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I guess it’s “poisoning” when someone consumes too much and can’t handle it or consumes by accident. Even though that’s not actually poisoning at all.


Yup. They’re calling not handling your high poisoning now.


It’s as if alcohol poisoning was the same as getting drunk… Their intentional ignorance is frustrating but not surprising.


Fr, i vomited 4 times and felt sick throughout the day with one night of alcohol. Vs never vomiting or feeling sick for 2.5 yrs of smoking. I pretty much had the same symptoms as if i drank actual poision or a cleaning chemical.😂


I use to smoke with a dude that would throw up after his first hit of the day. It was freaking weird


Yea, it is weird. My brother can not finish a 1/4 bowl in one go bc he will throw up. The spectrum of weed highs are astounding.


What made smoking with this dude even worse is how ritualized he would make the smoking session. He would present the baggie, let everyone smell it, present the ground up bud, the rolled j or blunt or packed bowl, and then have to say something "deep" before taking his first hit. Then pass it and go vomit.


Dude sounds like a fucking shaman or something


[This thread made me think of this scene. ](https://youtu.be/XncTKjxnSHA?si=8ADofiUsnnR5OlA0)


Maybe it was ritualistic for him at that point lmao 😂 that’s funny as hell


Are you sure you weren't at an ayahuasca ceremony?


I knew a guy who would throw up every night after a few bong rips mf would just leave and we all knew it was that time of the night 😂


I hit a dab so hard this morning I coughed till I puked. Not a normal occurrence (think 2nd) and far from, I was poisoned. Lol


I hit a full pipe bowl of keif and proceeded to cough for 20 minutes before spewing. Lessons were learned.


I'm scared of coughing too hard now, I tore something in my throat the last two times and ended up bleeding for an hour


Pretty sure I cracked a rib from coughing when sick before. That shit hurt & has been my only worry. Didn't even know you could tear something in your throat but doesn't sound fun. Lol


Some people “swallow” the smoke and I’ve found that’s what always causes me to throw up. If I breathe in incorrectly (usually through a bong and trying to go fast) then I’ll burp wisps of smoke a couple times then promptly throw up. Also if my piece is nasty and needs to be cleaned.


I threw up once from smoking pot. Granted, it was because I was coughing so hard after a ridiculously huge gravity bong rip and had nothing to do with being high.


lol. Alcohol is always the problem. My aunt, used to be a wild hippie when she was a teen/early twenties.. fast forward, shes in her 60's and is just the most loving and kind woman on the planet. My wedding, at the reception, she finds me smoking a huge stuffed joint with the smokers. She asked for a hit, said.. fuck yeah, always wanted to share a toke with my cool af aunt. yeah.. she takes a hit that would have Snoop going "woah nelly!" she forgot the golden rule. Don't drink and smoke with zero tolerance. lol she spent 15 straight minutes power spewing in the toilets before my uncle was able to take her home. I was sooo sheepish the next day.. but she told me it was the best nights sleep shes had in years.. lol


Ethanol is literally poison, so it’s an accurate comparison


I've been smoking weed since 1988. Never once made me puke.


Damn that’s hardcore. Maybe take a few mins off though…?


Sounds like me. Tried weed for the first couple times in high school and got violently ill every time. I can handle it now. People really need to know that can happen, because it was worse than any flu symptoms I've ever had. I'd have gone to the hospital if we weren't all low income teens doing drugs. Instead I did what I always do and I slept it off.


All of the bad decisions I've made in my life have involved alcohol. I don't make a lot of decisions when I'm high.


Ha, i see what u did there😂


People WILL certainly vomit if they get too high or their body just doesn't like it- it's relatively common. HOWEVER COMMA, they're not vomiting because their body is trying to get the POISON out of their body like they do when they drink too much booze. Your body not liking pot may suck at the time you're high, but there's not going to be any lasting effects or sickness that one gets through alcohol poisoning. The two outcomes are simply not comparable.


drinking liquor is basically drinking a cleaning agent tbh


The word "intoxication" literally mean to poison


100% All I get from smoking too much is a cough. Tho, I have become so dehydrated on strong edibles that it was bad. Now I'm always chugging from my water bottle.


I’ve only vomited from smoking when I went too hard on the munchies and my stomach couldn’t contain all the food


I vomited and passed out my first time smoking last year since I was in high school. I loaded the joint like I would have 15 years ago in high school, not realizing how much stronger pot is now.


