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Dutasteride is more potent than Finasteride. So it's possible you're experiencing another shed. How long have you been using Finasteride for? Oral min is known in some studies to cause more shedding as opposed to topical. Maybe switch.


Was on fin 1mg daily for 7 months before that. And then when I started dut I alternating with fin and dut the first month and dropped topical min and took oral min


would have been better to just take both fin and dut concurrently until fin ran out. Maybe even double up dut doses the first few weeks but that's overthinking it. Just be patient


Is your hair dryer than before?


I got some regrowth with topical min though


You are having an intense shed from one or both. Just trust the process and don’t stop either one of them.


It’s only been 2 months you are going through a shed which is good especially from those drugs any change to your stack will cause shed


You must give it time it’s completely normal I dealt with same thing


Well it’s been 2 months and 3 WEEKS. I’m just seeing more and more scalp now. It’s pretty bad ngl. I’m fully aware my hair loss is severe especially for my age but I’m also on an effective stack so idk.


I shed for 4 months on fin and about 2 months on min it’s just part of the process especially if you add a really strong dht blocker along with oral min both known to have heavy sheds pretty much every weak hair on your head is falling out rn which is really good but can be very stressful trust me 2 months is nothing


Youre prob going through a shed


This is exactly what everybody on the sub goes through when they start new hair loss meds.


Only 7 months on fin before switching to Dut. Your impatience will just make everything worse . Probably best to go back to the drawing board. Do research. Decide on a plan. Stick to your decision.


Yeah I might increase my oral min dose to 5 mg and keep it like that for a year. Then consider increasing dut dose from there.


Probably a shed. Completely normal with new treatment or with someone who is moving to a much stronger treatment. For the introduction of dutasteride I'd have just kept taking the fin daily as normal and adding the dutasteride on top if it on the same days until I ran out of fin, say a month or two.


Hum not sure about that loading period at all


Didn't front load dut or take fin while transitioning to dut completely. If you just switch from fin to dut you will most likely shed be cause it takes a long time for dht to build up in your body.


more likely is that switching to two stronger treatments simply initiated a new shed you can make the case for a tiny bit of overlap or a short loading phase, and some doctors advise this, but generally they just get you to stop one and start the other in studies, dut generally shows cosmetically noticeable results from month 2-6. Hair takes about a month to grow from the root under the skin to the surface. The timeframe for first response from 0.1mg dut appears similar to 0.5mg dut, implying it may reach therapeutic tissue concentrations very rapidly. Upon cessation of finasteride, DHT levels take about 2 weeks to return to baseline. So you could make a technical case for a 0.5-4.5 month period of overlap, on the worst case assumption that even a small and transient elevation of tissue DHT will cause hair loss. But the reality is that dut suppresses DHT in days in serum, days in the prostate. While some differences in accumulation of the drug to various compartments could be expected, it's implausible that it takes months in skin and you need to overlap fin for this long. Case reports of dut for acne have also been observed to act within 1-3 months, also implying it reaches relevant therapeutic concentrations in skin fairly quickly.


So should increase my dut dose to 2.5 mg?


No. Just wait.


I did for a month bruh.


nice, and even then it was probably unnecessary if you're not having sides from fin, the most convenient overlap protocol would basically just be to keep taking fin normally until your supply of it runs out, alongside daily dut because what else are you going to do with the old bottle of fin anyway?


It’s just a shedding phase please do not panic you went at it full nuclear which is a good thing but now you are still getting rid of bad hairs especially the oral min will make you shed 3 months is literally nothing these drugs take time come back at month 6-7 look at any post on here every drug has a shedding phase and any change to you regimen will cause a shedding phase it’s literally a good thing too you probably are gonna get good results especially with that stack