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I used to hear this one about acid when I was a kid. Total bullshit too. THC, like LSD, is metabolized and doesn’t accumulate in the spine. Funny how so much bullshit’s getting recycled these days.


LMFAO we used to say if my back breaks I'm gonna trip for weeks 😭


I did a lot of acid in my mid 20s. Was so disappointed when I never got a flashback 🤣


I had one experience, that I always wondered if it was a Acid Flashback, or something else? Did a lot of LSD in my teens, but by my 20s, I had moved on with life. (And, I didn't know where to get it anymore, as I always got hooked by friends at high school.) Went to see Fight Club in the theater (All of all movies!) and by the time it was over, I felt like I was having a full blown trip. Like, the parking lot's lights were leaving crazy tracers, and I wasn't in my right head space. (I almost felt like I was still in the movie. Since the movie ends with a cityscape at night, and that's what I walked out to, when we left the cinema.) I ended up immediately re-parking. Swapped places with my girlfriend at the time, to drive us home, as I wasn't sure I was safe to. So, unless someone dosed my popcorn when I wasn't looking, I cannot explain what happened that night.


Acid flashbacks are well documented and very real, despite what you hear nowadays. They’re also fairly common, especially if you take very large doses, but very rarely harmful in any meaningful way. If you talk to someone who was really heavily involved in the 60s counterculture, it is very easy to see that there are real long-term effects to heavy psychedelic use (especially when your dropping 200mcg two or three times a week, which was standard for hippies), both positive and negative. Of course, it won’t change your intelligence level or anything like that, but you can definitely become more eccentric.


This is true! I used to take pretty heavy doses regularly, like 600-1200ug’s and I’ve definitely had what people call flash backs. Although I really think all it’s more like a form of PTSD than it is you’re actually tripping. Those heavy acid trips can be so intense that I think it can mark the brain in a similar way that traumatic experiences mark the brain, if that makes sense. Also I will add, that none of my “flashback” experiences ever lasted more than a few minutes, and they were all within a 6 month period of the last time I dosed. I haven’t done a heavy dose in almost 15 years and haven’t had one of those experiences since I got time away from that last heavy dose.


People used to crack their back and be like “oh man, I’m getting a flashback!!” lol


LMAO on God 🤣


I also used to hear that if you’ve taken LSD and wanted to become an astronaut you couldn’t bc they would give you a spinal tap and find the LSD 😭🤣


Holy shit I’d completely forgotten about this one!


That’s okay though because I you want to fly to the stars and they won’t let you be an astronaut, you can just eat some LSD


I had an aquaintence who insisted they had "bad acid" in their spine. They had a bad trip the one time they tried it years before. They also blamed all their bad behavior and relationship/frienship and any health issues on it. This person also refused to go to a doctor when they clearly had a bad life threatening infection that everyone including themselves could see and smell. They said if we loved them we would accept they just smell now. Refused to go to doctors because they always questioned and disapproved the acid in the spine.


"You're telling me I give you five dollars, eat the drug, get high, and then 10-15 years later, I get high again? Seems like a pretty good deal to me." -Norm Macdonald


God I miss norm


I always heard it about shrooms. Supposedly the spores never leave your system and you could have a flashback trip any moment


That could be swung positively tbh


Exactly. Just a quick hit here and there randomly.


Any basic biological understanding and this is ludicrous


Sure but for me at least, I was a kid in the 90’s and things weren’t easily verifiable at all. Lol rumors and hearsay were *a lot* more common. I heard this about acid and thought they must have to be *very* careful when and where they crack their backs!


When I was younger I was told shrooms make your brain stem bleed, and the damage caused the trip. What a load of ant-drug propaganda.


funny thing is research now says it's great for brain growth and repairs. most promising drug for dementia and alzheimers(sp?)


Shrooms are as non-toxic as cannabis at active doses.




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Spores have 0 psychoactive substances, which is partly why they’re legal to buy.


doesn't logic, spores are seeds. if they were gonna stay, they'd grow and colonize your body. I think we'd know about it


I seen a documentary on HBO with 2 gay dudes that were hiding out from fungus that had colonized in peoples bodies.


