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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia or Dutasteride. Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Finasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/dutasteride). 2. [Search for Finasteride](https://tressless.com/search/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/search/dutasteride) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. 4. Try looking in the private community for deeper conversations: [https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride](https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/finasteride) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/b31ubf3bql8d1.jpeg?width=2001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2cf8592d88fb04a4599f97b67c438a05f910f5 I started finasteride and minoxidil six months ago at 49. I like the results I am getting so far. The pictures are from baseline, 3 months, and 6 months.


Very good results what brands are you using, oral or topical?


Both oral: 1 mg finasteride, 2.5 mg minoxidil. Generic brand. For the first four months on minoxidil, I got it from a compounding pharmacy.




Any noticeable hair growth on oral min other than on your head? That has been my biggest hesitation to switching to it from the foam, even though supposedly it yields better results in most cases.


Fuller eyebrows and eyelashes. a little more hair in my arms. nothing out of control. 


Interesting, thanks for the feedback. It might be time to bite the bullet and try it myself.


thats night and day the back isnt 100% but its fine


37 yo, been using the HIMS Fin & Min chews for 5 months, definitely seen a huge improvement in volume and even new baby hairs at the corner of my hairline.


any sides with the chews?


I personally experienced some headaches within the first 2 weeks of using it but then it went away. I almost stopped using it because of the headaches but eventually it subsided


You shouldn’t see a difference in 1 month. Wait 6-12.


you should likely notice a difference in the level of shedding after the first month or so tho right?


I'm over 60 and I have had some success with Min over the last 1.5 years. Enough to notice but not enough to get excited about. Just upped my game to 1 mg Fin and am hoping for the best. Took some pre photos that will be truly impressive once this works! Yeah and I bought the dumb helmet too. Damn the torpedoes!


Red light therapy helmet? How much did that cost if you don't mind my asking?


I got it used off Ebay for $300. It's a Theradome LH80. I figure if it doesn't do anything for me I can relist it and get most of my money back. Had it almost a month so I have nothing to report yet.


I've done some research about the therapy in general and there is some merit to it. Hopefully it works for you.


Thanks! Hoping for the best!


34, so a little younger. I started Fin halfway into Feb and Min in March just to stagger in case of sides. I turned 34 in May and I'm definitely having great results. I can no longer see through my hair. Like, definitely clearly thicker already. I've also had some luck with my receding hairline and gained maybe half and inch or so at least already in extra hairline. I'm actually about to start applying topical min because I've been so happy with the success I've had with oral. I'm going to stay on oral min and fin and start applying topically to my receding area and temples to see if I can get any extra there with a more targeted approach. I wouldn't even think about dealing with that if I wasn't seeing progress that I felt good about already.




Started at 2.5 and went up to 5 around a month ago. I might wait another month or two before starting the topical to see what the bump up really does, but I’m already kicking myself for not starting everything 10 years ago.


Started fin min at 40 a little more than a year ago and am happy with the improvement.


I'm 64. Have been on Fin for 30 yrs. I wouldn't have the hair I have today had it not been for the surgical and non surgical. It takes a full year to confirm what exactly the meds will do. I think the issue is one of expectations. If I do something I want something in return. A year later most patients get frustrated when they see no visual change and stop altogether. The meds are not intended for you to grow anything, (nothing regrows hair). They're to keep you from losing more. If you look the same a year later, the meds did what they were intended to do. A small percentage does get to enhance miniaturized hairs while a very small percentage do not respond to the treatment. Hang in there. I'd recommend you take photos and keep track of the progress.


Does min not regrow?


It can but it has a fairly low efficacy rate. Tretinoin and microneedling do help the chances.


Both finasteride and minoxidil have been proven to increase hair count in controlled studies. You can read about it in numerous published papers.


Finasterid yeniden saç çıkarır mı 


Wrong. Both Dut and min have shown decwnt regwoth. Even more when you add in Microneedling.


Dut does and fin doesn't?


I think a small portion, yes.


Interesting. I hadn't heard that about dut. I knew it was more effective but I assumed with retention like fin.


Great to see a longer term update, gracias.


Has fin made your beard/body hair thinner ?


