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I’ll let the commenters have fun but literally just read the sub info.


It’s a snark sub. I don’t think anyone HATES her but there is a lot to discuss about her- I have found out a lot of eye opining info here.


Username checks out


Not a satire dude. We are people that have realized Taylor Swift is a terrible human who does awful things for her own gain.


I don’t hate her but I certainly don’t like her. She has a nasty spirit.


What’s satirical about disliking her for her eco-terrorism; unchecked capitalist greed; white feminism; misogyny; performative allyship and activism; manipulation of music charts; constant playing of the victim; strategic use of her rabid fans to attack her exes, critics, and people she feels slighted by on her behalf; lying about how she’s a humble country singer who became famous through hard work and talent when her rich daddy paid for her career; her *lack* of genuine talent, creativity, and intellectual depth; and preying on an underage boy at his most vulnerable, right after his mother had passed away?


Damn. You did not play with this response 🤣🤣🤣




Simply, you ate with this response


Maybe you’ve been seeing Taylor and Travis too? That’s a serious sub. You might be seeing both and not realizing they’re different.


I still like some of her music BUT her overexposure has allowed me to see the shady behavior she and her fans undulge in and I am well within my rights to criricize it. However, I like many others, get attacked by the cult like Swifties who think shes not above reproach. Wrong.


I'm a recent lurker, and while I appreciate the gossip and insight into some behaviour, there is some absurd hateful obsession on here that is just as crazy as Swifties. So, I'd say, there is a little bit for everyone here. But stay away from the crazy haters, that shit is not mentally unhealthy.


yes I like the croatian where it’s due, however some people seem a bit obsessive in the details they include to point stuff out lmao. I also noticed people tend to disregard how other celebrities are problematic just because they are opposing TS which is ironic

