only fans girls and hitting up strip clubs is a feminist move lmao, I mean the girls he supports are feminists so that must make him a feminist himself…?


My hot take is that the chiefs marketing team is brilliant for bringing now 3 groups of women to their team: women who love football, women who love Taylor, and women who love conservative Christian values. I saw an article about how women’s jerseys for whatever the kicker’s name is were flying off the shelves. Diversify the audience, all their money spends the same


It's all green to them


"Republicans buy sneakers, too" -Michael Jordan




Imagine speaking at a university full of women about how women shouldn't go to university.


Little Len doll is saying his mother isn't living to her potential . She is a qorld renowned medical professional So he thinks she should've stayed in rhe kitchen knocked up making sandwiches? Who cares what that pseudo Christian closet pillow biter says .


Good let these new “fans” leave us actual fans alone and give us our sport back.


If they’re only there for Taylor. The new fans that stick around for football can stay.


Has Travis or Taylor spoke out on what this guy said?


Of course not they’re too busy eating at the bottom of steps


They both have such punchable faces butker even more so


Three religions: Swiftism, football, and Christianity.


lol dudes mom is a doctor .. he can eat a bag of dicks


She’s been awfully quiet in response. I’m assuming the swifties are cool with it though.


Not gonna lie, this entire episode is one big narcissistic, attention seeking performance by Taylor and it’s making me sick the more I see it. Look at that picture. She is literally just thinking about the appearances. This has nothing to do with loving him. This is the dark side of narcissists. They are capable of literally completely using someone else and not thinking twice about how fucked up it is. I don’t even like Travis. He’s just way out of his league here. This is a level of publicity and fame that she is a master at navigating.


How the fuck did he build anything for women? Dude played football and dated a superstar.


My question: if you’re catholic and believe in these ideas, why not just peacefully live it within your household and church? Why do you feel the need to push this onto those of us who aren’t catholic or simply don’t want to live this way? For example: if you don’t believe in abortions or contraception don’t get/use them. Saying they shouldn’t exist is stepping on my rights as an individual. We all have choices, problems arise when we try and push those choices and beliefs on others.


I don’t agree with his beliefs but he was giving a speech at a catholic college. The speech was picked up by the media, which was not who he was talking to.


I agree. However telling women who most likely just went into debt for a degree to be a homemaker is crazy to me. Like damn could you have said this at freshman orientation?!?


In fairness though, before that he did say “to the women, some of you will go on to have successful careers” before he said the homemaker thing. My beef is with the fucking media. They live for dividing all of us against each other. They’ll play just a part of what someone said and take it out of context.


I watched the whole thing, I’m obviously a product of hearing what I want to hear. Bc I heard that and still focused on what I deemed to be ‘wrong’. His beliefs and speech were on par with his audience. I may not agree but I’m not Catholic and don’t hold those beliefs. I’ll work on my listening skills. However my question was regarding his message about abortion and contraception on a broader scale. Bc although this speech is in a closed setting, the religious need to have their beliefs pushed on others still exist. Although I know Catholics fundamentally don’t believe in any form of contraception, why can’t that be their rule of thumb, versus pushing to have the option removed for everyone? This may be over simplifying but it’s like me saying I don’t like orange flavored candy therefore it should be banned for all.


Yea I get it. I don’t agree with telling other people what to do. Which is why I don’t get how much people hate others that think differently. I’m in my 50’s and my grandparents were the WW11 gen. Back then, they taught me the rule was; you don’t bring up your religious or political beliefs in casual conversation. Because it is so personal and possibly divisive. So for the most part, people got along based on other likes/dislikes, not putting a whole person’s identity based on who they vote for. Then came along social media. People started sharing more personal things. My opinion is that the media, right and left, LOVES to stoke the fire and keep us all divided. It is sad to see college aged kids hating someone because they have different beliefs. The powers that be seem to love the idea of ‘divide and conquer’. But people like you give me hope🙌 someone you can have an intelligent and open back and forth with, without any hate 🙂


HE did that? So they’re saying if he and Taylor broke up, all of the female swifties would continue watching every Chiefs game? I like how in a post about Travis being a feminist, they gave him credit for something a woman actually did.


Oh great they’ve added a third to the “most insufferable blunt rotation to ever exist”.


Travis Kelce is a cuck.


They don't look like that now totally tired of one another


What did anyone expect? It's Kansas fer fuck's sake!


Uhh, don't look now but they're more popular among female fans now after Butker's statements.


The cult of Taylor being pulled out of their own delusional fantasies.


I like Taylor Swifts move on Travis it makes me feel happy for her she has don't and amazing job in picking this guy as her boyfriend hope she doesn't broke up with him like all the other guys she worte songs about I hope Travis is not another song she writes.


They’re both gross but they’re gross for different reasons Travis as a feminist icon had my rolling on the floor laughing though


Thank you I enjoy my sarcasm being appreciated


He’s disgusting, Travis that is🙄


The way yall are coming up with whole choruses to songs she hasn’t wrote yet and they’re SO good😭.


My guess is Travis isn’t in any way pro woman…. He’s pro Taylor


If Travis and Taylor don’t work out he’s going to become public enemy #1


Oh no, he suggested that instead of making shareholders of a corporation happy you could also be a housewife someday. What an evil fascist. Feminism… hmm… feminism is for women’s equality right? Well, what are women exactly? Can the smart educated feminists tell us what a woman is? Go ahead, pretend I’m Matt Walsh and go viral for your intelligent response.


