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Seems like Taylor and Travis are both too checked out of their "relationship" to make a marriage arc believable. I think her immediate PR move of the girls night pap walk rather than getting him to post/say something lavishing love and praise on her is telling, although I guess that could be coming...


I agree. I was expecting an engagement (PR of course) during their Bahamas trip. I have never thought they’ll actually marry but engagements are far less messy to break off than a marriage, and I sense an engagement and huge ring would appeal to her ego. Now however I don’t think they could pass off an engagement as legitimate. They look robotic and numb together plus if Big Dumb Trav proposes anytime soon it would be seen by some as “payback” for Matty getting engaged.


Maybe the average person doesn't see it, but we've been paying attention both Taylor and Travis' interaction. Both seem to be only doing the bare minimum, if there is a breakup, I hope it is soon. cc: u/aqswedrf


Hi friend! 😀


Hello my friend! I hope you are having a good day!!! 😀😀😀


I legit saw swifties saying Mattys engagement confirms that Taylor and Travis are engaged and it’s had hundreds of likes lol


OMG 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Se gonna buy her own engagement ring to have it staged


“We NEED to be engaged!” “No, Taylor.” “FINE, I’ll go do it myself!”


They will get engaged when all the numbers are right and the colors are perfect and the dodgers are in the playoffs and the moon is full


They both look disinterested when together.


I agree. I don’t think Taylor wants to be engaged right now. She’s probably trying to find a London boy replacement now that Matty is out of the picture… I don’t see her doubling down on Travis.


Or she could be pushing him but he's his own man and decides for himself what to post or not.


Yep. I bet this is the case. Hence, all the articles from his side slowing down the engagement talk and being wary of the newfound fame. Travis is a fuckboi and has no interest in settling down. He was using her to up his profile and she was using him to show Matt Healy that she had moved on.


It is so funny how all the Taylor’s exes settling down in life with long term relationships yet here we have this 34 year old grown woman still writing and releasing songs about 10 or 12 year old relationships.


If feel like a lot of people date that one person who shows them exactly what they don’t want. And armed with that knowledge, their next partner is the right fit. I feel like Taylor is that person for her exes.


this is such a real phenomenon and taylor is absolutely that girl for all of her exes


So she’s the musical equivalent of Good Luck Chuck?


I used to be the good luck Chuck until I worked on myself. Maybe she needs to reevaluate herself.


She may want to rethink not going to therapy. Having someone to talk through issues who isn't your mom or your friend is so valuable, especially when It comes to relationships.


I’ve been in therapy for like a decade and a half now and genuinely I’m a completely different person (in a good way lol).


Narcissists don’t typically seek therapy, because it’s everyone else thats wrong. Never them.


What’s wild is sometimes they do, and then they use it as more ways to manipulate and abuse people further.


THIS. some narcs use therapy basically to get therapists as yes men to them. my narc ex was bragging about going to therapy and yet he never unlearned any of his bad behaviors. some narcs use therapy as an "excuse" that they are good people even though they're not.


This is definitely why no one in her life(except Joe) has ever pushed therapy onto her, whenever she is clearly spiralling she probably just says she went to therapy and acts like sees actually grown at least around the people she’s close to and the fans will believe it too, which could also be an argument for all her personality changes. Even if she did go. she probably convinced the therapist that she doesn’t need therapy


A thousand times this. A lot of the time people think mom is biased but a friend is just right. No they aren’t qualified.


Girl, same. After the, like, third time it happened, I finally was ready to take therapy seriously. Being in a relationship isn’t the be-all/end-all to me, but I was absolutely tired of being that girl. It’s just embarrassing. It was embarrassing enough to change.


It really blows. I just told my husband that then that movie came out I’m like I finally knew what I was. Idk when that even came out but it’s been sooo long. Sometimes you don’t even know what it is. Just takes time and break to work on yourself. But lots of people don’t do this and unfortunately I guess I was their type 🤣


What sort of stuff did you do to work on yourself? A little worried I could be that person in my current relationship ….


