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Get the order of protection because it will simplify things when you call the police to arrest him. You can also sue him in small claims court for damage to the tree. You can have an arborist assess the tree to see if they suggest corrective trimming or fertilizer or other treatments to boost its health. They can also give you an idea of the value of the tree, its chances of survival and replacement cost if it dies and lost value in its current condition.


Yep, all this. If he refuses to pay after small claims judgement, put a lien on his house.


Better yet, garnish his paycheck.


Nah, if he's stubborn as he sounds the lien could lead to getting rid of him.  This guy will continue to be an issue. 


Apparently mature trees can cost upwards of $200K. Thats a bit out of small claims territory…..


Yes, it depends on the tree. A small Japanese maple is unlikely to be that valuable, but it is whatever the arborist says. If it is out of small claims limits, he can probably find an attorney to take it on a contingency basis.


Japanese Maples grow very slowly, so they are worth more than the usual tree.


Agreed. It’s a lot of time spent nurturing Japanese Maples, they do grow slowly. (I have one), but OP’s tree is much taller than mine, and mine was planted by the previous owner in 2016, and it’s just now hitting between 6-7’ last I checked. A tree the size of OP’s is not cheap and the hacker wiki most likely have to replace what he may have killed with the same type and size he chopped up.


A 2 story Japanese maple is quite large


This is a two story tall Japanese maple. Not very little at all.


Some lawyer woke up from a dead sleep as soon as OP called the cops salivating over a suit they haven’t heard about yet.


And you should sue him for all the emotional and other damages he has caused.


Depends on the species, and since it was cut branches rather than a full cut down, it probably wouldn't be as steep anyway


Also ask the arborist if they have any lawyers that they would recommend.


Def get the order of protection. That way it’s legally established that he has to stay away from you and your property.


Cameras and motion-activated sprinklers, too.


Japanese maples are not cheap. The limit on small claims may not be sufficient.


I could not have said it better. Also ask the arborist how much monetary damage was done and sue him for the costs.


Call an arborist. Get assessment of damage. Call lawyer. File lawsuit. Make bully financially suffer.


Agree. Sounds like OP is doing the right thing. Unfortunately, these things take time, but usually AHs have a way of digging their own holes. Keep documenting as much as possible with video and the more witnesses OP has signed up to support, the better.  Sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to punch back. Figuratively, if course.


any buy more bird seed :) perhaps put in a bird bath as well so they have plenty of water


yeah those poor birds need a refuge


I would turn my backyard onto a bird sanctuary. Baths, houses, feeders, THE WORKS. I want all the birds in the neighborhood! Then I'd set up cameras and start a bird watching YouTube channel and invite the entire neighborhood to subscribe and see all the birds! And if my camera happens to catch that neighbor being an ass, well, more ammo to send my lawyer when I sue him for the replacement and for my pain and suffering of losing my beloved tree.


To be fair, I'd be petty enough to use the left overs from a tree replacement, to fund a separate lawsuit on behalf of the birds. Lmao. "I am here to represent my defendant, 'The Birds.'" Getting Bee movie vibes.. Edit - just realised what Sub I'm in! It's a '/s' .. Don't ban me. I like this sub. Haha.


Except I would 100% expect an asshole like this to start trapping, poisoning and shooting the birds. Really someone like this needed a series of asskickings years ago when they were younger to learn to be a decent human being, and now he will never learn.


I have a neighbor (BG for bird guy) that has his bird feeders in front of his window so he can watch them. 2 problems with this. 1. He only wants specific birds so not 100% sure what he’s done but there is a decrease in numbers of the birds he doesn’t want. Like cow birds, Grackles, & Doves to name a few. 2. He gets upset that the food spills onto the ground and attracts other animals. He has set leg traps and live catch traps for these animals. A neighbor said he saw BG take the live trap over to the river & put it under water and then open it and leave the dead animal in the river. Not sure what animal it was but it could have been a skunk, groundhog, squirrel, raccoon or even a cat. He doesn’t want the other animals around as he is afraid they might kill the birds that come to the feeder. The other night I was on my front porch & heard an animal screaming & thrashing around. He came out & did whatever with it before I got a chance to see what the animal was or what he did with it. We have a bunch of chipmunks, baby groundhogs, bunnies, skunks & raccoons around here and I love watching them (especially at night when I sit on my porch around 1am when I can’t sleep) I am afraid he is going to put out poison bait like rat poison to kill them too. We have spoken to him and basically said if you put out the seed, you can’t dictate which animals eat it. I also told him we like to watch the animals & that the chipmunks will come right up to us on the porch. (Basically telling him he’d better not do anything to them). My hubby & I have seed feeders in the winter & humming bird feeders in the summer, and in the winter there is this one flock that will wipe out the feeders in 10 minutes. We just put out more food because they have to eat too, although we really didn’t intend to feed those species. We also don’t whine about the occasional flyby bombing run on our vehicles, we tolerate it. We get Boston Orioles & woodpeckers that eat off the hummingbird feeders. We really don’t want the woodpeckers on them because they break them, but we know this is what happens. Rumor has it that ‘someone’ (wink wink) has called DEC on him. Another rumor is his leg traps are coming up missing & the live traps are tripped but no animal in there. This is a trailer park and there is a trailer (Jack) between BG & us. Not sure what would constitute trespassing as there isn’t really a ‘boundary line’ between trailers and the land all belongs to the park. However I have my thoughts that Jack has been keeping an ‘eye’ on the traps. Seems like there are crappy neighbors all over. We are trying to do our part to keep the wildlife in our area as safe as possible. I really hope he has to pay a hefty fine and hopefully 3x the value of your poor tree. Hopefully by seeing you stand up to him the other neighbors will join ranks.


