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Nah I’d be going back and having words with that dispensary. 1000mg is a fucking hero dose.


The easter dose. You’ll come back from the dead.


Or you just sleep for 3 days


Nah you pass out for like 12 hours then wake up and zombie walk around for a few before passing the fuck out again and waking up feeling like your brain just got hit by a truck.




My husband accidentally ate the wrong fudge back in college and took about 1000 mg. He didn’t have a bad time but he was blasted for three days and ate five pounds of pasta.


Close to the spiritual dose, where you see the gods


Nah, that's just chills and shaking uncontrollably.


That’s hilarious. My edibles are always HUGE at Easter because the molds are so big. I can’t wait to use “Easter Dose” to describe them next year




OP woke up in 17th century France.


This comment is giving me fucking life lmao


😂Thank you, I needed this today


I'm confused how this would even happen. I know it's different in other states, but here in IL edibles are usually 10mg per and 10 per pack.  Somewhere between spending $200 on 1000mg worth of edibles and taking 100 gummies I'd be questioning the bud tenders advice


When I had medical access, you could buy pills that were 100 mg a piece and that was the highest i've ever seen in a single dose. A bottle of 10 was like 80 or so bucks. Even with all that i would side eye any worker recommending to take an entire bottle at once.


Rso is usually 700-800 milligrams of thc per unit and cost $15-$60


Here in MO you can buy a 10 pack of 200mg gummies for a total of 2000mg per pack.


In AZ, I can get a 1000mg bar for $32.00


I'm being robbed in Chicago


In Oklahoma a bag of 1000mg edibles are as cheap as $13. I miss it 😭


Buy rso when it's on sale and make your own edibles. Only reasonable way in IL


Drive to Michigan, I buy 200 mg for 4$ at Dispo dispensary in portage Michigan, first time customers get 37% off too so that’s pretty awesome. I also get an oz of flower for 35$.


Geesh, Oklahoma has much better prices. I get five 1000mg chocolate bars for 100 bucks, so twenty a bar. The bars are easily split into 24 pieces, so about 42mg per piece which is perfect for me :)


Canada? Reservations have no limits on what they can sell


we have chocolate bars that are 1000 mg , run about $25 here. My friend can eat one no problem, me , i cut a 10 mg gummy into 4 pieces and eat 1 piece !


i started taking edibles when they got legalized in IL and I get fucked up on some 2.5s!!


I want off Mr Bones Wild Ride! I remember my friend's bachelor party (a few days in the mountains above Boulder). We had plenty of food, weed and beer. I took so many edibles the first night (maybe 70-100 mg) that I was still high af when I woke up the next day. It stopped being fun by 10AM. Luckily coffee seemed to turn off the highness.


Someone gave me a 1000 mg pill once and I took it. Let me tell you I cried that whole night. It was a nightmare.


1000mg is a loser dose. Either you lost your health and tolerance to a disease, or you lost access to proper effective edibles or you lost control over your substance use.




Hero?? I think the Messiah might be the only one qualified and after even he had to take his sacred 3 days tolerance break


OP you should do this. I live in a non-legal state but my roommate and I met in Colorado when she worked at a dispensary. I showed her this post and she was shocked and said this should be reported through the certification board of the state. They will actually listen in some states


ngl i would call and talk to their manager about this conversation, this person is going to give people out there a horrible time giving advice like this


I've honestly thought about doing this, but it was months ago, and I don't know the name of the budtender. Idk, I've never done anything like that before, so I really don't know how I would go about it. These comments have me thinking that maybe I should go actually do that, though.


i’d call and say “hi i was in about a month ago and talked to this budtender that looked like blah blah blah and they told me to start with 1,000mg and that’s horrible advice i was just calling to let ya know how dangerous that can be” chances are someone else has already brought this to the manager’s attention if he was saying this to other customers too and the manager will probably be grateful for your call since it helps their business in the long-run. peace and love


Yup, mentioning it atleast will put the actions of this budtender on the managers radar more so and if the manager has any common sense he would talk to the budtender in question or atleast remind the team that edible advice for dosage should never ever ever be “start with 1000mg”. That’s literally ruining their customers day and why would anyone want to come back if the last thing they were advised from that place gave them an existential crisis? The manager would never want that.