I'm not sure this is a helpful comparison? You can actually get poisoned by consuming enough alcohol, and people routinely do. You might get so high you can't handle it, but actually getting poisoning from cannabis, without an allergy or some sort of disorder, is so impractical, it has never happened before, as far as I've been able to find. You need to smoke several kilograms in an hour to trigger it, basically. Not even sure if you could inhale that amount of smoke in that amount of time without dying of lack of oxygen first.


That's because all it's really about is fear mongering


Skill issue


HAHA my son says this about all sorts of shit all the time. Cracks me up. The thing is, it is exactly that. Oldies getting a hold of rec legal weed at 25%+ percent.. either thinking its the same as what they had when they were young, or being completely new to it.. and not seeking guidance or information.. and they go hell for leather and get fucking wrecked. It's not a nice place to be, especially when you have no idea whats going on. lol


Have you seen what dispensaries sell? You can't really find anything under 18%, which is still absurdly more than what these people had access to in their youth. And edibles are worse, the same mg dose from one brand can feel totally different from another brand (sometimes even within a brand it's wildly variable). The market isn't super friendly to inexperienced consumers.


That's what (good) budtenders are for. You're allowed to ask them questions about the products and different strains, CBD vs THC, etc. Unfortunately, many people are very shy or too anxious to ask anything. They just go with a guy feeling and run with it.


I’m medicinal. We only have medicinal legal here. I wish I could visit a dispensary every week lol


While I don’t agree with the statement, Poisoning is an acceptable term. A poison is a substance that can cause illness so if you eat too much weed, throw up or pass out, that’s cannabis poisoning. Fuck the scaremongering, anti marijuana team is running out of leverage


I read the article. It focuses on elderly people who are used to 70's and 80's weed and eating several edibles at once not knowing that today's weed is much stronger. States that cases to hospitals (I think the article and s about Canada) have tripled since legalization in an area due to old people taking too much. To the best of my understanding, the person who wrote the article just means gean outs.




Totally agree. I mean if everyone's first experience was a 5mg edible, most of them would probably be just fine. Jumping right into anything higher with zero tolerance is a really bad idea - might be totally fine at 10mg for some people but others are going to panic, nevermind actual high dosages, and they're in for a long ride vs. smoking.


I smoke daily, consume RSO daily, dab, etc. Never really had anxiety in my life and never had panic attacks (almost 40 years old) until I started vaping carts like 4-5 years ago. Ever since the first incident it's been reoccurring. Coincidence? Related? Idk, but the timing was suspicious as the first one to ever happen was when high. Came out nowhere and was bad enough I took intermittent FMLA because it became a daily issue I had to get a psychiatrist for. I don't blame cannabis for it but like I said, suspicious timing.


Carts often don't have a mix of other cannabinoids and can basically be pure THC. And pure THC can be anxiety inducing. You don't need much of them, but CBD and other cannabinoids present in cannabis could be very important for the overall high. It's called the entourage effect in scientific literature, and it is not well understood and often disputed. But [here](https://youtu.be/T2cAFRAX3Gs?feature=shared) is an anecdotal experience by a BBC reporter taking both pure THC and a mixture of cannabinoids.


Look, I get that everyone here is still fighting hard to push back against the anti-weed rhetoric that's been cemented in a lot of people's minds from the war on drugs. But that doesn't mean you should be willfully ignorant towards others' experiences of weed. There are too many people who post on here reaching out to "the experts" to see if their weed is laced only to be flat out insulted. Laced weed while very rare STILL EXISTS. Medical conditions that cause negative reactions towards weed also exist. For example, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is induced by long term, often daily, Marijuana use and presents symptoms such as recurrent episodes of nausea and vomiting with vague abdominal pain that often lasts for days on end. The only known treatment for CHS is the cessation of smoking Marijuana. This sub has become an echo chamber and actively fights/downplays those who post their negative experiences with weed. And don't get me wrong, I'm completely for legalization. But don't dismiss anything remotely negative about weed just because you personally use it and feel perfectly fine.


I have this and had to cut out like 99% of weed. It sucked hard. It was painful and absolutely debilitating.


