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Have you seen the quotes??? Those people are truly deranged calling her the most awful and tone deaf things. They are so not helping TayTays reputation I’m afraid


Yes they are becoming more unhinged by the day. This whole Matty thing has them all crazy. It's not like Taylor just found out either. Somebody reminded me yesterday that Taylor and Matty know a lot of people and hang out in circles where people are friends with both her and Matty. It is highly unlikely that she didn't know about this before yesterday.


Who is Matty? I’m a new fan


This isn't necessarily for fans of Taylor Swift this is a snark sub. Matty is the lead singer of the band The 1975 and he and Taylor had a 10-year situationship and dated briefly last summer. He is now engaged and swifties are acting crazier than usual.


It's horrible, but what do we expect - they're Taylor's fans.


I'm not surprised at all. Her fan's are a cult and vicious.


bro, they have called that woman all manner of disgusting things. it’s beyond unhinged


Joe you have the chance to do the funniest thing right now.


Omg this comment made me SNORT. 😂😂😂


I would pay anything for a single response from him that matches this petty right now. It would boost his new movie at least lol so maybe some promo thrown in


he’s too classy for that. also i love that he pays her no mind at all, cuz that must drive her crazy


That's my thought too but my petty ahh wants him to announce his engagement next 😭


It would make me want to Google him enough to remember his face


LOL he’s always been out together so if u google him that’s probably what you’d find, idk much abt him at all but I know that it would be hilarious for him to respond


Honestly I think him saying NOTHING about or to her is the best way to drive her crazy. Just like Tinkerbell, she’ll “die” if she doesn’t get attention.


he won’t because he seems to want peace but I SO WISH HE WOULD BECAUSE IT WOULD MAKE HIM A LEGEND


This is the best. Check out the responses to her though from the unhinged fans, some seriously cooked shit is being said.


Oh swifties are so fucking unhinged right now it's insane.


im not even being snarky here.... i really wish they would put this kind of focus and intention into their own lives and wellbeing instead of a celebrity


They'd probably lead rich fulfilling lives instead of always pretending to.


Just got to say : I love your username *chefs kiss*


No time for that. New variants are dropping!


And being a force for fucking good in the world.




The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!


Imagine this effort aimed at climate change


Or helping Palestine


Capitalism would crumble lol we all would have living wages, student debt would be gone, healthcare for all… if only these swifties channeled their energy into life sustaining things 🥲


but then they wouldnt be a swiftie…if they dont dedicate every second of their lives defending their cult leader and giving her all their money


Sounds like MAGA too


I feel like it should be illegal


some of the comments are literal threats, idk why it isn’t counted as one




Because we don't wish death on people and we don't flood the inbox of a mother of a recovering drug addict telling her that we hope her son overdoses. We don't send racial abuse to someone just because they happened to date Taylor's boyfriend at one point. We don't encourage our fan base to stalk and harass people in our name. We simply criticize the weird parasocial behaviors of her stans and criticize Taylor's less than ethical actions. Hope that helps clear that up for you.




https://preview.redd.it/4zxb6i2yak6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47e9e1120ef43053b6a116e7f41729e52cfe0c3 They are doing it in the tweet on the post above you. The one you are commenting on now. Her stans are telling a mother they hope her son dies from a drug overdose because he is a recovering drug addict. The only thing she did was make laughing emojis in response to people attacking her son for getting engaged because apparently you have to revolve your life around Taylor. We don't do shit like that, so no, we are not the same. We simply criticize her and her toxic fan base. There is a huge difference, and considering you can't safely criticize her anywhere else without getting death threats, we come here to critique. All art is open to critique and public figures should be allowed to be criticized. It's not parasocial to criticize someone who is misusing their power. Taylor has asked her massive fanbase to defend her online before. She is very aware of what her fans do and the online abuse they commit in her name. She threatens to sue journalists who criticize her and she had her fans attack a black female comedian for making harmless joke about her and how it's not healthy to monkey branch from one relationship to another. She made a tweet targeting her and her fans sent racial slurs towards her. Taylor isn't an idiot, she knows what would happen and has yet to condemn the actions of her stans. The ex of her current boyfriend has been getting racial slurs flung at her and she has asked Taylor to tell them to stop and Taylor refuses to tell her fans to knock it off. It's actually disturbing how far her fans go and how she still won't call out the behavior. There needs to be groups like ours to hold her and her cult accountable, so no it's not even remotely the same.


when you say right now, i assume youre referring to the last 10 years?


I feel like they're more unhinged now than they ever have been before. But I also think that the world is getting Taylor Swift fatigue and everybody's going to be so glad when this fucking tour is over. Unfortunately she's going to release more music, the Reputation album TV. Hell there's probably more tracks that did not make it onto ttpd.