Definitely not putting all my hopes and dreams into someone right away. Making sure I was good with my path in life and where I wanted to go. Also not constantly needing to be around them or feel “needy”. Took me 3 years. But I’ve been with my husband now for almost 10 years 😊


but that would mean holding herself accountable and actually taking responsibility for how she is!


Sometimes you’re the Good Luck Chuck tho even when you’re not toxic at all, and super loving, etc. Taylor likes to date a lot of bad choices imo, John Mayer, Matty, Joe Jonas … All seem like bad choices, and the good ones she fumbled. But idk, it must be exhausting to be with her seeing as she was accusing Joe of cheating often, despite her being the cheater.


Some one on here said they were the good luck chuck NINE times!!


😆 I mean I’m probably that close. Everyone I dated then went on to marry the next person. I basically expected it to happen.


I was that person! I discovered it was a trauma response on my part, and I had to do some WORK to make sure I wasn't PLACING my future ON them... instead, you PLAN WITH them. If you can't operate independently in many aspects, you're going to be a drag, especially if you've got mental and emotional stuff that hasn't been addressed. Hilariously, ever since I worked that much on myself, I don't want to be in a relationship.


Relationships are really hard and a lot of people want to be in one because they feel they need it. Once you work on yourself and are content with yourself it stops being a need and you realize it’s not really worth it unless you find someone amazing.


Someone earlier said they call the female version a Good Luck Charlotte lol


Should be the name of her next album.


The wine from Trader Joe’s?


That’s Two Buck Chuck, though Tay certainly does “whine” enough.


Midnight Blue Glitter flavor.


This literally happened to me. Hung around too long with the wrong fit and had life slap me in the face. Now I've been able to grow and build a life I want. It doesn't happen for everyone, but your comment made so much sense to me.


Same. Took 12 years to see I settled with a partner and had to grow into myself


"Ya'll ever have that boyfriend who has an ex girlfriend...only she doesn't know she's his ex...."


I drew the shape of an X on your face in PeRmanEnt mArKEr😵‍💫🥴


If you have a boyfriend with an ex who doesn’t know she’s an ex, look askance at your boyfriend’s communication skills. I’ve personally always made it pretty clear to my exes that we were over. But, if it’s not the boyfriend, I feel like a restraining order might be needed. It has also crossed my mind knowing her romantic history that Taylor may be the interloper in this story. Like the ex isn’t actually an ex at all. They’re still together and Taylor’s the delusional one, trying to make it like she’s in a relationship with the guy.


I think she’s even talked about this lol. Something about being the girl before they find “the one”.


Yep. Next girl gets the ring. It’s happened many times. 


My ex is that ex. Shes Bpd and I was loving and graceful with her. Wish her luck finding love but she taught me everything I dont want. So you're spot on


As someone who has BPD, we definitely hate being difficult too :(


As someone with BPD i relate to your comment so much. I hope life is going ok for you.


I strongly suspect Taylor has BPD. As do i. I’ve gotten therapy and worked a lot on myself and life is stable & good now. Having BPD is hell.


Yes! 🎯




It worked for me! On paper my ex checked all the boxes for a perfect partner but, to quote the show Bojack Horseman, “when you’re wearing rose colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags.” Met my wife a few months after breaking up with the ex and was blown away that it could just be easy to be with someone.


https://preview.redd.it/at4h1tu0596d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4188b46e59fb9f94bc2855949f3cddae6007d71b I thought this sounded familiar lol


>And armed with that knowledge, their next partner is the right fit. Thank you for the encouragement :) >I feel like Taylor is that person for her exes. You're absolutely correct


This is so real and I’ve never heard this described so well. I, too, am that person for my exes.


I hope Joe finds someone nice.