Laced weed is one of those things where, if you think it's laced, you're probably wrong. It's a giant nonissue that people think is far more common than it is. Like wearing a Faraday Cage indoors because your afraid of being struck by lightning. Anxiety, schizophrenia, and any number of mental health conditions are at best, to be wary of getting high, at worst you're not supposed to touch it at all. CHS, hysterically, is not a hard diagnosis, but only was because people kept conveniently forgetting to tell their doctors about the weed. In short, laced weed will remain a dumb topic, as it's equivalent to posting a random penny asking if it's radioactive. Medical reasons for not partaking have been around for years, but thats never stopped either side from being idiots about it.​​


Very well said. But also fuck the guy who called it "poisoning"


It’s actually an “overdose”, like there’s the appropriate dose but you went WAY over that. You haven’t been poisoned though buddy, drink some water, take some deep breaths and put on some Rick & Morty or something. You’ll get through this.


Overdosing has such a bad connetation associated with it though, for good reason. Calling it an overdose sounds like someone died. They got too high, they probably ate all the food and slept like a baby and maybe felt funny for a day or two. No long term effects.


I agree and almost didn’t post that. As bad as it is, it’s still better than “poisoned” though which makes that seem even more ridiculous.


I got cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, it was not fun. Lasted like a month I couldn't keep food or water down. Lost like 26lbs. There's a good chance it comes from pesticides possibly a derivative of Neem oil.


Wonder when we'll start calling too drunk "poisoned". Oh right, that'll never happen XD


Alcohol poisoning is a thing. Although you have to be way farther gone than you would ever get from weed for it to be considered alcohol poisoning. 


I guess what I'm saying is weed "poisoning" in these dumb articles count things like "hello hospital, i took too many edibles" while your friend puking because he had a couple too many shots is not usually considered "poisoning" until you're literally in the hospital in real situation that can potentially lead to death. My wording was perhaps badly written.


......Do you not know what alcohol poisoning is?


Even though it is literally poison to the body


Greening out sucks, but all you can do is try and keep yourself hydrated. You definitely won't die from it.


Google CHS. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. I'm a smoker of over 15 years and have had it. It's not being to high, it's fucking hell. Honestly it's terrible.


I smoke and use weeds quite heavily while my girl doesnt use it quite often and are used to our locally grown weed which are higher in terpenes and cbd but lower in thc than the weeds we would find in the West. I myself prefer to smoke high thc strain since i smoke almost everyday and have a pretty high tolerance but my girl couldnt do it at all. She would be high for at least 24hrs while throwing up a few times a day. She described it as hell like you said. Anything she eat or drink (including water during this high period she would just vommit it right back out, which make her dehydrate and the high even worse). Its definitely a thing especially with folks who are not used to the extremely high thc content. For a lot of people this could really turn some new ppl away from benefits of the plants


Agreed 100%. I'm sorry she had to go through that, but I'm glad she found out what it was early. Anyone I know so far who's had it ended out quitting completely. I just have to be very aware of the signals and keep it under a certain amount. It's a new thing, apparently. I'm not sure if it's because weed nowadays is 20 times stronger or because people don't feel bad about going to the doctor about weed related stuff now. I'm not sure, but it's definitely happening and can kill you if unchecked. I posted about it in another comment, but my best friends brother had it for over two months and wouldn't stop smoking. By the time he went into the ER, his kidneys were at 1% functioning from dehydration, and he weighed less than 90 lbs. That's rabies level status, my dudes. They said he would have died if he had waited 24 more hours. My ex had it for a month, and I get it for around week when it hits me. Heavy users in denial will sit here and say I'm making this shit up because they can't accept that weed isn't 100% good for everyone all the time.


I can’t stand how articles keep getting posted about how dangerous it is to legalize marijuana without informing people about the “dangers,” but I never see articles actually doing any warning. Just fear mongering.


> “The other thing is that cannabis today is very different than cannabis was as recently as the early ’90s and mid ’80s,” Stall explained. “Today’s cannabis extracts contain as much as 30 times more THC. … Older adults who may not have used cannabis in decades and are now trying again in this post-legalization era may not be aware.” That seems like more of a warning than a demonization.  The person who wrote the article did a shit job, the person who conducted the research seems very reasonable and offering a warning to the elderly about understanding consumption.


Agreed. I have been THC free since it was legalized. I steer anyone my age (43) to CBD strains that could deliver the high they are looking for without the "poisoning" effect. The last time I took some THC it caused my back and shoulder pain to come back 10 fold for some reason, and wasn't the giggly high I was expecting for a Nick Cage movie. My tolerance could just be at an ATL but that shit hit me like a ton of bricks. Hell my dad's been a pothead his entire life until a couple of years ago when he had a similar experience with added panic attacks.


