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Are we watching a swiftie come the light in real time? I’m genuinely surprised it had so many upvotes.


I was SHOCKED to read it , and the sub it was on , isn’t necessarily full of swifties who love tay…I’ll say that much. So I was shocked reading the comments ! And I’ve noticed on some YouTube shorts of Taylor doing the whole “do I know you from the last concert” . I’m shocked to see that it was clearly fake ….


I haven't read any, being suggested a lot of turning posts in Neutral.


I was on Neutral and just because I said some shit to a swiftie about Taylor starting to show her true colors, I was shut down by admins there. So, obviously one of those bitch ass admins is a crazy bitch swiftie trying to weed out the sanity.


Yeah I read it in the neutral sub - a lot agreeing that they found the concert exhausting etc. some left early like leaving during karma to get out easier.. others arguing “it’s supposed to be like a musical theatre production” blah blah


But musical productions tend to have people with amazing voices that can dance well. She'd be laughed off of Broadway if she had to start from the bottom again. 


That was my original beef with her. Her fans act like she’s objectively the most amazing singer in the world and she’s just… not. I’ve got a family member who’s involved in local musical theater and I hear people more talented than Taylor Swift basically every single time I go to a show. They routinely joke with me that their former choir director is rolling in her grave every time someone praises T. Swizzle’s singing, and she must be spinning fast enough to power the whole city. She would have rather been waterboarded than give a solo to anyone who did the whole breathy, slightly flat, sing-talking thing.


It's the same as the cyber truck. It's cognitive dissonance in action, you'll hear lots of complaints then say "but i still love it/her" Trying to resolve the conflicting information in their minds.


That shouldn't be a problem though. I've been to concerts that I didn't enjoy and still listen to the music the artists release. But I also don't think of them as perfect gods who can do nothing wrong 😂


I wonder how many death threats and racial slurs she received after posting that. From her fellow members of the Swiftie "community".


She has a lot of racist Stans. A bunch went onto a black website and posted so many threads and 100s of comments talking about how superior Taylor is to black artists and in their signatures it has white power white supremacy in it.


Holy shit that's nuts. And yet still not a peep from her! Seriously disgusting.


Yep. I don’t even want to repeat some of the racist garbage her Stans have posted it’s so vile. Also one on a social media app didn’t like what I said about Taylor mediocrity, so PM calling me ugly insulting my dog then saying I’m pathetic cuz I don’t have a husband. And her profile she looked like fucking Roseanne. Very delusional 🤣


It's literally a cult at this point. People so sad and with no life whatsoever (and as you saw with Rosanne's long list twin, no self awareness either) so this gives it some kind of bizarre meaning. And then whenever someone attacks their messiah in any way, they can feed their persecution complexes and feel like they're a part of something with their fellow psychopaths, all the while fighting (and winning in their eyes) against their evil oppressors. They should ALL be ashamed of themselves or if not committing it themselves, then embarrassed to be part of something with such a vile contingent. But hey that would require empathy and emotional intelligence...


Its a plastic pantomime. At least rock n roll wrestling fans are in on it. Of course its a shame when really talented live performers dont get a fraction of the attention. I can understand children, but adults stuffing their faces with this crap should be questionable.


I saw my favourite band from when I was a teenager this week. Men in their 50s pulled off a 2.5 hour show with zero breaks, song after song, nailing every note, perfect guitar / bass/ drums, sounding just as good as they did on the recording that was made 30 years ago, jumping and running and engaging with the audience. Yesterday I saw the short clip of Taylor singing / lip syncing to blank space with that incredibly low energy 10-year-old-in-their-bedroom dance routine and thought what the hell. People are paying a lot more to see that.


i recently saw fall out boy and they’re in their 40s now and the show was absolutely amazing. patrick’s voice was fantastic and they all killed the entire performance, i would even say they’re better live than on recording. taylor can’t say the same


I saw FOB on the tour they did with Green Day and Weezer. Now THAT was a fantastic show!


Hella Mega Tour yeaaa 🤘 It was such a good concert and the crowd atmosphere at my gig was amazing


I went to Hella Mega too! First concert right out of covid. Masked to the gils, dirt cheap tickets! FOB is such a great show


I went to see Years and years on the Friday night, Dublin pride on the Saturday and then Hella Mega on the Sunday; such a great way to get back into live events. I tested positive right after this weekend though but it was worth it 🥲


i wanted to go to that one sooo bad but i couldn’t drive at the time and it was too far but i think about what i missed out on daily


It was such a good show! I’ve seen FOB twice now and they always bring the most incredible energy, I’ve also seen Weezer 3x and while they’re still fantastic they’re definitely slowing down a bit. Green Day was absolutely incredible, you can really tell that they love everything about performing!


