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Unfortunately your post has been removed as we feel that it has broken the "No Retired Topics" of our subreddit. A retired topic is one that has come often enough for the community to decide that everything has been said and that new threads about it are unwanted for a time. You can read more about retired topics here: https://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/wiki/retired/


Find new friends, who either like what you like, or are willing to go through it just for you. Also, try to do that for them sometimes.


I do do that, the problem is that I end up bored out of my mind, while doing so.


Join the Discords for games you like, make friends that way. I did that for Sea of Thieves and it has single-handedly kept me playing that game throughout the years.


Nothing wrong with that, you will be making friends a lot throughout your life, and not all of them will enjoy the same thing as you do. That’s the joy in friendships though, you can have as many as you want. You will be bound to find someone who you share similar tastes with.


>you will be making friends a lot throughout your life Lmao.


Then also talk to other people that do like those games. It's why I joined the discord for r/StrategyRPG


That's all good, I'm in the same boat with a lot of things. I have games that I play by myself, and I have multiplayer games that I enjoy with them. We play some things that I'm not overly into, but it's still a laugh because I'm doing it with my buds.


You can try getting them into stuff you like, try a simple strategy game, like one resource only, casual play with your friendsÂ