Also in my 40s with back problems…I found some strains made it worse, some made it better. High CBG strains (or edibles) seem to help the most.


Hell, I’m in my late 20’s and I had to switch to mainly CBD hemp with a little bit of “regular weed” mixed into it to avoid severe panic attacks every single time. I got the mixing ratio down to a science now and it works, but it was a *rough* adjustment period. That said, I think my time away from cannabis caused more of that issue than the weed itself changing. I started smoking weed in 2015, not 1985.


Like 1997 till about 2017. Once I stopped my tolerance plummeted and now getting lit is about as fun as a slow moving automotive accident.


I definitely hear you. I’m just glad that CBD, CBG, CBN, etc. started becoming more accessible, and can be taken on their own or in concert with THC for a more balanced effect. Still, I’m down to taking a couple puffs from a handheld herb vaporizer after dinner in the evening, can’t really enjoy cannabis socially anymore unless it’s just hemp. Even then, I have to limit myself.


What ratio do you prefer? Been messing around with it myself.


I shoot for roughly 5% THC and 10% CBD by weight, so for my current flower that’s about 1.5g of hemp and 0.5g dispo flower all ground up together. Even though it’s only 5% THC, I still have to be careful not to overindulge, but this mixture allows me to actually get high without freaking out, so long as I mind my limits.


Well seeing as thc percentages from 10,000 years ago until about 2005 didn’t exceed about 5% it’s no wonder people getting FUCKED from weed has skyrocketed


It's like going from sipping a hard seltzer to shooting ever clear ( not the band).


what they said isn't even true. more like 2-5x more potent


I would think that they aren't necessarily wrong. Some weed back in the good old days was a good ~5% THC & 5%CBD. While I don't think there's any straight up flower thats 60% yet, a lot of the prerolls and things you can buy at a dispensary are infused and have well over 60% thc. Not to mention straight up concentrates which reach 99% thc. As a warning that seems to specifically target people who smoked weed in the past and haven't touched it since the 80's, this seems like a pretty good warning. Imagine just wanting to try some weed again, grabbing a random infused preroll that's 70% thc, expecting a mild, mellow high-then being absolutely knocked out and forced into the couch.


It is a demonization if you think about how ridiculous those claims are and how your Cannabinoid system works.


Its not if you think about how vascodiolators work on the elderly.  Could you elaborate?


It's amazing what you can get away with when your population is very stupid and keeps being reinforced in their stupidity


Roll out the 1930’s ‘reefer madness’ reel.


Old timers just greening out and panicking.


I mean this is kind of the Cannabis industries fault for turning it into a race of who can make the highest % thc strains and having little to no options aside from 20+%.


Jager and Everclear exists but you don't blame them for drinking too much and getting sick, so why should you blame cannabis industries for making different strengths of weed?


Right but beer and wine exist. And my point is you can't find 5% thc options consistently because the industry doesn't seem to care about offering them anymore. At least in all the legal states I've experienced, I have not been able to find low thc weed Eta: I'm not trying to pin 100% of the blame on the industry, but it sure doesn't seem to help


“Dad weed” is emerging in the industry as a way for casual smokers to enjoy a longer smoking experience without greening out. The Ben of Ben & Jerry’s has [his own brand of dad weed.](https://bensbest.com/slosmoking)


As a dad I’m offended, but as a son, that sounds like it would be better for my parents


Like any industry - it’s the consumer who dictates what the producers focus on. It’s the people who want higher thc and therefore that’s what corporate weed started breeding /testing for. Not the other way around. But in reality people only think they want high thc but they don’t actually. A lower thc % and a higher content of other cannabinoids (since higher thc varieties are usually lower in other cannabinoids) actually gives more positive effects during consumption. Straight thc is heady and anxiety inducing, not usually a nice feeling. People are kinda figuring this out and going back to lower % strains but it’s gonna take some education to the consumer.


Bwaah! I've got marijuana poisoning! I've got to induce vomiting!


By poisoning we mean they tried it, didn't know their tolerance and got too high and had to sleep it off. Gotcha. Brought to you by the North American Alcohol and Pharmaceutical Association (is my guess)


here we go w the evil weed propaganda. can we talk about all the deaths caused by drunk driving?