Omg with Green Day?! You’re so lucky 😭


It was not my wisest financial decision lmao. I bought my tickets for it towards the end of 2019, I was pretty sure for a looooooong time that it wouldn't even happen. Finally going to see it after living as a shut-in with next to no human contact felt like I was rejoining reality lol It was so fun being around a bunch of goths and emos in their 30s and 40s, all of us nostalgic and having a helluva time


I was fortunate enough to see tourdust three times, twice from barricade, and 2ourdust at MSG from third row. I wished I could have gone to another show. The way they really blend the big, fun set pieces with the the music was beautiful and nothing took away from their talent. My favorite is the TTTYG portion where they lower the lights, black out the rest of the stage, and put the entire band together, simulating a small venue. It's so brilliant. They are true, professional performers and want to reward their most dedicated fans.


I saw tourdust 2x and they're both tied for the absolute best concerts I've seen in my life. Absolutely magical and pure musical talent. Patrick is a VOICE. Ugh, so good.


Fall Out Boy is on a whole other level live, holy omg they were amazing when I saw them


I've also had the privilege of seeing FOB live! taykor could never live up to that standard.


I would love to see them live


fob are amazing live ❤️❤️❤️


I saw Paul McCartney about 10 years ago and him and the band were incredible.


I saw Paul McCartney almost 5 years ago and he did a 3 hour set non stop, no breaks, all live. It was brilliant.


Paul went to the Eras tour last week and someone commented on a video of him there like “imagine he’s finally experiencing what it was like to experience beatlemania as a fan!” Just… no. Fucking no lol


Yep, a true performer. So fun and engaging.


I saw Paul two years ago and that man played for 3 hours straight without taking a single break or DRINKING A DROP OF WATER and it was few weeks before his 80th birthday. I was dumbfounded how he did it


Same. I saw him in 2017 st Barclays in Brooklyn and he was incredible start to finish no breaks. Hearing hey Jude live will forever be a peak memory Saw Eric Clapton a year or two later and also incredible and played straight through - singing and instrumentals


So I read this comment and immediately thought of Paul McCartney’s performance at firefly festival in 2015, is this the show you were talking about? 😭😭🔥


I saw him September 2017 in nyc. I only remember this date because I legit had my son one month prior. My dad bought us tickets when I was pregnant and I remember thinking he’d lost his mind but so glad I went


I saw Queen just a few months ago and they’re all just as talented as ever. Brian May especially.


I saw Queen last year and that was one amazing concert! In their 70’s and still rocking like it was 40 years ago! Far superior to a lip sync concert!


Yes! I've seen Paul several times, but most recently was 2 years ago, and not only did he play for 3 hours - he does about a special hour-long soundcheck beforehand with VIP ticket holders. He plays different songs than the setlist and makes lil jokes here and there in between songs - it's like a private little pre-show with Paul and 50-100 something fans. So 4 hours of performing/actually singing at 80 years old ❤️


Would this band be led by Dave Grohl?


Sadly not the Foos, would love to see them some day. It was Green Day. Hell of a show!!


Green Day is wonderful live too. Saw them while I was in high school when they were supporting the American Idiot album.


They are amazing performers! I am so impressed with their energy and stamina. I became a fan when I was 13 in 2000 and was obsessed with them throughout my teenage years. Somehow fell off and haven’t heard any of their stuff in the past 20 years! American Idiot was the last album I bought, it came out just as I was starting university and hearing it live (they played it and Dookie in full) brought back a lot for me. It was an emotional experience. The fact they played Dookie which has some of my favourite songs ever. And of course Good Riddance at the end which was my number one favourite song and inspired me to learn guitar. I kept thinking of clinically depressed teenage me and how much their music meant to her 😢😢😢 sorry for oversharing, I’ve had some wine 😂


Not OP but saw the foo fighters live last October. It was SUCH A BLAST, and they played every single note, they would even fuck around and change stuff up bc they are actual musicians playing LIVE. I can confirm it was almost 3 hours of pure talent and top performance, unlike you know who.


Yep. I got to see The Cure last year, and I believe Robert smith is in his 60s? They played for a little over 2 1/2 hours with like 3 encore songs. IMO it’s about dedication and artistry, you could tell watching The Cure how much passion and love was in the music.


I saw Travis Scott last year. I hate the guy but he’s my daughter’s favorite rapper so I took her. Because i know he encourages his fans to rage, I said i would take her so i could try to keep her safe in case anything happened. Dude was super late, doors didn’t open for 3 hours and he gave a shitty 1 hour performance. It was so bad. I’m used to artists doing 2+ hour sessions. And…he canceled the performance for the next day but was seen at UNC’s game so you see how much he cares about fans.


Seen Bruce Springsteen a few years back and it was 3 hours non stop music, no breaks or anything!


I recently saw Gary Numan (I'm 52 GenXer) in San Francisco Warfield Theatre and he wasn't even headlining and stole the whole damn show! He's 65! More energy than ever when he had his big hit in 1980! His voice is unique and he doesn't pretend to have it sound perfect, he's genuine. And what a songwriter for his last 2-3 albums...lyrically, sound wise etc. I did go to Eras tour last year and enjoyed it but it was really the crowd energy and thrill of the whole thing being promoted and the hype, but I did get some of my teenage angst out during the rep era, so I was happy lol


I went to a Match Box concert several years back. That man’s a mad man. He moves and dances so much that he has to changes his shirts repeatedly between songs! He just blasted the crowd with energy. He was in his mid-late 40’s at the time. The best concert I’ve been to, and the tickets were cheap! I don’t understand why she can’t do the same with what she charges. It's theft!!


