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I thought you were exaggerating but no šŸ˜­ literally stomping around, elbowing other musicians out of the way, and flailing like sheā€™s in a hair metal band. Sheā€™s so out of place and desperate šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


and of all people to try and elbow out of the frame, she elbowed REBA!!


And Brad Paisley!


This was even WORSE than the description šŸ˜­ These are all seasoned ADULT performers and theyā€™ve got this fame hungry amateur stomping around, not matching the energy of anyone else, constantly moving so itā€™s confusing to watch, forcing herself on the main performer on stage (camera instantly cuts away lol), repeatedly TURNING HER BACK TO THE AUDIENCE. Imagine being Reba McIntyre, who is a very talented musician, and having someone who LITERALLY CANNOT SING trying to force a duet on you šŸ˜­


Pretty much everyone on that stage is a powerhouse of some capacity, be it vocally, musically, or just the sheer longevity of their careers. I mean, between Reba, Jennifer Nettles, Gary LeVox, and Carrie Underwood, youā€™d be pushing it to find anyone who could out sing them. And then you have Brad and Keith who are regarded amongst some of the most talented living guitarists. Thatā€™s not even counting Kix Brooks & Ronnie Dunn themselves. Iā€™m not sure if non-country fans realize the sheer amount of star power on that single stage


Thatā€™s the thing. Taylor just shoved her way past all these people like they were nobodies. Because itā€™s all about her. Doesnā€™t matter if it is an event to honour Brooks and Dunn. Taylor needs to be centre stage. Itā€™s all about Taylor. Screw everybody else. i hope country music was like ā€œgood riddanceā€ when she went pop.


Even down to the bright purple glittery dress when everyone else is in muted colors or black and white lmao


they were. she was always pop country anyway


I'm a very casual country fan, and I could name like 75% of them. Taylor doesn't belong on that stage and neither does her geetar.




I cannot watch her, sheā€™s like ultimate cringe. My kids are autistic and they are more self aware than her


I was there for this show. It was incredible. Brooks and Dunn had Swift open their concerts for a few songs early in her career. This was a star studded tribute including George Straight. Taylor Swift was the least talented person for the 2+ hour show being taped for a later TV special. Sometimes things just donā€™t make sense.


u/aqswedrf shared this in the comments of another post, I thought it was incredible. This is from the 2010 show 'ACM Presents: Brooks & Dunn ā€” The Last Rodeo' an award show specifically to present Brooks & Dunn with the *AMC Milestone Award* Her audacity truly shocked me, and I didn't think that was possible anymore. I think it's because she's so youngā€”sharing the stage with legendary country artists and acting like it's her own music video. No one was there for Taylor, and Taylor had to have known thatā€” *Because they were ALL there for Brooks & Dunn* Anyway, it took me a long time to figure out how to post this, so I hope you enjoy watching Taylor's desperation as much as I did.


Let me be clear. I am not condoning anything Kanye has done (especially in modern times) but I honestly believe what he did to Taylor was the best thing that happened to her. Up to that point she was the flavor of the week, likely to fade in obscurity. That antic at that VMAs made her ā€œAmericaā€™s Sweetheart.ā€ It gave her career a giant boost and likely got her some big backing and money from the label to capitalize on it. It was also a major shift to ā€œpopā€ likely strategized after getting mainstream attention. She talks about how awful that was and fair, it was Kanye being a dickhead, but she should be very thankful it ever happened. If it didnā€™t her career would have died as a blip in the history of modern country. This video shows how sad and pathetic her career and attempts were. That boost changed everything.


"I made that bitch famous" rude, yeah, but kind of accurate.


I absolutely agree. Honestly in the back on my mind, part of me wonders if it was staged, just because it worked out so perfectly for her. Kanye got to say what everyone was thinking, and Taylor got to be the victim. (Iā€™m not saying it was staged, but it sure did work out perfectly in Taylorā€™s favor) Edit: I really, really do not believe it was staged, it was just so perfect for her. It really cemented her ā€˜sweetheartā€™ image and she capitalized on it for years


If it were just Taylor, I agree, 100% staged. This came after the ā€œGeorge Bush doesnā€™t care about black peopleā€ issue with Kanye. Dude had no filter. This had huge backlash to him, and she reaped all the benefits. You are absolutely correct about how it worked out for her. If only she had lost the awardā€¦


I really do not think it was staged, I just think it was super convenient for her. Totally agree that the whole thing was super on brand for Kanye. I remember watching the awards that night and being shocked she won.