Or the deaths caused by pharmaceuticals? The elderly are going to the hospital for "cannabis poisoning", but they aren't overdosing on as many prescribed pills. This might not be the dunk anti-cannabis people think it is.


What we really need are PSAs saying, "Ate too many gummies? Call your grandkids, not 911."




Not even drunk driving, alcohol poisoning leads to far more deaths. Don't forget about the long-term health effects of excessive alcohol consumption too


Less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco. Both legal.


I worked in the emergency room for years in IL which is a legal state. 1. People come in for edibles sometimes, but it wasn’t all that common in late 2019-2021 when weed was legalized and until when I left. We gave them an IV and just let them chill for a bit before discharging. 2. Every night, worse on the weekends, we would get multiple alcohol intoxications, some who were so addicted withdrawal would be life threatening, some whose drinking just got out of hand, some people drinking for fun. It wasn’t uncommon to have to put soft restraint on alcohol intoxications due to their behavior. Eventually the chronic alcoholics would stop being discharged and instead would go to ICU. I also remember 2 legit alcohol poisonings.


Does an IV even help you if you are too high off edibles or is it just kind of a placebo?


complete placebo


Feeling cared for reduces panic, IV itself is completely a placebo


I don’t think being high is a matter of hydration or lack thereof…is it?


Headline should read “The number of older folks who can’t handle their shit has tripled Lol”


Yeah, it's like "oh no, old people can't handle weed? Weed bad!" Old people also can't physically handle exercise as well as young folks, is exercise poison too now? Maybe all the salt in the world is poison too if old people have a higher sensitivity to that. Dumb article written by ignorant people for even dumber people.


“Clearly they’d be fine if we pumped em full of pain killers instead” - Pharma probably


That's what happens when you have too many marijuanas. I pray for all those users that won't overdose.


It's best to just stick to just one or two marijuanas first. It's easy to do too many marijuanas and overdose when you don't do the marijuanas often


This is manipulation, disinformation and bitchification.


boomers can't hang edit: found that article and read it to my boomer stoner mom. she said, "sounds like a personal problem to me"


Or more so the potency is too damn high. Happy we’ve push the limits but do miss mid and low grade (in potency) weed. Damn near need to micro dose joints now.


now that i can agree with-- a little variety would not go amiss. trying to find something that won't leave you couch locked and useless can be such a pain in the ass tbh


Can't handle the weed. Weak ass


fr. Oldheads have no excuse. Source: am an oldhead.


one article I read the other day, the "news outlet" i forget which one now....was claiming OUR weed actually is stronger than that's "oldheads" are used to. I mean, I didn't live then....but yea, part of me has me thinking these "Oldheads" havent poked smot since Woodstock lol.....and think they can rip it like old school....lol. wbhich is crazy cause they are trying to put THC % caps on our meds ....but it's still in the works, people are trying to figure if it's gonna affect medical side, or just the "recreational" side.....




I find a lot of people who aren't so familiar with cannabis tend to favour edibles. Some don't want to smoke, and I understand the preference even though I smoke it myself. From observation, they tend to have so little tolerance or understanding of potency that it leads to an overwhelming and mostly negative experience.


So because Uncle Jimmy who smoked Rag Weed in the 70s thinks he knows better than the kid behind the counter and smokes too much, it's poisoning now? Always used to be called "greening out".


non-toxic, to human, substances can’t be poisonous. uncomfortable, yes. not dead. poisoned. Alcohol is Poison.


It's a disgusting use of the word "poison" that's priming people who get a bit too high to panic, and have a worse time, because they'll think they've poisoned themselves.


Weed isn't a poison.  Neither is the sun, but sun poisoning exists.   Normal people just green out, geriatric patients (like the ones being discussed) can absolutely end up being fatal, as can too much sun, or going for a jog.  A teenagers heart rate goes wild and they feel like they are dying, a 70 year old persons heart rate goes wild and they can legit die.


don’t smoke the sun


Does anyone know any good vaporizers for the sun? I'm looking to get zooted tn frfr




I tried that before but I ended up on the news for something named pompei. Are there any cheaper options that won't wreck my country?