But many peoples here get regrowth on fin and min


Is it possible to shed hair in the shower, etc. during treatment? How did you find out that the drug actually works?


yes 38 good results after 6 month of fin and two of min


11 years ago, I was 36 and had hair like Prince William. Since then I've done oral fin and topical min, and everyone's noticed I have a lot more hair on top. Am now on topical fin+min and continuing to get good results.


U stopped oral fin?


Yeah - not because of side effects but bc they (Hims) won't prescribe topical fin if you're on oral fin.


Why change something that’s working?


Results had stalled, and min+fin topical seemed to be getting great results in others with my same pattern. If it fails I'm going to get scalp tattooed or hair transplants.


Oral fin suppresses DHT better than topical. If anything, you should try switching to oral dut. I don’t think topical is going to help, if anything possibly make things worse. Everyone is different though.


I see a lot of guys on here getting great results with the hims fin min spray and mostly without sides


Do you have a source for topical fin being much less effective than oral? Only literature I've seen claimed they were similar. Honest question. Last time I asked this the other person just down voted me and didn't answer.


I don’t have it on hand. Youll have to try and google it. But I heard topical affects scalp DHT and oral effects DHT in the system


Thanks for answering. I appreciate it.


Maybe it’s gonna depend on every person. I’ve been taking topical min/fin from HIMS for 7 months now and I’m having amazing results (Norwood 3 vertex). No sides at all Two months ago I tried switching to oral fin, but had to quit it immediately due to side effects, so I switched back to the topical. Edit: I wrote oral instead topical in the first paragraph. Fixed.


38 years old on similar journey and start date as you. Already able to grow it longer on top. No baby hair though yet, just thickening of existing and less fall. 1mg fin daily, .5ml ru. I personally think topical fin was crap. Felt difference over night switching to oral Keep us updated


One month is not long enough to see any kind of difference with anything, in three to six months you will start to notice something


Been on oral finasteride for maybe 10 years. Helped maintain most of my hair, never noticed obvious regrowth. Losing ground last few years though and people pointing it out also. Starting topical dutasteride this month.


Why changing to topical?


I've been able to tolerate finasteride (no major side effects) but worry about the stronger dutasteride. Things like penile tissue change and other sexual side effects shown in studies. Supposedly the skin doesn't absorb dutasteride completely so it might be safer (and less effective). Plan to continue using oral finasteride.


Started at 35, check my post history for results, best of luck!!


See my post history, started at 37 and currently 39


I’m 38M and trying! Some progress so far, no real sides. Good luck!


46 use minox topically and added only about 2 months ago and fin. They really do help if you keep on it.


Just using minoxidil. Started at 24 now I'm 36 and still rocking it. My advice is: BE DILLIGENT, do 2x a day applicatitons, I swear by Lipogaine but igu can use other minoxidils. Its just the one I've been using and has added "azetinol" or something like that and I sincerely thinks it helps. Best of luck.


There are many posts here from 35+




Just sent you a load of DM and photos to show you my success with Finasteride plus general supplements mate. Oral Fin has been a huge help but I am still slowly losing ground at the front and temple areas - but my understanding is fin does that for most people - slows it down and thickens. No minox use as I couldn’t get it into my routine. I’m booked for 1800 grafts with Dr Ted in Wales come December to rebuild density and build into receded areas for the future. Hope the message and photos help.


I’m 42 been on it for about 3 years. It worked well, but my hairline is starting to go back a bit now.


35 here Been on fin for 7 months and min for 6. Ketoconazole shampoo for 1 month. I definitely see a difference, but it's not massive like some of the other cases posted here. My barber recently commented that my hair felt a bit thicker than a year ago. Also, judging from pictures I can see an improvement in density


I started oral min and oral fin when I was 40 and had some pretty good results


I started at 49 and got good results by 51. Oral fin and topical min. Crown was balding but now it's mostly grown in. I switched then from oral fin to topical fin and the results are holding up, but I'm starting to thin a wee bit again. I may switch back to oral fin in the near future if it continues to thin but I am happy with the results. I should also mention that around this time, I started taking daily D3 (10,000 I.U.) at the same time.


I think main reason you see mostly younger people posting about it is because people treat balding as much more serious when it comes on younger. Balding at 20 people pretty much handle like a cancer diagnosis. At 25 its a pretty big deal, at 30 you talk about maybe getting on something at some point, at 35 your like maybe I can just buzz it for a few more years. After 40 half your friends are already bald anyway.


At 47 with good results in 4 months