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i can't explain it, but i can always tell when someone is an unhinged swiftie just by looking at them. they have a certain look about them, an insufferable nature 💀


Ah yes, the millennial Karen look


The way I’d bet my paycheck that they’re obsessed with Stanley cups and Target shopping hauls


why do people care so much about a basic thermos cup?


yeah sure the cups are all right but i think it’s bc a lot of ppl do so if they don’t they’re the weird kid all over again. same thing for being a swiftie, i think there’s comfort in being into things a lot of other ppl already like so you’re not labeled weird. it’s justified why you like it bc a lot of others already do. i used to care about it that too but i grew out of it.


it feels like how early education teachers talk to children like they're adults. we use full sentences and converse with kids in an adult format because it's really good for their development and shit, but we're talking them about stuff like 'did ya wipe your butt' that's how I feel when Swifties address non-swifties online. It's painfully and uniquely a matriarchical form of condescension.


God my ex was a huge Swiftie and 2 months post-breakup this sub is helping me put so many pieces together...


Horsegirl energy x10


Crazy eyes


I'm sorry, but did this woman literally compare Travis coming up on stage to Kendrick bringing all the West Coast rappers on stage?? This woman clearly does not understand the rap world and the cultural significance of that moment...


I just finished watching that Juneteenth celebration and had way more fun watching that than Eras Tour.


I’m offended by her trying to compare the two. The ignorance and delusion is off the charts.


They would have been excited if TS brought up the janitor. 🌟special guest appearance ⭐️


Swifties are idiots and I will always stand by that.


they are the prob the type that participate in MLMs.


Just look at her eyes. There isn't a single thought behind those eyes.


Free joe! The day swifties stop talking about joe that day I will stop talking about taylor. Travis does a slight action, their first thought is joe could never. These girls must be a pain in the ass in real life.


Exactly like people aren’t allowed to just exist and still be supportive behind the scenes. There are many actors/actresses/musicians etc with partners behind the scenes who are hugely supportive and we rarely see.


Joe was so supportive and involved with Taylor's interests he literally co-wrote songs with her. They produced some of the most beautiful songs together of her discography, something she's never done with any other boyfriend. I wish swifties would just leave Joe alone, it's obvious he wants to be excluded from any narrative about her. If he was such a bad boyfriend, then why not just move on and obsess over Travis if you think he's so great. Stop dragging Joe into everything Taylor related and thrashing him every chance you get. It's so tiring, and I'm glad he doesn't pay attention to any of this BS.


Dolly Parton’s husband for one. No idea what he looks like, does that mean he doesn’t support her?


Eva Mendes comes to mind. She really stepped out of the spotlight to raise their kids and Ryan Gosling always praises how much support she gives him and how much he loves her while she’s mostly behind the scenes now. I love their relationship.


Also do they not realize she’s doing that grand display as a response to Matty’s engagement and the Joe interview?? Her and Travis have been ~sO in LuV~ for nearly a year now and he’s gone to plenty of shows, isn’t it sort of suspicious timing that she’s being so in our faces with their relationship after the recent news?


and in london lmao


and right when the documentary came out




…how is Taylor’s bf coming on stage compared to Kendrick bringing up other rappers during a Juneteenth celebration?? Lmao you know what…let me not say anything.


Listen….. 😂


![gif](giphy|Asm7QMIdGC7Q81FcrI|downsized) Do these people ever get embarrassed?


They feel so ENTITLED to seeing every aspect of Taylor’s relationships— she literally told us her and Joe made the decision together to keep things private. This whole parasocial relationship is really gonna bite Taylor in the ass one of these days (as if it didn’t already with Ratty)🙄


Joe didn't let Taylor turn him into a sideshow attraction, and good for him for that.


These people are so unhinged. Travis is the best boyfriend because he got on stage with her? What is the logic behind this? If Joe did this he’d be called a fame whore. You know what? Not even gunna try to make sense of Swiftie logic because I’ll be wrong either way. Joe was clearly her best boyfriend because he stayed with her for 6.5 YEARS and never used her for his own fame. I mean, I don’t get it, but if you look at the few pics of them together, he clearly loved her. But no, you right, Swifties. Travis doing some performative bullshit on stage is obviously better.