Brokeback Mushroom, great movie!


Lmao too funny.


colonize that ass


you'd just become a fun guy is all


Spore are very different from seeds, spores can remain inert for years and in very rough conditions and then become active when the scenario is right


like a warm moist environment full of nutrients? I understand what you're doing, but it is unnecessary in this circumstance


Lol an old coworker of mine was a guy in his 30s who tried telling me his dad, who was in prison while this guy was a kid, would get bored in his cell and crack his back so he could trip when there was nothing else to do. He became furious with me when I told him that was impossible. I heard him tell like 5 other people that same story over a couple years


I mean to be fair the acid flashback thing is true. But to me that's just a free random mini trip. Lol I'm down.


That's completely false


Is this not an acid flashback joke?


I heard that about lsd too


yup, i remember this myth, some people my age still walkin around talkin this shit xD


My brother was talking about this yesterday 😂 But do acid or shrooms stay in you body ? Like I do say patterns once I was really high on weed months after taking lsd.


I always heard mushrooms. I had a buddy who swore he could crack his back and go on a trip. This was 10th grade and he had maybe done mushrooms once, lol


I heard that in an Eminem song lol Not about weed but about acid




That's a real thing. I had to do it like 3 times (a long with weekly piss tests for 6 months) when I got busted for pot back when I was in highschool


Just for pot? Back in the day they swore that the hair follicle test was for testing if you ever did LSD in your life. Fuck. That’s wild.


Lol no hair follicle test for LSD is only within like a month or something like that. Pot stays for like a year-ish. LSD is one of the fasted metabolized drugs you can take. It literally is fully metabolized by your liver as it passed through. The half like is like 12 hours or something which is about how long a trip lasts (however each subsequent day you take it your tolerance doubles and you have to double your dose each day. But the tolerance also leaves pretty fast. 3 days in between tripscan keep you on one tab doses forever essentially.)


Hair follicles test for all drugs...


Lol yep, and they don't test for a year either....90 days for the several hundred I've taken over the years.


What?! Holy shit


You really thought that was fake?? 🤣 They do regular follicle tests in certain prisons too


I literally have never known of or actually seen this ordered in the labs I’ve worked in


Yep it's real. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325013#:~:text=A%20hair%20follicle%20drug%20test%20can%20determine%20patterns%20of%20illicit,come%20from%20a%20person's%20head.




I worked in a medical lab and never saw this ever. That’s friggin wild. Sorry dawg


Link above ☝️☝️


I already saw and read this. Thanks for correcting my mistake. I guess I’ve just been lucky enough to never have to run that test ever.


Lol my bad I thought you were somebody else questioning it lol


It’s all good. Why’d they go so hard on you man?


No idea. Probably just wanted to make sure I wasn't faking the piss tests. Just lucky I wasn't tried as an adult lol. Would have seen 6 months to a year of jail time back then (like 13 years ago)


And this is why you have flashbacks! Damn I was stupid.


I remember hearing this exact thing about lsd in the 90s.


I heard it about heroin.


Even then it still wouldn’t be the worst thing about heroin.


Yeah I read in a book that if you snap a certain spinal joint, you'll never walk again but never need heroin again I actually thought about attempting it several times while I was in active addiction. Don't know if it's true, but you get strung out hard enough and long enough you'll start to wonder


Never walking again but not needing heroin, is still better than being a heroin addict.


I heard it about jenkem and it's true


i heard lsd is not stored in your spine, but in the fat in your body. causes a reappearing trip whenever, so its still going around these days too😂😭


Ummm acid flashbacks are 100% real. Weed flashbacks are not. But the acid flashbacks aren't because of stored acid in your body. It's unclear why they happen but it's pure brain activity when it does. No extra chemicals causing it. Another interesting LSD fact, your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system (brain and gut) trip completely separately (yes your guy has its own separate nervous system) LSD causes your body to release just amounts of serotonin most of which comes from your digestive tract. this is why eating certain healthy foods (like turkey for example) raises your serotonin levels and makes you happy.