Yeah I think this is best handled as a team wide announcement and training rather than a singling out


Fr just even a quick reminder for everyone when they come in for their shift it doesn’t even have to be blasted everywhere but it’s like one of the first things I learned in my cannsell budtender course and just being a fellow human having had crazy experiences with weed I will always advise within the 2-10 mg range for beginners and to start low and reside later if necessary, like baking you can always add more but you can’t take away .


Respect, not a budtender, but whenever I introduce somebody new to weed I’m always super cautious and trying to limit their amount as much as possible to the point that offense has been taken in the past


Yup people can have such wildly different edible experiences , I’ve served people who say 2mg drinks will get them blitzed or that they have to only take a bite of the 5mg edibles to get where they want to be, and then I have customers who always bring up “oh but the ones I get from the res are like 100-1000mg” and I sympathize with those people (if that’s the dosage they are actually getting) but yeah there’s very clearly many different crowds for edibles, many don’t venture into the 1000mg territory lol. But take care G hope you’re having a good night/morning where you’re at 🙏


Yeah food edibles I don’t believe do anything for me. Drink edibles I think do the job but I’m 50/50 on if it’s psychosomatic or not for me. My normal dose is 200mg which is comprised of 2 ~2oz shots


This exactly 💯


Do they link your name with your purchases or anything? They might have your transaction history.


I bet they have a record of every purchase - they have to scan IDs and stuff iirc?


Depends on the state


Yes but they always ask me if I've been to that dispensary before. So you'd think after checking ID they'd have your history brought up? But maybe 5hey don't since they always ask if this was my 1st time


They scan your license to get in the door here, and most enroll you in their loyalty programs by default. If your area is similar, they can probably look up the specific transaction.


And probably the name of the person who rang you up.


You should just say you don't know who but that they should tell ALL their people that that's wild advice and reckless. 


Agreed, this is best handled as a team wide training moment rather than singling out 1 person despite that 1 person being responsible


If it's a legal dispo where your license was scanned/punched in, there will be a record of whatever budtender rang you up.


You pay by debit card? It's on file, it should list who sold you what... I'd talk to owner


Also I know odds are low but if you still have the receipt from the purchase, it will have the budtenders name on there


You really need to do it. Many people will have the worst night of their lives taking 1000mg.


Was this an actual dispensary, or a smokeshop? That is pretty egregious if it is an actual dispensary, but if it’s a smokeshop/illegal state “dispensary”, that’s pretty par for the course


I live in a legal state. This was an actual dispensary. It was the only experience I've ever had like that. Everywhere else has given me really good info on things like dosage, terpenes, cbn vs cbg, etc.


Nah this is completely fucked. They're supposed to suggest start with a half dose (5 mg) wait and then take more. I'm a heavy user and 100 mg is tough on me. 300-1000 is crazy


You can always eat more, you can never eat less.


Works with spices, too. Being a paramedic, it's always best to err on the cautious side (for some meds, some require the recommended dose) compared to giving the entire thing. Providing pain meds, I'm going to give maybe half the recommended dose (depending on injury) because you want them to feel good but not comatose. Unless you're tubing Tony, knock them out and intubate, "bEcAuSe I cAn."


Yup. Id never ever give a first timer 100+.  If they are ediblocked then that's out of my hands.   In college we gave some friends cookies, maybe 80mg per with many many warnings about not eating multiple at once and told them they were STRONG.  At least one person was basically couch locked.   


I only use edibles rn due to health reasons. I have them more than once a day. Even I max out at ~150-200mg per dose.


You should say something to the shop or at the very least leave it in a review online, maybe both. Who knows how many others have gone through the same bc they trusted this person.


Definitely both.


Agreed you should call and complain, he should be fired for that


It seems like there are probably some sort of licensure/safety recommendation protocol in a legal state? I am just spitballing but a 1000 mg starting dose is insane and I feel like he needs major reeducation


For real my 72 year old dad gets gummies from a dispensary to help him sleep, he didn’t know anything about weed or edibles or anything ahead of time, if he asked a budtender for advice and they told him 1000 mg? He might legit have had a heart attack.


Exactly what I was thinking!!


Yeah I personally would call the place you shopped and out him to a manager, he’s gonna say that shit to the wrong person, they’re actually gonna do it and it’s gonna turn them off weed for life. And I mean that’s the best case scenario, it could trigger psych episodes and send others to hospital. Very uncool of him, and very dangerous. Fuck that guy. I’m sorry that happened to you.