My friend and I went to see Matchbox last year and it was so, so much fun! It really reminded me how much I love Rob Thomas 😭 he changed his shirts during our concert too!


I’ve seen Evanescence live and Amy Lee still has it. She’s been performing longer than Taylor and she still sounds amazing.


She has to put on a theater to distract from the fact that she's not a great vocalist. Smoke and mirrors as always.


She's not a great singer, or dancer, or musician or performer in general. It's all a scam. History will not be kind to her.


That’s always been my main reason for never jumping on her bandwagon and why I easily transitioned from apathy to hatred. She can’t sing or dance. I’m sorry but what else is there if you’re a musical performer?? Michael could do both so incredibly well from a young age that it was staggering. Britney’s dancing and stage presence is once in a generation. Beyoncé’s voice is amazing and her dance ability is, dare I say, better than Britney or Michael. So many others fall on the talent spectrum regardless if they’re necessarily my cup of tea. For instance I’m not a Katy Perry fan, but she does have a strong voice and she’s got a beautiful face and engaging personality. Taylor has been smoke and mirrors and “mid” (I’m 40 so I’m not super comfortable with this word yet 😂). But she’s never been spectacular at anything, just privileged and basic.


Yeah. All she has is her "songwriting" and it's mediocre at best (and if that other post about secret ghostwriters is right, she doesn't even write her own songs).


I have had Chat GPT write several “Taylor Swift” songs and they’re as good as her bullshit. She doesn’t even need to pay a ghost writer. Here’s one about I just made it write about a rumor: (Verse 1) I hear the whispers in the dark, they’re like shadows in my mind, People talkin', throwin' sparks, but the truth they never find. They say they know my secrets, they think they know my heart, But they’re painting pictures, with lies that fall apart. (Pre-Chorus) Oh, they don't know the real me, Just the stories that they see, Spreading like wildfire, oh how they conspire, To bring me to my knees. (Chorus) Rumors, rumors, echoing like thunder, Breaking hearts and stealing dreams, Rumors, rumors, tearing me asunder, But I’m stronger than they seem. (Verse 2) Every word, a weapon, every glance, a knife, They try to write my story, but they don’t know my life. I walk through the fire, I dance in the storm, They think they’ve got me cornered, but I’ll always transform. (Pre-Chorus) Oh, they don’t know the real me, Just the shadows that they see, But I’ll rise


I can hear her talk singing this so accurately lol


Ha same!! I hear it to “Blank Space” 😂😂😂


I heard it to Out of The Woods 😂




Side note: it's being said that AI will eventually replace conventional songwriting.. and that it's already being done now. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for her. But still pretty bleak for future music. At this point anyone can pass off AI as their own..


Yeah, but pop music has always been inoffensive and manufactured, there will always be musicians with real talent, it's just that the mainstream isn't where you wanna look (and tbh hasn't been for a long time)


True artists simply cannot stop creating and improving and further honing their skills. There will always be real art.


That's uncamny. AI just squeaked out a fart in the form of a taytor swift song. The future is here and it ain't pretty.


Uncanny is the perfect word to describe it. It’s frightening how much that looks like a legit Taylor swift song. Anyone off the street could take that ^^ and turn it into a mindless Taylor-esque bop


How did you get unreleased Taylor Swift lyrics? /s


lol let’s see if this ends up on her Intense Beige Vinyl Americana variant of TTPD- available for 48 hours only, with original ~~Reddit comments~~ iPhone memo


Asunder is too big of a word for her, otherwise accurate. Purity Ring use that word in their song "Lofticries". Megan James is light years ahead of her as a songwriter and singer. Let's hope she never discovers their music or she'll rip it off the way she did with Lana's.


Thank you SO much for the reminder to go listen to Purity Ring!!


Sing it to the melody of I can fix him lol


"ChaT GPT write an album inspired by Taylor Swift's ToRtUrEd PoEtS DeP't" -- I bet the lyrics are better


Happy early birthday (or late?), friend ☺️: (Verse 1) In the midnight hour, with my paper and my pen, I’m searching for the words that I might never find again. Every line's a battlefield, every verse a cry, Lost within the pages, where the silent voices lie. (Pre-Chorus) Oh, the ink bleeds my sorrows, Through the pain of tomorrows, Haunted by the echoes of the dreams I can't let go, In the quiet where I borrow. (Chorus) I’m a tortured poet, lost in my own lines, Wearing all my scars like broken valentines. Every tear I’ve shed, every word unsaid, In the heart of my chaos, I’m alive but feel so dead. (Verse 2) In the labyrinth of thoughts, where the shadows often creep, I’m a prisoner of my rhymes, where the haunted secrets seep. Every stanza’s a confession, every metaphor a plea, Chained within my verses, where the pain sets me free. (Pre-Chorus) Oh, the ink bleeds my sorrows, Through the pain of tomorrows, Haunted by the echoes of the dreams I can't let go, In the quiet where I borrow. (Chorus) I’m a tortured poet, lost in my own lines, Wearing all my scars like broken valentines. Every tear I’ve shed, every word unsaid, In the heart of my chaos, I’m alive but feel so dead. (Bridge) In the solitude, I find my muse, In the madness, I can’t refuse, To write my heart’s lament, in every verse I spent, For the poetry’s my solace, my sweet torment. (Chorus) I’m a tortured poet, lost in my own lines, Wearing all my scars like broken valentines. Every tear I’ve shed, every word unsaid, In the heart of my chaos, I’m alive but feel so dead. (Outro) In the twilight, with my pain, I’ll keep writing through the rain, For this tortured poet’s soul, Is a story to unfold.