I was literally just thinking about that. He was right about her all along


After watching last year's music awards and seeing her win a vast majority of the awards when other nominated artists Def deserved it more, I agree with Kanye completely


Sheā€™s so entitled! Just classic spoiled rich kid. Thanks for posting. And whoā€™s guitar did she steal lol


You are not even exaggerating how blatant this is šŸ˜­


Omg the cringe is too much I canā€™t even finish lol


Yeah, same here. I was cringing so much. How can she act with so little dignity without being embarrassed? ![gif](giphy|3orieSNIadE9NCPO9y|downsized)


She genuinely believes she has the right to be up there and center stage with all of these amazingly talented legends.Ā 


4 or 5 years into her career... it's pretty much the same as 30-40 years! (šŸ¤­šŸ™„)


Absolutely same. Iā€™d be so annoyed having her pop up in my face when trying to perform with real legends


ā€œHave you guys seen my guitar!?! Itā€™s what I play!ā€


The way she maneuvered herself center stage, making sure that she's in the background of any photos of the guests of honor, is so gross and transparent.


Literally taking Reba's spot šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s like a cuckoo chick in the nestĀ 


The way she just kept popping up into view oh my god šŸ˜­


Lolllll that is wild! All those country legends and superstars on stage (authentic country people!) and she didnā€™t give af! Also was she the only one moving around on stage? It looks like everyone had a spot and stayed there. Iā€™m assuming she didnā€™t like her spot at the end, but thatā€™s where she belongedā€¦


Everyone else was planned for, she wasnā€™t. Thatā€™s why they all stayed in their *planned* spots and she didnā€™t


Omgg she wasnā€™t even supposed to be up there?!!


I was wondering why she doesn't appear until like a minute in lol and they did shots of the entire stage during that time too


I was wondering. I couldnā€™t tell if I heard her name or not. But it wouldnā€™t surprise me if she just went up there under the assumption they wouldnā€™t hold up the show to deal with her/kick her off.


Literally edges Reba out of the way to hog the camera. Pathetic.


I was kinda mad about that! How are you going to elbow REBA MCENTIRE out of the way on HER stage?


I mean... It's just proof Celine Dion is in good company for being owed an apology


Good ol fashioned narcissism


Getting in front of Keith Urban who can fucking play circles around Taylor with that guitar was even more infuriating. Dude can play like 15 instruments, and his banjo skills are crazy. But Taylor wrote a couple breakup songs so she gets to strut around like led zeppelin in front of him


She kept blocking him and Brad Paisley. Look at me I can play guitar too.


Right? Brad Paisley is a legitimately phenomenal guitarist too. And what he can do with a G-bender is crazy. Taylor can play like 5 chords.


As someone who is a former swiftie and a long term country fan I donā€™t think Taylor has ever actually been respected in the country genre. They thought she was cute and accepted her but I donā€™t think anyone took her seriously.Ā  By this point her creep to pop had already started and Iā€™d be shocked if most of these artists didnā€™t see her full switch coming. Sheā€™s never had respect for the genre beyond it being a springboard for her pop career and Iā€™ll bet they could see that. She had absolutely no business even being on this stage.Ā 


The second she became a pop star she was like nvm guys, I donā€™t have a country accent anymore šŸ¤Ŗ


She was also still up for a few awards at a country award show after her switch and didnā€™t even have the decency to show up. A lot of these guys also have authentic southern accents and Iā€™m sure they saw right through her fake one.Ā 


She only cares about others when she can use them as a stepping stool to climb her Capitaylist ladder. Then she doesnā€™t just pull the ladder up with her, she burns it to the ground.


I appreciate the camera work it seems as though they try to cut back on showing her. When she came next to Reba they slowly zoomed in to avoid it.


Kinda looked like she was even trying to grind on her after that lol


it's that weird millennial "let's stand in a line & dance up against each other" šŸ˜‚ we all did that at school dances


The absolute disrespect to Reba!!


OMG she pushed Reba out of the way!! WTH!?! I'm going to correct myself here a little bit..she crowded Reba out of the way to put the spotlight on herself.


Right!?!? And The hair tossing! Iā€™m cackling over here ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s like so unnecessary too lmao


Walked around Brad Paisley to insert herself between Reba and Brooks and Dunn.Ā 


People were dancing towards the back and blocking the path to the center, so she goes IN FRONT during the harmonica solo. I'm in shock.