It’s especially going to hit if John Mayer finds a life partner and gets married in the coming years. You have a man who let fame get into his head way back in the mid-late 00s and got him in serious trouble in early 2010 (deservedly so) - followed by packing up and heading out to Montana and bettering himself, eventually sobering up, and getting to a place where he’s more humble and does not condone his past behavior whatsoever. According to him in his radio show, he’s even been going to therapy over the years. Is he perfect today? Absolutely not, and nobody is, but he’s come a long way since 2010 as a person. Obviously there are still people out there who don’t like him - but in 2024, I can actually see him getting serious and settling down with a wife and kids in the coming years. If Taylor keeps this “high school” mentality going into her 40s it’s going to be ultra embarrassing, especially if someone like John Mayer was able to turn himself around by then and will (hypothetically) settle with a wife by age 50 and start a family.


I am a big fan of John Mayer as a musician and don't know much about him as a person, but I think it's important to acknowledge that some people don't want to get married and start a family and all that. Not saying that's him, but not being married is not a failure in life in any way if that's not a goal for the person. That will in no way take away from him being in a better place. Now, Taylor's thing is obviously completely different, but just wanted to say that.


He was actually supposed to get married sometime in 2020 (mutual friend who was supposed to go until it was cancelled b/c of COVID happened to casually mention it around the time it was supposed to take place). I have no idea whether or not he is still in that relationship (or did get married and keep it quiet), but at the time I remember being impressed he had kept his relationship and engagement out of the media spotlight after having so many of his relationships be tabloid fodder.


No waaaaaaay, as a fan since 2016 im so impressed and confused at the same time. Especially since his music didnt show the signs of being in a relationship (Sob Rock)


Yeah I didn’t know either. Seems like he was still single and looking for the special someone according to songs like “Till the right one comes”.


He’s actually looking to settle down, get married, and have children now. Coming from a fan of his. We over on the JM sub are rooting for him. When it comes to Taylor, based on everything we’re hearing, I don’t see how she can hold such a commitment at this point in her life. She’d have to go through up a huge change in her personality like John did or else such a marriage wouldn’t last very long if she even gets married anytime soon.


Oh, okay! Had no idea. Good for him for figuring his stuff out and I hope he finds someone that makes him happy.


She needs a real therapist that isn’t her MOM. I can’t believe she said that. So unhealthy.


The problem with taylor is she's always "reinventing" herself, which means a new personality each time. And it's never a good personality.


Safe to say he’s more comfortable in his own skin now. That’s the foundation for a real relationship if one so chooses.


I think I replied to the wrong person so I’ll say it again- listen to his interview with Kelly Rizzo! He wants a normal wife so badly.


The retreat and therapy path he took is what a lot of celebs have needed. RDJ was beyond rock bottom and he was humble enough to do it too.


a rumoured girlfriend of john was invited by taylor and selena in recent past, probably 3 years ago at their house. I can figure out the rumoured girlfriend is nowhere near the type that can be brainwashed but I wonder what the purpose for sudden house invitation was. She actually seems to be well educated and intelligent and definitely wealthy lol


The fact that so many of her exes are now married with children should tell her they may have not been the problem. 


That would take self awareness from Taylor.


Yup. She was very happy to take Sophie Turners side when Joe and her separated. She was probably happy to see him get divorced


That was the impression i got. During those ridiculous pap-strolls she did with Sophie in the aftermath of Sophie’s & Joe’s split, it seemed like Taylor was gloating about their split, walking around with that smug look on her face. The way Taylor swooped in to “help” Sophie and was suddenly acting like her best friend and savior, when they had only been acquaintances, just seemed bizarre to me. Everything Taylor does is self-serving and that stunt was too.


💯💯💯 But let’s be real, she’ll probably just say it’s because she’s too successful/driven/etc. as a woman and that all her exes just couldn’t handle that. Like there’s not plenty of other women who are all those things too + manage to settle down into happy relationships smh


Which of her exes are married with children? As far as I know it’s only Joe Jonas with kids.