There are spill proof and animal proof feeders. Bros spending a lot of money and doing a lot of illegal trapping when he could have had a clean bird feed set up by now.


I agree but he doesn’t listen to reason very well.


My petty self would throw a handful in this guy's lawn once a day from now on.


Shoot it out of a cannon onto his patio!


I would also encourage getting an order of protection. Someone like this needs a legal boundary whether they are willing to abide to it or not. And that way, as he escalates, so will the legal repercussions. I would shell this person flat out you don’t want to be contacted by him ever again, send that certified mail as well. Then if he continues to reach out in anyway, he’s committing criminal harassment which has a worse consequence and a record, vs just a civil order of protection.


And CAMERAS. All this doesn’t mean much if OP can’t prove who did it!


Multiple cameras that cover/overlap every inch of his property for when this idiot decides to escalate. And OP needs to make sure it’s being backed up in case they don’t notice for a few days that the neighbor did do something.


You *CAN* replace mature trees but it’s insanely expensive. But so f-ing what? If it costs 200K to replace the tree he deliberately damaged then he should be made an example of.


One of my favorite quotes: “If you can’t be a good example then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.” Catherine Aird


And he will. With all that evidence he's going to have to pay a hefty sum for a 20' tree.


May need to discuss a restraining order with the lawyer too.


This. Bad choices need to be followed by bad consequences, or there will be more bad choices.


Someone say treble damages. I'm sooooooo clooooose.


It’s fun getting in to treble….


I second this


> Make bully financially suffer. This is how you ensure this: > making sure he doesn’t try anything again


The thing about men like your neighbor is they will never, ever stop. They believe they are entitled to do whatever they please. Get the order of protection because he’s going to keep doing shit especially now that the cops told him not to. He can’t stand being told no—he’s like a spoilt toddler in that way and I guarantee you, he’s sitting in his house stewing whilst plotting how to get back at you. As everyone else has said: document the damage; get an arborist to get an assessment of the tree’s odds of survival; get a lawyer to advise you on dealing with what the arborist says and how to deal with the man-sized infant who lives three doors down from you.


And be very careful - his revenge may include physical attacks on you.


How the heck has no one beat the crap out of this guy? If someone repeatedly trespasses on property, does what he wants and you just keep telling him to stop? Wtf, don't spray him with the hose, beat him with it. He was on your property with a weapon (saw) and refused to leave.


Most people aren't all that confrontational and sadly getting into a physical altercation can end up badly for everyone.


This is what I love about being from a large Irish Catholic family. You get a guy like this messing around and you can always round up at least a half dozen brothers and cousins to go "have a nice chat" with them.


Yeah also the fact he was up on a ladder, such an easy thing to ambush or make it seem like an accident that it fell over.


Yeah, I'd pick up pepper spray or a tazer if it's legal in your jurisdiction.


Get an arborist and see if the tree will recover. If not, sue him for the value of an adult replacement tree. I’d also try to see if you can press charges for vandalism. You have him on video saying he was trying to kill your tree. Some non-tree-law advice, try for a restraining order. He was maliciously attempting to destroy your property and he does not own the neighboring property so he had no right to do that unless he was commissioned by your actual next-door neighbor. Don’t let this guy bully you. He has gotten away with it for too long.


That is a very expensive tree. Like possibly 5 digit expensive. I have a 30+ year old Japanese Lace Leaf maple and it would cost over $15,000 just to buy it and get it delivered. Ouch!!!