Reba McEntire is a class act. I grew up listening to her, George Strait, and Garth Brooks. They are all incredibly lovely people when you see them in concert as well unlike TS. I thought the way she ran on to that stage was really fucking gross. She was trying to be the center of attention during something that is meant to honor Brooks and Dunn.


Yeah she was really trying to grind on RebašŸ˜…


I saw Brooks and Dunn on their final tour and that concert was so unbelievably long. The crowd kept hollering for more and they kept obliging. It's the only time I've ever believed it was real and not just for show. I swear that concert was nearly 5 hours.


Ugh George strait ā¤ļøā¤ļø


This is undoubtedly a woman who would show up to the wedding reception and do a cheer routine or some shit on the dance floor to upstage the bride lmao This feels even more embarrassing since she kind of gave the finger to country altogether.


Taylor Swift is the type of bitter person to attend a wedding in a mostly-white dress with lots of lace, tries to get on the dance floor when its the special dances like first couple dance or father daughter dance, gets in photos where she's not wanted, and tries to make sure she's caught on the wedding footage when they do the first kiss. She'd have her professionally done hair and makeup in attempt to upstage the bride. She'd invite the paparazzi for sure.


You're not wrong. This is what she wore to Jack Antonoff's wedding https://preview.redd.it/d0r1ze4lr98d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708dcf3044958882489454ed148dead582df6ace And a whole bunch of her fans swarmed it. She was probably hoping Matty would notice. And we all know about how she crashed that Kennedy wedding.


You should make this a post on this sub! A lot of conversations could be had about this.


Holy shit this is genuinely shocking lmao


This isnā€™t the first wedding where she wears white, itā€™s kind of common for her


https://preview.redd.it/rf77cnnbjb8d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf526660e2aee940222d3e13ad6456008b090e9 This is another white dress she wore to her backup singerā€™s wedding, which looks terrible on her. Youā€™d think that the combination of it being a wedding and it washing her out would make her want to wear a different color.


Iā€™m just going to say it- that super light blonde hair does NOT work for her. Carly Rae pulls it off, she does not.




She has the kind of main character syndrome that her life is "the movie where she is the hero and is taking revenge on all the people that wronged her and everyone claps for it". And her fandom is full of the same kind of bitter, nasty people that would try that shit if they could get away with it. Yes, I am shading her fandom, because like attracts like.


See, this is why I don't believe she didn't show up at the Kennedy wedding uninvited.


She gives me ā€˜gets engaged at someone elseā€™s weddingā€™ vibes


Wow, she is the only one moving around onstage unnaturally, seeking out the camera. It's so blatant. I wonder what all the other country stars up there thought. Taylor is SUCH a narcissist. She has no shame or humility or respect for her peers. Also, funny how she's in bright purple and everyone else is in more muted colors.


I just know they were talking shit about this backstage


You can see a couple of them try to cut her off and the tech team is definitely trying their best to keep her out of the shots. As soon as she steps into the center they zoom in to get her out of frame and keep cutting away from her. I also wouldnā€™t be surprised to learn she wasnā€™t even supposed to be up there. You can kind of see her run up there and sheā€™s not dressed like everyone else. Not to mention these are all genuine legends and she was just someone with some success on the crossover charts.Ā 


God that would be cringy šŸ˜¬ but I suppose her parents were telling her to use every opportunity to get noticed.


Most of those stars are too classy to publicly criticize her. Reba was surprised by her sudden appearance but handled it like a champ. Just makes me respect Reba more and TayTay less.


You just have to know if anybody edged Taylor out of the way like that she would make a huge deal out of being disrespected.


This was long before Taylor had that kind of pull or before the fanbase was so nuts.Ā 


How soon was it before she made the jump to pop? This looks around Speak Now time, yeah?


This was 2010 so 1989 was four years away. Iā€™d say Red was the beginning pop as itā€™s a mix of country and pop.


Yep. So she makes the jump in a couple years.


Well, she was shoulder-checked by Keith Urban and didn't complain. (That was probably an accident on his part, caused by her dumbassery getting in the way.) If that happened today, she would try to cancel him, Nicole Kidman, and even his dog.


It looked kinda intentional and I love it


Keith is one of the best guitarists in country. Actually most of the musicians on that stage could run circles around Taylor.