And she says the tour isn’t ending until effing DECEMBER. I can’t take it—and she dropped new TTPD muzak to challenge Charli XCX and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she did it too because Chappelle just passed her for #1 on iTunes… it’s a twopher. Also Sabrina’s album drops Aug. 23. Mark your calendars for more TTPD versions then for sure. Wonder whose album is dropping in July that she’ll want to try to screw over… anyone have any insight?


I know I feel like there's going to be 150 variants by then. I am so fucking sick of seeing her everywhere and hearing her everywhere. Anytime I leave the house, I hear Taylor Swift somewhere.


I’ve been so lucky. I subject myself to shit in this sub (guess I’m a masochist lol), but I literally don’t get bombarded in any other way. I’ve never been a fan and have a single song on a playlist for my daughter (meanwhile I have an ongoing playlist of the competition she keeps trying to snuff out with this crap music—Chappelle, Lana, Flo, Sza, Billie, Charli, Olivia, Sabrina…). So algorithms haven’t been an issue. I also steer clear of Spotify (since I’ve hear they force listen her music). iTunes doesn’t even recommend her or any of her albums to me. They know better lol. But as a super huge football fan I see a good bit on Travis. However, it’s been super light on TS lately, which is as pleasant as it is, isn’t totally perfect being that the Chiefs in general drive me up a wall.


She’s the real “plandemic”, like just please can you go away for awhile so we can recover from this relentless and inescapable infiltration of our lives


Yes like please find a hobby. Christ take 5 years to write your next album. GO AWAY TAYLOR.


With all due respect to those with actual mental illness and/or domestic issues, I kinda sometimes wish she was still “isolated” (living with Joe in luxury) in a “foreign country” (barely foreign to an English speaker, let’s be real) plotting her Kim revenge instead of whatever this Bermuda Fucktriangle of Egotism the last few years has been


It’s kind of weird. Every time I drive someplace I hear her on the radio but it’s always something older. I think I’ve heard Fortnite played maybe twice?




Don't look at me dude cuz it definitely was not me. I was never a Swiftie. That shit has always been embarrassing.


it doesn’t make any sense at all… don’t they think taylor’s in a happy relationship with kelse?? so why even bother going after matty lol they’re just contradicting and embarrassing themselves… wonder what travis thinks of this lmfaooo


It's worse than 2016


I saw one comment something shitty on an article on Facebook and when someone was like, "Why do you care so much, get a life" the girl was like, "Why are you bullying me?" Lmao pot meet kettle... like I have to be honest this part of the fan base turns me off to her music completely because wtf


I am loving a mean old British bitch getting involved in the drama of it all it’s like seasoning


I bet Denise is RELISHING this! Battle royale with an A list pop star 🤣 The headlines!!!


She’s been waiting for this opportunity


She’s a conspiracy theorist and COVID 19 denying anti vaxxer. She a dickhead. But on this she’s right.


*scandal noted* The enemy of my enemy is my entertainer


Omg, I went and looked. They really don’t think they’re crazy! I think they actually don’t realize they don’t know Taylor or Matty or his mom. Like they think Taylor personally is confiding in them and they’re sticking up for their girl.. 😂. What are they even mad about! Some crazy thinks Mattys engagement is a dig at Taylor, someone said, “not everything is About Taylor” (like yeah that’s crazy to Think someone getting engaged to Someone is about someone else.. it’s crazy to say that) so his mom Laughs at the crazy and the swifties are like, “BITCH HOW DARE YOU NOT THINK EVERYTHING YOUR SON DOES IS ABOUT TAYLOR” … 🤯


Isn't Gabbriette in Charli XCX's passion project band Nasty Cherry? I could swear she was, and if so, this might add another layer to the Charli vs Taylor rivalry.


I think she was the one who introduced gabbriette to matty which adds more salt to the wound


She sure is so yes it does add another layer to it.


I’m so shocked. I thought Taylor and Charli were tight/friends. She opened for Taylor’s tour. I’m so curious what went down behind the scenes.


I think Charli comparing Swifties to five year olds might be a part of it LMAO


*It’s interesting how many of Taylor’s friends (or at least publicly friendly fellow celebs) have conspicuously become “former friends.”* Karlie Kloss Lorde Ed Sheeran Charli XCX Olivia Rodrigo Katy Perry (I know they were never friends, but they seemed friendly) *Others I personally believe to be over her shit:* Lana Del Rey Billie Kim K. Sophie Turner (?) Lena Dunham (?) Phoebe Bridgers (?) Lucy Dacus Sabrina Carpenter (3, 2, 1…) *Tbf she seems to have maintained the following friendships long-term:* Selena Gomez Blake Lively Haim sisters Gigi Hadid


Selena recently admitted that her close friends circle now only include non celebs so I’m guessing taytay is done using her for now


Wasnt that Miley?


