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Remember those photos swifties hated of Joe walking in front holding her hand? Bet they're fine with this one lol


I still don’t get what their beef was with the way he held her hand


The fact that they’re unwell lol. That’s their beef.


I think they dissected the facial expressions lol of a photo mid walk


99% of them have never held anyone’s hand and have zero concept of what *any* relationship behavior actually is or looks like


these are the same fools who say he didn’t hold her hand and then post the 2 pictures of the time she didn’t well, ignoring the other 50 photos of him holding her hand. The biggest hypocrites 😭


Its so weird to me bc its way more gentlemanly for her bfs to walk in front of her, guiding her, to protect her from the paparazzi than to just push her to the forefront


No now they say it’s him being protective of her—I’m not joking


Well he's letting her Bejeweled until they breakup so wait after it for them to say his not letting her Bejeweled just like joe😍


I saw this in the crochet sub as well. Smh


They better leave that sub alone 😭


They're already there :(


Noo 😭


There were at least 2 posts I saw on crochet subs asking about what stitch it is and how to make it. I'm super sad about it


That sub is so wholesome. Thanks a lot Taylor :)


She ruins everything 😭


Shit spreads like the worst case of fire crotch crabs the world has ever seen.


The swifties are there??


Total side note: But could you or u/[GuaranteeCareless900](https://www.reddit.com/user/GuaranteeCareless900/) recommend any YT accounts/videos or books you like for beginner crocheters?


The first thing that I made when I started was a bandana. I chose the “Beginner Crochet Granny Triangle Bandana” pattern from hayhaycrochet.com because it’s free and fairly simple. After that I decided that I’m amazing at crocheting and found a mandala vest pattern (it was a chaotic experience but the enjoyed it) and then I made a blanket. Honestly find a pattern or project you like the look of and go for it. If you don’t know how to do a stitch you can find tutorials on YouTube.


The basis for all crochet is three stitches: chain, single crochet, and double crochet. Learning those three stitches, as well as slipknots, will get you almost anywhere you wanna be. There are a bunch of wonderful tutorials on YouTube but I would suggest Kristin's Crochet Tutorials, specifically [this one](https://youtu.be/jUIfV-Qcq2c?si=50MGaryQSVqHwYEK) if you're a super beginner with zero needle craft experience. She does a great job explaining everything you need to know about starting the hobby. There's also [this funny short](https://youtube.com/shorts/dBjwwu-bGaA?si=qHe7rt98gr1a-p5l) that can help you figure out the mechanics of the chain stitch if the slower tutorial doesn't float your goat.  Side note: I recommend getting an ergonomic set of crochet hooks. The plain, straight ones work just as well, but the cushion is a godsend when you've been working for a few hours. I got [this set](https://www.amazon.com/Sizes-Crochet-Ergonomic-Arthritic-Needles/dp/B07RNNL6RT/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3NMAEDI1YUT25&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uO-4U5r4eGK3tEYb5qSQ-PmIq1UlVtwMSQP4-wHQS_dxukL0smb0vEYx5BHFGYW87KAmvt6gKt0twZsf33UGOnfd515QCd6SUXvVdXhCcx68U4sWAi_pj1qeFAa6nmi_EJJvAY1j4ODJh-wpH4n6OU0oNrSdNGz1SV19PaNW7WWGRLIhwl9GSbb5Vy_9wg9hfHqyjE5oBky4FCyfYzgMPA.G7NbAodcQIegEfLMQhPXcuz7EiP2brdAblAe8f7Lmt0&dib_tag=se&keywords=yarniss+crochet+hooks&qid=1719276268&sprefix=yarniss+c%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) and have had no problems with it. 


I really enjoy TL Yarn Crafts and Elise Rose Crochet on YouTube - they are rays of sunshine and excellent teachers. Also, many libraries and yarn stores have fiber arts classes/groups if you want to learn in-person, so check those out if they’re available in your area!


