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Amazing gif hahahahaha


She’s so predictable




Yikes yea that was a name I hadn’t thought of in years, wish I hadn’t remembered she exists


This 'squad' looks like it was wrangled up last minute lol. It's just so random. She obviously called the paps for this photo op... I mean, she's pretty much posing for the camera and looking right at it, smiling like they're on a red carpet. I'm just thankful Florence Welch is conveniently in the US, focused on the opening of her Gatsby musical, and isn't being roped into this embarrassing/awkward Taylor squad shit, although I doubt she'd be for it anyway. It's so high school and attention-seeking. Taylor could meet with friends in private if she really wanted to.These always reek of desperation. She's definitely trying to show Matty 'Look at me with my friends. See? I'm smiling. I'm okay. I'm BETTER than okay. I'm so popular!' So much cringe.


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) Why does this GIF apply to her everytime


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Shocker Taylah did something for attention because her ex she wrote a 31 track love bomb to is now engaged with an internet it girl.


If she hadn't already done the whole never ever thing in her lyrics before, I could very much see her having a song called this, maybe even an album. Repeated ad nauseum over and over in the most grating way lol


Yeah, because Taylor would *never* repeat an idea like rhyming never with ever over and over… (She definitely would.)


It reminds me of the 2000s, doing little photoshoots with your friends for facebook and updating your status to show how unbothered you are.


When all it does is actually show the opposite.


It's really sad when grown adults haven't figured that out yet.


Because she's not a grown adult, mentally. It's the curse of those who get famous young, and her extra kicker is that she's filthy rich and famous for acting like a teenage girl. No incentive whatsoever to grow the fuck up. The real embarrassment here is her fully grown adult fans who think this is slay.


God this is so accurate.


what, you don’t hit the town with your girl power squad in coordinating, store-fresh outfits and full hair and makeup?? /s


Well, I do, but I don’t announce it or post about it lol


I think she did this because Charli XCX has a whole "cool girl squad" thing going on right now and Gabriette is part of it while Taylor is not. Taylor's trying to prove how cool she is and is failing miserably. This is why she chose Kate Moss and Cara Delevigne. She wants to give the whole "I hang out with edgy girls who do coke too!" because the engagement announcement was a double whammy to her ego. First blow was the obvious Matty issue, but the second blow had to do with the fact that the woman Matty got engaged to is part of the current cool squad and Taylor is not.


I agree - I mean look at Charli's "360" video, it's like the newer (edgier, "cooler") version of the Bad Blood video. Taylor may have the mega pop stardom and #1s but she doesn't have the same cultural "cool" factor that Charli (and company) does.


Yeah the whole outfit too is like desperately signaling “I’m an edgy cool girl too I swear!!!!” How does she not see how embarrassing this is? I almost cringed off my chair


Even the comments section of the article, where she is generally worshipped, people are clocking the desperation.


There’s always just something slightly off with what she wears, I can’t explain but it just never hits like it should


Agree. This time it’s the pants for me..they’re giving grandma and not in a good way they really clash w the other silhouettes here


Nobody in her circle tells her it’s cringe.


“I hang out with edgy girls who do coke too!” 🤣😭💀


Lmao Cara’s sober now so there goes Taylor again, missing out.


So how does the squad thing work? Like does she pay these women a fee or something lol?? I can’t imagine the benefit for them it’s so cringe.


34 year old acting like 12.




She’s also 34 just a reminder to everyone!


Still acting as if she's 16


I never understood the calling of the paps… like I get it but *just* - no.


Florence is gearing up to win the Tony award that will always elude Taylor in her EGOT quest 😂😂


Yes!!! I'm hearing the musical is getting great reviews so far. Glad she's keeping herself busy so Taylor can't use her as a prop like she does with everyone else. Florence has bigger things going on.


I'm telling you, it's sad having to live a life this calculated, and even worse, doing it to spite others and show you're so above them 💀


This is spot on. And I say that because I’ve been there, done that…not a pap walk, but Facebook and Instagram posts of all the fun, cool things I’m doing with my friends and I’m totally “ok and over it.”


💯 and look at LD she looks so out of place, I can’t imagine what she is thinking!! O vey


She’s no Princess Di and this is no revenge dress moment. She tried tho.


Omg that was my immediate first thought!! Thank you!!! Like, this is no revenge dress, and this "squad" feels pathetic and desperate.