It was both of them!


*All of my enemies started out friends*


TS peers are so over her, she’s just too much lately. Lana should have won AOTY and pulling her in stage like that, that is when Lana done with her.


Ed Sheeran is no longer friends with her? That makes sense then since I saw a clip of him at the Grammys after she announced TTPD where it looked like he was rolling his eyes


Isn’t she still friendly with Ed Sheeran?




I listed the Haim sisters as some of her long-term friends


My apologies—I didn’t see that line.


In the past Charli has supported her however it also sounds like Charli is singing about Taylor in certain songs. Could have been others Matty dated. I don't remember the exact line but it was something to the effect of I don't want to see her backstage either at one of her shows or one of the 1975 shows. I don't remember the exact lyric. She released the album Brat with this: but there's three more songs so it's not the same- which is literally what Taylor does all the time.


some of the lyrics are, “this one girl taps my insecurities, don’t know if it’s real or if i’m spiraling” and “don’t wanna see you backstage at my boyfriends show, fingers crossed behind my back i hope they break up soon”


Happy cake day


lol tysm!!


Much like everything else around her it’s calculated and paid for. Her friends aren’t really her friends, just temporary chess pieces to move her public persona forward. Charli seems like the type to fake smile through the tour because it’s a great opportunity, but I don’t know how anyone thought those two would be friends. Charli isn’t here for girls like her.


She was. Nasty Cherry is no more.


Is this where I admit I would keep the song Boom Clap over Taylor's entire discography? It's the only song of Charli's I could name BTW


I 100% believe this because this is such a mom thing to do


So them getting back together is not happening ever if mommy is being this mean. Taylor planning her demise now


i heard a song about people never ever getting back together. cant remember who sung it though


Dude you just put that song in my head. Fucccck.




[Tool, I think](https://youtu.be/56Cqbk9CJz8?si=kmmfpUqgpYREIm4j)


I like tool a lot but “I know the pieces still fit” can def be dropped in to a Taylor song


Hell yeah someone should do an inverted version of that mashup - Keenan vocals over a Swift song


His mom still doesn’t wish she was dead though, that’s nice. Can’t say the same for Taylor’s mom.


She’ll be the next thank you Aimee song and how she wishes she was dead


She doesn't strike me as the kind of British mum who would be much impressed with the loud, tall, faux-humble, faux-awkward American girlfriend who always thinks everything is somehow about her.


Denise Welch has no filter. I’m waiting for her to get on Loose Women and spill the tea.


She’s got a thick skin, too. If anyone can take the upcoming swiftie bullshit it’s her. Can’t wait for the 🫖😂


Can’t believe Denise Welsh is a boss level in Taylor’s downfall


🤣 It’s bizarre eh?! Who next, Bet Lynch?!


I wish Joan rivers was alive to see this


Especially if her child is being attacked. Never underestimate the protectiveness of Mama Bears! I’m picturing Donna Kelce as a guest on Loose Women circa 2026. Just imagine it.


Taylor opens her eyes one morning and **she knows**. She can feel it Today is the day The Kelce NDA's have expired.


Please write a fanfic


Absolutely because her child is being attacked; this keeps it clean and justified, which is so perfect! I can imagine Denise doing a Loose Women segment on toxic fan bases. They’d rake Taylor over the coals for her power and influence and not doing a damn thing to reign them in 😂


All the mommas make a show about their kids dating Taylor. Can you imagine the things they could say?


And then there's Jake gyllenhaal's mum like "yeahh well you knew he was an asshole before you dated him so that whole thing is on you"


Did she really say this?!


AHAHA no but I bet she would if she has a sensible head on her shoulders


Omg, go pitch it to Netflix immediately! I’d watch that in a heartbeat! 🙌🏻


She’s hilarious. Used to bump into her in the clubs in London years ago and she was always coming out with some wild shit.


Is she similar to Sharon Osbourne? Because you know that thing when people ask you—living or dead, who would you invite to dinner? I’d definitely include Sharon Osbourne.


I would most definitely not invite Denise welch to dinner 🤣


She has nothing to loose so 🙃 Taylor’s her own undoing


We stan a QUEEN 👑


Her son shouldn’t have been on the Adam Friedland show it should’ve been her


Happy cake day!