Oh cool so they tripled? Up to 2400 in senior citizens in Canada? I’d be willing to bet they’re smoking/eating legal weed? The weed that’s like 3x the THC it’s supposed to be because illegalization caused breeders to go for THC? 2021 3875 people in Canada died from alcohol poisoning yes they *DIED* 1345 of them were seniors. I’d rather have 2400 panicky people than 1400 dead people. 45k people in Canada die each year from tobacco. Let’s be real weeds dangerous but when put into comparison which rec legal substances its not so bad. If I had to bet the average stoners would probably have about 5 years off their lifespan while an alcohol removes 30 and a tobacco smoker removes 10.


and that’s just acute alcohol poisoning - to say nothing of the many who die from cirrhosis or other issues accompanying long term alcoholism


Today's weed, is NOT the weed from yesterday. Old heads used to smoke schwag that was VERY low in THC and had absolutely no terps to add to the effect. That being said, any older people who are considering trying it once again after not trying it for years, just be aware to try a very little bit at a time. You can always ingest more if you need, but if you take too much, you may ruin weed for yourself forever. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing a little bit at a time. You don't need to try to keep up with everybody else since we're not in high school anymore. Find your right type, amount and enjoy.


And give it 20 minutes after one puff to see how it creeps in


Right? Nothing like going hard & getting hit by the creep factor. It's weird how some strains do that.




I genuinely hope this is just the worst euphemism for accidentally eating eatables instead of prohibition propaganda


Probably grandpa’s buying a pack of gummies and eating them all.


Can you say propaganda


What about all the alcohol poisoning that causes spouses and kids to get beat?


Cannabis poisoned my uncle and slept with my lady. It must be stopped.


Isn't "cannabis poisoning" just a less informal way of describing a person "greening out"?


basically........this is a "newer" phrase though to these oldheads coming back to their old friend, and want to rip like they used to....lol


It's also a despicable use of the word "poisoning".


Just when we thought the age of false information about marijuana was over....


"Help! I got THC'd and I can't stand up!" How bogus!


Yeah, the booze lobbyists are in full force.


I think cannabis "Poisoning" is simply a result of overly potent weed with no CBD


greening out is the new poisoning 😂


boomer whitey. start with a a shandy


But don't look at alcohol or tobacco related deaths, those don't matter.


Aka, old Boomers who haven't smoked anything since the 70s and even then only smoking old and low potency weed (70s weed) think "these young whipper snappers and their yuppie strains and shit, I bet I can take it" and order the heaviest shit they can find. And are surprised when pot today is triple or more the potency of what they were used to, and hits them harder than when they were 20.


My experience being a med user who started just after 60 (yikes!).....it takes a few times for your brain to know how to make you feel. Lots of trial and error might be needed with strains. Some can have a very delayed reaction. Finally, who hasn't taken too much and had a bad reaction a couple times, when new to it? I did enough in-person and online Q&A to know it would pass, no need to panic, just crash for a couple hours. TLDR-- if you're patient with Mary, she will be good to you. But it's not like "once and done" if you're older. Takes patience and work, like any good relationship.


The marijuanas can overdose you!!


POISONING? Jesus fuck the mainstream media is such trash nowadays. About all the things.


"We made brownies. And I think we're dead. Time is going by really really really slow."


0 X 3 = 0 Math checks out


If smoking a joint and then eating a whole pizza is a symptom, then this older adult has cannabis poisoning 🤣


The average age for those admitted to hospitals was around 63. So, it's the older ones who can't handle their buzz.


Bet big alcohol is behind this bs article. They losing customers left and right to cannabis.




I love me a good cannabis poisoning.


The image is deceiving, those stats are from edibles not smoking flower.


Food poisoning kills. Alcohol poisoning kills. Where’s the poison here?


“Breaking news! Politics poisoning among older adults have tripled, everyone finds”


FFS it's a whitey , will wear off in 30 mins.




Cannabis “poisoning” happens when boomers still think bud is like it was “back in their day”, like buying matchboxes full of Colombian Gold, and try to blaze for the first time in 20 years. We on that next level grandpa, take it slow.


This is just right wing fear mongering. Groups that want to put the brakes on legal weed are ramping up in response to Biden getting cannabis rescheduled. Republicans feel they have to always do the opposite of what Democrats are doing. It's stupid and divisive and it's bad for Americans. I'm tired of rwnjs standing in the way of me getting my meds. I hate them.


That's why I never let my tolerance become low. Stay high my friends.