It's too childish, corny, really dumb to me. 😂


The choker and the spin on a black revenge dress— it’s so obvious


Huh. What a very odd group.


Hey, be nice. She doesn’t actually have friends so the people that Tree pays to be in pictures with her ends up kinda random sometimes 😢


I’m with you on that but nothing — and I mean *nothing* — could have prepared me for Martin McDonagh 😂


I only know this because I’ve been watching some of the videos recently of other actors and it popped up on my YouTube feed: she did apparently do a Directors on Directors thing for Variety. I wasn’t interested in the pairing of the director of a couple music videos with Martin McDonagh, so I did not watch. But she has at least met him one time before. Seems less random than Kate Moss to me. How do they know each other?


I think Kate Moss has something to do with the fact that the guy that broke her heart is engaged to a model so Taylor has to one up him and show she’s got a better model. Or to scare Gabriette that her connections are deep or something stupid. I think it’s one of her stupid messages and strategic moves. Just shows how butt hurt she is IMO.


Do you think she got Kate Moss (iconic model) and Cara to join her “friends” outing as a strategic move? Is this her unbelievably pathetically petty way of trying to one up Healy? (You got a model, so do I!) Or make a stab at Gabriette? 🤢 I’m so second hand embarrassed for Taylor for this. The album, these pap walks, maybe these strategies worked on ex #43 the first time you thought them up, respectfully, grow up hun. Of all people in the world, does Gabriette seem like the kind of girl to be bothered or concerned about TS and her antics? Absolutely not. Taylor adopted a golden retriever (Travis) and Gabriette has a pet rat. Girl doesn’t F with your kind Tay Tay. She’s anti your system. Keep on keeping on hun. You’re proving them all they dodged a bullet and that you’re nothing but a spoiled obsessive mean girl.


I love it when she pretends to be unbothered lmao girl we know you were sliding down a wall when you saw the news 😂




Yeah it’s been a while!


When Joe Jonas learned that he couldn’t just drag Sophie Turner for no reason?


I dislike Lena Dunham but I remember feeling like Taylor did her dirty making her look like a DUFF amongst literal models during her Girl Squad era.


https://preview.redd.it/f8hdknjzs56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b143e46a6ff3d93825b4b02e4f0ea24ef5558ddf Lena looks like she’s supremely over it too.


Wait… That is Lena?? No way. I guess I haven’t seen her in awhile. She definitely looks like this is an unwanted paid gig.


Jesus Christ she looks unrecognizable at this point 😱


I don’t know if I’d call her unrecognizable—she’s just heavier after suffering some hormone issues—but she certainly looks DONE with whatever is happening in this scene. The very thick eyeliner is also not helping her look less like a Mii.


She looks like she's at work, which IMO she is. This is calculated for her image. It's not organic. This was probably organized by her team ffs.


It’s giving ✨token fat friend✨


I think a lot of it is the way she styled herself. I have a rounder face as well (I had it even when I was skinny), and when I pull my hair back the way Lena does, my face looks *really* fat and like a circle. A rounder face doesn’t go with a slicked-back pony- you need to leave some waves/tendrils on the sides to balance your face and draw attention to your cheek bones. Leaving your hair down also minimizes the appearance of double chin (which I also have, I’m not shading her). Her dress was also too loose-fitting, and as someone with large shoulders myself, you don’t want to do a boxy coat like that without a tie for your waist because it will make you look bigger than you are. The one thing I did like is the color choices she made, and that dress would look really pretty with a belt or something to cinch it Stylists don’t know how to dress women above a size 6, it’s really sad (I know Lena isn’t an 8, I’m just saying that it’s an issue in the industry. I’m a size 12/14 and am tall and curvy, but I generally know how to dress to accentuate my waist, fit my bust properly, and show length in my legs, and it goes a long way). I don’t even work in fashion at all, I’m a scientist lol, and I know these things just from dressing myself (and I was *skinny* for a long time, so I’m still learning). A stylist should know this too!


i have a round face and my hair is slicked back like 90% of the time. IDGAF But, you’re right. and if i had to worry about being photographed all the time, I’d at the very least have face framing pieces out.


That outfit is not doing her any favors *at all*. I didn’t recognize her at first, had no idea she gained so much weight honestly. (No shade to anyone with weight issues, just that Lena does not look healthy and does not dress in a way that flatters her body).