Keith and Brad, who she was standing in front of


And she'd make an album about it. Maybe 2.


But only just lol It's shit like this that makes the established country not like her. Had she stayed country then she would have eventually faded out like many female country acts of that era


That camera person was actively trying to avoid her šŸ˜‚


Yet Carrie underwood is ā€˜the divaā€™


And Carrie here is sharing her mic with others and just dancing away looking like sheā€™s having a great time. Doesnā€™t need to be front and center and yet my eyes were captivated by her she had stage presence without even desperately trying.


Itā€™s funny how much Swifties hate Carrie Underwood. All the Swifties I know in real life HATE her. Maybe it is a holdover from when Taylor was in country.


Cause Carrie could sing and had the country charts on lock. Plus she came from American idol not bought her way in.


And has a beautiful, powerful singing voice.


And thatā€™s the thing. You donā€™t have to like Carrieā€™s music, but you canā€™t deny she has an amazing voice.


Yes sheā€™s probably jealous of Carries voice and looks.


Sheā€™s from a little town in Oklahoma (Checotah, 3400 people) and earned her spot. She grew up on a farm and her parents were both blue collar. Sheā€™s real country. Something hedge fund baby, wealthy Pennsylvania neighborhood Taylor could never be.


My opinion - She was clearly made with a mission and lives with that same mission lol


That and no self awareness.


The RELIEF they must have all felt when she ditched country for pop


Keith Urban's shoulder check at around 3:20...intentional or nah?


I really, really want it to be intentional, lol. It was probably a happy coincidence, though.


I clocked that too, it looked so aggressively intentional šŸ˜‚


I hope so, itā€™s deserved. The cringe-filled cherry-on-top to this brazen and disrespectful behavior is her lifting up her acoustic guitar at the end as if sheā€™s directing the ending flourishes with the bandā€¦ I watched the HBO doc earlier today and I wish they delved more into how her investment banker father bankrolled her career and also used his business status to influence people in the industry. I really wish they shared that unhinged email from her dad as well. Seems sheā€™s a total spoiled brat who stopped developing as a human being as a teenager since thatā€™s when her career was started by her father.


The more I watch it, the more it seems intentional. At 3:16 right after the shot with Miranda Lambert, she flips her hair wayyy back. I imagine it got in Keith's face and he must have been annoyed.


Iā€™m laughing so much I swear you see him check where she is before he does it


Let's hope it was


The camera man is on it though. Right after she tackles Reba (around 1:55) he starts zooming to get her out of the frame. It's making me cackle a bit.


I noticed that, too! Someone give that camera operator an award.


I was about to be like ā€œidk she might have been pretty young hereā€ then realized she was 20-21 and thatā€™s way too old to be pushing Reba McEntire out of the way goodness


She was 19 when she had her microphone snatched by Kanye at the VMAs, and the "poor widdle Taylor" narrative began. Bitch, when I was 19, I was in college and paying almost all of my own bills (parents were paying what little tuition wasn't paid by student loans and scholarships, but everything else was mine). I was working full time in low-paying customer service jobs where people shit on me all the time. The fact that it was a known asshole doing an asshole thing (and not received that way) instead of somehow a society-wide injustice for what I considered a grown-ass adult absolutely bewildered me, when I at 19 and many other people I know were already getting a taste of the real world where someone taking a microphone from you is the dumbest, pettiest and most rich-person problem. As a famous person, she has always been an infant. Always.


The proper response was ā€œthatā€™s a little embarrassing but itā€™s whateveršŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøā€œ instead itā€™s been 15 years of the Taylor swift perpetual victim routine




I'm sure the Germans have a word for it. "A deep pathologic need to be recognized despite being a talentless hack"


Yeah itā€™s dechpereight


I love your guys ability to just jam a sentence or abstract feeling into one word


Doesnā€™t really imply someone is a hack, but maybe _[Geltungsdrang](https://de.langenscheidt.com/deutsch-englisch/geltungsdrang)_? > need for recognition, desire to show off, egotism


Guys, guys, look! Look how well I play guitar! Guys look! I can flip my hair while playing too. Look guys, look! Whys nobody watching, guys LOOK!