What state? Are you sure it was a legit store? Most rec states don’t allow more than 100mg per full dosage


Yeah OP bought 10 packages of edibles, thought that was too much, and then consumed three full packages for their first time? I could see maybe they bought a 100mg pack (10 10mg gummies or something) and ate 3, but I just can't believe they ate three full packages of edibles (so like ~40 worth) and thought that would be a beginner dose. Either that, or despite living in a legal state, OP went to a smoke shop and thought it was a dispensary and bought who knows what.


I'm also doubting OP. A guy I work with also works at a "legal" but unlicensed dispensary on sovereign land. They sell 5g edibles.




That's why I'm calling bullshit.


Michigan has 200mg, but I think that's the most you can get. You might be able to get more from medical.


Not sure about rec but I can buy 1000mg packages in Colorado on the med side. Either way if your tolerance is that far up there I feel like pretty much everybody would go for an RSO syringe before an entire pack of edibles.


This is the first time I’ve ever thought that someone working at a dispensary should be straight up fired. Seriously not cool.


Either that or it’s a bullshit story, which seems likelier.


Ive never been tk a dispensary that has 1000mgs... highest ive seen is 20mg. In a legitimate store


In OR you can buy 100mg Drops gummies, it's just the single gummy in the container though because we cap at 100mg/container


complain to the dispensary management. they could lose their license with a budtender like that, they need to know.


Did he by any chance say HE needs to take 1000mg to feel anything?


I'm really wondering if this was more a horrible misunderstanding. Either he misunderstood what the bud tender said or they did with what he was saying.


What state? Medical or rec? Quite the lack of details. Help us out.


1000mg is fucking insane lmao glad you’re okay and it didn’t ruin edibles for you!


I have a high tolerance but my gf who doesn't smoke but takes edibles on occasion will get actually slumped on 20 mg. Sometimes 10 will wreck her to where I have to help her to bed..so someone with super low tolerance would be so screwed..that's not right.


Yes, a newbie would definitely be screwed on that advice. They should be starting with 10mg to be safe and this guy is recommending 1000???


I am lightweight when it comes to edibles for some reason and I am toast on 5mg. 10mg and I sleep for a day!


That's literally a full gram of RSO, usually. NO. This could result in a lot of people thinking they need to go to the hospital. This needs to be reported to the dispensary just to educate. I Only use RSO and I cannot do even 200mg after a year of use or I would be dying. Some people might need it if they don't process edibles well, but you should NEVER start out that way. Jaysus...the thought of 1 gram of my RSO makes me nauseous just thinking about it.


Even 100mg as a STARTER dose is too high.  OP doesn't know edibles, I'd have them take 10, wait an hour, 10, see from there.  People can have a fine old time on sub 50mg, especially if they took a month t break.  


Dude I used to be fine with FIVE milligrams. Well I still am but I could go up to ten now. But not more. Some of us have hella low tolerances fr lol


I cut my 5mg edibles in half...2.5mg at a time is perfect for me and I'll sometimes take the second half later on. 5mg hitting me at once usually just makes me uncomfortable. Love having a low tolerance, my edibles last forever. To your point, 10mg as a starting dose is probably fine for a lot of people, but it can also be way too much for some. I wouldn't tell anyone go over 5mg for their first time.


With that dose I won’t just think I need to go to the hospital, I will most definitely need to


Rso is not 100% thc, so it would be a lot more than a gram. Better analogy would be distillate.


This probably didn’t happen, but if it did, I’d be going back to have some words. 1000mg can change your brain bro.


they also stated they’ve never had edibles before but then at the end of the story they state they regularly take 50 mg edibles. Pretty confusing story.


They stated that they started taking the 50mg doses after this experience occurred.


They also say in a post they deleted that their first time was 150mg that they split with their sister, and they had been smoking weed heavily for years prior to their first edible (as well as other drug consumption, such as LSD, mushrooms, and DMT). Absolute bullshit story.




Holy crap, soooo sorry. That’s awful.


Honestly you should call the dispensary and say something


That could cause someone to mentally snap. Dude needs to be fired. Imagine if a pharmacist told you to take 100x the regular dosage of something. Same shit.


Write a review on one of their pages. It might save someone else from having a nightmare experience and never touching weed again.


