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I think she believes it, or at least enjoys believing it, just like her fans. Because any normal human being knows that they're not in the same category. Not at all


Thriller, bad, and dangerous were at 147 million copies. 70 million was just thriller. My father was low key racist and hated pop and rap and even he liked Thriller and Run DMC.


Fr Michael’s numbers were and still are insane. And what gets me the most about some of her fans is that on a subliminal level not only do they compare her to him in terms of fame, but also in terms of quality. They somehow want people to believe that she is the new MJ entirely, that she matches his level. They equate the dominance of the charts with the value of the music. What they fail to understand tho is that MJ’s music actually had substance and quality and that is the very reason it became so successful.


I think Taylor looks at music like a game she can “win”, so this would be the ultimate validation for her. It doesn’t matter to her that she’s objectively lacking in certain categories (performing, singing, visuals, cultural impact and influence); the metrics by which she gauges success are sales, charts and awards. In a sense, she believes she can “buy” her way into being a music icon. When you think about what is “iconic” to Michael Jackson, a dozen different things could come to mind, all relating to his music and artistry. With Taylor, it’s literally just the 2009 VMAs with Kanye.


till this date an isolated tribe in Africa knows who MJ is and go to any non English speaking country an 80 yr old, 40, 20 and even an 8 yr old all know who MJ is, no one I mean no one has that level of global impact especially not that blonde demon. American media inflated PR fame is not an indicator of how globally famous or beloved she is. there's no one like him, never was never will be. he's the most famous non religious figure these freaks just get brave and say anything...


She'll never reach the heights that MJ did. He was a once in a lifetime talent and beloved by a majority of the world. His brace yourself video on YouTube shows a small example of the influence he truly had [MJ](https://youtu.be/W2bSQhFMEaI?si=feiZ4wCdp_3zz_R6)


I took way too long to realize you didn’t mean Michael Jordan.


Are we talking about Micheal Jackson or Micheal Jordan (sorry if im clueless)


No problem hahah, i meant Michael Jackson:) there’s been a debate for about a year that the swifties initiated by comparing Taylor to him in terms of fame and influence (and imo in terms of the quality of the music too, even tho they wouldn’t admit it)☺️


Ugg that doesn’t sit well with me at all, considering Micheal Jackson can be considered a civil rights activist by for helping to desegregate music, while Taylor just makes teeny bopper music and capitalizes on portraying herself as a victim