Calvin Harris and Taylor Lautner are married. Tom Hiddleston is engaged or married with a kid. 


Also Jake has been in a long-term relationship for years


Tom hiddelston is engaged and has a kid.


But she’s a real tough kid though 🤭


My sister pointed this out to me and I was shook. If Joe goes down the aisle in his next relationship it will be crazy.


And an album about a fling


And from the POV of an actual 10 or 12 year old.


She was right, she’s the problem.


your 20s are for your messy and discovery years, not your 30s. yes, there are men who stay messy well into their 40s but i usually don't know much about their love lives. I don't feel like they are forcing me to watch them be a train wreck through PR stunts and 36 song variants 😐


The day it's announced that Joe Alwyn is engaged/marriage, the internet will literally break


That’s gotta be a real sobering experience. Honestly kind of my worst nightmare lol I would be mortified


Sad, isn't it? I mean the clinging on to past relationships like that. She seems like someone who can't ever be happy and live in the present because she absolutely refuses to let go of the past. She's got an iron grip on all her grudges and slights/perceived slights. Meanwhile the other people in the equation are just going on with life, growing. What an exhausting way to live, never getting over anything.


I think the news of the engagement will go one of two ways: 1. It breaks her and makes her realize how much she is still in love with Matty and doesn’t have those feelings for Travis and will want out of the relationship asap to fully immerse herself in being a “broken hearted tortured poet” that her fans pity 2. She will feel the need to bite back and rush an engagement with Travis to show she IS worthy and ~happier than she’s ever been~




Shoutout to euphoria for giving us this iconic meme


Shoutout to Taylor for giving us ten million reasons to keep pulling it out!🤣


It never gets old.


https://preview.redd.it/wbbxlkqv2a6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2978f52b4b6f46efec0d664d0c57c011b2a6ca Sure jan


I think she'll rush an engagement but not with Travis. With the next guy she's lining up


At this point, I’m genuinely wondering who will date her, whether it’s an athlete musician, actor or on either side of the pond. She just becomes whatever the guy becomes and then just eventually her immaturity and lust for fame outweighs any good aspects of her these days.


Is Pete Davidson single at the moment?


Get her with Drake


Way too old for him crodie.


Date a wrestler taylor


This is a good point


Woah I need to remember this exacr moment when that happens


pick me girls who think that an engagement suddenly makes them "worthy" are the wooorst. taylor is exactly like that and she is setting back progress in feminism by a thousand years. she is so archaic and exactly like her conservative parents no matter how hard she tries to be an "activist or a feminist." girls, please know that you do not need to be engaged or married to be seen as worthy. your value as a person should not be tied to that. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM|downsized)


Very plausible theory!


Hi friend! It’s been a minute. Hope you’re well 😀


Hi to you too, friend! 👋 Hope you're well! 😊


I think it will be number 2


It’s not a real relationship lol…


My money is on number 2


But I don’t think Taylor wants to marry him. Even an engagement would be sticky because then they would need to create a story to explain why they are breaking the engagement. I think the most likely way for Taylor and Travis to end is for them to spend less, or no, time together and let it fizzle out. Taylor pulled out girl power for her dinner out. Bigger names than Travis, who can’t be in London this week anyway because of Chiefs practice. Maybe Swifties still think Taylor/Travis is real, but I suspect everyone else, especially ex-boyfriends, already get that it’s been a staged romance.


She prob doesn’t want to, just wants to be proposed to and feel validated in her ‘search for true love’ as weddings and engagements are the only way to show love. /s


If the Travis relationship isn’t real and they both know it, then a proposal from him is meaningless. And these days, couples don’t feel the need to rush into an engagement. Usually they are living together well before an engagement, so if Taylor wants a proposal, she likely needs to be with a guy for a couple of years. Joe was probably her best chance so far.


