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Give it more time. You're definitely getting regrowth. Are you using microneedling? It really improves the effectiveness of minoxidil. I'm 58 and have been using topical fin + min + RU + microneedling for 2 years now, and have had significant infil in the crown and progress is ongoing. The older you are the slower the recovery. I figure it'll be at least another year or two before my progress peaks. Good luck!


thank you, yeah age matters a lot i guess because i had used min and fin in my 25s and it had filled the crown in like months. then I stopped using them fearing side effects and went on to using toppik.


I'm the same age, and I have been doing fin/min/nizoral for the same amount of time. I think I've maintained if anything. I haven't been consistent with Microneedling and I think I can get better results if I was. What length do you use?




How many mg is your topical fin?


.025% (15mg/60ml)


How you thought about increasing the dose maybe? 25mg?


I see no reason to. I've having a good response, I stack with RU, and the point of low-dose topical is to minimize systemic effects.


Do you use it once or twice daily? I'm starting it today, for now I just put 7.5mg in the 60ml min because I use twice daily. If 15mg twice per day without sides, I might add another 7.5mg in it.


I am in the same boat. Hope you continue to improve.


Add in dermastamping/rolling


Yeah it speeds it up super fast... Just be careful with the minoxodil and then derma rolling cause it gets in your blood stream too fast and could be bad for your heart... Wait a bit after it dries. Nobody in my family has a full beard, I used minoxidil on my face and derma rolled, 6 months had a full beared. Stopped using minoxodil it's been 3 years and it appears to be permanent. Idk about head hair though.


What size derma roller did you use?


What was the size of the derma roller mate? Also, any precautions regarding sterilising the roller?


I got the smallest shortest one possible. I'll check for you later. Got in on Amazon You want it long enough to pemetrate, but not to cause it to bleed, it turns red and may bleed a little, but some sizes cause it to show too much blood


Yes please do mate - I have anywhere around 1 to 1.5mm is decent and safe


This, also consider tretinoin. Microneedling and/or tretinoin MASSIVELY boost min gains.


it's unlikely that it will fill in completely, unfortunately you started pretty late, when the crown was skin bald, but nevertheless you've had great results and certainly stabilized the loss. a 2000-2500 graft transplant and the deal is done


The crown is a black hole of grafts This looks like a 3000 graft job at least.


Agreed. But the front looks pretty strong. If content with not having full density in the back, and perhaps aiding with some hair fibres, then that number can be cut a bit i think. 


If it hasnt gotten better or worse, it means treatment is still working. In OPs case, i'd give it another year and add micro needle then its probably time go under the knife.


That gym progress though


thank you lol yeah I've been working out


Notice a muscle increase from Fin? I have and it’s astounding.


Why? Does Fin increase muscle mass or increase the ability to build muscle?


It stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT. So you’re free testosterone ends up being higher.


Isn’t DHT significanty more androgenic than testosterone?


nope I didn't notice anything :)


Derma stamp will give you the best chance for regrowth unless you do a transplant


Could try DUT? Will have better results. I have read that fin can keep regrowing up to 2 years tho.


I’d say you’ve already had some pretty good results there with more regrowth than a lot would expect to see but see how you go. Certainly it’s not going to do any harm and will put you in a good position for a hair transplant if you did want to go that way down the line. Good stuff!


It’s good but do yourself a favour and switch to dutasteride. I see zones with hair activity that you may be able to fill in. Then go for a hair transplant in 1-2 years for incredible results


1. Where do you get Dut? 2. Can you get a topical Dut? 3. Does Dut have the same sides as Fin? I had sides on oral Fin, moved to topical and don’t have them anymore….


You need a prescription like finasteride. I don’t know about topical but maybe the same way you get topical fin ?


dut plus microneedling


Pretty realistic results for a year. Definitely going to see more results. Wait for your two year point on fin&min until you seek further treatment. The crown should fill in more


i hope so 🤞


you need to add 1mg oral minoxidil and dermastamp. There is progress you just need to go heavier Other small things that will give you a few more hairs are vitamin D, omega3 and NAC with glycine, these last 2 raise the levels of glutathione which is the most powerful antioxidant your body has.


Context please What dosages are you on and for how long ?


Amazing results! Oral or topical fin and min? Dose? When did you first start noticing regrowth?


oral fin (1mg) and topical min (5%). started noticing regrowth after like 6 months. I'm not satisfied tho. I had hoped it would fill my crown area because it had filled it before when I was younger.


for what it's worth it still looks like it's filling in to me. Lots of young hairs that aren't fully developed yet, I bet it keeps filling in for the next year


1 mg fin everyday? And for minoxidil 1 or 2 time a day? I'm 24 year guys with hair loss and want to prevent complete baldness.


min twice a day


There are such thing like sult1a1 which is not endless that thing allows min to regrow


You need to start dermarolling to force your scalp to grow new hair


Switch to dut and add in RU58841. I didn’t see regrowth until I added in the latter 


Hey bro, great progress but at your reccesion I think you should optimize everything in order to gain the most out of your medication, for example adding the derma roller, cleaning up your diet and taking probiotics to really help your gut health can make the progress speed up so much faster and ridding of any processed foods or junk while taking your vitamins: d3, fish oil, iron, magnesium and zinc


Start microneedling too


Crown will fill in 18 Months I quess , or will never fill completely but you may cover it with HT around 2k grafts


Try getting an LED red 670nm skull cap. they are like $15 on AliExpress... Will help a bit. Also Microneedling twice a week will help.