I got permabanned from posting in legal advice for suggesting you post this here. ​ Hope you get some helpful info here. ​ Keep us updated!


Oh man. I suggested it too, but I mentioned it as "a subreddit that covers Tree Law." Maybe it worked for me because I didn't include the r/ ? I know some subreddits are extremely strict about that. That's a bummer though. Sorry that happened to you.


I did.. Just posted: r/treelaw Try posting there for more advice. \~\~\~ I would have seen the point if I was giving out duff legal advice. What an odd thing to be precious about. I guess if I ever need legal advice, I'll just have to create a new account... just my luck it would need to be active or with a post history. I can still browse... I think...


Don’t worry, the legal advice sub offers *terrible* legal advice. You’d be better off almost anywhere else.


Because it is run by cops not lawyers.


I hate people on power trips. It helps no one


The core of their advice is "consult an attorney." Really not much else beyond that.


Thank you! Almost all the comments on that one were getting removed.


That sub is only useful for humor.


Well I wasn't amused. \*grin\*


You offered legal advice there, what did you expect from that sub?


Not legal advice - directions!


the funny thing is that they say all the other legal subs are only useful for humor/entertainment


I’ve been permabanned from Legal Advice also! Don’t even remember what minor infraction it was. Mods are crazy over there.


I got permad from there on an old account because I posted a link to the “Don’t talk to the police” video. Also, at least one of the mods is a cop. As my lawyer says, >never ask a cop a legal question, because they don’t know the answer, but will lie to you before they ever admit that.


One day I was at a hearing with the city’s Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings for a fine received by my business. The officer who issued the summons was there and while we were being recorded, I asked him a question (can’t remember what, but the answer was amazing) to which he replied, “I don’t understand the law, I just enforce it” and he seemed type proud of this when he said it.


I got scolded on LegalAdvice for the usual “not a lawyer, not legal advice” disclaimer, with the mid saying comments are “SUPPOSED TO BE LEGAL ADVICE!” Everyone giving advice there is an attorney licensed to practice in the OP’s (usually unidentified) jurisdiction. Right.


Judge and jury! They should lighten up!


What? Why??


I assume it broke some rule. (That's what I get for skimming the legal advice rules and not committing them to memory.) I literally just posted: r/treelaw try posting there for more advice.


I saw that. Weird. My post over there got locked too. Thank you for the suggestion!


You're welcome... This sub is pretty awesome...


Looking into the history of the sub and its moderation will make the futility of posting there for real advice pretty obvious.


Yes, there is some tiny dick guy running legal advice. Probably wants it solely for his other tiny dick friends? We never really know who is giving advice.


This story is fake as it is long.


If you don't already have them, You need to put up security cameras around your house and on the tree. I had a super crazy neighbor that declared his duplex(he was renting) was sovereign property. He nailed a manifesto to the tree in the front of the house and claimed that police had no jurisdiction there and he terrorized the other tenant horribly. We got involved and then he started throwing food over our fence. I had four dogs and he loved to throw chicken wings into the yard so I had to put up cameras so that I would know when he did it. The police were called many times. I filmed every interaction with him and them. Anyway - long story short - it took forever to get him evicted. I had to tell the owners of his duplex that I was going to sue the sh\*t out of them if they didn't get him out. I had no idea what for but I would've found something. After he finally left - he decided to sue the police department for harrassment - so they actually asked me for my camera footage. My point is - people are crazy and make sure you have documented evidence of anything he does to you going forward.


Not us, but our neighbors had a lovely tulip tree fully in their front yard and I looked forward to seeing it bloom every spring (petals ALL landed in their yard, lol). The one neighbor (west) and I have front yards that abut each other (we’re at a dead end road). We each have a driveway off the actual road. When snow flies, our road is one of the last plowed because they plow down the road and then they have to back out. The new crew in town decided they could do (try) a 3 point turn using our driveways. They took out my mailbox and part of the fence of the neighbor to the south, the first time. The next snow, I’m coming down our road and a township pickup and snowplow is parked in my driveway. The crew, using a hand axe, was hacking branches off the tulip tree. I barreled out of my car and started screaming at them to stop. There were 6 men standing around, 5 of them watching a guy hack a tree. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They informed me that they were with the township and entitled to trim trees as needed. I informed them that the tree was a good 20’ north of the end of our road, so they were butchering a citizen’s tree IN THEIR YARD and my door camera caught it all. I told them to call their supervisor and I would be glad to speak with him too. “In fact, I will call the township offices myself,” and I dialed in and spoke to the road guy and said I would be glad to upload images of the massacre. One of the guys’ cell phone went off, his face while he listened to the call began to turn red. He apologized to me and they loaded up in their trucks and left. Snowplow comes down and backs back down the road during winter. PS: the couple that owned the tree passed away in ‘23. When their kids (adult delinquents) came to strip the house, they couldn’t get a moving truck up to the door of the house, so they CHOPPED DOWN THE TULIP TREE!! TROGLODYTES!