Take line of spine!


Spine lines…. Blow away….


ohya theyre absolutely still cycling around and its hilarious. when i worked at a sheriffs office in the midwest as a 911 dispatcher they had pamphlets in the lobby for each drug. i grabbed the marijuanna one and it said that its a physcoactive drug (true) that causes hallucinations(what?) makes you crave blood (WHAT) makes you sleep for 16 hours, makes you lazy and unable to work anymore, gateway drug to other physcoactive drugs like meth, causes lung cancer faster than ciggerates.. there were other shit but those were the ones i remember. i asked a co worker if this was a joke and she said no, and she has a friend who is addicted to weed and is homeless now from his addiction. apparently he use to smoke joints using newspaper now he rolls them with woodglue? before the 911 dispatch job i was selling cars and my manager overheard me talking about smoking weed when i lived in legal state.. apparently its the reason why liberals are so crazy because theyre so high all the time they dont know whats real and whats not... everyone but like 2 people i met had these batshit crazy ideas about weed. i smoked with 1 person down there who "had the hookup".. yeah that weed felt like i took too much tyenol and maybe a melatonin 😭


I actually have an explanation about the bloodthirsty part! There was a guy named Harry Anslinger in the 1930s. He was the first commissioner of Federal Bureau of Narcotics (basically our current War on Drugs stuff). His campaign against weed was mostly based in racism, specifically against Mexican people. He made a LOT of silent generation-ers associate weed with murder, laziness, and general crime; also associating the Mexican people with the same things.


yeah i remember a co worker jokingly saying "weed makes you crave white womans blood" then he kinda nerded out a bit about mr. anslinger edit: the exact quote was "it makes mexicans crave white womans blood" from the co worker


Yeah that shitty weed from the hookup is why that other dude had to turn to wood glue. Once you get hooked on weed cut with TiteBond, it's hard to stop. Original formula, then you start looking for TB II, III, the goddamn hide glue formula... next thing you know, you're peddling your own ass for just a dab of Quick & Thick.


Call me when you’re rolling yours with JB Weld. You gotta wait 48 hours for the steel resin to fully cure but after that get ready


I am rolling for sure, on the ground


I would kill to sleep for 16 hours lol. Im lucky to get 7 on a good day regardless of if I smoke or not!!!


ikr, due to the military i have to smoke so i dont have dreams.. and if i do dream its really foggy and i cant actually understand anything. otherwise i wake up everytime i slip into deep sleep, i didnt realize it but for years i was going insane due to not getting proper sleep


I'm at 2.5 still... gimme


I wanna see this so bad now


if you are in the midwest just go to any bumfuck nowhere county and check out the sheriffs office lobby. i saw this in 2 dif agencys in 2018


Watch the movie Reefer Madness. Made to demonize weed. And yes people did (and some still do) believe it.


weed can actually make a small minority of people hallucinate! i often get auditory hallucinations, and occasionally some mild visual ones.


Yeah this is true but it's rare after you build a tolerance. I think now a days, because the weed is so strong, it's more common in newer smokers.


Speak for yourself 🧛‍♂️ I will say the wood glue thing almost makes me think they’re referring to sherm sticks or whatever the hood calls them now lol


The lie is from like the 1920s...


Yeah go look up reefer madness from the 20’s


Quick! Someone come and crack my back so I can have that sweet, sweet flashback!


Seriously. I may never have to buy weed again. Just spinal tap me bro.


So, I did some math here and my spine will be 100% THC by 2035




this is like when people usta say, MuShRoOmS WiLl pUt HoLEs IN yoUr bRaiN .......


Like most things, the myth started out with a nugget of truth, at least to my understanding, the idea that drugs of any kind cause "holes in the brain" comes from the idea that consuming an excess amount of drugs or consuming drugs during important developmental stages in life can cause gaps in activity in the brain, and to my knowledge that's true, they go to schools, explain this poorly, show some brain imaging, don't mention that those gaps can come from many things such as overuse of OTC drugs, injury, disease, age, and I'm sure more, and now the elementary kids think if you smoke weed you'll have a literal hole in your brain.