This one might be a good way of going about it. It's a good dispensary, though, despite this tender and experience. I'm definitely going to think about this, though, because he could seriously mess some people up with this.


If you’re worried about hurting the dispensary’s reputation you could give them a call and try and talk to a manager. But that budtender should not be working there. The thing is, recommending 1000mg is so egregious I’d have to assume the budtender is malicious. I’ve been a daily smoker for the last 10+ years and I would still never take more than 50-100mg at a time. Maybe the budtender has an insane tolerance and that’s what he needs to get high. I tend to doubt it but it’s possible. But even there’s zero excuses for recommending anyone take a 1000mg edible.




Have you tried lower dose? For me, a 5mg gummy is an excellent, mellow, and long lasting high. Then again, my tolerance is super low, and I can get 40x 5mg gummies for about $15, so it's worth it to me. I also have bags of 1mg gummies that are great for if I need to mellow out just a little.


Man I wish I was fucked after 25 mg. Would cut costs because I usually have to take 100 mg to get where I want to be.




I'm a heavy user and if I took 1000mg edible I would be on the fuckin moon.


Dudes trying to ruin someone


That's horrible advice and could really hurt someone. If it were me I would confront them. That's 100X the recommended amount to start with. Maybe 200X


Ok if you're a regular user, why did you listen??? SORRY I missed that it was your first time.


This was before I had ever tried edibles. I had only smoked weed before. Now, much later after this experience, I'm a regular edible user. Also, I didn't listen completely. I took 300mg instead of the 1000mg that he recommended.


300mg first try? Jesus Christ


It was awful. Can't even imagine if I had actually done 1000mg first try.


10 was too much when I first started, and since 300 was already hell, you probably would’ve never wanted to use edibles again.


I’m genuinely curious, how did the high progress? Did it hit like a ton of bricks after X minutes? I know you said it was awful but I can’t even fathom 300mg. I’ve been incredibly stoned with 15mg…


If it was a legal state, how was it not capped? Most states allow 300 mg in a bag AT MOST.


Here in nj it’s capped at 100mg. It’s not even worth it for me. Most packs are ten 10mg gummies. Like wtf am I supposed to do with that besides put it in my bhole?


in the early days of medical here, the edibles were almost inedible they were so gross. They've come a long way for sure. I get my edibles grey market or farm bill compliant online vendors, mostly the latter these days


I live in the Midwest. I've heard of that, but that's just not a thing in my state. The most I've seen in a bag is 1000mg.


What state?


Colorado has 1000mg bags on the med side. Not sure about rec since I'm under 21 I can't shop rec.


Like as much as I love edibles and I think weed is safe, that seems irresponsible on the state's part. Sorta like how they finally put the calories for a whole pint of ice cream to save you from yourself, they should cap edibles so people don't take the whole damn thing.


Where are you getting that large of a dose in one package? In most places I have only seen 100mg edibles packages, max. And usually, that would be in individually wrapped 10mg packages. Like you would have to buy 10 packages of 10, it would be expensive. Or did you get a syringe of distillate and do it all? Again, that's a $30+ package. It should be extremely obvious doing that much at once is a lot. I understand if you got bad advice, but it seems like you should have some idea you were doing a lot.


This was my question as well - in Colorado, the max you can buy is 100mg for recreational. Even in a single purchase, the limit is 800mg. At that point, you're eating 8 packages of 10 gummies each, which is frankly a kind of gross amount of candy.


They make 1000mg edibles? Lol is that like... the Costco size bucket of edibles?


Picturing a gummy the size of an apple.


I’m thinking it’s just a bad package label or something. Some labels will list the dosage contained in the whole package, not the individual gummy. So you have people out here thinking they’re taking a 100 mg gummy when in reality it’s just a package of 10 gummies at 10 mg each for example.


1000mg is setting someone up to either figure some deep shit out about themselves and never be the same from it or see some crazy shit and also never be the same from it. My brother took roughly 150-200 mgs of edibles one of his first handfuls of times ever trying weed. He freaked out ran around the house like someone having a bad shrooms trip and then crashed out to wake up the next morning to swear he’d never try weed again. He’s a stoner now.


10 mg being the starter is correct. If that bud tender thinks you need 1000 mg to feel anything in the slightest, they must have some super tolerance because my tolerance has been pretty high for a while, and even now I never venture above 200 mg. Also, that guy probably shouldn’t be a bud tender.