That dress wouldn't flatter anyone, especially with that huge coat with the massive shoulder pads. It looks like an old garbage bag covered with landscape fabric. Fucking Kate Moss could have worn it and looked awful, and she's Kate Moss.


My friend actually worked with Lena in LA and still talks to her. She had some kind of surgery I think a hysterectomy? That caused the weight gain. she has hormonal issues


She had endo and a hysterectomy. As someone with endo and PCOS, I have a lot of sympathy for the amount of pain she was in!


She’s had a lot of health issues post-GIRLS


If she was truly happy with Travis, she wouldn’t be doing this embarrassing shit.


Travis was the rebound when her fans made her dump the guy she actually likes


i got the impression she got dumped from it all. tooted & booted.


She still hangs with Lina Dunham? 😬


She was her bridesmaid only three years ago, long after the sexual predator thing came out.


Lena's messages were leaked and she texted Taylor huge messages after it all went down, telling her how upset she was and how much hate she was getting for what she wrote. Taylor basically said, "Don't worry about it. Anyways, I gotta get on a plane." It was very funny.


LMAO being friends with Taylor must be awful. What a way to say she doesn’t care at all 😂


Wow, I did not know that! I can't link to another subreddit but screenshots are on popculturechat.


what in the hell is she wearing?


She is finally bejeweled lol


lol can someone explain what bejeweled means? i assume some inane lyric of hers


lol it’s from a song of hers and some fan made this deranged post about it during the Matty phase: https://preview.redd.it/2f7miuk5h66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d310d79ba05d97fa74b7fa36b1505654568a71


LMAO WHAT DOES “let her bejeweled” mean? aren’t she and her fans supposed to be “EngLish MaJor GiRlieS”?


You must not be tortured enough to understand.


And it’s a Daily Mail exclusive, giving credence to the “Taylor doesn’t care about Billie” petulant dogwhistle the other day being a Tree plant.


Exactly, we can see through their pr tactics.


Yeah, puts the “daily mail is a rag, I trust nothing,” stuff into perspective, like you think Taylor is above using shitty tabloids to control the narrative? She’s done it before, wake up.


she’s gotta stop wearing those fugly chokers. it looks so bad


It reminds me of that old ass video when she first came out where she is arguing with her mom about wearing a choker. She is fixated with those things


Reminds me of that scary story the green ribbon where the hair person takes it off and the lady’s head falls off. Please tell me yall remember


I remember this and can only think of that when anyone wears a choker lol


I don't know if you remember the movie Orphan, but I was waiting the whole time for her head to fall off because of that black ribbon choker.


I think chokers to her are edgy and rebellious


It’s giving Claire’s


I’ve said it elsewhere but the chokers are constantly giving “pubescent tween who wants to feel like a bad girl”


U could see her face she ain't happy at alm


Still with the choker watch necklace that Swifties will go rabid for?? "This means mother is hurting, is so oppressed and in pain!!! And yet she looks stunning!!" AND WHAT ARE THOSE SHOES 😭😭😭 The style is not styling


I'm getting horrible Grammy flashbacks with the choker 💀😭 


She can't let it go and just puts it on for easter egg's sake.


Chiming in as a “never was a Swiftie”… Are you telling me these ugly effing chokers she keeps putting on are part of her bizarre ass Easter egging and not just her attempts to look like a 13 year old doing a “sexy” dance in the privacy of their bedroom because they just discovered that chokers make them feel like a woman of 19?


The choker has been around pre-TTPD (Grammys) then as it turns out her whole Grammys outfit with the choker is on Fortnight. THEN IT'S HERE AGAIN.


Wait, it’s always been the SAME hideous choker?!!


She has the worst shoe game of any celebrity like it’s honestly impressive and offensive at the same time


i feel i could like her a tiny bit if she wasn’t “allergic to serving” as some have said. girl has negative style.


The shoes would've been better if they matched her lipstick but they don't so it makes it stands out more in a bad way


The shoes + the pants are giving “I’m trying to impress the boss on this, my first day as a bank teller”


Ugh calling it now: "it is the 'nEw ReVeNgE dReSs' with that choker necklace"


Ironically Gabbriette was also wearing a choker when she posted the ring photos 😂


It's giving Walmart vs Chanel


its so obviously a pap walk of just famous people meshed together to show off designs by stella mccartney 😭 and for taylor to show shes doing SOOOO much better!