I've hear this with LSD too (actually it was "LSD will turn your brain into swiss cheese") 🙄 never once believed that stupid crap.


If this was true rich guys would be dabbing curated spine resin extracts! You know, like that special coffee that a monkey shits out before brewing. There was a funny one back in high school. If you smoke too many weed seeds you get ball cancer! It's true my brother told me!


Oh yeah! I forgot all about that one!!! Seeds make you go sterile!🤣🤣


Watch out pesticides in your weed can cause reproductive harm


Imagine the black market for spinal THC dust. Lol


I assume it's sold from a basement under a New York pizza shop...


Yes, and gum remains in your stomach for at least seven years. And trickle down economics works


Dont swallow seeds from apples, watermelon, etc or they will grow in your stomach.


lol man thats fucked.




Nurse better not do a spinal tap on me without gloves. They’ll catch a contact high


Lmao used to hear this about lsd also and that if you cracked your back you could start tripping again 😂


The fact is cannabis, LSD, Mushrooms, and many such mind altering substances are relatively safe when used appropriately, it's frankly safer than driving a car sober. All of the fear around it originates in political propaganda and oppression of minorities, as well as fear of the unknown.


Nah, my spine would be bursting out my skin of that were true


They've gotta be jerkin


My L5 tastes like sour blueberry.


The subject of cannabis attracts some of the most confidently incorrect bullshitters.


if it was true id be cracking my back every weekend for 50mg high


Bro I posted this. I was joking. Did hundreds of redditors really eat the onion? 😂


I forgot about the Onion 🧅 😂 yes they did i had read it as sarcasm once I read the "that's why they call it dope!" 😂


Why do we scribble out usernames. These are adults that made fully conscious decisions to post something dumb on their anonymous accounts.


Hell yeah I'm getting my money's worth!


I mean Willie Nelson must have been on to something right? "Roll me up and smoke.me when I die."


Been....? IS.....


If you swallow a watermelon seed it lodges into the giant wad of all the bubble gum you’ve ever swallowed and makes a massive watermelon gum baby.


lol I read on the internet, it’s gotta be true. 😂 right there in text see.


For anyone wanting to know if this is real, the short answer is no. THC can remain in the body after the high is over but it doesn't accumulate in the spine or stick with you until you die. Here's the actual medical info. "THC is a lipid-soluble chemical. This means that it binds to fat in the body... For almost all people, cannabis should disappear or be very low in concentration within 30 days. For infrequent users, it may take 10 days or fewer for cannabis to leave the body." (Source: [Medical News Today](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324315#detection-windows))


I figure I may be an anomaly, but I had to stop for awhile because of doctor change and I tested positive for 7 weeks even though I'm scrawny. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I remember hearing if they did a spinal tap they'd know you did acid, back in the day


Wait, so can I just like, pat my back really hard and then get high? If so, thats not a draw back thats a feature!!! Like if I just got it all stored up back there i can save a ton on smoke and just get me a back massager!


If I ever get eaten by spine sucking monster he'll have one he'll of a high


Me when I crack my back and get zooted instantly


Everyone so ready to assume someone is stupid and not trolling lol


Remember when they said Ecstacy took “ice cream scooper sized chunks out of your brain”?


Hell, I heard a center-party politician talk about weed like this just the other day, after a liberal politician went out in the media supporting legalization of cannabis. This other dude rattled off all the century-old 'dangers' of weed. "we don't want drugs in our country" Yeah good luck. Our population drinks themselves half to death every weekend and use coffee as a crutch, but god forbid someone smokes a joint. I don't understand why it is so hard to teach these people in power what the actual facts are. Aren't they supposed to take in information and change their minds based on that?


They know the actual facts, maybe even better than most folks. The issue is they don't care about facts. They care about control. And that is something they are very good at.


nah bro that only applies to LCD


Not true if you boof it


When I die, smoke my bone marrow.