That poor tulip tree?


Oh my god! I'm glad you saved it way back when. I'm sorry it was lost in the end. :(


You’re in PA, like me, this is what I would do: Have him formally trespassed from your property. Set up no trespassing signs at points of entry to your property and mark your tree with a purple X in paint. Then, if he comes back he will be arrested promptly.


Just a heads up about your neighbor's hatred for birds. Interfering with a bird's nest, hurting a bird in any way (possibly including spraying them with high-pressure hoses) and any other bird offenses are against the law--Federal Law. To be precise, the Migratory Treaty Act of 1913. This applies to any wild native birds--there are four exceptions: European Starlings, Rock Pigeons (aka pigeons) and House Sparrows, and I always forget the fourth one. (It's like trying to remember the seven dwarves.) It's pretty much any bird you're likely to see in your yard. In any case, throwing things at them, batting at them, or hurting them in any way is quite literally criminal. The act came about because birds were being killed at an alarming rate, often to decorate ladies' hats, but just in general. Passenger pigeons used to fill the sky; humans hunted them literally to extinction. So if your neighbor hates birds enough to do something about it, you can call the cops, or the game warden. Just something to add to your arsenal, should you need it.


Scrolled way too far down to find this.


> I always forget the fourth one. Are you me? (It's ring necked pheasants, btw)


Arborist. Document everything. Get to restraining order. Add a second tree if there's room.


Take lots of pictures and videos of your conversation. Evidence.


Get a survey to make 100% you're right. Pull deed and any easement info. You mention "shared path" and that can sometimes get complicated. Right of ways and easements do have maintenance laws and so you will need to wording (likely from the county and from your deed). Get an arborist to come out and determine if the tree will survive or not. If a certified arborist says it will die then start getting replacement cost. THis is cost of tree + installation costs + removal of old tree for tree of EQUAL size. Not a sapling that will grow into a tree of that side. If its over small claims court limits for your area, find a lawyer.


No mention of easement or right of way. this guy lives on the dead end of the path, he's got his patio all the way out to the property boundary already. i read his deed, it's the same as mine. the 'shared' path was where i thought the argument might be, which is why i just let his actions go until now. when i asked him to leave and he declined was where he messed up then he's just out to harm the tree which goes beyond trimming for path access. he was on a tall ladder to reach these limbs; path access was not impacted anyway. he simply wanted the limbs gone so the birds would be gone. the city has programs that deal with right of way maintenance when it isn't your property, he's not called them. and it's not that it's not maintained, i'm not violating anything, it's just not maintained to his standard. he'd be the guy out vacuuming his walkway because dirt. i'm sure the first step will be a survey, i've been wanting one for a while, Philly has weird policies and i couldn't find anyone to just come out and do a survey. i'm in the process of starting some badly needed improvements (unless everything goes to legal bills now) which would involve a survey so i was just waiting on that. waited too long apparently. >\_<


>I sprayed him in the face with my hose A LEGEND. This guy is unhinged, go after him with everything you've got. Hopefully he'll move. Best of luck and please keep us posted!


Don't forget to sling shot little baggies of bird seed into his yard.


Seriously. I have the urge to make this aholes house look like Hitchcock's The Birds


Also some dog poop would be a great addition to his patio!


And catnip seed. His yard will be full of feral/outdoor cats, and males tend to mark their territory in an olfactory manner.


He would harm them.


Seed bombs with clover, brassicas, lavender, purple coneflower… really any low covering plants that attract birds and small mammals like rabbits.


Onto his roof, too. !updateme


You didn’t want an order of protection when the police asked you? Why not?


They said it was an option, they weren't offering one right then. I said I had considered it but up until that day I didn't really have any evidence to offer. I'm expecting I will now once I get the police report for this incident.


This was said elsewhere but you need to setup some kind of CCTV. At least a camera pointed at the tree, but also one pointed at the entrance to your property line. Can provide you phone alerts to call the police if you're not around, plus be good evidence for an order, plus evidence if the orders being broken. It seems unlikely this guy will stop just because he's been told to, I'd 100% assume he will try to attack the tree (or your property) again. Should he try to take the whole tree down and does so unobserved, you might struggle to prove it was him, and it becomes harder to prove the cost of the original damage he did.