So unfortunate how many girls/women are fed that lie all the time. Creates this feeling that our value is in that happening. So not true.


And when a marriage falls apart mostly women feel like it’s their biggest failure - but in reality marriage is not the end all be all and anything can happen


He probably damaged her ego a bit. She might not like him but she wants him to like her.


I agree. Otherwise she and Travis would have had a night on the town. 


I think it was a real summer fling for a little while, fizzled out (I think by the sb she was done internally but he was still into her, just from my read on body language), then after the season ended they talked and decided to keep it going publicly for clout (body language looked so different on vacation and at that charity auction).


Personally I wouldn't past those two to get married for attention


But what would she write songs about if she gets married? Travis leaving the toilet seat up?


Completely agree with it! I feel like they are going to end this soon. I joke to my Swiffer gf that I took the under on the PR relationship (they'll break before 2025 NYE) but it looks like they might not make It to 2024 NYE lol. Here's my prediction, so it's etched and I can come back to this when it eventually happens (verbatim from when the Matty engagement came out) But yeah I already have it visualized. They break up in August or september bc football. they'll say something like our schedule doesn't work (even though it did last year) but "we are staying friends". New album comes out between then and March. My guess is that it's a December release. You go like "damn these songs aren't actually that good now that they aren't in a relationship (referring to So High School & The alchemy) or you begrudgingly decide you still are into them but like, not really in secret (bc you don't want me to say I told you so.


I long ago bet before the start of the NFL season


I agree with this timeline as an nfl fan. It will be either during preseason or the first few weeks of the season.


She'll get engaged to TK just for spite at this point, wouldn't surprise me at all. She always has to retaliate.


Travis would have to agree to that. He’s said, through press story plants, he’s not ready.


Oh I know, I'm just expecting some shenanigans from her regardless, she has the upper hand in terms of power and influence and the last thing he can afford right now is to have the culties turn on him. Something is brewing with TS, even if it doesn't directly involve TK


Travis will never propose to her, he’s just having his fun right now and loving the attention


So I was thinking we were heading towards a T/T breakup, now I’m not so sure. Maybe your prediction is right and she’ll latch on to Travis and try even harder to project this America’s sweethearts image, engagement and all. The thing is though, Travis is a man, he can be with her for five years, just to breakup and marry a squeaky clean 29 year old that wants nothing more than to be known as Travis Kelce’s wife and have five kids. PR or not, he has nothing to lose with the relationship just cruising along for now, he has no deadline. Taylor meanwhile is about to be 35 and she can’t hang out with someone she’s not serious about for PR for years to come if she wants a family. (I’m 37 and childfree, so no judgement just I’ve faced this milestone myself. And I know you can have kids when you’re 45 too but it’s not guaranteed.) But does she want to be single right at this very moment? Probably not. It’ll be interesting to see if Travis shows up in London and the inevitable pics that will come, we’ll know more about the narrative presented then I think.


>The thing is though, Travis is a man, he can be with her for five years, just to breakup and marry a squeaky clean 29 year old that wants nothing more than to be known as Travis Kelce’s wife and have five kids. I’ve been saying this too. If he wanted to settle down and get serious with someone he would’ve done that a long time ago. I disagree with everyone who thinks he wants to be more like his brother. Right now Travis just wants to be as famous as possible, party, and fuck around. Guys like him will end up marrying a 26 year old when they’re almost 40


Yup, he def doesn't seem ready to settle down.


