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If this is your first time just run the 200mg and get your 6-8 week labs as a baseline.. the. For the future depending on your doc he might lengthen your labs to 3months -6 months and you can blast. Within that timeframe for a month or so .. If this is your first time you should just do baseline so you know what your starting labs are.. it will be able to indicate if you need an ai on 200mg and or if you need to donate blood every 2 months due to increase hematocrit and rbc.


I appreciate this comment. It’s probably the more responsible thing to do and I could see that being frustrating from the doctors perspective, since they’re hoping to see results from what they’re actually prescribing me… I’m just excited about finally starting and wanted to maximize the “newbie gains”. But I suppose it would be smarter to at least see how my body responds to the suggested dose first.


You not getting any newbie gains from trt.. you might get trt euphoria for a couple months.. shit felt like I was in a dream. Think of trt as in long term I’ve been on trt for 3 years now


Really? Can you elaborate I’m very interested in what you mean by that. Also what was your base line before starting if I can ask? My test was around 150 pretty low.


My baseline was 240 test ish 37 years old when I started. I weight 222lbs 5”9. 160mg test cyp split 3x weekly.. sub q Had all the symptoms you could think of. Got on trt and trt euphoria is like imagine having such low test and getting a dose of it that’s much higher.. makes you feeel euphoric like a teenager all over again. Makes you realize how much of a shell of a man you were before you started taking trt . Then after a couple months. You just feel normal and the euphoria goes away once your body adapts. I swear I was fucking like a champ, Horny as a 16 yr old, more decisive, more focused, more alert, felt stronger in the gym. Just watch out for standard issue. Side effects .. you might get some water bloating first couple of months .. I gained 20 lbs of water bloat took 2 months to come down.. had bad acne 6-9 months in on my back.. got on accutane after battling acne for a year finally cleared it up now I’m at 180mg weekly no issues I blast and jump to about 200mg-250mg like 1 month After I see my doc.. I see him every 6 months


Did your doc tell you to split the test cyp into 3 injections? Mine has me doing 200mg once a week. Supposedly the half life is like 8 days. Just curious.


Nope.. he basically prescribed the dosage and I just decided. To inject 3x and subq as well. I have friends who inject. Once a week no issues .. don’t overthink it try 1x a week if it works it works.. just think of longevity that’s why I do subq 3x a week.. I didn’t want to keep injecting deep in muscle and eventually get muscle scarring


Damn. Thanks for the info. I’m actually going to ask my doc about this because I’ve been switching legs and it basically feels like I hit leg day in the gym all week. If I could switch to an insulin needle with the same results that would be awesome.


I use a .5 ml syringe with a 1/2” long 29 gauge needle. I am doing it two times a week, Sunday evening and Thursday morning. The easiest for me is to use my legs by alternating them.