Like a toddler


And especially on stage with Keith Urban and Brad Paisley (who can actually play guitar). Like girl, calm down and let the real artists play okay? Sit down with your toy guitar and youā€™ll get your sippy cup in a minute.


she has absolutely no charisma or stage presence as a performer, even when sheā€™s trying.


how about the time she sang totally [out of tune](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=368024907698322&vanity=StevieNicksDaily) with Stevie Nicks? Edit: just rewatching it, when she goes into the ā€œyou belong to meā€ song watch stevie nicks. Stevie Nicks is an amazing singer as well all know, she could harmonize anyone into a million bucks but taylor is so off that stevie is barely singing backups which she could have belted an amazing harmony if Taylor could hold the melody, which she couldnā€™t, Stevie is visually looking at her to get back on track as singers often due to get the rhythm and harmony back on but she canā€™t


She sounded horrible in that. Felt sorry for Stevie Nicks having to deal with that. I was reading some of the Facebook comments which were mostly like people are reacting on here. There was a couple people trying to defend her saying well she was young then and now she's much better. I don't think she's all that much better now.


Everyone looks like they are chill and having a great time while sheā€™s running around desperately lol


YALL I just realized that not only is she not plugged in on guitar or assigned a mic but sheā€™s not even playing the right chords to the song šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ theyā€™re all playing barre chords or capoed up and sheā€™s NEITHER which means sheā€™s just strumming random gibberish up there Iā€™m fucking dead šŸ˜†


Thank god she wasn't plugged but also omg how embarrassing haha


The fact that she brought her guitar in the first place is so weirdā€¦this was meant to be a spur-of-the-moment, everybody get up from their seats and join us thing (even if it was staged).


I almost want to say she brought it up there so they wouldnā€™t give her a mic cause she knows she canā€™t hit those notes


I wondered if anyone could tell the chords she was playing or if she was just strumming the guitar like a maniac. She really needs to put the bottle and the guitar down.


At 1:42 left in the video I think she's strumming a D major chord nonstop? And when I looked it up, the song is mostly G and C chords...


https://preview.redd.it/yjrso7ufjb8d1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30f2b24605a0e7a0730d9271f79bc3a6a3e9801 Absolutely - no cable, no wireless pack. Sheā€™s going rogue out there.


Which makes it even more hilarious that she goes over to stand with Brad and Keith who could both play circles around her in their sleep


https://preview.redd.it/0lgzlci8u88d1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f725baa19d7f63d697436ac9207bec716a9c3472 Is this why she "left" country? hahahaha


I like how rebas head is tilted towards her, I can just imagine her saying "excuse me, did you lose your mom somewhere?" šŸ¤£


I imagine it as ā€œWHAT do you think youā€™re DOING!?ā€ in the annoyed mom whisper yell tone.


The way the camera men were told to change cameras and voom in is telling that she wasnā€™t supposed to do that.


she found her way to stand in the center lol. maybe she tried to make it less unnatural by stomping around like she was having fun. and boom! in the end she was between the main characters of the show. what a happy coincidence šŸ„°


![gif](giphy|pZCvWKwehPyUM) Why was she basically doing this around Reba


Omg the LOOK Reba gave her


I would KILL for a Queen Reba tell-all interview! Sabrina Carpenter and the younger artists are afraid of TS, but I think older, more established artists could really sway some opinions if they spoke out. As a coach on The Voice, Reba has mentioned many times that she's been in the industry over 50 years and can recognize when a musician has "something special" right away. I *know* she has to have some šŸµ on Swift.


also why tf is she in purple sequins


Right everyone else is in black/grey/white and this asshat shows up in a sparkly purple dress


How's she gonna stand out if she's matching with everyone else?


Taylor appears around 1:29 Nonsense begins around 1:45


Is her guitar even connected to the amps? Lmao


Nope, and even better, she's just strumming random chords. Not playing along to the song at all


It doesnā€™t look like it to me


Wow. This is so embarrassing.


Lmfao at the end standing there awkwardly while everyone is hugging and highfiving each other


I thought you was joking and being messy but WOW she really tried so hard to squeeze between her more experienced peers


This woman is a billionaire. Life truly isn't fair.


In a way it kind of is. It takes the kind of hubris she shows here to self-aggrandize enough on a large scale and grab money hand over fist. More people would be billionaires (or would be fighting for place) if they had the bottomless lack of scruples she does.


![gif](giphy|l0IyeMK6G2Gr1Gm3e|downsized) I see that and all I see is this.. what a fame seeking asshatā€¦


Omg this is the one LMAO


Fucking hate that dude so much lol


Hahahaha Iā€™ve had a hard few days. this is what I didnā€™t know I needed. Omgosh she is so embarrassing. Thank you!