You know, I can't even manufacture any schadenfreude at this because it's so, like, UNCANNY to see these whole-ass adults carrying on like middle schoolers. Not even high school or college - these are some eighth grade level shenanigans. But - in my entirely unprofessional, completely objective, and indisputably correct opinion - what Taylor needs to do right now is work on herself. And not just downloading all her intrusive thoughts over a rinky-dink Jack Antonoff beat. First of all, she needs to RISE UP OUT OF EVERYBODY'S FUCKING FACE. Stop prioritizing her prosperity, accolades, omnipresence, and blasted narrative above all else going on in her life. This invasive-species era is trying everyone's patience - everyone except the zealots who actually think she's going to save them from the tyranny of fuckboys and haters. And TAKE A GODDAMN BREAK. Go rent a nice little house in the New Zealand countryside or something, and get used to sitting with her own thoughts, instead of weaponizing them against other people and making a spectacle of herself. Read some actual philosophy, poetry, and psychology books without wondering how to work them into her song lyrics for faux-academic clout. I guarantee she's a complete bore to herself, which is why she has to fill her finite time on this earth with publicity stunts and campaigns for external validation. Then GET SOME REAL THERAPY. From a professional. Fuck knows she can afford the best in the business. Start gathering the tools and the mental fortitude to break free from this empty Gordon Gekko/ Veruca Salt/ Tanya Harding ethos her parents have installed where her soul ought to be like some kind of parasitic malware. Next, work on evolving beyond the victim narrative and accept the fact that all her 'nemeses' have a right to exist in peace, far outside the TSCU in which she and her disciples have placed them. Yes, even Kanye. Before getting back into the game, she could consider taking an actual, accredited writing class at one of the universities slopping out courses on interpreting the world through the lens of her songwriting. Because the potential is there; she just needs to work under the guidance of someone who won't assure her that every gleek from under her tongue in midsentence belongs in the MoMA. Finally, in a couple of years, if romance is still something she'd like to pursue...I dunno, maybe try dating a successful person who ISN'T a boldfaced name outside their own field. Like a scientist, a writer, or maybe even a lawyer or entrepreneur if she truly prefers that All-American white collar vibe. And wait a month or so before introducing them to her parents. \~ We all know none of this will happen, because there isn't much appreciable difference between TS and a 2000s reality TV celebutante who wants maximum rewards for minimal effort. And her internal life is probably too much of a dumpster fire for her to face when, on the external side, people are throwing money, awards, and praise at her from all directions. But what goes up must come down, and she's heading for a brutal impact if she doesn't straighten up and fly right.


“And she’s heading for brutal impact if she doesn’t straighten up and fly right” this is what I’ve been thinking about, like she saw what happened after the 1989 overexposure. People were just looking for any reason to not like her and that silly little spat with Kim and Kanye gave everyone ammo. Like think about it, that situation was some reality tv scripted type of bs that really got blown out of proportion by Taylor’s stupid IG post. If something that petty took her out in 2016, imagine now, in todays hypersensitive climate, how easily she could create that disaster for herself, AGAIN. *especially* now that the industry is starting to turn on her. I don’t think she’ll get straight up cancelled from one day to the next, like that ever again, but one of these days the GP is going to flat out reject her, whether it be an album, movie or some kind of project that people are just going to not acknowledge and it’s going to flop HARD, and it will destroy her ego.


Right? And as often as I snark on her, as easily as she gets on my very last hanging-on-by-a-thread nerve, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I don't want her cancelled or blacklisted or tarred and feathered in Times Square. I just want her to go away for a while, give the rest of the world some room to breathe, and come back when she's passionate about something other than revenge, record-breaking, and ladder-pulling.


This whole thread is spot on! I agree with both of you! u/sashayyoustayy & u/NostalgiaDeepState


i think this is why she drew a lot of us in during the folkmore era. she had disappeared for a while, found someone lowkey for a LONGterm relationship, and her art seemed to reflect her growth. oh how wrong we were also - this comment is a masterpiece lol


TYSM! Having listened to her entire discography, just to understand what in the hell is going on out there, I wish she had stayed the Folkmore course. It suited her so well. Probably wouldn't have netted her current stadium dominance or societal ubiquity, but it would have locked down her legacy as an artist. Leave the high-camp sparklebop to people like Charli or Gaga, who were born to do it. Unfortunately, she chose having her name in everybody's mouth over having her work on its most dynamic journey.