It’s especially crazy as Taylor has a serious boyfriend like why would she care lmao




Oh didn't you hear she's happier than ever 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao but even so!!! No ex of hers should ever know joy!!!


I swear—I saw a hilarious SNL sketch making fun of Temu (American comedy show) with Jake Gyllenhaal, and my first thought was “Wow, he’s okay! The ten minute song did not destroy his life.” I wonder how many people who are so annoyed by her actually like celebrities more than they would have otherwise simply because it would piss her off.


I liked him on SNL. He can sing really good.




Not deep but she is a toxic narcissist industry plant that the traditional white patriarchal culture used to sell the same old line since they can’t be as direct as in the past:: good clean caucasian girls = victimhood = need protection. I would put about her history with the white supremacy/ACLU controversy about a decade ago but every time i post it- it amazingly disappears. Her time is soon over. She sold that to a generation and she is of little use anymore.


ThanK you aImMee (Denise remix) dropping next




"siT your Ass, YLOna, and Repeat"


Joe should propose to Kim kardashian . I want this episode next 😍


🤣🤣🤣💀 this sub has me laughing hysterically today.


Seeing these Swifties descend into insanity is movie popcorn worthy


Watch how much nastier swifties will be to this angle versus if Matty’s dad had said this instead. They love to tear a woman apart. Eg. Kim catching more strays than Kanye


Oh I went and checked out what they said they were fucking horrible to her. These people need psychiatric help. It's sick.


I swear there’s something to be said about the apathy in this cult that as disconcerting as young kids playing violent video games


I never made that connection but you're absolutely right.


https://preview.redd.it/3p4wmlw1fg6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26417ac9f40c2c39b2f42b8186d54ef1ceae100e This is getting crazy (plz don’t ban me mods, I feel like this is insanely fucked up )


You love to see it


Lmao she's messy for this🤣🤣


All of these people are so damn messy jfc.


*grabs some popcorn* who knew that denise welch would be the final boss when it comes to tayzilla and her cult spiralling lmao 😂 this wasn't on my bingo card at all shit is about to go down


Taylor is in the news 24/7, legitimately when is the man supposed to get engaged to not step on her toes lol


I love how they all laughing at her face




Denise wants the attention on her. Halsey wrote the song “Colors” about Matty. This line in Halsey’s song Colors sums up Denise’s behavior: “You said your mother only smiled on her TV show”


yeah..as much as everyone here "loves to see it" Denise Welch would work on their nerves to death in about 30 seconds.


Yeah, I am being downvoted but Americans don’t know who Denise is . . .


All I’ve heard is that she’s a big Harry and Meghan supporter, but yes, as an American I know nothing about her.


In UK there's a tv show called “Loose Women” that's kind of like “The View” ig and she's one of the panelists. she's kinda funny sometimes but she's also massively into attention and she says dumb shit so it's 50/50. like i appreciate her defending Meghan from racism but she's also spouted right wing talking points in the past . . . Before “The View” Denise was on a soap opera called “Coronation Street“ which was a really popular soap. Back then, Denise had big issues with alcohol and the press were absolutely savage. She was photographed all the time half naked or snogging random men. She has been involved in other controversies. She got sober but she’s always been seen as trashy loudmouth in UK. I actually feel sorry for Matty and his brother - it must have been a stressful childhood for them because their mother was always in the tabloids.


Well I can only hope life is good to all of them now. Having messy parents is never fun at any age.


Think Sharon Osbourne, without the Hollywood game. Bold as brass, loves a headline, zero fucks given, fierce tiger mam with a chequered past. She’ll eat Swifties alive 😂


Oh I would love to see some Swifties come at her. Maybe they know better. Courtney Love talked some shit and no Swiftie had the guts to say anything! Hahaha


Previous comments say they are already coming! 😂 I’m no Denise fan but this is going to be fun if they get nasty. She’ll say what the fuck she likes on TV. She can’t be cancelled because she’s already tabloid trash … and I say that in the nicest way!!


someone said that here! Another woman with nothing to lose needs to come after TayTay, maybe Denise will be her karma!


There must be some tranquility in not having to care about bad press.


I hear you! And though I’m not sure the word tranquil has ever been used to describe Denise Welch, 😉, she’s certainly got nothing to lose!






As an American, you’re definitely right! I’ve looked into her a little just to get a very basic understanding of who she is. Still don’t really know much about her. Definitely had never heard of her before all of this. Sounds like she’s pretty problematic herself, and has struggled with some major issues. Obviously, this would never warrant wishing death on someone, But I think two things can be true. We don’t have to like Denise to get some entertainment out of the situation, right? But I get the frustration with some people immediately jumping to “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. We don’t always have to choose a side. I’m certainly not putting Denise or Matty on a pedestal. We can observe things and just take it in and be entertained. Thank you for giving us some details on who she is! It’s good to hear from someone who is a part of the culture and actually knows.