Impossible not to read that first verse with a Bon Iver voice


I've NEVER understood people's belief that she is a good songwriter. Granted, in 46, see so I have been exposed to singer/songwriters since birth. But, even if I lower my bar from the greats of the 60s & to 70s, she is a horrible songwriter. Even if I compare her to the 90s songwriters (Sarah McLaughlin, Erykah Badu) she could NEVER touch them. Her songs always (and still do) felt like tween/preteen/teen journal entries. The ones you save and then cringe when you become an adult and reread them? I've recently become a Beyonce fan. I loved Destiny's Child for their singing and talent. But as I matured, they were less interesting to me. And post-DC, I wasn't interested in Bey (her voice always hit, just felt immature). But, as she has grown, so has her music. And, starting with Lemonade, I could see her starting to grow more mature. Not just her lyrics, but her sample choices and the way she moves in the world. TS Hans seem to keep her in a perpetual helpless teenie-bopper stage. And she feeds into that. I constantly have to remind them that she is not a weak child.


Taylor becoming so famous is so wild to me because for example Sarah McClachlan never became that famous and her songs are distinguishable from each other and she's an incredible vocalist. But Swift becomes huge? Just showed to me that it's more about how someone looks and how they sell themselves.


Absolutely agree! I just saw Sarah McLaughlin last Sunday. Her voice is still amazing and her lyrics as relatable as ever.


I just had a thought come to me yesterday that Taylor is simply all about fantasy and that is what sucks young girls into the songs or even older women....it's all (teen)fantasy based love songs with drama.🎭


This is so spot on. Honestly, this far into her career at that, there's really no excuse not to have developed some kind of skill.


She is a scam artist.


Greatest scam artist of this generation. Gotta give credit where it's due.


I came to the realization that her father is the silent equivalent of Kris Jenner. He marketed a child to billionaire status based on absolutely no skill aside from his own business savvy. It’s pretty impressive tbh. He deserves the credit, not her. You know they both stabbed a few backs and buried a few bodies along the way, but your soul is a small price to pay for unprecedented wealth and fame. It’s all thanks to him though.


Her mom is a marketer as well. The dad spent 5 million to break her. I could break someone’s cat with that large of a war chest.


Goddamn 😭 I really wish I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth every fucking day. Life would be so different and so much less stressful 💀 5 milli towards whatever his kids dream was??? Never personally woulda went the famous route so that shit woulda went sooooo far 🫥


She’s KISS for white women


This is a great way to frame it.


but KISS have a sense of humor. she doesnt


KISS is KISS for white women.


KISS is for white men who used to be little boys in the 70s and 80s. They've been systematically brainwashed by KISS' marketing their whole lives and are unable to see that their music majorly sucks.


You ever been to a KISS show? There are usually more women there than dudes. They're an accessible 'fun rock' band with a fun gimmick and a theatrical live show. See 'Ghost' for your modern proxy.


How dare you besmirch the awesomeness that is Ghost?! (Really kinda mostly being facetious.) They are one of my favorites and put on a damn good live show, but yeah, they are definitely similar.


Not besmirching at all. I like Ghost, too, and Tobias is a juggernaut of music. KISS isn't all bad either, Rock All Nite, Strider, Detroit Rock City, Heaven's on Fire, Made for Lovin You, etc... they have some solid enough music. (I am not a KISS fan, but they got some okay stuff)


I'm glad you said this because I've been saying this forever that her performances are so subpar especially compared to Beyonce (who for me is the goat), Janet and others. Even Dua is so much better at live shows. I know people say not to compare and "pit women" etc. but it's so sad seeing people hype up mediocrity to this level when greatness is RIGHT THERE. Her midness is not going to age well.


Comparing a product (music and concerts) is valid imo. They are businesses and women. They sell an experience and if it's not very good people should say so. I listen mostly to women singers and I don't think of some as better than others but... When someone works so hard to claim the top spot and then gives mediocrity? Yeah we a product review goes we should be open on our disappointment


Totally agree, I find Swifties tend to move the goal posts anytimes other female artists are brought into the conversation.


Compare it with like an up and coming indie act and there's no comparison. One of them is there to give it their all for the art, one of them is there for a paycheck. Also one of them is like 30 bucks


A theatre is being too kind, more of a circus 🤹‍♀️🎪🤡


Even Katy Perry (who i think have somewhat a mid voice) is far far better than her, i mean look at her acoustic performance and then compare it to TS lol


"Great gowns, beautiful gowns..."