How about alcohol poisoning. That shit can kill you. Tssss


poisoning, even though it's literally people just eating way too much and not being able to handle it


Weed is finally being considered for rescheduling after decades and suddenly we now see so many propaganda articles being written against marijuana usage citing its “dangers”. I can’t help but feel that this isn’t just a timely coincidence but rather a concerted effort by alcohol and tobacco companies to manufacture a negative narrative against marijuana, as they have in the past, to attempt to prevent it from being rescheduled.


Should be called cannabis overconsumption or cannabis accidental ingestion. This is some nice reefer madness type propaganda for the new age.


Lmao at the boomers greening out. They are gonna be fine. Just go take a nap grandpa.


I believe alcohol can be considered a poison to our body and therefore hundreds of millions have been poisoning themselves daily


Boomers who have never been high and edibles. Hilarious combo! "poisoning" hahahaha


Poisoning…? I’ve gotten WAY too high before, especially when I was younger and didn’t have a good handle on my anxiety disorder/my tolerance. But poisoning? It’s not ALCOHOL. Alcohol poisons you, that’s why you literally have to recover from it lmao. Never had to recover from a dab pen or joint lmfao, this is trash.


At 59, I'm not worried... I did eat too much avb once, it was horrible but I survived.


How the fuck can they write this shit and get away with it? How do people actually believe it?


Oh no! My husband took an edible that was too strong and had to lay down a go to bed, he felt like he was spinning but then woke up fine. I had an anxiety attack the first time I had an edible and thought I was going to die but then I also went to bed and woke up FINE. Compared to someone who drinks too much and literally has to have their stomach pumped, or overdoses on some actually dangerous drug and their heart literally stops.


So… basically greening out, right?


Wtf is cannabis poisoning


What is truly the worst that can happen to an otherwise healthy person? No recorded deaths. Terrible anxiety, fall asleep, get hungry? Ease on in boomers!


Oooh nooooo wooooooo scary weed


Clickbait title is clickbaity.


If it's just marijuana, there's no Poison.. WTF.. They just don't want us to have anything natural & healing..


I'm about to get 3x poisoned as we speak. 🤣


Yes. The terror of cannabis poisoning. Grandpa got tired and took a nap. The horror. 🙏❤️


Usually "poisoning" means someone was given something without their knowledge which is hella fucked up


I work as a 911 paramedic and this honestly hilarious a lot of time. It’ll be a 50-60 year old electrician or nurse or something that’s like, “I just got off a double and got this gummy from the gas station” and it’s 500 mg 💀


Who has been paying CNN on these recent terrible cannabis takes? These are so embarrassing! Not to mention, boomers were the first hippie movement. They taught us all how to smoke weed. I think they’re probably fine.


Alcohol Is the recreational poison. Guarantee all the older people greening out made a full recovery.


Nah what’s really happening is these gas stations and smoke shops are selling fuckin 500mg+ gummies and shit that these old fuckers just gobble em up and lose their goddamn minds


If Cannabis poisoning was a thing I’d be dead a hundred times over.


CNN has been bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry for the last 15yrs. Simply no shame in their game.


When you triple the number 0, it's still 0. 😆


Because it ain’t your granddaddies weed!!!!!!!!


3 x 0 = 0. So yeah, I can accept that.


Grammatically and legally dosing someone without their consent is considered poisoning someone, y'all got an interesting culture.


Look guys , too much of anything is a bad thing . I feel like i have to say this since this sub is kind of an echo chamber of the kind ''weed good'' . Still though , what the fuck is a weed poisoning ????


I’m assuming this is a new term for older people who are trying it for the first time, they usually try an edible which makes them more susceptible to overdosing, then they notice their heart’s beating fast cause they’re new to the drug and intolerant. Then boom new term implemented to demonize weed again!


You mean... falling asleep?


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a thing and I* have seen it* in the cannabis industry as a budtender and grower. I do think it has something to do with the high* percentage of thc in products now though. Edit: Grammar and punctuation


Boomers, used to the schwag they'd literally pay a dime for a dime bag for in the 70's, going to the dispensary and buying an 85%+ oil cart and getting greened out then going to the ER is the funniest shit I've heard in a while.


How many people have died or had permanent effects from this? Zero? The defense rests, your honor.


#Reefer Madness.... Poisoning!!!


Can’t come in today boss got a case of cannabis poisoning 😷