Reveal the location and let the net fix it for you


They person is possibly upselling, but probably has no idea he's getting people tucked up. Or both idk?


That budtender is out here causing chaos that can seriously fuck with people.. you should atleast mention to the manager via phone call that there WAS a budtender a little while ago that gave you some actual terrible and hurtful advice regarding edibles that caused you to have the worst experience possible. The manager should hear you out and at least bring that up with his team at most offer you something.


I usually take half of a 5mg....


I started with 2.5mg and worked my way up. Have had a lot of trouble with anxiety after taking a dab and having a 3 hour attack. Took months to work my way up to 10mg.


Always do your own research and math. Take everything with a grain of salt.


Even 100mg sends me to the stratosphere. This is fucked


I don’t like edibles because I took 200mg once and by the 2 hour mark my head was bobbing in and out of the toilet because of how out of it I was, hair wet from water(I luckily flushed after vomiting). Luckily no paranoia or bad vibes, but holy hell was my stomach not having it. Cannot tell you how better I felt after letting it all out for a solid hour straight.


Most legal states don’t even allow doses that high. I’ve been dabbing for 15 years and I’d never take that much in an edible lol.


I vape every night, but I still don’t take over 5mg of an edible. Any more and my “buzz” turns into “too high to enjoy the ride.” Tolerance across different people can range so much!


Why listen at all. Dude said to take 1000 and they only took 300 so they didn't trust the advice. But apparently this was the only information or advice on edibles dosage that they have ever come across. From that one sketchy budtender at that one place that one time ever they asked anybody ever. And wouldn't the price of 1000mg seem a bit high if that's what it takes to "feel" something. People gotta take responsibility for their own drug taking and ensure that they do proper research.


I've heard horror stories of the same nature about the rival dispensary I work near. It makes me so mad. That's a sign of a person who either has no perspective or simply does not care...and is one of the reasons I hate the dispos that do commission on sales. I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's fucked up and irresponsible of them.


Im a regular to edibles, almost daily at one point, but if I took 1000mg edible I'd probably forget how to control my bowels. Even 300mg I would have trouble with.


Feels to me like the budtender may have worked in a smoke shop before. Legal dispensaries usually don’t even carry anything close to 1000mg because it’s a liability for them. Now back to smoke shops and cbd/cbn/hhc/thca etc hemp and other cannabinoid edibles usually come between 200mg and 2000mg. Even with those you should cut that mf up do not and I repeat do not just eat one of those. I ate a 250mg one before thinking it was probably like 40mgs and ISTG it was like my first edible ever, I was too fckn high and I normally eat them from legal dispensaries.


The proper response to someone thinking a dosage is too small is, “You can always take more, but you can never take less.” That dude was a moron who doesn’t know how to do his job.


I get completely greened out and lose 4 hours on 50mg.


Personally I would go back and report them to a higher up because even a budtender should know 1000mg for someone with a low edible tolerance would easily land that person in the ER


Even though this wasn't super recent I think you have sort of a responsibility to alert the manager of the place. If this guy is giving this advice to other newbies, he could put someone in a really dangerous situation. Someone could actually get hurt, or taken advantage of, because they don't know what they're doing. Shame on him.


This is fucked and you should say something to the store owner. 1000mg is not a dose anyone should recommend. JFC.


Been smokin daily for 20 yrs and 350 mg knocked me the fuck out. Who the hell suggests 1000???


Call them and leave that story with their customer service. Or go in person. That's fucking insane. That'd be like a bartender telling someone there for their first drink to guzzle an entire bottle of absinthe and then chug a bottle of Jager after. Absolutely bonkers. What the hell was that lunatic thinking?


1000mg of real edibles from a dispensary will have you meet Satan…and you’ll laugh in his face


When I was in California a few weeks ago I went into a dispensary before I got on my plane and said I wanted something that would last the plane ride home. He sold me a tincture that was 1000 or so mg. I didn't see that it said 30 servings until after I downed the whole bottle. Shit had me in the terminal staring at the touch screen to check in for 5 minutes wondering why it wasn't responding to my mind lol. I was ripped for a solid 13 and a half hours. Best sleep I've ever gotten and I woke up still stoned. 10/10 recommend doing at least once in your life.