I saw Hozier recently and there’s no choreography on his shows. He just stood there lol. And it was completely fine because is enough to just watch someone be really really good at singing and playing guitar! Like that was impressive enough tbh! I do think big productions are very fun but it’s more like a musical than a concert at that point. I just wanna hear my fav artist perform onstage, I’d feel scammed if they lipsynced


"At one point, she implied she recognized people in the crowd from online fan accounts and other concerts." I'm sorry what... That is some unbelievably next-level parasocial relationship shit.


How does she know what these people look like if their pfp are usually of her on those fan accounts?


Well they're also wearing her face on their shirts. She sees a specific picture of herself, boom! Must be Swiftie #487295. 


This is the shit that drives the fans to stay stupid (relentlessly engaged in this parasocial experience). It's so bizarre, a billionaire reaching out to (real or not, it's irrelevant) "super fans" makes other self proclaimed super fans feel they need and want that too. In order to get that they must consume more swift brand shit. It's free marketing for her business. This whole thing has to be one giant AI experiment, this can't be real, can it? It's just one giant grift from the playbook of Capitaylorism™️.


And if she really did recognize them, then she would know how some of them act online with their bigoted comments, because clearly she sees them and shouldn’t be able to feign ignorance in regard to their behavior. But if she really is ignorant of it, then that line is a complete lie. Interesting how she put herself in a Catch-22 there


Umm, she is pretty big on social media. I refuse to believe she is not aware of her fan's behavior to dissenters online. If anything, I think she actively encourages it, as we know during the Scooter saga. The all too well video, as well shot as it is, was another example. A small "This is a work of art and bears no resemblance to real life, and if it is done, it's coincidental" disclaimer wouldn't have hurt. But nope This soured her for me, because all those "Taylor is such a sweetheart" did not align with how she operates in real life.


I used to be a big Lana fan and I remember her doing exactly the same thing back in the day. I believe it was genuine tho seeing that she had a few rather big fan accounts who showed their face and were in a group chat with her. She knew their names and everything. Her giving them some special attention and recognizing them in the crowd was honestly very sweet. The downside is, these lucky fans tend to let that get into their heads and end up crossing boundaries or feeling like celebrities themselves.


Enabling the parasocial at the same time as calling them creeps for criticizing her time with Matty


Yes I’ve seen YouTube shorts of it !!!


I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews of the show over on another sub as well as plenty of people saying the crowd tends to be unruly. 


Oh yea !! That was another huge thing . How awful the crowd is ! Yeah I’ve read a few stories of people’s experiences with the crowds …sounds like nightmare fuel for my agoraphobia hahaha. I think I would die in a crowd of swifties


Please edit your comment to remove the specific mention of another sub. EDIT: Thank you!


Based AF not removing the comment and instead just letting them edit it. This is the kind of moderating we need…


I am stunned. Maybe some swifties are truly starting to see the light and if so that is a fucking fantastic thing.


These are such great points. She IS doing theater! A one woman show


I honestly feel like she wants to be a theatre girlie so badly, but lacks the fundamental talent and the training to make it at that level. Plus the self delusion she's doing well, the unconditional cheering probably doesn't do well for any self improvement.


What makes you think that? If anything musical theatre requires more vocal ability and effort. I’ve never seen that type of passion in her


yeah like that's what I mean, it's vocal talent and just being able to sustain actual runs. her voice is so weak and she always does that thing where she pulls her mic away from her mouth to hide the fact she can't sustain the note. personally I see the "passion" but it's mostly misguided and a messy attempt. her whole thing is trying so hard and not getting there.


"Chicago! Chicago!" Taylor wishes she was as iconic as Trina Vega. 


I was having a really bad night and this reference made me happy.


I'm sorry you're having a bad night. I'm glad I could make you feel a little better. 


Middle school theater


Oh man, yeah. I went to it in July and was so underwhelmed. I was annoyed because our view was partially obstructed, and that was NOT made clear on the map or anything. I was so fucking annoyed. So I mostly watched screens. I would’ve had a better viewing experience on tiktok. And it was very rehearsed. The set list *fucking sucked.* She’s notorious for picking bad singles off of albums, so why did she double down and play all her singles? There were hardly any album songs, deep cuts, nothing. It was a concert for the gen pop, not fans. And that’s fine. But I was so annoyed an hour in and just wanted to leave. I haven’t listened to her since really, except to try and get through TTPTSD, which I have yet to do since it bores me to tears.


This is the second or third time I’ve read of obstructed view tickets being sold with no warning to the purchaser which is shady AF


That’s definitely on the seller (which in most cases will be Ticketmaster) though.


I felt the same! I went to a Los Angeles show and also had an obstructed view. Honestly, didn’t pay too much so didn’t feel like I wasted anything, but the show was just…bad? I didn’t feel a connection at all! Felt fake.