I wish yall would stop pretending Taylor aint voting for Trump…. Behind the scenes. The men she dates… the friends she keeps… all point to her being a Trump supporter. Travis comes off as one as well. Please stop idolizing these losers. They just make more money because we are forced to send it to them


Wow. He even quoted her. That speech is horrid, an open attempt to feed the kind of religious contempt for "others" that has plagued humanity.


Agree with all comments so far and that TK did nothing to build up the brand to a female audience. But can anyone clue me in on what the second part of the tweet is and who the second picture is? I’m assuming it’s a chiefs player giving some super misogynistic speech, but would love some clarification if anyone has it! Thanks in advance Edit: never mind. Thought it would be harder to find w out a name. You can just google “chiefs player speech” and it comes up. What a piece of shit.




I just wish Taylor Swift wouldn't have polluted the NFL. I feel like the poison is spreading.


A day? Try 15 minutes! Less!


I wouldn’t say the kicker destroyed the chiefs brand… he destroyed his own brand.


He brought balance to the force.




And that's the kicker.........(slinks out)


Neither of them are the ‘brand’.


Their relationship is a happy meal, and it comes with a large Kool-aid. 


This is because he wants the only people watching HIM, to be men.


The cult of Taylor being pulled out of their own delusional fantasies.


This must be very hard for all the people who want to be her. Follow the Chiefs or boycott the Chiefs? It’ll tear them apart!


It’s an identity crisis based on men validating it it’s weird


She sure didn’t waste any time trying to block Billie though.


Travis follows Harrison on IG, but not Taylor. ✨


I think the whole speech is so over the top. I can see why it would out people off but I feel like it’s overshadowing Diddy who’s actually far more dangerous. And no one is addressing the music industry in general let alone their treatment of woman. But also doesn’t have Travis problematic takes?


Bullshit!!! You ask a catholic athlete to speak at a catholic college you get his beliefs!!!


Yes and his beliefs are garbage hope this helps clear things up




Oh tge lyrics for potential songs here! Clicked this for fun but turns out there are some real hidden talents on Reddit, budding songwriters! Love those lyrics tooo goood


Well look back on this and be amazed how much marketing sways our opinions. He’s a 34 year old permanent high school senior and she’s the countries oldest high school freshmen, and she just wants to be seen wearing his lettermen jacket.


I'm always suspicious of perfectly trimmed beards using high school math instruments and way too much hair product.


All of them are alley trolls.


The kicker. Bahahahaha!!!


Pretty fantastic Republicans are out there buying a jersey of a Kicker. You just can’t make this shit up 🤣


I don't think Travis Kelce claimed to be a feminist icon and if you know anything about Kansas City Chiefs they want a balance of a Liberal and Conservative audience. The Republicans driven away by TS and TK will be brought back by Harrison Butker and Tavia Hunt. As long as the outcome is income


Who cares what women think amirite


This is so delusional.... his jerseys literally sold out after his speech and yes that includes female jerseys as well. Yes higher selling than lover boy and higher selling than the best player on the teams Mahomes....


This is so delusional.... his jerseys literally sold out after his speech and yes that includes female jerseys as well. Yes higher selling than lover boy and higher selling than the best player on the teams Mahomes....


Still not Over him yelling at Andy Reid.


Such a feminist icon, liking an Instagram post praising Donald Trump and other right wing politicians as they are at a wrestling match.


God its a kicker. Like one slot up from male cheer leader. No one cares about butkiss or whatever


Does she have to comment after every dumb man?


Nope pretty sure he opened it up


Travis didn’t do shit except date a strong woman. I used to be ok with him until I watched him crush a beer at a college graduation like a stupid frat boy.


Just looking at that picture of Butker, you can tell he’s fucking evil.


My god!!!! How dare someone have an opinion you people don’t agree with. He should be put before a firing squad. 🤦🏾‍♂️


**"Falling Out of Touch"** (Verse 1) We had it all, or so it seemed, Under stadium lights, we lived the dream, Two worlds colliding, fire and ice, But the game's over, and we paid the price. (Pre-Chorus) Whispers in the wind, love's quiet refrain, I thought we were forever, but forever's changed. (Chorus) We were touchdown dances, Friday night lights, But we lost our way in the city nights, Now it's falling out of touch, losing the rush, From our highs to our lows, now it’s just a hush. (Verse 2) Your name in the crowd, it echoed mine, But somewhere along, we missed the line, From locker rooms to backstage dreams, We drifted apart, torn at the seams. (Pre-Chorus) Memories like confetti, blowing in the breeze, Love turned into lessons, brought us to our knees. (Chorus) We were touchdown dances, Friday night lights, But we lost our way in the city nights, Now it's falling out of touch, losing the rush, From our highs to our lows, now it’s just a hush. (Bridge) I’ll keep the memories, the nights we shared, The way you held me, how you always cared, But some stories end, and ours did too, In the silence of the night, I’m letting go of you. (Chorus) We were touchdown dances, Friday night lights, But we lost our way in the city nights, Now it's falling out of touch, losing the rush, From our highs to our lows, now it’s just a hush. (Outro) Goodbye to the field, the cheers, the fight, We both know it’s time to turn out the light, So here’s to the end, and what it taught, In the game of love, we both got caught.


Kelse is a feminist lol look up old videos of this homey. He dat dude bruh!!! He da baddest muv oucheee!


I’m not going to forget the way he pushed his coach. And they way people talked about it just screams DV to me. I don’t trust him and he is not a feminist icon