Please please please post more about this guy on the neighbor from hell group.  People would have a field day with this tale. 


Find out if he has a record. Get a restraining order. Get cameras. Go all in before he gets worse. Call your insurance company to see if this is covered under vandalism. If so the insurance company can handle the financial issues and his insurance will go up. Be prepared for the worst. These people rarely back down until it costs them dearly either financially or with the loss of their freedom. And talk to all of your neighbors about this so that they’re watching your back.


> I went outside and asked him to stop, he didn’t so I called 911. This is why you get the protection order and trespass him from your property if that's not part of it. The guy doesn't respect you or your property. It's time to make it formal and start a paper trail.


There are a few things to do. 1. It would be a shame if someone was to spread instant mashed potatoes on his property knowing that it will attract crows. 2. It would be a shame if he were to try to chase the crows away since they tend to hold a grudge and would likely attack him. 3. 100% you need to get an RO. 4. 100% take him to court and make him pay for an arborist or tree replacement.


Wish I'd known the mashed potato trick at my old house. I was trying to get a murder of crows, and was attracting them with peanuts. Mashed potatoes are a lot cheaper.


You have this well in hand. Arborist, lawyer, sue, cameras, certified letters. Also, hello from the Philly burbs.


I would warn the neighbor that if your maple dies as a result of his actions that you will be replacing it with a cherry tree. The birds will eat the cherries and drop the pits everywhere, including his patio. Tell him that every time he finds a cherry pit on his property, he should remember how nice the maple was.


We do have a rule that branches need to be 8 feet off the ground over sidewalks to allow bikes to go under, and 6 feet off the ground (mature trees) near open spaces to help prevent fires. For a path 6 feet clearance should be fine if there's room to go around unless horses use the path frequently, then 8 feet is suggested. Since this path is not a legal walkway that shouldn't matter, but if you're looking for guidelines they're fair. Good luck with your ass neighbor and it sounds like you're doing everything. Make sure that tresspass notice includes your half of the path if you can


First thing is to get him trespassed and served with no trespass. Lawyer up and sue his ass for damages. If he gets served and so much as knocks on your door for a cup of sugar, he goes to jail. With bullies as such, you need to go over the top hardcore legally on them. You want to get several arborists to get you quotes on replacement trees and make sure you include how much they're charging you to give you those estimates in your suit.


The line “I have no more privacy” is especially alarming given this is a man and he walks around everyone’s property. Might be a pervert as well


no, that's a different neighbor. when i moved in he made sure to tell me how much he liked to watch the women do yoga in the park. he made sure to tell me he hoped they were wearing the recalled see-through lulu lemon pants too. like i'd join him i guess?!?


Japanese maples, for a sappling in this area, are about 35 for a year old sappling. Send the video recording to everyone in your area, informing them that this neighbor will tresspass to destroy trees if he deems them a problem for himself, regardless of the law. If he approaches your property, to be careful as this man was gleeful about doing unknown amounts of damage to your property. Get cameras, as im sure next he's going to drill holes in the bottom to pour poison in the tree. He is INVESTED in destroying your property


OP, I’m so sorry about this horrible neighbor you’ve got and I’m guessing he’s got more haters than you might realize, and knowing what an overgrown bully he is you do need to take this the highest way possible. And to answer your question about if people love trees here, that’s most definitely a “YES WE DO”, and regardless of how frivolous you might think others think it might be, you’re very far off from that. It’s not frivolous in the least and this jack ass who purposely did this doesn’t have a leg to stand on. He seems to think he knows so much about your neighborhood he’s also tried and is trying to make everyone comply as if it’s his HOA! There’s got to be something he can be charged with that as well, and he’s going to look very bad if this was to end up in court, since he doesn’t sound like he has any common sense, and thinks of himself as someone he’s definitely not! It also sounds like he’s the one who should leave and move since he hates trees, and birds, if seems he’d be happy in a big city with very limited things of that nature. Do not back down. Call the arborist. Ask for a recommendation about an attorney who knows your states particular tree laws, (they should meet you for a free consultation). This is most likely going to be over your state/counties limit for taking him to small claims court yourself, when the fees start adding up. I do think it’s in your best interest to have an attorney, especially with type of person, who’s already more than just difficult. He’s a blatant ass hole and it’s been who he is, so get all you possibly can from this, because you DESERVE IT!




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Keep calling the police. Tell them a dangerous man is vandalizing your property. Get him arrested. Get a PPO. I'd escalate this to the max.