H-O-T-T-O-G-O, snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll, dance it out, you're hot to go


lol I saw someone on another sub make this comment and I have to pass it on 😂 Chappell: H-O-T-T-O-G-O Taylor: G-O-T-T-O-G-O




Im a middle aged straight male car body tech and this and femininonemon have found their way onto my work playlist after my wife was blasting Chappell one night. I fucking love her.


i'm happy some swifties are finally waking up to reality. but i just gotta say to compare theatre to the eras tour is not the best analogy. theatre actors are way better and the crew who works behind the scenes to create theatre productions are way better at making a cohesive show unlike taylor's team. just look at the musical theatre actors and how they would perform several shows a day and still be stable and do everything flawlessly. taylor could never.


I used to do musical theatre a lot ! Like where people would pay for tickets. So yes i get your point . Months and months of practice etc. Much harder than what Taylor swift does


thank you, i'm glad you get me. same here! i used to work in theatre too, with experience in both performing on stage and also working behind the scenes. there really is a lot of work that goes into preparing a theatre production. i wish people would start respecting theatre actors and theatre crew instead of comparing our craft to a half-assed concert done by the most mediocre pop star.


Theater is SO hard. I’m classically trained but I can’t belt to save my life. 


Honestly I am glad I went to the eras tour. I wanted to go so bad. I had fun. But I understand where all these people are coming from and I’ve felt like I’m out of place for having my opinions about it. I agree it doesn’t feel like a concert. It felt like a big production and just so overtop with everything going on. It didn’t feel intimate at all. My favorite part of going to concerts is feeling slightly connected to them, and this didn’t feel that way at all. There were also some really bitchy girls sitting behind us. My friend spend countless hours hand sewing our costumes and she dumped beer all over me and down my back. I was surprised and turned around and she was like “calm down you’re gonna be fucking fine.” I was just sad someone dumped amber beer all down my blush pink costume. They then spent the rest of the concert making fun of me right behind me. So when all my friends wanted to go again and spend another small fortune and we didn’t end up getting tickets I wasn’t that sad


I’m sorry that happened to you I would’ve thrown my drink in her face and said don’t worry your going to be fucking fine


That was definitely intentional. I'm so sorry. Sounds like mean girls flock together even at concerts. They must have heard the gathering call from the queen mother. 


Holy fuck I would’ve fought them if they did that. Insane!!!!! I’m so sorry and good for you for not assaulting them and keeping your cool


I know that Taylor is pop and I'm not a pop fan in general so I can't speak to the way shows typically go but...I'm so sad for people who pay good money to see what's essentially a living hologram. I guess I've been spoiled by artists who are actually in it for the art or are at least genuine in some way. Where you can say "Yeah I was at that show where that thing happened." I was at that show when Tori Amos played He Has a Well. I was at that show when Ben Folds played happy birthday to Tori Amos on her piano for her 40th birthday. (I've seen a lot of Tori shows.) The best Taylor fans can do is say "What surprise songs did you get?" like they're pulling a toy out of a Happy Meal.


I've seen vocaloid live shows, which are literally hologram shows for voice synthesized songs, that genuinely had more energy, fun, and interesting stage effects than any footage I've seen of Eras lmao.


One thing I hate about Swifties is that they don't give credit to other artists for her inspiration. They say no one uses smoke or stage props, but Madonna did that in her MDNA concert 11 years before the Eras Tour. Also eras is what Madonna is actually known for but no TS must be first in their eyes


I’m sorry, what? I’m a lurker here, but have these people never seen a different show besides Taylor? Metallica, P!nk, Christina Aguilera, Britney, Madonna and like Ozzy Osbourne? Like they all use pyro and smoke and stage props. Wtaf world are these people living in? ETA: grammar.


I know its really annoying and quite disrespectful to the names that came before Taylor. I argued with this one guy who said Taylor brought relevance to eras in music.


I know some Swiffers irl and they all swear by her shows as the most spectacular performance they've ever seen. Well as it turns out, these people have not been to many shows, at all. If you have nothing to compare it to... In my experience talking to these fans, they can't speak to any music beyond Taylor has resonated with them. I can recall really specific details about countless and various concerts (mega, intimate and everything in between), festivals, albums, interviews, endless moments of how music impacted me through the course of my life. I could speak to how music evolved over my life, what artists and what album hit at what time and why. They do this with "one* billionaire "artist" and brag at how profound it is. The righteous ignorance is ugly. They ignore the marketing pushing the product they are consuming while thinking it's so original. Did you know that Taylor Swift invented vulnerability?


“Everything Taylor did felt fake and rehearsed.” THIS. I saw Taylor way back in 2008 during the Fearless era, BEFORE she was super famous or popular enough to play arena shows. The venue she played at was about 900 people capacity. I paid $50 for my ticket. I agree 100% with the fake and rehearsed comment because that is exactly how I felt during that concert, and Taylor was only 18 at the time. So she has been doing the same shit for 16 years and counting. Since that show, I have refused to buy a ticket to any arena show of hers because her performance didn’t feel genuine at all. I like going to concerts where the singer makes casual chit chat on stage or at least tells different stories/jokes instead of the same ones every night. Taylor was incapable of this and every word she said, every pose on stage, felt overly scripted and preplanned. One particular example that made me roll my eyes was when the crowd cheered for her, (what seemed like a normal amount of cheering during a song) and instead of getting back to the music, she just stood there, expecting the crowd to keep cheering even longer. She was milking it 100% and it just felt so awkward to watch. I feel bad that people are spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars to see Taylor, and this is what they get. I enjoy some of her songs but I’ll never pay to see her in concert again.