Side note-The bucket hat, the gold chain, the all white getup, the peak through chest hair-I cannot with this man.


He looks like the guy who gets drunk at the party and tries to rap along to the rap parts in Sublime songs and fails horribly.


He would also go home with one of the bottle girls then ask her to leave at 3am because “he has a workout early in the morning”, wouldn’t think to grab her a cab either.


any girl dumb enough to fuck him deserves it


Like Taylor?


nah robot/lizards don't count


This is so specifically perfect.


I see him as the type of guy that raps a lil Wayne song and says…..let’s just say all of the words


Lol, he's definitely the type to use every excuse to use the n word, including "I've dated black women, I love black women!"


The man is desperate to use the n word


Actual lol and so specific and accurate


Not my beloved Sublime! 😭 Trav, stay away from them!


Don’t worry. He only knows Sublime w Rome ☠️


Bradley who? 😭


I was gonna say Lil Wayne instead of Sublime but you’re absolutely correct


Okay this makes him sound fun to me hahahaha


I hate that you're right. You made me want to have a beer with him.... not her, though. Never her


.... dang you're right.


He seems like that one drunk guy at the party that’s hilarious yet still obnoxious.


Like viva Las Vegas


have you SEEN the footage of him at the superbowl party? i was cringing inside-out. i guess she feels less cringe in comparison to him


Perpetually giving K-Fed


Lmao K-Fed walked so BDT could run 💀


K-Fed at least looked fashionable fifty percent of the time. Yes, sometimes extremely cringey hair and fedoras, but sometimes he looked sharp and I could at least go, "I guess Britney met him on one of those nights, okay, this is what she sees in him" BDT just is not attractive. And I can't for the life of me reconcile how every single ex of hers I find at least medium attractive and this... is what she is going with at the peak of her career? Ew


The heart craves variety, I guess. 😒 Note to self: sometimes it is OK to say “hard pass” on something without sampling it first because you can be sure the book sucks by the cover alone.


my friends and I have referred to him as K-Fed since like November lol


I Call him K-Fed 2.0 with Taylor Becoming The Potential Britney Spears 2.0.


From your lips to God's ears.


Oh you NAILED it!!!


The way that fabric drapes is making it give “overpriced sweats” vibes. He needs a stylist that puts him in things that are tailored or structured for his body type. Cause this looks like what I would wear to be comfy at the airport.


Maybe Taylor is lending her stylist lol


Travis is so gross. The looks, the behavior, god…just everything. He is the embodiment of “perpetually embarrassing and perpetually drunk uncle”. ViVa LaS vEgAs, y’all.


I called him repulsive on some Instagram post and a swiftie crept thru my profile and said “you do terrible hair” I’m a hairstylist. I laughed so hard at it but holy shit


It’s hilarious how they defend this man to the death, honestly. Were they ever this way to any of her other boyfriends? Not to mention he’s arguably her worst boyfriend up to this point. He’s so cringe, and you’re right, he is absolutely repulsive.


I know so many versions of this man irl and they all make me dry heave. It's such a douchey vibe.


God this man is so damn unattractive ![gif](giphy|8Bkb0DMCucLvdgOv3u)


He looks like Skipper and Gilligan’s lovechild. The white shoes are 🤮 and the icing on the cake is the dark boxers under his cream crochet outfit.




Every time he wears a bucket hat, a fairy loses her wings




He’s like a stupid Hunter S. Thompson.


A hot new bombshell enters the villa


Omg baaaaaaabe let’s have matching 70s outfits? Have you ever heard of the Love Boat?-Taylor, probably






Rockin’ the Bob Pinciotti look


he makes me want to barf


The two of them give millennials a bad rap, desperate to appear younger and appeal to the youths.


I thought that look died, when LL Cool J became an actor?


He looks like an Aussie cricketer walking onto the pitch.


We will look back at these pics of him and laugh like we do at the Britney/Justin denim get ups.