I am sorry about your tree. Japanese maples are lovely trees and to have a mature one damaged must be heartbreaking. I hope things can be resolved AND that your terrible neighbor moves. But get the order of protection because he sounds unhinged. Please update us with any new information. We always appreciate it.


I recommend that you get an order of protection, immediately. This guy is unhindged. This man might cut down the tree or poison the tree. He might harm you or other property. Start carrying pepper spray with you. And if he steps on your property again, have him arrested and press charges. Finally, your tree doesn't have to start dying before you go to court. He damaged a beautiful tree. He should pay for it.


This is beyond tree law, this is tresspass and property damage. This man does not sound mentally stable. Take up the police's advice and get an order of protection.


OP I can’t give you legal advice but wanted to say, in case it helps, that I am in a remarkably similar situation with a remarkably similar man (also not a direct neighbor) who seems motivated by the same sad need to control everything and everyone around him, same hatred of simple things like happy birds and healthy trees… I’m sorry this is happening to you, I know how it feels. It sounds like you’re doing things the right way, and I hope you are successful and the courts can give him enough of a penalty that he stops this kind of nonsense for good.


I'm sorry you have a crappy neighbor too!


Get an order of protection and sue the crap out of him for damaging your tree.


And video surveilence cameras!! Down the side of the house, the tree itself, another on the tree and walkway, etc. Buy a wooden baseball bat. LOUDLY demand he F OFF! Every Time You See him on/ near your property. When he replies in kind, "ok. Time for my Bryce Harper impression. Let me get my bat" if he's ignorant enough to have that stepladder again, whack it. Defend the Tree! 🇺🇲


Do the legal stuff but also find a way to spread birdseed near his house (not on his property so you don’t get in trouble)


The guy might just start poisoning birds. It sounds like he just doesn’t care.


Talk to an attorney. Have the attorney send a cease and desist in certified letter. It at least starts the legwork in case you need to file suit. Sounds like no one has stood up to the goon.


Is this South Philly, by any chance?


Not South Philly. :)


Sounds good. Only reason i ask is I’ve heard so many stories (not on reddit) of people hating on trees and more often than not, it happened in South Philly. I have the impression that most people hate trees there, lol. Good luck with your issue, though!


Wow! I don't have any advice beyond what's already been said here, but I'm sorry you have to deal with such a megalomaniac like that. That's just over the top


BTK wannabe?


Tell all your friends to bring their broken down cars to your house for a week and have them park everywhere. Then go to a nursery and ask for all of their dead trees and plants (tell them it’s for a joke).


Hmmm…I read about the birds. Have you considered an attorney that deals with bird law?


I'm sorry but if he lives 3 houses away why the FUCK does he care?


The neighbor dragged his garden hose from three houses away to spray water at birds in your back yard? Seriously?


Step 1: get a copy of the police report Step 2: call an arborist ASAP to evaluate the damages Step 3: send the neighbor, in writing, a demand letter stating the damages and giving them 30 days to respond. Step 4 (if they don't pay): get a lawyer and sue if the damages are beyond small claims limits (it will likely be), or consult with an attorney on how to prepare your case for small claims court and file the lawsuit. Step 5: when it's over, if they refuse to pay the court order, ask the judge to remedy the situation. Suggest a lien on their property.


If it's not a public pathway fence your yard in


You’ve gotten all the tree law you would need, but can I also suggest you create things to occupy his time at his own property? Things like mint seeds scattered through his lawn, frozen grass killer ice cubes, bird seed to line outside his fences, and maybe even getting leaves from somewhere else and dumping them on his lawn.


I would check on what type of birds he is harassing and if they are on the migratory bird list. Then call fish and game in your state or the US Fish and Wildlife Service on him. They don’t that.


"This whole escalation is apparently because there was bird poop on his patio when he got back from vacation.  He hates birds.  We live on a tree lined street across from a pocket park that is full of trees. Birds like trees...This past year he’s also been trying to get the city to cut down all the trees on the street and in the park, this is how strongly he feels about trees, leaves and birds." Then he should move to one of those concrete hellscape cities like New York, in a section that's as far away from Central Park as possible, obviously... although he'd still have to deal with the pigeons... Maybe he should try a desert climate, since it seems like tall trees are the root of all his problems. I hate this man and his entire ethos with every fiber of my being. Stay strong, OP, and keep us updated on how things progress. I hope this is a case of what does not kill a Japanese Maple only makes it stronger. We are the Lorax, we speak for the trees, We love it when justice meets their bullies.


I’m surprised Philly PD actually showed up for a call about a tree. I’m glad they did, just wouldn’t expect it.