I tell people 2.5mg-5mg. I've been smoking 20 years and still can't eat 5mg and enjoy it. I just feel drunk and tired, but I can smoke all day and be fine. Everyone's metabolism is different. Borderline criminal to be recommending 1000mg. I'd rather eat 7 grams of mushrooms than 100mg of THC. That's wild


This is completely anecdotal and based on my own experiences. A lot of stoners abuse weed and because of that, they become jaded . Typically these die hard pot heads think they have a superior opinion as far as dosage goes. You could also say that these people are very militant about their stance on weed/drugs and believe that anyone who isn’t 24/7 stoned is a poser or a person not to be trusted. I’ve met so many people who make fun of my low tolerance. Little do they know, I’ve smoked pounds of weed over the years and have found that moderation is what makes weed so good. It’s not an enjoyable experience when you cough your ass off the entire time just to feel fatigued and sickly. Honestly, I find it difficult to smoke an entire joint to myself without feeling sick. A bong rip or a quick little rip off a pipe is really all you need.


All that each of us can do is think closely on this pitiful tale and try to decide for ourselves if it's likelier that a). For some reason, a dispensary worker disregarded their training and told a customer to take 1000mg of edibles in order to "feel anything." Whether out of incompetence, malice, or genuine inbred evil in this dispensary worker's heart, we can only guess. or b). Somebody giving an account of this conversation on Reddit has grossly misunderstood (or misreported) what they were actually told, and further didn't think that reading any of the state-required labeling about dosages plastered all over the products they purchased (and would have to laboriously peel off and remove in order to consume the massive dosages they were methodically stuffing into their mouths) would be a better method for figuring out the correct dosage than to just keep eating. For myself, I choose option b on the basis of my impression of the witness as someone who, looking at their their enormous haul of 100mg-state regulated packages of of edibles, whether chocolate bars and/or bags of gummies or whatever it was, is apparently the type to wonder if eating say, 30 or 100 gummy pieces or 3 or 10 entire chocolate bars is the normal minimal dose we're all out here consuming in order to "feel anything." Just imagine what happens after OP gets the munchies if this is how much they're ready to eat. They'll going to have Twinkie trucks backing up to their front door. I'm actually disgusted.


![gif](giphy|3o7bufLFwUPxR0BsDC|downsized) The budtender:


I have a super high tolerance and I do 195-230mg each time. Either RSO or Distillate in gel caps. 1000 is crazy even for me 😂. Shit, 300 would probably be a bit too much too. Either way, I'd go back and have some words.


As a budtender myself i think you should leave them a review sharing this story.


Not great for business either. A know more than a few people who had a bad first experience and never tried again.


That’s damn negligent as hell 


that is legitimately dangerous advice. I normally scoff at the idea of weed being "dangerous" but holy shit 1000mg could be destabilizing to someone with poor mental health, never mind all the puking


That is bonkers. I have a fairly high tolerance.. I took multiple 40mg gummies yesterday (not at the same time).. My friend who is a seasoned weed user will only eat half of one of the same gummies. Neither of us would just eat 300mg. We both like to take edibles and go places.. I am so sorry that happened to you :(


Holy shit he’s gonna ruin Edibles’s for a lot of people


I eat an entire dart of RSO if I wanna have a good ass movie marathon & be in the fuckin couch all day


He probably meant 100 and he was just baked so he fucked it up. I bet if someone had said, "Bro don't you mean 100?" He woulda been like "Ah, right, my bad, I meant 100".


Even 100mg is insanely irresponsible to recommend to someone as a starter dose.


That's absolutely fucked. I take 5-10 mg and that's IT.


Omg no thats awful. Even 10mg is a high starting dose for some people, the fuck


I always say to people with low tolerance who are new to edibles to consider each 2mg of THC like a 1.5oz shot of liquor. Where 10mg is like doing 5 shots. It’s not exact but it’s good enough to make the numbers less arbitrary and teach people to understand what they are getting into. Telling someone that 1000mg is a good place to start is like telling someone to drink 750 shots of vodka, that’s like fucking 6 gallons or 22 litres. Enough to kill you fifty times over.