Omg that reminds me. She won a woman of the decade award or something, I don’t remember. In her speech, she pauses constantly and looks up with what can only be described as a smirk, waiting for applause. It never comes, or if it does, it’s very scattered and slow. It’s not *the venue* for that, but she’s just full-on tinkerbell — she cannot breathe if she’s not being applauded, no matter the audience or venue. It is so hard to get through the speech, because not only is it very surface level and boring, it’s just so uncomfortable watching her pause for applause that never comes every other sentence.


Oh wow so it’s definitely a habit of hers then! It was just so cringe.


i'm not a fan anymore but damn, i'm glad i went before the new album dropped and she added it to the tour cuz it looks SHIT even though i'm not a fan, i still look back fondly on my time, haven't had me it in me to delete all my pics yet 😖


Don't delete the pics that's silly


And that's okay. I have a band that I followed for years! YEARS. Met my family of choice. And then, I fell out of love. I totally get it. Bonus? Most of them still love the band which I think is great that they still get that feeling. However, it takes up a lot of disposable income and time.


Lol why would you need to delete pics? It happened, let the memory live.


I just don’t get why anybody goes to see an artist on the same tour twice when tickets cost that much. Save your money for the next tour which will be different


My mom (not a swiftie but she likes Taylor) keeps asking me if I want to go to a concert because “she puts on such a good show” and every time I have to tell her that I don’t like her music enough to go to one


I get what they’re saying, but people need to stop comparing it to theatre. Theatre shows are 100% sung live, usually with live bands! Those mfers do 8 shows a week


Someone tried to argue with me on the other sub that Broadway relies on backtracks just like Taylor when I used it as an example for why she really doesn’t need to lipsync the show and I was baffled. Like Broadway’s whole schtick is that it’s live. The brain damage on some of these people is astounding


Swifties have never heard of an ensemble cast


I understand this. I love stand up comedy. This is why I prefer small venues as opposed the massive theaters. I love sitting up close to the stage where the comedian does crowd work catered to that specific show. The big theater shows really is just like a play production with prepared stories.


I used to think that all these pop artists always performed to backing tracks and what you were seeing “live” would always be just that. Then I saw Ed Sheeran during one of this stadium tours. It’s just him, his guitar, and effects pedal module, and a microphone. He does the whole show live and has tremendous stage presence. I would gladly go see him again. Seeing all these era tour videos, I wouldn’t want to go see this production because it’s exactly that, a production.


I saw Ed Sheeran in 2018, because my mum wanted to go and got us tickets and it was actually incredible. As a musician myself I'm always baffled how he can make all of that work completely on his own. Anne-Marie as support had 10x better stage presence than Taylor as well


My sister saw Taylor in concert earlier on during her career, I forget date/album since I’ve never been a fan but it was probably 2009-2011. My sister, who worked in the music industry (not at all linked to her or country music), said she was fake. Fake gratitude. Fake accent. Fake admiration for her fans. It gave her a bad impression. Taylor isn’t genuine. She is a created stage presence with poor performance skills. She can’t dance, can’t act, but can sing at a middle school level theater kid.


The fake accent gets me every time. I had always assumed she grew up around Nashville until a couple years ago. Pennsylvania may have rural bits, but it does not have that accent


"babe, you gotta fake it till you make it & i did!" makes so much sense now, she wasn't just "faking" for the eras tour, she did it her whole career




I’m a silent lurker in this sub because I have always liked her music since she debuted in the early 2000’s.. same age, felt like there was always a song I could relate too. I still listen, but I do read in here and see a lot of points people make. And i honestly don’t disagree with the points being made on this sub, including this one. For how much $ a ticket is… every experience should be its own.


ooooh girl this is harsh and I’m here for it


Yeah so I watched the first eras live for France because I figured she’d do TTPD - and then a friend asked if I wanted to watch another date not too long after and I was like - I get the set list is basically same minus surprise songs. But like - I have seen my favorite band like 10 times now and the songs may be the same but like it isn’t word for word the same in between. And the part that really got me was the one clip you see of her taking out ear piece and being like “omg! You love me ?”- people keep posting like “she’s so humble!”. Uh no, cause she’s said that everywhere. Its just - she wouldn’t need all this bs and Easter eggs and bringing her man on stage if she didn’t need the constant ego strokes


“I just didn’t love her live voice” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 in other words SHE CAN’T SING. She can’t carry a note in a bucket. Her albums are all tweaked by the producer to make her sound ‘good’ (but still bad in my opinion). People who can actually sing sound good live.


I’ve seen her a few times and this is spot on. She sticks to the script and doesn’t try to engage with anyone in the audience.