When did you start balding? how was it, like was it very rapid or very slow over the years? I have a similar hair loss pattern as you.


like in my 20s. i had a pretty large open area on my crown at age 25 i think. I had started min and fin then and after a while I had stopped (a big regret of mine)


Shouldn't regret. It stops working over a period of time for a lot of ppl. (Some 5 yrs max) Plus U saved alot of $ 's


but i kept spending on my hair, I bought toppik which doesn't do anything except covering up the bald spot. i wish i had stayed on fin instead.


Derma stamp bro, You will need a transplant aswell to really get your full head of hair back




how much did it cost you to use it for a year?


also DHT blockers, and nulastin scalp treatment


Well they say 2 yrs on fin before results start slowing down. Probably won't fill in completely if this is how it is after 1 year, but would expect to see greater improvement over the course of another year...and after that you can always try Dut, so still a ways to go in your journey.


You should consider switching from topical finasteride to oral finasteride for better efficacy. Also, non-FDA approved dutasteride is a consideration but has a more unclear side effect profile. Further, you should a switch from topical minoxidil to the oral version. Thickening results for both medications often occur close to the 1-year time point. You still have some time- and sometimes you can look worse in the first 6 months during the initial shed phase of the medications. Be patient :)


Why did you start using minoxidil for the crown area? You've started too late; I don't think minoxidil will be very effective there anymore. In addition to finasteride, 2000-2500 grafts would be more than enough for that area.


Why wouldn’t min work anymore ?


that will be my last resort. I'd rather wait for another year. I started min like 8-9 months ago.


I admire the resilience but it’s going to be a losing battle with Min at this stage. You’re going to needlessly have some follicles reliant upon Min and once you go the transplant route, you’re very likely going to stop Min anyways. I’d recommend just staying on Fin until whenever you’re ready for the transplant.


Try this method to force regrow - [https://www.reddit.com/user/MagicBold/comments/1cv2bog/brief\_explanation\_of\_the\_physiometabolic/](https://www.reddit.com/user/MagicBold/comments/1cv2bog/brief_explanation_of_the_physiometabolic/)


Just move to antarctica




Finally a realistic result


Others are realistic too. I think his is just slower because hes older and hes not dermastamping


No they’re not, if you look at the clinical trial results. Nobody regrew more than a few percent.


Are you mad because you aren’t growing anything back? People can make insane comebacks it varies from person to person and of course age. 20’s is the best age and past that it will vary more and more.


Y’all really read reddit posts instead of academic literature


I have read both, and other forms of media. And almost all have said what I have said. As for results it WILL vary from person to person. I even spoke to a dermatologist which told me that.


You need about 4600 grafts go to Dr rusul yaman in Turkey 🇹🇷 only 2600 pound. Check his results on youtube his not a hair mill they see max 3 to 2 patients a day only .type dr rusul yaman on Internet. Or go to smile on diamond package or platinum 3200 platinum and 4500 for diamond.


Don’t wait this long guys.


Get a hair transplant (fue) i did and its awesome. I still use fin and min topical but even if i didnt use them i dont think im gonna be losing any hair. Im older too so i think ive lost most of my balding gene hairs already


pls invest in a hair transplant


"The train has moved" is my opinion. Why do you remember to take a doctor, that the disease has become incurable


There's definitely improvement but I can't help but feel it's time buddy. Have you ever tried shaving it? I know that's a controversial opinion here but it's worth a shot. If you hate it then keep on doing what your doing 😊


nope, I'll stay on fin and min for one more year and then maybe I'll take the transplant route to fill it. never tried it and I don't think i ever will :)


If you do a transplant you'll still be on fin (and probably min) afterwards.


What fin did u use?


RED LIGHT THERAPY is the quickest and best way to regrow hair. i spent a month in the hospital, and due to my body being in trauma for so long i started losing my hair. i have aa dermatologist appointment next week and i will update you


Its not worth it


Great results. I would seriously consider derma stamp or Electric Needle - This made a huge difference for me, my crown was bald for nearly 30 years. On top of that, include Ketoconazole shampoo, to help reduce the scalp inflammation, 2-3 times a week. All the best.


Thank you, I ordered a dermastamp. I hope I get my hair back.


Keep going. We both had a lot of recovery to do - I think it takes longer for us, who have been smooth bald for a longer time.


A year of use is close to the end result. Did you use fin every day and min 1-2 times per day (or oral min)? You may need to add dut and RU if fin and min don't work as expected.


Not true at all. People can see regrowth for many years. But I agree, switching to oral min or bumping it up to dutasteride might be best.


Yeah you can keep improving for years but if you are barely responding like this, it's time to go nuclear.


I used it every day. I'll wait for like 6 months more and then decide what to do next.


To late bro


I agree its late but its never TOO late.


Saying this in the nicest way possible…shave it bro.


No, I'm almost there, why would I shave it :)


That's all and the difference is broadly due to the haircut. But you'll take the hormones for life now, with increased risk of breast cancer and depression. Your choice.