Such a weird fucking article, too. I feel like it was definitely written by ChatGPT? Why are they giving prices of everything they wore? Why are they separately pointing out that Lena and Cara are both “old” friends? Why are there glaring grammatical errors? It feels like a very hasty PR move. “QUICK WE GOTTA PUBLISH HOW GREAT SHES DOING ASAP!” It’s giving “I’m very rich and I definitely have friends, and not just new friends, OLD friends! Friends who definitely haven’t dropped me! Also, I guess my ex’s friend is picking *me* so… 💁🏼‍♀️”


She's so predictable at this point. Remember her girl-squad pap stroll after breaking up with Joe? And how she got all her famous friends to unfollow him en masse? The vibe was very much "all these famous people only liked you because you're with me. Without me, you're a nobody again. Ryan Reynolds don't know you!" Low key bullying and kind of pointless because Joe shows up on Instagram like twice a year.


“Ryan Reynolds don’t know you!” 😂😂


Poor Andrew Scott getting into Tay swift apocalypse thank god Paul mescal escaped it .


Taylor had to be seen with one of her gay "friends" during pride month, lest she be accused of performative activism.


TIL that Andrew Scott is gay


Only just now? 😂


It looks so much like he and Phoebe are about to do a *scathing* analysis of the evening in the cab on their way home.


To be a fly on that wall


I’m low key disappointed in him for this


tbh same


I feel like he’s only here because he praised Taylor’s album recently.


paul mescal is married to joe alwyn though, mescalwyn.


Like clockwork: another ill-fitting, poorly styled outfit and bad hair


I’m thinking this is soft launching the single Taylor era. We’ll see how long it lasts.


This was my thought too “Girl squad”


How does a billionaire with access to any clothes and stylists in the world wear such wacky, hideous outfits??? Please Taylor, buy a mirror 🙏.


🤣she’s the ONLY one who looked up straight at the cameras for her “shot”😂probably a reach, but it’s the only thing i noticed😂


No ur right, everyone else avoided eye contact with them except her


She looks like she’s drinking a lot. 


Her face has been giving that for the last couple of months 😬


it could be filler too


Yes, as in she’s filled with alcohol


When her fans went crazy a few weeks ago about a potential prego belly my first thought was all that alcohol is finally catching up to her.




She’s dating a frat bro so yeah


Serious question, is it discussed at all how Taylor has admitted she’s a functional alcoholic? Why are none of her fans calling for her to go rehab?


In part because they don’t think she’s being serious. They praise her for her personal writing until she says something unflattering about herself and then she’s “just being metaphorical”. Plenty of them also fail to realize she’s very likely cheated on multiple guys despite her writing songs about cheating conveniently around the times she’s had incredibly tight turnarounds between relationships.  I also think many of them are too young to realize how devastating alcohol can be. When you’re in your 20s it’s all fun and games. You drink like that long past 25 or, worse, at almost 35, you’ve got serious problems. They also may fail to realize the physical symptoms or her disturbing drunken/high behavior that give us a window into the true depths of Taylor’s problem. 


Was thinking this too. Looks pretty bloated.


“Pig print”?? That’s ALF. Also, what a hodge podge from the B list.


I legit came here for this. Put some respect on Alfs name!


Omg I commented the same thing like out of all this that was the most relevant detail to me


I’m sorry but that outfit looks really bad


Dude if she doesn’t stop wearing red lipstick I’m going to FREAK OUT




God it really is so predictable. She must be bothered to do this


She can do a pap walk with the broken heart


She’s a real tough kid


Why are Phoebe and Andrew with her?? I love them both. Get away from her.




i just knowwwww the joe haters are going to be using this as a "hahahahah andrew took taylors side in the break up!!"


“Pig print”. The Alf erasure.


Taylor looked “beautiful” lol she asked them to write that in the article.


Thank you for showing up, Andrew, and doing the absolute least in terms of dressing up 🫶


I just can’t imagine being that obsessed with what other people think about you. I would be dead exhausted with as much as she tours. If I wasn’t on stage I would be in bed. Go home and go to sleep 😴 no one cares.


It's the ✨ cocaine ✨ That's the only explanation I have for why she doesn't drop dead from her schedule. That or another amphetamine


Why is everyone dressed for a business meeting in 2010?


Travis is taking too long lol. 😆 she had to get a squad together for their pap walk. So everyone can see she’s happy and doesn’t care. 




They all look miserable. Lol.