“Where’s my hug at doe”


He’s fucking weird. Brain damage later in life will make him even more weird. But fox sports will still put him on tv until he’s 112.


I also crochet. It is not a lucrative side hustle. This dress took hours


I crochet when I can because if I do it too often I end up with terrible hand cramps.


Yeah my hands don't work like they used to. Carpel tunnel and tendinitis


Yep, I used to get gentle pressure from people to sell the stuff I made and then I started breaking down the numbers for them and they shut up pretty quick. A friend wanted to buy an amigurumi I made of a dinosaur that's like almost 2 feet tall and was like "I'll give you $30!" Ho, that took me like 100 hours to crochet, stuff, and assemble with like $25 of yarn 😂


yeah like the puff blanket im making would be like....$8k 😂 luckily im doing it for free for me!


I made a similar dress for myself last year. I worked on it every day, stopping when my wrists needed a break. It took 2 months. I can only imagine the strain on those poor (probably) children who made this.


I tried doing my own crochet business and it fails miserably 😭 but crochet takes literal hours like you said for big pieces like this especially


I hate sweatshop crochet so much, most especially when a billionaire is wearing it.  Also, as a crocheter, that shoulder seam mismatch is hurting my eyes.  I actually don't hate this look at all, but I wish it were not sweatshop crochet. It would be nice to see someone like Taylor showing some appreciation for quality handmade clothing.


Ah, so that's what it was, the shoulder seam mismatch. I knit and I kept looking at the dress wondering why it doesn’t sit right.


If this dress were well-made, I would love this outfit. I truly hate how cheap it is, especially when she could 1000% afford to pay someone a fair price to make this properly. 


I think some rich folks are allergic to spending money on things that don't have a label on it. I got hit up by a local loaded lady for a Cali king size blanket after she saw my stuff in one of the cat pics I posted. Wanna know how much she offered to pay me total, including yarn? $80. ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


You can’t tell me she’s not on a copious amount of uppers. Performing for 3 hours and then galavanting around London?


No, she trained for this so it’s easy and natural to her!! and she gets plenty of rest and doesn’t talk or do anything between shows, clearly!! /s She’s definitely on uppers.


Girl likes to ski!


I would kinda be surprised honestly. Uppers have huge diminishing returns when used for a long time unless you keep upping the dose to absurd degrees. This tour is on what, year 3? If she was on uppers in the beginning, the diminishing returns would mean that they’d no longer give her much energy. Could it be mania from being so wealthy and admired? Yes, I would think so. I think a lot of people who become billionaires are probably in some degree of mania for a good amount of time, because not a whole lot matters to you once you reach the billion dollar milestone. And unlike uppers, mania doesn’t really have diminishing returns. Somewhat the opposite, in that it will ramp up over time.


As a bipolar girlie I can assure you that her behavior does ~not~ indicate mania to me. Absolutely hate this asylum cosplay she has been up to lately


As a schizophrenic man who spent many months in a psych ward and was manic the whole time, I agree she wouldn’t be in mania to a medical degree. But it’s hard to deny that having a billion dollars and stadiums full of adoring fans wouldn’t cause a degree of mania.


That’s not what mania is -love, your local psych nurse


She does cocaine recreationally.


Mania absolutely has diminishing returns. The come down from mania is what often requires hospitalization. Please please please don’t use mental health terms you don’t know very much about. Mania is a feature of bipolar 1, and it kills, and she is not manic. Mania *absolutely* has a cost, a severe cost, the downswing is horrific.


The tour started in March last year. It’s been a little over a year.  


Damn it really feels like this tour has been going on for 3 years not barely 1… all the media and 1,000 album releases happened within the last year? Crazy.


❄️ she has a red nose in these pics as she often does after late night outings


Yeah, it's very obvious to me.




Not if you consider the show as the start of her day- so it would be likely: Wake up 3pm. Eat. Kerfuffle. Show up to venue 6pm. Make up, wardrobe. Show start. Show end 11pm. Shower etc. head to dinner by 12:30pm. Hang out til 3/4am. Sleep til 3pm.  Very very common tour schedule for the artist. 


