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This means we do not tolerate members of this community going into other Taylor Swift (or Travis Kelce) subs and harassing its members, commenting in bad faith, or false reporting posts. SHARING POSTS FROM OTHER SUBS/SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS IN OUR SUBS MUST HAVE USERNAMES AND THE OTHER SUB NAME BLACKED OUT. NO EXCEPTIONS!!


Oh damn, he said it all so well!


Damn he really did though.


**“and she’ll literally give you half baked lukewarm leftovers and you will eat it out of the palm of your hands”**


I thought this was Scott Disick for a second and was like okay Scott!!! 😆 he is spot on tho!


This is one of the best and most succinct summations of Taylor's greed and her fans' willingness to go along with it. Anyone who claims to be a feminist cannot be pro-capiTAYlism at the same time, and this proves why.




The first time I heard her music I was so underwhelmed that I just disregarded it. She's not vocally talented, she can't dance, she's kinda cute but has almost no sex appeal. I just kinda took it as each generation has their own taste in music. I like Mariah, Whitney, Christina, Jennifer Nettles and other power ballad singers. Her success is genuinely baffling to me.




Zero sex appeal and lord knows she has tried with all the plastic surgery


I honestly haven't even looked at her close enough to even spot the difference. She went into the "unfuckable" drawer in my head years ago.


Honestly, i think her pettiness and the fact that this album was so bad makes this video resonate so well


She knows she on her way out so she’s trying to get as much $$ now for her “mediocre at best” album, to fund her very near retirement. my theory 🤪


She could already fund everyone in this subs retirement and her own 🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|EqMvpr8MHqjIH5s9Uw|downsized) retirement for all! please blondie! 🤣




You don't get it. Taylor is about female empowerment...... HER empowerment. It's about her


Glad I'm not alone


I keep saying that i think she's buying her own stuff. She knows the estimated number for the other artist. And i think, because, she and her family has the history of buying her stuff and then telling people she's sold those records, she just buys the rest of her own stuff if her fans cant give her the numbers she needs. That's why we need Billboard to end this horseshit. Otherwise, they make us think that taylor has bought them too. Colluding to block other artists so Taylor can retain her spot even if the whole world knows ahe should be eliminated from the ranking the way she's rigging the charts. She's a cheater in her love life, even in business, she's a phucking cheat!


Yea it’s time for billboard to take accountability on their processes!


Can I get "half brain, have an ass" as a flair?


Her legacy at this point is bringing capitalism and music together to a level previously unheard of. I’ve been interested in popular music for pretty much my entire life and I have *never* seen another artist in her position do this; the unspoken principle was always that it was about music and entertainment first. It sets a horrifying precedent and I don’t want to live in Taylor Swift’s world anymore.




He’s not wrong.


She never said or addressed that literally Nazis were worshipping her as a “aryan princess” at one point but I guess she thinks her miss americana doc solidifies that she’s a liberal and that’s good enough? Idk. She still wants all those country conservative folk to buy all her crap too. This guy is spot on.


Why does she have to, though? Look, all kinds of bad people like all kinds of celebrities. You can't drop everything to denounce everyone bad because they happen to like you. Sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders, say something pithy like, "I guess they have good taste in music" and move the hell on. More to the point, do you honestly think Nazis are sitting around going, "oooh, a celebrity doesn't like me, my feelings are hurt"? Believe it or not, Nazis don't particularly care if a celebrity likes them.


Zero lies were stated


Oh he ate


Not only Charli XCX, but Sabrina Carpenter, Billie, and Chappel Roan.


Zombies eat brains, not rotting flesh


It’s so brave of him to speak openly about TS in a public community like this. He’s gonna be bombarded by crazy swifties for sure.


Really though, no one cares who is number one. Just Taylor and this guy. Only Taylor Swift would make being number one this boring.


it hardly even matters but it's still super annoying that taylor would take it away from a smaller artist


For artists that aren’t Taylor Swift, a #1 does matter in regards to how much your record company will promote you, push your work, and fund your budget. People say it doesn’t matter but an artist having a #1 album gives them a little more leverage with the powers that be. It does matter.