Ugh, the ignorant will downvote 🙄 Us Brits have known about her bullshit for decades whether you like her or not


All it took was three laughing emojis to get Swifties to digitally attack an old woman through their phone.


If you ever want to see an example of why children shouldn’t be allowed unfettered access to the internet, just check the replies under a post with *neutral* language about Taylor Swift. If that doesn’t convince you brain rot is real, nothing will.


these fans are crazy and Taytay will never stop them


Yeah that's the most sickening part of all is she basically tells them to go after them. All she would need to say is please don't attack anybody I've ever dated but she enjoys all of this bullshit.




I know she wrote But Daddy I love him about her fans. Yet she still is silent when they do this shit to every single one of her exes because she's always the victim and they're always the villain. It's gross.


The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!


Denise Welch is his mum? TIL.


mother is motheringgggg in the highest regard


Wow. Given how thin-skinned and online Taylor swift is, we can safely assume this is rankling her to no end. Her followers’ dusty old slogan that “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” may make its return for the defense of Saint Swift. 


yes, Ms. Denise! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcnrOtS3yJXmw4E)


The comments swifties left for her after she laughed were so disgusting.


Wtf. What a weird ass, uh, idk compliment?? “IF YOU BELIEVE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS MARRIAGE WILL NOT BE BUILT ON SPITE, YOU ARE A FOOL…congrats tho, so cute, lifelong blessings to the beautiful couple!” 😒 man, if you don’t put your phone back in your pocket…


I really like Matty Healy after I found out he was behind the camera of the JP/ cosmic sceptic debate.


I am actually surprised she's being so chatty about this. I feel like if I had a famous son, I wouldn't be making public moves about it. But maybe she really just had it up to HERE with all the Taylor Swift buzz controlling her son's public image!


I mean, Swifties sent death threats to his family when she and Matty were dating last year. They are absolutely fucking psychotic people and they're another huge reason why I can't stand her anymore.


Good point! Would test the patience of the saint!


She should say something about how her fans are speaking to his mother. Fucking deranged lunatic behavior. Her silence condones and encourages it


I totally agree just because she wrote one song complaining about them does not mean that she doesn't encourage what goes on. Stop making yourself the victim in every single fucking song. Say "don't go after this person or their family" but she never does which is why I think she also encourages it.


Some friends and I went after the most deranged ones. It’s a great way to let off some steam.


So sick of hearing about Taylor Swift. I used to be a fan of her earlier music but I now I can’t stand to hear it. And it is because of constantly being bombarded with headlines about her. If her relationship with Travis goes through 2024, I would be surprised. But if it does, oh well. I got bills to pay and a life to live.


What’s going on with TS right now that would make this timing about her? Am I missing something?


Her 100th show. As if anyone cares about that.


Oh lord 🤦🏻‍♀️I hope they stretched before that reach.


How are all these people not 15


I cannot for a second imagine caring this much about someone else’s life. I barely care this much for my own.


& then she proceeded to get absolutely flamed by the deranged twitter people, saying she is going to die soon & matty should od like…


Matty looks like a cum rag and Taylor looks like she smells like wet pennies


I remember wet nickels


Ya I'm glad that's there mattys mom knows she a psycho. Lmfao ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Ya there will be more from the the British mom. And if there was a time to vent. This is it. And she's been sitting there waiting with all that built up. More to come. She will sink her ship watch. Taylor won't know what hit her. British women are very good at getting listened to and this is her spotlight she will eat it up. ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Eh. She still raised a racist shithead. I’m not cheering her either


Go off Denise!!


Can anyone boil it down for someone who’s always seeing this subreddit but never knows what’s happening? I’m just a man who wants to understand ;-;


Taylor casually dated Matt Healy, the lead singer of the 1975. Most of her new album is about him. He doesn't understand why she wrote so many songs about him because they were never officially together. Anyway, a few days ago he announced he was getting married to his model girlfriend. His mom, Denise is a celebrity in England, has been throwing minor shade at Taylor since. This is her reply to a Swiftie implying Matt is only engaged to hurt Taylor


I can’t believe Taylor post this … wait ….well yes I can believe it .


“They cling to their idols”




No... please! Don't ban me! If you do, I'll have to buy myself swiss vanilla almond and watch dog videos! ![gif](giphy|rBx2HC3EFQw4FJ54NS)


Not everyone’s lives revolve around Denise Welch either