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Tenfold. Munchies are solved with fruits instead of junk like Doritos, I can easily bang out 5 mile walks, 2 miles on a bike in under 18 mins.


Healthy stoners unite!


I try, believe me.


fruits really expensive i just go with a bowl of pasta over junk food


pasta w/some parmesean and butter goes hard.


Helps me with emotional regulation and releasing frustrations


Not sure how to put it.. I smoked from a very young age. I feel like weed is a part of my identity, like it was part of what formed who I am. I can take a break anytime, even a full year, but I just love weed and it’s a part of me. I worry a lot and I really need something to alter my mind. To rearrange my thoughts, like a break from the shenanigans of my mind. Weed works great for that. So much better and healthier than alcohol. I’m in an illegal country though and it makes it difficult with how much I identify with weed considering how stigmatizing it is. Basically I can’t tell anyone I smoke, except my closest friends ofcourse. Because of how much trouble one can get into because of weed I have to hide it from my adult kids also, which is really wonky. We’ll have a drink while I feel it isn’t good for them and it would be so much more fun to just spark up. The debate around legalisation, which isn’t going anywhere, is enormously frustrating. So, weed is a part of my identity and I use it for benefit but legislation makes it difficult. 


Complete honestly, aphrodisiac. Makes everything better


Same 😭


It helps me not die in my sleep. "The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had." Iykyk.


Edibles at my age (46), with several medical issues and general aging issues, have helped my random body aches, pains, and sleep issues and improved my mood a lot! Although, since I am on some SSRIs and other medications, it can be hit-or-miss whether the edibles work...But when they do? Sweet relaxation and deep sleep!


I was an alcoholic. Cannabis helped me because smoking ended the cravings. It nulled the effects of alcohol to the point I had no desire to drink if I had even a puff off a pen. My family and friends are thankful to have me back. I’m a little bit heavier, but according to my doctor the healthiest he’s ever seen me at! Cannabis saved my whole god damn life.


smoking helps my anxiety and bipolar disorder and also helps me keep inspired and motivated in my writing and art ^^


When I first tried it at 16 it was my last resort for preventing myself from suicide. and it worked, better than I would have imagined. it made me happy, it made me more functional given that I'm high functioning autistic. it gave me something to bond over with other people. the list of pros would go on and on. I typically smoked once a week in my late teens. later I suffered some traumatic events while in college, and the only thing that could keep my mind off the past was herb. I would skip class frequently to smoke in the woods and soon dropped out. for five years I smoked between an eighth to a quarter per week, staying high all day every day. $60 an eighth, $100 a quarter. these days due to lack of cash I'm not able to smoke as much as I used to. I also highly dislike the strains being sold here in 2024, it's way more potent but way less enjoyable. part of that is due to my age. Im thirty now and can no longer enjoy it like I did in the 2010s.


Glad to see how much it's helped you man. If you're noticing that stuff today is too potent in a bad way, try mixing some hemp flower (high in CBD) with your weed for a more calming high ✌️


I have more patience with my kid, I have more motivation for housework, and my mood is better all day even though I only smoke after work.


it enables me to slow down and actually reflect upon traumatic events to try to come to terms with them & pain relief. It also stops night terrors


Oh I got so many: - Replaced 2.5 medications I was on (it replaced Lyrica and Belsomra and reduced the need for one of my migraine meds) - allows me to practice coping skills and have them actually work giving me confidence in the real world (because when high you’re more suggestible) - I’m autistic with sensory issues and going out in public or spending time with most people (ie family) wasn’t really doable for a while. Now it is. I actually enjoy hanging out with my family now - Allows me to relax and ~~literally~~ forget all my worries for a little - gets rid of sensory issues and pain, makes my body feel like a body and be cozy - helps with emotion regulation - I’ll talk to my mom *for fun* sometimes now? Not just because I have to - I get AMAZING sleep - helps with my chronic nausea so I can actually eat - helps me “let things go” more easily even when not high. Like when people are wrong, or my mom is rambling about something, it’s totally fine and I can just let it go and not have to say something


helps me quit drinking


Helps me with everything from chronic pain to nausea to anxiety/panic attacks to sensory issues and emotional regulation!


It really helped me be social and I made a lot of friends because we were the ones at the same parties out back smoking joints and stoner talking. Always the chill group where we were, you were the one most visited because people would come for a dart and chat or your I only smoke at parties people would come for a hit. Even at work you could just know who was and you tended to keep to your small circle. Looking back at my 20 year friendships, that is where the majority started now that I think about it lol


I get quite emotional when I smoke, it made me more grateful of everything I have and changed my mind overall


It’s just helped calm me down and i’m more productive in University and much happier lol I’m not a frequent user and use only edibles but it’s helped quite a bit!