Thatā€™s such cringe behaviour on a stage full of legends


![gif](giphy|BbafUhsfSu3N6|downsized) ā€œThis television appearance should be about the only person that matters on this stage, ***ME!!***ā€ \-Taylor Swift forming a healthy ego in her teens.


The hair tossing reminds me of her singing with Def Leppard


Not only is Taylor a camera hog, but she is the worst guitar player. Notice how her left hand never moved once? It means she strummed the same chord the whole entire time. She is such a crappy guitarist. There was no point of bringing it on stage.


I watched the clip on mute so I could focus on how blatant it was. Wooooooooooow.


Why is she waving her guitar around?? Lmao every 5 seconds she has it in the air, holding it up like a trophy


Because itā€™s a prop, sheā€™s not a musician


I love, love, love all these things I get to see here about her. They asked the legends to go up but she got up there anyway with her fake country accent and made a mess of herself to the embarrassment of everyone for her. The platform she so worships is about to bury her deep, I can just feel it. šŸ˜‚


The second-hand embarrassment is palpable.


Self-centered since Day 1.


the way she shamelessly followed the cameraā€¦ā€¦.




Well, that's kind of her thing, isn't it? Same with the VS show, and same with why she virtually never features on anyone else's music. She has a place, and it's always at the front. She can't for a single moment be upstaged by anyone, no matter how much more appropriate to the spotlight anyone else is. It's mind-boggling how she's never wrangled a starring role in a movie. And remember, there are plenty of songstresses that have accomplished this ("Glitter", anyone?).


Dancing just as bad as it is present day šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so embarrassing imagine shoving REBA out of the way


Crazy and kinda creepy how she really kept up and milked this ā€œcountryā€ vibe for so long when it was totally disingenuous and fake.Ā 


Sheā€™s always been like this


She is rlly acting crazy up there wow


Reba is a queen tho


Is nobody gonna talk about her whipping her hair back and forth šŸ˜­


Everything about her is just so fake.


lol wait why does she need a guitar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is actually so hard to watch


a moment of silence for all the people that had to be right next to her


Is her guitar even plugged in? If it was she wouldnā€™t be able to run around like that with so many people also on stage


Wow she just couldnā€™t stay in one place could she? If I were giving her the benefit of the doubt Iā€™d say sheā€™s young and probably the youngest person there. That being said, usually the young ones watch what the older artists do and kind of take cues from that. But nope. Didnā€™t happen.


That was like an SNL sketch of an outrageous character, but since it wasn't a sketch, it wasn't funny, just laughable.


I thought you were exaggerating, then she shoved her way in between Reba and Ronnie and I was like ohhhhh. I've got second hand embarrassment from that.




The purple dress in a crowd of black snd grey HAD to be intentional trying to stand out like that


this is giving yoko ono screaming during john lennon and chuck berryā€™s performance vibes šŸ˜–


Miranda Lambert trying to grab her arm and Taylor just yanking away šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s like she was supposed to be a background tree in the school play, but instead of knowing her place she tries to draw attention to herself like those mean apple throwing trees in the Wizard of Oz.


Off topic, but this is so nostalgic to me. I loved country music as a kid, and I listened to most of these artists back then. I fell off in the mid-2010s because I got more into pop music, but I've been reconnecting with that part of myself. Maybe I should check out the new class of country music stars and revisit old faves.Ā  But yes, agree. She's doing too much.Ā 


In her mind, it's a tribute honoring her before she performs and she's letting Brooks & Dunn open for her.


This is all I can think about when I see her try to dance ![gif](giphy|l0MYATH9ZumUHCBXy)


Sheā€™s also the only one not in monotone


Ugh this is so cringe


Why does she need her guitar up there though? Likeā€¦girl ainā€™t no one listening to you, you are not the guest of honor


Wonder if she has any country music friends up to this day? This is just so šŸ’€


I don't believe she ever did.


Oh god the second hand embarrassment. I really enjoyed how the cameras just kept panning away from her when she appeared.


Hard to heal from NPD if she won't even ACCEPT that she has it. I am never one to judge or blatantly dislike someone, but I feel she has truly earned the dislike of so many people. Even without considering her fakeness and carbon emissions, she has created an insufferable fan base and is ONLY focused on herself.


C'mon you guys, she has to show the world how good she is at playing a G chord over and over.