Yeah it would actually be very difficult to immediately wind down your energy fate a big show.


That's my thought as well. I would be hyped up by the excitement of it all and need a while to wind down. Would be hard to go from performing for thousands to head on a pillow with a tight turnaround


When I as training for a boxing match (3/4 training hours a day 5-6x a week) this is p much what I’d do. If you make your workout the first half of your day (even if it’s late) then work your schedule around it, you can stay put late bc it’s just a ‘morning’ workout.


You forgot lip sync for most of the 3 hours.


That was THE FIRST thing I noticed, too. As you can probably guess by my name, this is my lane and it infuriates me when rich people wear sweatshop crap. I mean, most of us live in the real world with real budgets so we thrift, swap, buy less, etc. to avoid fast fashion but she's a literal BILLIONAIRE and can afford to pay a fair wage.


First of all, truly thank you for your service. We all need to do better where able but millionaires and billionaires have no excuse for it at all


Exactly. For most of us it's progress over perfection and doing the best we can in a world with actual budgets & crazy inflation. For Ms. Swift and others . . . NO EXCUSE. They could do SO MUCH GOOD if they championed fair trade and ethical fashion. I know several fair trade apparel companies who have gone out of business in 2024 because they can't compete anymore. I know of a fair trade t-shirt company that makes their fabric in the US, does their cutting & sewing in Haiti, and then has their offices, warehouse, and print shop under one roof in Kansas City. The average shirt travels the world 6x in its manufacturing process, but theirs only travels 2700 miles so it's a super short supply chain. They use sustainable materials in ever one of their garments. Their bread & butter is custom t-shirts. Can you IMAGINE the good that could be done if Ms. Swift used them for her tour merch?? THOUSANDS of fair trade jobs could be created just by selling a t-shirt. My favorite fair trade shoe company is closing down in September and if she wore one of their sneakers on a pap walk I can't even imagine the sales they would garner. One of my favorite clothing companies employs women who have escaped trafficking and provides them with fair wage jobs so they can support themselves, and not be vulnerable to the lies of traffickers. Can you imagine if she wore one of their tops on a Girl's Night? Her reach is ENORMOUS and these items cost pennies to her, but would have the power to change lives for people around the world.


>One of my favorite clothing companies employs women who have escaped trafficking and provides them with fair wage jobs so they can support themselves, and not be vulnerable to the lies of traffickers. Can you imagine if she wore one of their tops on a Girl's Night? Any chance you can tell us the name of the company, if that's allowed? I'm on a budget but would like to support these businesses where I can.


Yes, it's called Elegantees. I also just linked a few of my favorites here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1dngyo5/comment/la4v50c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1dngyo5/comment/la4v50c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I appreciate your advocacy 💛


Not to mention it's acrylic yarn and made in China. You might as well buy off of shein at that point.


I'm really confused why she is wearing it anyways. Acrylic isn't comfy.


Taylor's wearing a non-designer dress that I can buy! She's so relatable! Bargain queen! 🤪


It itches me in the worst way. Especially when it’s hot out.


Noooo is it really? That's such a disappointment. There are soooo many skilled crocheters. I used to crochet to get by in college. Its not just easy work. I got carpal tunnel! It makes me so many to know the people who created this get so little.


The crochet subs are all abuzz over how to recreate this. The funny part is they could easily do it and it would be better quality and fit than what Taylor is wearing.


And it’s acrylic too. Nothing wrong with acrylic if that is what you can afford. But a billionaire can definitely afford a natural fiber that isn’t basically plastic. Beyond that, those are fall colors.


not just basically plastic, it is plastic!! you're so right though, money can't buy taste...


She doesn’t have taste she has whatever taste or lack there of the current boyfriend has .


Taylor shopping on temu


Their tagline is ‘shop like a billionaire’ 🤷🏻‍♀️


She dresses terribly.


