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It's not the sex with a porn star or anyone, which is the issue. It's how can we use that to get Trump. It's all bullshit.


knowing what we know about this case, if it were anyone else it would never make it to trial.


And irrelevant to the charge of forging documents, on which the statute of limitations has expired. 100 percent show trial.


Technically, it’s his falsifying business records, to hide the fact that he had slept with a porn star, that is the legal issue here. If he’s innocent, no big deal. If he’s guilty, will likely pay a fine and he moves on. Sleeping with a porn star is not the issue, except for his wife Melania. The hiding/moving (after being subpoenaed) of defense department secrets is the charge that could cause real trouble for Trump, i.e. jail time. But Trumps appointee, Judge Cannon, has done a great job of slow walking that trial and she has likely succeeded in making it impossible for the trial to start before the election. So Trump is golden on that one too. Trump will be fine.


She didn’t just slow walk it for nothing. The evidence has been tampered with by Jack Smith. Not to mention it’s the same think every other president has done


A few of the boxes of evidence being out of order came to light in the last 10 days. That is not the reason that this case, that came before Judge Cannon last June of 2023, is now likely to not even start until after the election in the fall of 2024. And of course, if Trump wins in November, he will be immune so he’s fine. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/20/politics/trump-federal-trial-date And this case is not about accidentally having a few secret documents after leaving the White House. It’s about Trump lying about having them and then after getting a formal subpoena, lying again and moving/hiding them. Even his closest aids have admitted that’s what they did. There was no reason for any of that. Trump has a real self inflicted wound here but Judge Cannon has pretty well eliminated any risk of a trial. Again, Trump will be fine as long as he can get re-elected, which seems likely.




I get what you mean about the porn thing but I didn’t think the DOD thing had any cross over into this. Feels like the media is just muddying the waters


It doesn't. That's a different case in a different jurisdiction. The porn case is about Trump calling repayment for a standard non-disclosure agreement his lawyer arranged a legal fee. It's multiplied many times because he paid in installments as most people do for large legal bills so they called each one a different charge. Those charges are misdemeanors that are beyond the statute of limitations but they are being charged as felonies because they were in furtherance of an unnamed and uncharged other crime that has to do with the 2016 election even though the payments started years later.


That’s what I’m trying to wrap my head around, is this grasping at straws or what!??


…Yes. Look at what Clinton did in Office, even Kennedy. it’s all about Trump… this well before 2016. It’s anything and everything.




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It’s not a big deal and irrelevant to trial. They are claiming he falsified business records to cover up another crime but he was not charged or convicted with the other crime. This was already looked at by the FEC , the DOJ and the same office that is bringing it now by braggs predecessor they all said the same thing there is no crime. It’s a purely election interference they knew this will go nowhere the punishment is the process keeps him off the campaign waste millions of dollars and loses some votes to independents who only read headlines. In a non kangaroo court stormy would not have been allowed on the stand nothing she has to say is relevant to the case it was just an attempt to embarrass trump.


So that’s affirming everything happening then, it’s all a distraction!


It’s not. There is also not a single presidential candidate that hasn’t paid hush money during a campaign.


Suuuuuuure there hasnt


No other president has ever done anything sexual ever so like Trump is evil!


It was wrong when they did I it and it was wrong when Trump did it. Cheating on your wife is not something that people should be ok with.


But also not something that you should go to trial about.


That wasn’t the question.


I thought the question was why it was such a big deal. The trial is what makes it a big deal, so I disagree. The difference between Trump's affairs and other politician's affairs is how the other side is attacking Trump, including the trial, hence the 'big deal'.


Disagree, the trial isn’t about him having sex with a porn star, that is the question OP asked. The trial is about accusations that he committed a crime in trying to cover it up. I’m not commenting on that, only that as a group of conservative Christians we should all agree that it’s not ok to cheat on your wife with a porn star or anyone else and that it is, in fact, a big deal.


Of course, legally the trial is based on campaign filing technicalities. But according to people like Adam Shiff 30 as recently as minutes ago, the trial is about having sex with a porn star and paying hush money to cover it up. I don't think any Christians think adultery isn't a big deal. Christians invented adultery being a big deal.


Ok there you go, adultery is a big deal, that’s the answer to OP’s question.


Ok, well I still think it's pretty obvious OP asked why TRUMP's adultery was a big deal compared to others, and not why adultery was a big deal in the eyes of God.


That’s not what they said and I think all adultery is a big deal. Clinton was impeached for it so let’s not pretend the is the first time a president has been called out for it.


Although what he did is wrong,this is very right. No other politician would be in this position


What if nobody knows but trump and his wife have a special dynamic in their relationship where he was able to sleep with other women and his wife knew and didn’t care…? A very much possibility and he just doesn’t want to say that lol cuz wouldn’t his wife be leaving him or something by now since she knows?


Cheating on your wife is wrong??? No way! 😱you are one smart cookie!


There are people in the comments saying the respect Trump more because of this. That is not a reason to respect him more.


That doesn’t even make sense. They respect him because he slept with a nasty pornstar? I respect him because he was the best president of my time and how successful he is,nothing else.


Yes, we agree on that. I still think slightly less of him for cheating on his wife. I take marriage seriously and it bothers me that he obviously doesn’t.


I mean does Trump boast about it at this time? People make mistakes and cheat,not saying it’s right. We are to honor our wives and it’s obviously not right.


I Agree, people make mistakes. I’m not saying it should land him in jail or disqualify him as a candidate. I will never be ok with ANY politician or leader of any kind doing this. I won’t make excuses or justify it, he was in the wrong here and the people that are supportive or accepting of this behavior are gross.


Yeah they won’t say anything he does is wrong at that point. It was wrong period


I agree 💯 Now I see your earlier comment that I replied to was satire.