When they do break up (and whether it’s soon, in a few years, or a divorce, they’re not a forever couple) is Travis going to be the most hated of all her exes because he has been the most performative? Swifties have already pointed out time and time again how she’s way more successful than him and how she could buy a few NFL teams. The moment they break up it’s going to be nonstop about how he used her to further his career, how he’s humiliated her by hogging her spotlight, how the NFL has used Taylor Swift to get famous.  Kelce will absolutely not be the only target whenever they break up. Other Chiefs players (or whatever team he’s on), all the Mahomes, various NFL bigwigs - they all better be prepared for the death threats, the “biting the curb in 4k”s, their family members being harassed, the boycotts, etc.  Travis has matched Taylor’s energy and if they break up he will suffer for it.


“How the NFL has used Taylor Swift to get famous” I’m dead ☠️ is this something someone actually said?


"Guest appearance of the century!" Lol


Completely misunderstanding Kendrick’s intent with the Pop Out show and relating it to Taylor’s craven publicity stunt lol you can’t even make this shit up anymore.


Why do swiffiers need validation so much 😂


Because they know mother is a fraud


Getting Taylor's validation gives their life purpose




Yes, dance monkey dance. Prove your love. Lol.


Did Taylor pick her yet?!


Taylor hasn’t walked a red carpet with any of her boyfriends.


Has she walked a red carpet with BDT? I don't remember that happening.


I don’t think so.




The analogies did not help me or my husband understand :/


Sure Jessica, I'm sure your parasocial billionaire bestie and her shitty PR boyfriend really need your support right now /s


THREE PICTURES TOGETHER?? These people are deranged.. https://youareinlovees.tumblr.com/post/623026726601113600/taylor-joe-in-2018-january-12th-taylor-likes


He looks so bored in every tour photo💀


i believe the photos were taken in a bad moment because there’s also a full video of him trying so hard not to blush & smile when taylor pointed to his direction lol 😭


Come on he’s just shy and Introverted


I bet this person couldn’t name even two other rappers Kendrick brought on stage


I really get a lot of 2nd hand embarrassment from these people.


I love. I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE Lady Gaga. I am 36 years old. I do not have the time or energy to do this kind of mental gymnastics about her life anymore. In my 20s I did….never to this extent though. But I am a tired adult now. I enjoy her music, I support her art, I’ll attend her shows and I go on about my day. These are grown ass women. I can’t wrap my head around it.


I need this lady on love is blind. I need a whole season of this nonsense. She brings the MLM hun, church lady, swiftie trash vibes.


Did she just compare Taylor and Travis to The Pop Out? Ew


Another analogy is matty healy bringing taylor out at his show 🤣


She actually even sang The City, a 1975 song! This was insane. Can Travis match that? lol


Joe & taylor went to golden globes together


"PrOuDlY dIspLayInG HeR MaN"


I cannot imagine being this excited to see my favorite singer's S.O. hell as a longtime Tori Amos fan most of her fandom considers her husband to be The Enemy (not me lol idc about him because I am a fan of his wife, not him)


Who’s her husband?


a guitar player/sound engineer named Mark Hawley. a lot of fans don't like him because they felt his influence on her music was a negative one, and some of the weirder ones try to interpret lyrics to some of her songs to try to claim she's in a miserable marriage


I can only imagine this in the context of Charli Xcx and George Daniel bc I love them both lol


She looks like she'd be a swiftie too.


Travis Kelce is easily the most fame hungry boyfriend she’s ever dated Edit: spelling


they love it when they think they know every single detail about her life, ofc they’d despise joe for “gatekeeping” her


They miss Joe and want him back but can't admit it, so they find ways to mention him in any conversation.


I miss him too. Those years were so peaceful.


Waiting 4 eras and stomp dancing to be over


Or like here me out what if Joe likes privacy?


Why do her eyes look dead inside?


Your soul dies when you listen to Taylor's music


joe i can never hate you joe


Just because a couple is very public with their romance, it doesn’t mean that they’re happy lol.


She’s annoying. And her haircut sucks.


I feel bad for people so engrossed in a fandom because I’ve been there so many times before. I can’t speak for others but I did it when I was lonely and seeking community, validation, love, and purpose. You lose all sense of self wrapping yourself up in the life of someone else and making all these CoNNeCtiOnS and fangirling over every little thing. It’s sad more than anything


If Taylor didn't like Joe being private, why was she with him for six years?


