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That’s exactly what happened to me


Nice! Maybe its unique multi-modal mechanism really does just make it act more rapidly. I know Auvelity was shown in studies to work within a week, why not trintellix too?


My psychiatrist gave me a month's worth of samples yesterday and said that it usually works within days.


Very nice!


I'm on day 10 of 5mg having stopped my previous ssri earlier in the year, my anxiety has been awful but it lifted this afternoon and I've been feeling almost normal again I really do hope I'm over the hump and it's starting to kick in 🤞 glad it's working quickly for you


Glad to hear that it's looking good for you so far too!


I definitely felt it having an effect from day one. However, around 5-7 days in, I had a few days where I had a really short fuse. I would take no crap from my partner and yelled so loud that my voice was hoarse for a couple of days. It wasn’t without reason, but it was definitely too much and it was a side effect that others have had as well. It quickly passed and the positive effects got gradually better. Around two months in, the effect seemed to be very stable and it has helped me a lot ever since. It’s been around 8 months on 10 mg. No side effects and definitely worth it to me.


Thanks, great to hear! I recently read a huge meta analysis, the biggest one they've ever done, and only Trintellix and Lexapro were on the list of both the most effective and also the least side effects. Lexapro worked well for me for a long time, but after a decade on it, it just stopped. The trintellix seems like it's very activating but also calming at the same time, whereas most I've been on are either too sedating or too activating.


Yes, just 5 mg pulled me out of a severely depressed state. I was actually able to get out of bed. I was on that dosage for 2 weeks and then just last week my psych increased it to 10mg. I was able to go out in public and run errands without the crippling anxiety for the first time in months.


It has been proven to help both sleep and appetite in the first week and regulate itself. It may feel worse ss it regulates but it will level out


Yes it's very possible 


So far that’s what happened to me! I’m nine days in and started feeling relief from depression after just four days with no side effects. Congrats!


A huge meta analysis indicated trintellix is among the most effective and also the least side effects when it comes to all antidepressants compared, so I'm not surprised! Glad to hear it for you too.


This was my experience. I felt wonderful at day 3 or so. Felt great during first several weeks. After a month, however, I felt it was not effective. Dose was increased.  Felt a little better again for a few weeks, then over time I felt like I did at baseline. Increased to 20mg. Did not feel any appreciable difference other than increased nausea and dizziness. Stopped cold turkey just to see if I was imagining things, but no. I feel the same. My only guess is that I'm very prone to the placebo effect. Debating whether to go back on the 20mg or stay off.


If you're a poor cyp2d metabolizor 20 mg might be way too high.


Not sure, but I tried Lexapro, wellbutrin, buspar, trazodone, clonazepam, and zoloft, as well as trintellix. None  made me feel happy or less anxious. Even tried propanolol.   I felt for years that Sonata didn't make me sleepy, but the other night when I was having some really awful anxiety, I took one to help me sleep. While I didn't feel drowsy, all the negative thoughts went away. I even TRIED to bring them up again and couldn't. It was nice.


When I was on Trintellix I felt like a serotonin rush for like an entire week lol. I think it does work fast


Might be because it works directly on the receptors as well as being an SSRI in action. It has a lot of mechanisms of action!