JFK Clinton Lmao


Nope only Trump did bad things. Every other president is perfect


That motherfucker!!!




Atleast you noticed haha have a good one


JFK banged Marilyn Monroe while married to Jackie.


This was never anyone’s else’s business. This is between him and his wife!


For me it’s a big deal because I think being a married Christian man should mean you don’t fuck porn stars and cheat on your wife.


Somebody should have told that to Jim Bakker.


What does that have to do with anything? Any guy who cheats on his wife is a piece of shit and a shitty Christian.


It's ok to forgive and refrain from judging others.


Acknowledging their inappropriate behavior is not the same as judging. It’s for his wife to forgive him, not us. But as a country we should be holding our leaders, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, to a higher standard.


No one said Trumps a Boy Scout everyone knows he gets laid. And not every rightwing voter is Christian. Whats worse than having a one night stand is having a whole political party witch hunt a candidate for 8 yrs and bend the justice system to ruin his life. America is really like Soviet Russia these days good job dems 👍


There's no biblical prohibition on a married man having sex with women other than his wife, only on having sex with a married woman .


That is completely false. I guess you are referring to Leviticus 20:10 but that is just one verse and it does not define adultery, it only points out that a married man and a married woman who have an extramarital affair are equally at fault. “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” Hebrews 13:4 “But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself” Proverbs 6:32 “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” Mathew 5:28 “Flee from sexual immorality. all other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” Corinthians 6:18 “You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14


King David was blessed by god and he banged out the married Bathsheba, and a bunch of other concubines and numerous wives. Maybe Trump is like David


Maybe not.


David and Trump are both billionaires too.


King David wasn’t a Christian.


nor was Jesus


Or use the F word?!?


I’ve paid to have sex with a porn star and would 10/10 do it again. I actually like him better knowing he boned a ps.


💯. Porny Spaniels!


It's a BS show trial. They are trying to suggest that Trump ordered his lawyer to pay off Stormy to be quiet so as to not embarass his Campaign to be POTUS, and/or was paid for from his campaign funds, then directed his lawyer and accountants to change the records to make it look like it wasn't paid for from campaign funds. This was 6 years ago. Even if true, the statute of limitations for this crime is 2 years. By declaring it a campaign finance violation it ups the Statute to 5 years, but Bragg doesn't have the jurisdiction to bring such federal charges, he did it anyway. He used unrelated covid rules to extend the time of statute to 7 years, just so he could bring this extreamly weak case to trial. So a corrupt DA, brought up a dead misdemeanor case, linked it to a crime he can't prosecute to call it a felony and coupled that with a covid excuse, to resurrect it. Then gave it to a corrupt judge who hates Trump, in violation of judicial bias, who ordered an illegally broad gag order., in violation of Trumps constitutional rights, to make the trial as abusive and humiliating as possible. Hense a show trial. Honestly, DA Bragg and Judge Meechan, show by disbarred, arrested, and sued on corruption and RICO charges.


I asked someone that posted “Lock him up.” to explain what he did wrong. I made it sound like I hated trump and just wanted to know what I should be mad at and want him in jail for. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 5 days and still no one has explained it.


Are you looking at the case and asking yourself, “That’s it?” It’s politically motivated. Democrats will lie and feign great moral offense, but nobody cares about this. This is truly an abuse of power by the democrat Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and the Democrat judge Merchan. This is completely unAmerican and what Democrats want to turn the US into.


Want? It’s turned already


It's the morality and what he did to keep it a secret that's a big deal. Having sex with a pornstar while your wife is 5 months pregnant is morally wrong. Committing fraud to cover it up is legally wrong.


I would expect the self proclaimed conservative Christian men in this sub to agree with this instead of down voting you.


Except Trump never covered it up, and Cohen is a habitual liar who just wants Trump in jail. If you are a Christian you can see what Trump did as shitty but not every conservative is christian myself included. Having a president who had a one night stand with a porno star is much different than a president who wants to push abortion and let men in women’s bathrooms.


Everyone else has done it, I just don't want to be left out!




cuz they didn't get to or it wasn't a child like the Democrats crave


Of all porn stars he chose... that one? Gee... there were much better looking


I wouldn't do it


It's non-monogamy.


In this country we have laws. And if you stacked up all the laws on the books it would probably reach the moon. And if you run afoul of the deep state, they will find the one clause in there where they can charge you with a crime. That's about all you need to understand to know what we are all dealing with at anytime. Anyone of us, would still be in solitary under the capitol somewhere. Thank God Trump can stand up to these assholes.


"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus


Most of the media's (DNC) talking points appear to be desperately and speciously attempting to somehow connect this with "election interference," which I can only suspect, has to do with setting him up for the next sham trial in Georgia. Sure, it's absurd and a hail Mary, but they believe it costs them nothing to try. All the while seemingly oblivious to the damage they're doing to our country and it's current divide, not to mention their own candidate's election hopes.


That’s probably the part that rubs me the wrong way, this trial and all the others are showing how they are treating the courts and the whole Justice system like a joke


this comment is everything


Because the globalists and uni party know how much damage he can do to their scheme


Leftists are supposed to be the sexually liberated party. Ironically, if any democrat banged a porn star he’d be congratulated for it


#Ask Hunter.


I applaud him for it!


Its not a big deal. It also never happened (both have denied it repeatedly) and isnt what the trial is about.


Who cares




Is throwing a hot dog down a man hole a big deal?


It’s not even a crime that will land him in prison. This is so political it’s not even funny. They’re itching to see Trump in jail and it’s not even gonna happen at this point. However, how did bro cheat on Melanie in her prime?


Because he never did and they have lied saying he did.