Lol, some reefer madness type disinfo… 😹😹


Did they start D.A.R.E back up again? Started a war on drugs and the drugs won lol


Nope it’s not true. Neither is the saying that “acid” does too which make plp who trip impossible to go to space. It’s not true, nothing stays in your spine. you must be gullible to belive it




Imagine all the endocannabinoids in everyones spine, then lol


It's the only thing keeping me from getting crazy so I guess it's with me until I die then. Ohwell


Lol no




I'm more worried about all the gum I've ever eaten.


My friend got arrested like 12 years ago and the cops told him that to scare him straight. I would be surprised if people get told this by an authority figure long ago and so they believe it their whole life.


I wish


tHeRe’s a ReaSoN ThEy caLL iT doPE!


If anything is accumulating in your hair folicals. Even if it was accumulating in your spine... So what? They act like that's somehow bad but like it's just a drug that makes you loopy and relaxed it's not fent.


I haven't heard anyone call weed "dope"...ever. Maybe in the 80s?


My 80 y/o Mom called it dope, yesterday (walked in right after I had ground 2g, referring to the smell) even though I KNOW she remembers how much I hate it!


A friend once told me that LSD works like this. But in his defense, a mutual friend told him. You trip because the left side and the right side of your brain separate. Then when you're coming down, if your brain doesn't line up normally, you end up in a perma-trip. We both laughed. I then pleaded with him to never say that out loud or in public again.


Lol it's clear most of y'all have only done shrooms or smoke pot 🤣 I've done every 'natural' or 'naturally derived' drug you can think of. Shrooms, DMT, LSD, pot, opioids (not a fan), and lsa (also no a fan. Acid trip with a bad hangover basically)


wait i'm confused what does that even have to do with it being called dope?


Whats the reason they call it dope? Theres so many unhonged thoughts this person wrote


I heard a guy died off of doing 4 pots


I'm in disbelief that someone would take a dumb comment on reddit so seriously that they would make a post about it




I’m forty. If this were true I’d be about 80% THC by now.


No it’s true, that’s why they call it “dope”! 😂


He's joking


the source: it was revealed to bro in a dream


If that was true I’d be able to crack my 900lb THC spine open and smoke that and get hella baked like the gods


Now Raw needs to come out with a rolling paper long enough for a spine!


🤣🤣🤣 omg the ignorance. Willful probably.


1. No 2. Even if it did, not hurting lol


ive never heard this before in my life (22) so i guaruntee it's only being spread around by older people. young people dont buy shit like this & even if they did, the state of our world sucks so bad that it's a risk most of us would be willing to take


Hahahaha no. Not even kinda. Thc stores in your fat cells. Nothing else.


H O A X !


Brother all the science and public education weve done and yet we have a biden vs trump rematch


Belongs in news of the stupid.


No. That's just Karen talk lmao


That’s what they said about ecstasy. That if you took too much it made your spine soft and eventually you wouldn’t hold up your head. I’m waiting for my Gen to suddenly look like Sweet Dee dancing. ![gif](giphy|3o7btRBzDrOMLtLNjG)


Does that mean I’m going to feel that sweet high for the rest of my life? I’m in!


The weed resin actually mutates into a symbiote and turns you into venom but made from concentrate 🫡


That's a nice argument, senator. Care to back it up with a source?


Well I can prove this is false I have my spinal fluid drained every 28 days and a drug injected in its place. My spinal fluid contains no THC as they test it for all sports of crap and use it for scientific studies. Myth officially busted with proof.


Cheers to not believing anything you read on the interwebs.. or here. Don't believe me? Good!


Welcome to the internet Have a look around Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.




an if that moron ever reads this comment, dope used to mean any Schedule 1 substances in the 20th century.


My spinal cord is definitely indica strain in the lower lumbar.


my girl got high asf after a roller coaster, and she hadn’t been smoking for weeks. like legit weed high. weirdest thing ever


That's called an adrenaline high 🤣


I'm fucking weak🤣🤣🤣


I must look like a bud