Lawyers called and will be officially hired shortly when I can come up with retainer fees. I'll find out if suing for the tree is worth it after damages are assessed by the lawyer's choice of arborists. No restraining order is possible because it's a neighbor not a family member or what the courts define as that relationship. That is based on my research and the city websites definition of who can apply for those, I'll be confirming my options when the lawyers are official. The lawyers can do cease and desist and whatever else is involved in that and then whatever happens when he violates it, because we know he will. I put up new security cameras and after about a week of him hiding in his house he's been back. Not to do 'damage' but just to mess about to show he's still in control. One camera is obvious, one is not. So, he knows I'm recording him. Just a note for anyone who said I should have already taken legal action or why there was any question, this is not cheap. And I'm not certain to get money, if the tree is damaged and I receive compensation for that and I need a tree replacement that's what the money is for, it isn't to cover legal expenses. And having a judge say the neighbor should cover my cost is not a guarantee, it's actually quite rare because I'm suing him, but I can ask for it so I will. Just been more understanding because I cannot afford this, but because of the last interaction I'm left with no choice. Lawyers already told me this is not small claims court, it's bigger than that. I'll update again as I can. Thanks for the support!


Get some Ring cameras around your house. Get the yearly subscription so everything is uploaded to the cloud. You'll get motion alerts if there is movement on your property. That way, even if you're gone, you'll get an alert on your phone(with the app), and you can see what happened. That way, if he does something when you're not home, you'll have evidence.


Stopped reading, too much detail. If he trespassed and damaged your tree, you can get a lawyer and sue him for a replacement tree, same size and age. You don't have to replace the tree, but that would be the dollar amount.


And next time he goes on vacation throw birdseed on his deck.


I’m from Philly and I would have beaten his ass before he finished cutting the first branch


You gotta admit though, spraying him with the hose is pretty fucking good. What you said reminded me of a line from a movie I watched a few years ago called Resolution: “A lot of drug addicts buried in these hills. D’you know that?


I considered grabbing something sturdier to swing at him, I didn't want to hurt him though, just stop him from cutting until the police got there.


Next time, switch your hose to a sprayer with 5% pepper juice


You should install cameras immediately. If you have video of anything further it makes it so much easier for the police to deal with this guy for you and makes an airtight case for civil suits if he does anything more.


!update me


Take his house.




!Update me


Restraining/no contact order?




This sounds like the plot for “fear thy neighbor” I just watched …


Go after that rat bastard for everything.


do what ithers say, but also... consider tossing a handful of birdseed on his property covertly every day. By his car, by his porch, whatever. And plant more trees.


The guys a loon,get a restraining order from that guy,that way when he comes back later and you have to shoot him you'll be in the clear,dude sounds like he's gone ocd psycho on all living things


Call the police while he is there. He lives 3 houses away and has absolutely no right touching anything on your property. Did you confront them? Cuz honestly id end up in jail


Sue his ass. These kind of people need to get hauled into court. If he becomes threatening to get an order of protection. Get security cameras.


Now that you have started the process of standing up to him, see if other neighbors want to band together and form a neighborhood watch. We had one in our other neighborhood & the cops will even come to some meetings to help plan & give you guidance on what you can do. Ours worked out well as we had some issues with kids. Also this is a good way for you to collectively share any videos & you might want to set up a designated email for neighbors to send concerning videos. Also it will help keep your area safer from other things too and that videos can be kept as well. Good luck & keep us updated.


No other neighbors would be interested. I've discussed it with my most immediate neighbors already. They agreed they saw how he treated me and my property differently because I had already mildly stood up to him. They want no part of it, they literally said they didn't want him treating them the way he treats me. They pretend to be his friend and say nothing. Then had the nerve to think we'd still be friends. He has a neighborhood chat going already, he excludes me. I'm excluded because when I first moved in and I was included, I treated the chat as a collaborative tool rather than just his way to dictate orders. I have 13 neighbors that are directly impacted and I'm doing this alone. Part of why it's taken so long. Thanks and I will update! So far he hasn't had the nerve to show his face outside, he's usually out and about just loitering around the street 'managing' things.






If the path goes behind his house too then throw some birdseed in his yard whenever you take a walk.


If memory serves claiming HOA stuff, when one is not present, is illegal You really need to meet with a lawyer, preferably one competent in civil litigation. Your state bar association will have a referral service on their website.


Good to know about the HOA stuff. Because I've saved all the letters that he's taped to my door. Thank you for specifically saying civil litigation. Part of my slow to proceed attitude is I had no idea where to start, not even what type of lawyer to call. And when I google most of what comes up is criminal attorneys.