Lol she really does not have a style of her own and chameleons with whoever she is dating at the time. To think I thought folk/eve era was actual style/lyricism growth smh.


Sienna Miller could pull this look off and make it look chic and fresh. Taylor just looks like she's going to an Austin Powers themed party. ETA: Upon further consideration, Zendaya or Tyla would look 🔥🔥🔥🔥 in this.


Her clothes always wear her. She never looks stylish, somehow.


So true, except I actually like her preppy and summer streetwear, it's when she dresses up that things get super weird. And I forgot to mention, but why does Trav looks like he thinks he's in Miami? 😂😭


I think Travis is unaware that he is ever in any place besides Vegas or Miami.


I know. Lookin like a first timer at an all white party 🤣


I imagine when you constantly have to match your clothing aesthetic with your album vibe every 2 years for an album that is 2 years off, it's about to look forced and not exactly cohesive. I think that's why she never really looks comfortable or confident? She has to constantly reinvent her style and one never sticks around long enough for her to learn to work with it. Though, as I type this, I can't help but think how nice it must be having a stylist and designers sending you free clothing to try.


She doesn’t have an identity. It’s why the clothes usually wear her


Absolutely, a combo of no identity and buying off the rack fast fashion without any tailoring. I'm not even rich and even I can afford a tailor to make things look a bit nicer on me.


he stands out like a sore thumb and very obviously american in london lol


He's the kind of American tourist, I, an American, keep a wide berth from in other countries. He probably pronounces "gracias" "grassy-ass" while in Mexico and sings along every time Sweet Caroline comes on in a Senor Frog's.






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That is quite insightful, thank you for sharing


Obviously, this woman got absolutely fucked by her fans on Twitter, but she left the tweets up.


I was just thinking that when I first saw these pics! The clothes wear HER, not the other way around. They both look like they are playing dress up somehow.


Zendaya would look 🔥in damn near anything


Yes, esp with these clodhopper shoes. She looks ridiculous.


Nah, his clothes.. he looks like a 8 year-old kid going to the beach with school


Ugly guy with hideous dressing sense.


absolutely atrocious. bet you there are the fans out there already commenting on how fine he looks. \*barfs\*


I had no idea crocheting cannot be produced on a machine, makes me feel super bad about the crocheted top I bought last summer. :( Thank you, I will def remember this! Side note, I saw other pictures and it seems to be the same makeup she wore on stage?! Ewww


Most clothing is made in sweatshops. There's no reason to feel differently about a crocheted piece than any other piece of clothing. I had to leave the crochet sub because it was so annoying seeing a constant flood of tops that most of the time weren't even crochet, just a convincing knit replicate, talking about how they were made in sweatshops. So was every other article of clothing in that store, but you don't see people posting every single sewn or knit piece in a store as an individual Reddit post to complain about it. YES, obviously sweatshops are awful and we should be talking about them, but there's no reason to single out crochet just because it can't be made by a machine. It's not like the machines run by themselves by magic. A billionaire can afford non-sweatshop clothes, but again there's no reason to single this particular dress out.


I think it’s the fact that you know it’s all been done by hand. With a lot of other things, the actual hands-on involvement might vary or might be very brief (not that it isn’t all still bad). But with crochet, you know that another human created every stitch you see with their own two hands.


Crochet takes a lot longer to produce products with, so singling it out isn’t without purpose. More like a bold bullet point in all the reasons fast fashion isn’t healthy


What is this coked-out 1970s look? What are they wearing?


lol, I was about to say this look screams cocaine party


The mental image of them on top of the world while picking out these outfits is killing me.


This photo wreaks of "awww shucks, did y'all come to take a a picture of little ole me?"


Damn, I asssumed since it was crochet and since she's a literal billionaire she at least had it comissioned or it's not fast fashion. I crochet as a hobby and that dress would've taken me ages...