Jesus Christ that’s insane! I’ve been smoking, growing and eating cannabis for 31 years and I recently thought it would be smart to eat 400mg in one evening. Way too much! I didn’t get sick but I was so high I could barely sleep and it lasted into the following afternoon…


I ate 500-600mg one time and went to work. I haven't eaten any edible since then because the experience was so bad. I'm not even going to lie and say it was a mistake - I just didn't take that amount seriously. Never again though. I think the only reason I didn't get caught was because I work graveyard. Some of my coworkers still make fun of me for it and I'm embarrassed at how sloppy of a decision that was.


I started with 1400mg my first time and didn't feel a thing. My wife takes 10mg and goes to outer space.


I don’t understand this. If you regularly take 50mg edibles why would you think 6 times the normal dose would be kosher? I get that the budtenders advice is frustrating but you’d think your personal experience would win out there?


Fck that dude


Holy shit that’s the worse advice EVER


Even my local hole in the wall vape shop tells customers to take 250 the first time. Wtf...


But did you die tho


Maybe he meant 100


This is very not cool. I’d definitely go back and find the person in charge and let them know what happened. Misleading a customer like that and giving them an 1000mg edible would be a good reason for an instant firing if I was the boss.


Damn, I can’t even imagine. I was nervous my first time at a dispensary and they recommended I start with 2.5mg since I rarely had smoked prior. I got brave and started with 5mg and felt like I was in the Garden of Eden. Just thinking of consuming 1000mg isn’t processing correctly in my brain.


Oooof. Even 100mg would absolutely wreck you. I‘d have a conversation with the manager of the shop. This Budtender is dangerous


Today you learned that a bud tender is not a doctor. He’s a retailer stoner guy like me and you.


The problem with dosage these days is that black market edibles always over exaggerate dosages on their packaging and will say some stupid shit like 500mg per edible. Hopefully most come to understand the difference because 5mg of a legit edible will have a newbie slumped. I'm a regular smoker and take edibles somewhat regularly and I don't need more than 15-20mg max. Any more than that has the potential to overwhelm.


that budtender? that was the devil you met


Your first mistake was trusting a budtender with dosing recommendations. These people are huge stoners and generally aren't good with numbers or understanding that other people don't have as high a tolerance as they do. You can probably trust them on a recommendation of what strain you may like, but honestly I look at budtenders as kinda dumb people. You should've known that was nonsense when they suggested you up your dose by 100x. That's just plain fuckin dumb. With dosing if you feel you're not getting enough, try doubling the dose, not 100x or even 30x like you actually did. That's insane. Tl;dr - Jesus Christ, don't trust budtenders on dosing


1000 mg is absolutely insane, coming from a smoker of 10 years I can hardly do more than 100 mg in a sitting…


They tried to tell me to start with 20mg which I think is a lot honestly. I can still feel 5mg and 10mg usually has me pretty right. I can't even fathom 300 let alone 1000mg! 🤯


Why wouldnt you speak with management asap?


1000mg is like the suicide amount


Yeah maybe you are extra sensitive ? I took 300mg many time and I just feel I'm loosing my short time memory and I feel sleepy but I never feel high like with a flower, my wife does feel nothing at all but flower does


Everyone has different tolerances, especially with edibles, some people just don't feel it, for others 5 mg is plenty. I accidentally took 100 and saw the universe. So I'd thread slow for anyone trying edibles. The key is to say "these edibles ain't shit" about 30 minutes in to activate it.


This really should be a call to the manager. I wouldn’t want him helping an elderly person with their first time. Make the manager aware please OP.


Budtender did this to a friend. Friend literally NEVER uses any kind of THC product but a "bakery" opened up near their place so they decided to go. Budtender told them to start with 500mg. I told them that was insane, and friend's response is "they work at a pot store they know better than you." After 4 hours of panicking and vomiting they admitted I might have been right.


Damn either that dude is an idiot or he thinks it’s funny which is really fucked up. I started with 5mg the first time I took one. Literally 0.005 of what you took…


This is either fake or you’re terrible at understanding information. There’s 0 chance this happened the way you portrayed.


Do people actually believe this story? OP is describing a serious public health risk and quite possibly some kind of assault/poisoning but refusing to name-names. That makes this seem like copypasta or engagement bait rather than a real person trying to raise awareness of a serious issue. Either the story is fake or OP knows of a dispensary in the midwest that's poisoning their patients and instead of warning us, he's farming karma. That's weird, right?


Been smoking and taking edibles for 10 years and a 100mg edible still sends me to fucking space so I usually go for 40-70mg