Philly bar association charges for referrals. And none really fit my situation, civil litigation isn't available.


Your problem is you’re hung up on doing half measures. It’s past the time he needs to learn about fuck around and find out. Lawsuit and order of protection at a minimum.


Wow, one of the wilder experiences I've read. Sorry about your tree and sense of peace. Do everything you're doing, just 2 thoughts - 1. I always have a baseball bat handy; 2. Maybe you can sign his address up for Arizona or Utah real estate.


You feed the birds you're an ass hole. But everything else is a wtf bro. Get the order of protection NOW. Get the cops to show that this dude is fucking around and dangerously close to finding out. On the civil side, YES, get the arborist and show him that he's fucked around and now is finding out.


Get the order of protection and put up multiple bird feeders to piss him off.


Definitely have an arborist advise you on whether it’s best to leave the tree be or do some further trimming. Because of the way he ripped branches off it might be better to tidy those “cuts” to stop disease taking hold.


Restraining order too!


Get a tree doctor to come and tell you how bad it is qnd how much to fix it. Then sue him for the cost. If you have the time and money. Otherwise, get a restraining order and let the cops handle it.


Always get the restraining order when it's an option. Always.


HOA stuff needs to go to your local prosecutor's office. I would recommend reaching out to them and advising of what you were given


Remind me! 60 days


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From the situation you've described, I think your best choice is to try to file a restraining order for harassment rather than anything specifically property-related. He'll always be able to find a new way to pull crap if you solve issues as they arise, but if he's not even able to go near you, it covers everything else as well. Considering you already have a filed police complaint and history of the guy messing with you, you should have a solid case.


Update me too, please!


Call an arborist and have the damage to the tree evaluated. That report should support your position legally, then get a lawyer and Sue for damages. PA law is pretty specific on who is allowed to do what to a tree and the guy from 3 doors down isn’t on that list anywhere. Every time this guy says something cross to you or steps on your property file a police report. It may take some time but you need to document the pattern of behavior, with witnesses if possible.


Trespassing and destruction of private property. Call the cops, sue in small claims.


on advice outside of tree law, plan more trees, that will really piss him off


This is a fake karma post isn't it? What's with the Chatgpt story here? Instead of a 2000 page letter to your fictional neighbor, you posted it here. Theres a lot of fluff in this that has no relevance to the issue.


Definitely start with the Order of Protection. Also make sure you put up "No Trespassing" signs on your fence, and in your front yard, because until you do that or have proof that he has been warned to stay off your property, he's not trespassing. You have the police as witnesses to the damage, so I think you are in pretty good shape when it comes to a civil lawsuit. Get the arborist ASAP to document the damage and a value for the tree. It's up to you to decide how far to push it, but now is the time to lay the groundwork. Your damages at minimum would be the cost of the arborist and whatever treatment they do to save the tree. In my non legal opinion, suing in small claims for several hundred dollars for tree "repair" is more immediate and tangible than a drawn out suit over a theoretical replacement tree.


Buy a shotgun


Would sure be a bummer if lots of bird seed started appearing on his lawn and top of his car.


Have you tried violence?


Sounds like an unwell dude. Wacky behavior can justify a call to adult protective services to check on him if he needs assessing.


#1 -- Japanese maples are quite valuable, and the larger the tree the more valuable it is. From what you wrote, it sounds like this is a large, mature tree. You should ask your arborist for a replacement value for the tree. #2 -- cutting other people's trees without permission is illegal. This man was not "trimming" your tree, he was deliberately trying to damage it. So it may not die, but he has deliberately marred its beauty, and that is quantifiable in dollar damages. Ask the court to order him to replace your tree at equal size. The cost of this is staggering and may make an impression on him. #3 -- definitely get a restraining order to keep him off your property and away from your trees and other plants. He sounds unhinged. But even if not, he's incredibly presumptuous. I think I would also ask my neighbors to support this effort and ask the court to order him to stop his fraudulent 'HOA" activity. Good luck with all of this. Perhaps some motion-activated sprinklers as well, to spray him if he's trespasses?


Unethical tip: Start spreading bird seed around his yard. Petty revenge is the best revenge.


It's Philly, what happened to a good ole punch in the nose? Edit: it's a joke. Don't assault anyone. Wish you could tho.


Arborist now - To document “newly cut” damage to tree. If tree needs additional help / replacement next year, starting point is defined.


I would pursue the order of protection that the police recommend it. I would also consult with an arborist to calculate the damage to the tree. Then I'd contact a lawyer to be in the process of recouping those damages.