"Hey guys look at me, I'm totally not dying inside right now!"


She must be so miserable if she has to resort to doing things like this just to take the spotlight off of the news with Matty, and the crazy thing is that she did this just hours after the news.


“Made a low-key exit”


The only thing I like about The Daily Mail is their cheeky turns of phrase.


What do her and Kate Moss even talk about


I’m gonna start calling the other dog owners at the dog park my squad and see if they’ll do a pap walk with me. Will probably have more cohesion than this ragtag group of girlies. ETA: LOL I would be LIVID if my friends narcissistic need either to one up everyone / prove she doesn’t care resulted in me looking like Lena does in this pic. https://preview.redd.it/hyprtzuwl56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4fde32314c0ff2f2b0e342923b9f96143f9fc2


https://preview.redd.it/wqwmtr63m56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf38f1f43fec8a1dd9b866723fc1b7f3a5b6bf8 Lena is a straight up horrible person but like my god did they have to pick photos that just make her look like a dumpster fire compared to Taylor? Yes of course they did because it’s what she wants.


Why is she still hanging around with Lena Dunham?


We already knew she has no issue hanging around with sexual assault apologists, I’m not surprised at all


So feminist


She'll probably be having sleepless nights after hearing about Matty's engagement.




She hangs out with Lena Dunham - she's gross and her association with her says enough of who she is as a person. This looks like a desperate last minute gathering of people who can get together to pose for the paps that she obviously set up. If she really wanted to, all this hoopla could've been avoided and was unnecessary.


Also strategic. She has to make sure lots of famous people will provide positive testimony about her for the press... to keep her name in the news as the popular girl and as backup damage control if her shit ever goes south...


This is so embarrassing. Also describing it as her "new" squad is serious shade.


https://preview.redd.it/e7d0v5x1566d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a226d5c3f5703cb71de988bdc50fef50cf7e83bb This is my new favorite image and I'm going to use it for absolutely everything Look at the way she's standing, the awkward stiffness as she holds her cigarette, the height of her shoulders, the wild animal meeting a documentary film crew stare-- Lena Dunham is the moment.


phoebe waller bridge and andrew scott... https://preview.redd.it/8x22p9gwi56d1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=475a47daf8999d92ad297c8aaff521439be2a77f


Alf is not a pig


Lena lookin ROUGH


Bit of a jump scare


She’s just straight up looking unhealthy at this point


Could Lena look any less happy to be there? Yikes.


So predictable, Taylor


What a random bunch


I'm sorry, but every time they try to tell me about Taylor's squad all I can think about is some type of rag tag group of mercenaries with special skills. I just imagine Taylor walking around with "bulldozer the demolition expert" and "Bashira the blind swordsman"


Wow this is really sad. Funny, but we’re all feeling compounding embarrassment for her.


This is so embarrassing. And the fact that this literally was clockwork is hilarious


Girl pull a Joe Alwyn and set up a charity people can be exposed to in your stories because they’ll obviously be checking on what your reaction could be. You pulled Kate Moss out of bed for this?




This was a photo op only!


https://preview.redd.it/x9kqvjf5z46d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5116160043ddea4854398ceb844ce27fb6ea8bf1 Not the white powder falling off her thumbnail.


You know self medicating through that ~fun~ girl squad dinner is probably a must for everyone ⛷️


Wow I’m surprised Tree let that pass. Honestly they all kind of looked high so this checks out


I hope that’s just a weird picture because Cara has been working on her sobriety


She is questioning herself “why am I here” lol


Nah, she is hoping they didn’t see anything. Chances are they did, but since these photos are paid for by Taylor, this photo will probably be erased or replaced soon.


I am 99% certain that is a chain attached to her phone case, you can see it continue through her fingers


not her wearing that ugly ass clock necklace that she wore to the Grammys…


Lena Dunham couldn’t be bothered to iron or steam her dress. Good grief.


The fact that her outfits radically change to match whatever “era” she’s in makes me unreasonably angry.


That photo of Cara screams: “here we go again 🙄” haha


Brits don't know Alf? It called Andrew's Alf shirt a pig print. Wtf? lol


She has all the money in the world, yet has the worst style and hair!! For god sakes, change it up for once!! I’m over the bangs.


You begin to look a certain way when you start drinking constantly. I'm seeing dull/washed out skin, kinda puffy and bloated face on top of any cosmetic work she's had done too.