Yes but people don’t have to be overt or “show up” for people like that. There can be things people do for others that aren’t as performative or showy. Like many actors/actresses have spouses or significant others who maybe at a few events but not all doesn’t mean they are terrible spouses/partners. If


What is with the leotards?


wtf is she talking about


They look so serious about something so ridiculous. They're clowns.




Not an analogy btw


“Let me make an analogy for you… you know how at this one artist’s concert some guests came onstage? Well, at this concert, you won’t believe this… some guests came on stage!” Swifties understand basic rhetoric challenge


Makes sense thes horrorshows would draw parallels with Marvel, the most bankrupt and fatuous 'art' to ambush cinema.


Imagine caring this much about a celebrity’s relationships 😭


Jesus Christ. She looks like she's in her 30s and she's talking like this.


Lmao tell me you’re perpetually single without telling me you’re perpetually single.


Why is everything defined by an ex? She can't just bring out her bf bc they both love and crave attention?


Ugh another mad SwiftKaren


The day swifties realize ts’s relationships aren’t ‘the show’ for entertainment, on that day i will be willing to consider their intelligence as average and not as significantly under average let‘s see if it ever happens 😂🤡


Swiffers Acquire Some Fucking Standards Challenge (Impossible)


They make it sound like it was ALLLLLLLLL TK’s idea 😂😂 Listen up kids, Buddy just did as he was told by TS/her team. He didn’t show up wearing an outfit, he was reeled in, he was dressed, he was pushed on stage and told not to drop her. That’s as deep as it is.


This is a giant black mirror episode I swear to god


sorry they really need more hobbies and probably a life... this is an insane thing to think, script, record, and post lmao


Interesting how she says Joe's name so softly in comparison to everything else she says in this video


I’m afraid of swifties lol not in a like intimidated way in a watch out for the school loner type of way lol


Girl stop lol you sound insane. This is Travis’ last grasp at being known and slightly famous. She will have a song about him in 6mths.


I feel like swifties are mentally stunted and perpetual children. I am 40 and the fact some of the swifties are my age is so beyond embarrassing.


Everything about this woman, down to her awful haircut is perfectly square shaped, and she was the stubbiest man hands I’ve seen. I said it, I’m mean and nasty and don’t care lol.


Meanwhile Joe Alwyn is living a much better life free from Taytay.


I can’t get over how all these dummies are so excited about a guy who is so obviously a starfucker.


This is not a teenager but she sure sounds like one. DOes she get how stupid she looks talking about this shit? If she were a gossip blogger or something I would give her a pass but she is just a regular plain Jane


I would understand this more if is was like Ed Sheeran coming on stage to sing with Taylor or Robbie Williams/ Taken That. But being hyped for the boyfriend? Really?  During the part that is about her other loves that broke her heart?


Isn't she a little old for this?!


Get a life, gurl


Calling Travis the “guest appearance of the century” after talking about Kendrick’s concert is insane 😂 Tyler the creator alone was a way bigger guest appearance.


Does Joe have a wife? Why are people so obsessed with Joe? It's been almost a decade right? These people have been apart longer than they were ever together. Not to mention, they were together during their teen/ early adult years where you make the most mistakes & learn real life lessons. It's very weird atp... I can't help but kind of feel bad for Joe or whoever his partner is or will be. That's some baggage that I don't think is very fair to anyone. Move the fuck on


She is talking about Joe Alwyn, not Joe Jonas.


Ah I see, thank you lol that makes more sense sorry


Her fans are never not completely unhinged.


I hope u f%% like u hype!!


Let's play Fuck Marry Kill for a second or two...the latter...slowly.


Its like a cult.


Wow..why are they so invested in some strangers life who doesn't even know nor care they exist


I feel like the marvel comparison was perfect. They're in it for the spectacle and to be spoon fed little details/Easter eggs so they can feel *soooo* clever for finding them. Nothing about the substance at all, because there's nothing there. It's an empty vehicle for fan engagement. 


This chick’s first name has to be Karen.


Why is she so angry tho 🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


Joe who?