Her whole being is learned helplessness and her brand. I’m convinced there’s no Taylor swift anymore underneath those things. Lost.


Taylor should hire you as a ghostwriter; this is better than anything she’s ever written.


My husband jokes that if I had an editor, I could rule the world. Wouldn't go that far, but we all love a supportive partner.


mate your comment made my day haha, you’re on fire!


Hey you leave NZ out of this


just unbelievably beautiful prose, thank you


I applaud your use of the word Gleek. My wife is like a spitting cobra, she used to torment her little niece and nephew with it.


Do you have a substack bc I would pay to read your thoughts on anything at all, daily


I like this comment. I don't want to see her crash and burn. I'd like to see her improve herself and her art. Writing songs is a great way to express herself, but it is NOT a substitute for therapy (plus, not every song needs to see the light of day; you can keep things to yourself). Neither are her parents, who rub me the wrong way now. I don't know if she does anything between shows, but surely she has an hour a week to see a therapist. Working on yourself is hard, especially confronting the ugly parts of yourself, but better late than never. I know I'm being way too optimistic, but I'd love to see her get help and become a better person.


taylor is by no means sophisticated (her song lyrics on ttpd are anything but) but calling gabriette 'so much more sophisticated' is a stretch imo


This is the comment I’m here for.


I thought it was being facetious? Wait was it not lol??


idk? was it?? now im confused haha


Right?! Guys, she’s an *instagram influencer* and a copypasta of Amelia Gray Hamlin.


and how is sophisticated posting an engagement post to someones ass i cant 😭😭


Actually it’s Amelia Gray that copied her look! I remember everyone being weirded out when Amelia started her transformation because it was so obvious who she was copying. Also, Gabbriette was a model before she was a social media influencer. I actually really like Gabbriette and have been a casual fan of hers for a few years, but honestly her being with Matty kind of bumped her down in my book. I think she’s great, I don’t know why she’d want to be with that grease pit.


it's funny tho cos like in that recent Times article, one of her origin stories is that she had just arrived at her new highschool, dated a guy for a couple months, and then weirded everyone out by singing songs about him at the talent show 😂 it's been her MO from like day one


This is so embarrassing for her! 


The embarrassing part is that she hasn’t changed lol. Cringy high school stuff wouldn’t be so bad if there was some growth from it 😂


I keep thinking about this lmao. Zero growth


They will be together for a maximum of 4 more months.


Why do I feel like she’s going to double down on the little mermaid reference: Gabriette is Vanessa/Ursula trying to marry her prince right out from under her! The actual little mermaid fairytale is actually tragic and I can see her trying to tortured poet her way into that.


Oh god please don’t give her ideas


Swifties already compare her to Ariel because she “gave up for voice” to be with Joe (ignore the 5 albums she released while she was with him)




I just love how she did that Considering Taylor's own lyrics


Wait, Taylor is meh ofc but is Gabriette really more sophisticated? She is edgy and cool in way Taylor desperately wants to be but she is willingly getting married to Ratty and acts weird and looks unwashed.


I’ll admit it. I called her more sophisticated just because I wanted to be petty.


Fair. I respect pettiness when not directed at me😌


i'm gonna get downvoted for this but gabbriette is literally gorgeous and hating on hot girls' appearances is so NOT it... she's a model ffs!!! also idk where the hell you're getting "acting weird" from, afaik like half of her social media activity is just sharing cooking recipes 😭😭


She is hot, no doubt. But my point still stands, she looks unwashed. Can't change my mind about that, sorry. As for weird acting, maybe her announcing her engagement on an Instagram story where her hand was placed on a friend's ass? Kissing her friend Indiana on the mouth and posting a story while dating the Rat, more pointedly, while he was having a breakdown on the stage in Copenhagen? Worked with Starbucks, Alexander Wang, Balenciaga and I guess she also attended a Ye listening party. Idk, she does act weird.