I’m just waiting for her to crash and burn


There is a local musician I have followed for years and years, and every show is different. He is in a couple bands, has his own band, and does solo acoustic shows as well. You never know what you are going to get. Sometimes the entire set will be in a funk or blues or ska style, just because… why not? I have been to multiple shows where he has made up a song *for that location*. “Hello, Helotes”, playing Floore’s Country Store. “I-10/Memorial Drive” about driving in Houston traffic. Super specific. I have seen Lady Gaga a couple times (on different tours) and she sounds BETTER live. Her voice is insane.


“It’s more like theatre than a concert.” This is an insult to theatre


Does everyone remember when Ashley Simpson was caught lip syncing and everyone lost their shit? Now it's just a normal obvious thing that these famous (mainly) popstars do.


Yeah it sounds like the eras tour is an "entertainment experience" or some other combination of bullshit terms. Certainly not a concert


This show sounds like torture tbh


The de- programming process has begun!


I think this year , 2024, is going to be the beginning of her downfall , now obviously she will always have THOSE fans, but I do believe in the public light , her image is gonna be tarnished.


I generally never wish bad on anyone, but when it comes to Taylor Swift there's something that seems so off putting.I believe there's an underlying layer of pure evil that hasn't been revealed yet.Her concerts seem more like an Amyway or luxuries MLM convention the only difference with this is instead of products that don't work Taylor can't really sing which seems like a rip off for her down line that's paying thousands to see a live performance not Cult Kerioki!


The “making the same jokes” thing is always crazy to me. It comes off as so inauthentic…I love when artists actually just talk to the crowd. Especially when the supposed joke is “you’re kinda making me feel like I’m the man!”


The excuse about her lip syncing is “well she preforms 3 hour concerts she has to or else she’ll strain her voice!” Then maybe don’t make it a 3 hour concert then if you can’t actually sing for it all?? Cut it down to half the time. I’d be pretty pissed to pay 1k+ on someone for them to lip synch but maybe that’s just me


Thank goodness some of them are finally breaking away from the spell she has on them


I saw her in April last year. I was kinda let down by it. It was fine but it was so rehearsed. I had seen BTS the year before and it was night and day like holy shit. They only did 4 nights in LA at Sofi and they decked out the ENTIRE place. McDonald's was there, Laniege was giving free samples of their lip mask/scrub, so many vendors for merch, free face masks from smaller brands. Their concert was INCREDIBLE! I had never seen a group give so much passion to their music. They tried to connect with us as best they could. I felt appreciated as a fan!


'but but but Im WHITE PASSING! How dare they treat me like 💩' ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


Idk I took that remark as more surprised than upset. I’m pasty but I’ve still caught slurs speaking Spanish in public and being around my not-pasty family.


This is why I side eye POC who are hardcore fans of hers. She caters to a specific group who are going to still treat them like shit even if they are also a fan.   The red flags a right there if you look at any self proclaimed"Swiftie"s comments online. So much racism...




You know it’s never going to stop cause you have people who will pay a grand to sit at the top of a stadium to see her. It’s insane.


Goes to show you how terribly racists these little twats can be even to another stupid swiftie. They've been making remarks about Travis' black ex-girlfriends bad and accepted the PR move Taylor's team made with Ice Spice after the Matty Healy fiasco. What else would this idiot expect being Latina in a space filled with racists? Fucking moron.


This was exactly my experience too!! And how I managed to find this sub Reddit. I saw her in Liverpool and it was an entertaining show but that’s it. A show. I then saw foo fighters in London and heard the one and only Dave make the famous “playing live” comments. The foos played for three hours and it felt like one hour. It was amazing the evening went so fast! TS played for 3.5 and it was an exhausting slog of a theatre performance.


Then why even go to her "concerts" if they aren't going to give you a proper show that you paid to see?


She's 34 and still singing about teenage angst?


Yup ! I came across one of my emo poem books yesterday I wrote when I was 13 Literally TTPD vibes, but I was THIRTEEN.


I feel like her shows have always been theatrical. I remember being young and watching YouTube videos of her tour after her second album and thinking some of the stuff they did was pretty cool (I recall it ending with rain during should’ve said no) but not that her voice was the main attraction at all. It’s like her music, it doesn’t stand much on its own but the lore and gossip around it builds it up to make it more interesting.


In theater, there is no lip syncing and the dancing is much better.


This just seals for me that most of her fans simply haven’t ever been to a real live concert. As soon as they see someone like Chappell, they’re like “oh wait, *this* is what a concert should feel like!” Maybe Chappell Roan will be the pop breakthrough concert experience to show these young people that genuine live performances are more engaging than prerecorded pantomimes.


I saw Taylor when I was a fan in May 2023. I saw Kenny Chesney three weeks later. His concert was by far my favorite.


It’s not shocking at all that her audience would be racially aware classists. 


Realizing that TS “music” is watered down trash for emotionally stunted teenagers with zero life experience to decipher good from bad. Notice how she got a good experience at a GOOD concert and now Taylor’s is ruined by comparison? That’s the life experience Swiftie Drones lack.


Taylor fan realizing Taylor and fans suck. Thats a W