What is happening with those heels? Aren’t they too big?


as a crocheter we do not claim her. anyone else could put on this dress and make it look good. it looks tacky on her


Those shoes are not her size??


Thank you. This is bothering me so much about these pictures.


They are at least a full size too big.


His clothes look like slippery Poly-Dacron and a dad hat that lives on the rear dashboard of the family Ford.


But it is so boho and campy, like the Beatles era....and it is orange and purple, which she has been wearing a lot of to indicate a new era of..... /s


It's saturating all the crochet communities and it's pissing me TF off.


If my man dressed like that I would simply pass away ☠️


It looks like a pot holder from a kitchen in the 1970s.


Here she goes again—dressing like the latest boyfriend.


Jesus they’re working overtime


Phoebe Buffay wore it better


This has been posted in my crochet groups already and I’m so annoyed. I can’t even get away from her there


I think she looks great in this to be honest. I thought the same as you though, this would take hours upon hours (you can't replicate crochet with a machine- some stuff looks crochet like but you can tell); so you know if you see a dress like this for that price then people are being exploited in the supply chain. It makes no sense that she doesn't wear ethical clothing as she can well afford it.


I remember Gilligan's Island reruns.


Yeah, when it started hitting my crochet pages looking for patterns, I got more annoyed, bc these fans have to know that this was probably made by children in a sweatshop and they just don’t care 🙄


I’m gonna go against the grain here and say his fit goes hard


Fuckboy energy


What kind of hipster toddler does Travis think he is?


Honestly everything they're wearing looks drop shipped...... They have so much money! Gimme your money Taylor, my clothes would be amazing 😍 and I'd fly your fan that died home......


The Louis Vuitton bucket hat really sells it


Idk why but they deadass look like Fred and Daphne from scooby doo here.


Take that back that's my favorite cartoon 😭


Just a question for people who crotchet cause I know nothing about it, how much would an ethically made dress like this cost?


The materials alone could be upwards of $100, if not more. Then factoring in time and labor, a simple dress like this would probably be at least $300. A more intricate design will be higher.


I swear Travis kelce has the absolute worst taste in clothing.


She's mimicking his style, I think. Her wardrobe when she was with Joe was more classy, sporty and feminine. Moreover, regardless of how I feel about her or her music, in the past I usually liked her fashion sense. But now? Ergh. I love crochet but that dress is highly unflattering and I hate those shoes so very much.


Oh did she put on a new personality too?


i actually love both of their outfits


i can see the outline of where the pocket is lmao i can tell his underwear is black


She's the opposite of fashionable.


ya know one thing taylor and i have in common is we were at a time both wildly attracted to matty healy. and i just personally don’t see how she’s attracted to travis, he looks like an idiot, his fashion is cringe, he’s just icky… he’s so opposite of matty, and of her other ex’s??? what does she see???


F TK. That fit does look fly af though.


I don’t care much for Taylor Swift, like this sub for some of the bs it exposes about her, but you guys really go overboard with some of this stuff imo


Don't care about her dress, what the fuck is Travis wearing?


Crochet can be made in audit approved factories that are not by any means sweatshops. Audit approved means, no children working, safe conditions, humane conditions, paid overtime, and fair compensation. Although the hand crocheting is mimicked by a machine people still need to operate the machine. I work in the clothing industry directly with factories all over the world making “mock”crochet clothing, just like this dress.


Where the fuck are ur clothes from


I was going to post this exact thing earlier— glad to see it here. She’s so damn self-absorbed that she’ll never understand the ramifications of her actions.


Taylor likes this guy because deep down she herself isn’t anything special. He feels so familiar in his mediocrity.


If you can link the product, why can't you link the page about how the product is manufactured? https://www.vrggrl.com/pages/responsibility This page directly speaks on the issue you are stating you have with the dress. I'm not debating the issue; I'm just not understanding why the info was omitted.


He looks like he's ready for a sloppy steak


why do they look like 12 year olds that went through the clearance rack at urban




He looks beyond awful.