She looks like Mia Goth. Very pretty


I kinda don’t think she wants to get married, it would mess with the persona she’s made for herself and I also don’t think she wants people to think of her as an adult, I mean she’s 34 and her songs sound the same as when she was 16, I don’t think she’d wanna be tied down. Although the inevitable divorce would make good publicity


This is what I was going to say. But for a different reason. I REALLY sound like a Joe Alwyn/Taylor obsessor in this subreddit but I genuinely think it was going to be him or nothing at all. I cannot picture her marrying or even getting engaged to Travis even for PR. This is a fling gone too far and annoyingly so. I could go on this tangent SOOO many times, but if she does get married to someone it will likely be a (more) private relationship like the one she has with Joe. My personal prediction is that when her and Travis officially end it (however long that will take), her relationships will just be private. This is the last hurrah🤷‍♀️




I think he would go along with it but they will not make it down the aisle. And honestly I’d be shocked if Matty and Gab make it down the aisle. 


Right lmao this engagement is not fucking real


Tbh, he’s looked miserable whenever he’s around her, for awhile. lol


She’s already been trying to get this guy to marry her. He recently said he doesn’t have any immediate plans to propose


It's past the beginning of the end. The end started when we got the most obvious PR relationship ever. This is just the middle of the fall.


Anyone who thinks Taylor and Travis are real needs to immediately take a course in media literacy


I think Taylor is going to dump Travis in hopes that Matty calls off the engagement. In her mind Matty is not with her because she’s with Travis. 


Agree, but I think this is the end because she's lost control of the narrative.


And then people who have never been in a real relationship before will say it's the greatest album ever written lmao


Lol when I heard Matty got engaged I was like ah shit whats "Ms. Female Rage" gonna do this time 😂 I don't think she will get engaged but imma be real. She might just go ahead and drop a TV to grab everyone's attention out of spite rather than stick to her original release plans. She's already beaten TTPD to death with releases, it would be way too coincidental to get engaged, she's gonna do something drastic.


i’m so happy they’re done now we don’t have to see her on football night


Gabriette sophisticated….be real 


Right lmfao she’s a petty child. I don’t give a shit about her and Matty, but let’s not pretend she’s some mature, sophisticated woman. She’s barely an adult


It’s all very funny. But I wouldn’t call his fiancée sophisticated. Her utter lack of sophistication is a big part of what makes it funny.


Why is everyone assuming Taylor wants to get married? I know nothing about either of these people - just here for the trainwreck but yeah... everyone here jumping to the conclusion that she cares. Maybe she's one of those girlies that would rather not legally bind herself to someone ever. There would be good reason to not want to do that.


here is my absolutely insane thought that i don't believe: she paid off matty and gabriette (which btw i hate as a name) to stage an engagement so she could continue into a performance art downward spiral leading into the reputation re-release


Why is this so ludicrous but also not impossible lol


The whole color scheme of the announcement posts is the reputation color scheme! Mother invented the color black!


I respect your theory! But IMO Taylor’s public image is everything to her. There’s no way she would purposely make a fool of herself. She just released an album all about how madly in love & obsessed with Matty she is. She wouldn’t willingly want to look like a loser. Winning is everything to Taylor.


Her real name is Gabriella


That makes it even worse lmao


Let’s just take a second because we’ve all been there. One of my exs got with his now wife at my bday party, she was a random girl in the bar! It sicks so badly. That being said, I think the trouble with Taylor is that she’s so driven and wants to be no 1 that that gets in the way of romantic relationships. She literally wrote songs about Joe being a bad boyfriend/partner because he had depression. That’s the trouble I think she needs to be the tortured one in the relationship, I think she thought Matty was the one on the creative level etc.. but at heart he’s just a manc boy in a band with his mates. He doesn’t want the level of stardom/recognition etc.. Taylor does