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Its all free money for Diaper Donny, he did not put a single nickel into this con. Its only his maga that end up hurting, they don't seem to give a shit and love being milked like sheep


Thank you for posting this!




Ooof! I really wasn't expecting this to possibly break below $30 this soon. Here's the point where I start feeling a little bad for the mom and pop retail investors. I know I shouldn't, but jesus christ this thing dropped fast!


There was steady support for DWAC (the precursor to DJT) for a looooooooong time around $12-$18. I can imagine a drop to that point, then you’d hit diamond hands, Trump lovers, and large stock owners. Not sure if all the shorts will be out by then, but my uneducated guess is that’s the floor in the short term.


Yup. Down over $2 already this morning and I think when the trial starts on Monday that's going to be a catalyst for a sell off. I don't feel bad for the mom and pop investors because everyone, literally everyone, knew this stock had nothing to back up it's valuation


Also Monday released a milestone and 40 million new shares will be created diluting the market.  


The biggest mystery - or tell - is that the board *didn't* hold an immediate vote after the IPO to release Trump's shares for sale or for him to use as collateral. The board members are ALL Trump sycophants, all MAGA loyalists. **Why** didn't they hold the vote so he could cash in while the shares were at $70+? Something else is going on.


Who's he going to sell them to, especially at that price?


Russia, China, other market makers who want to funnel him cash indirectly.


His ego won’t let him believe that it won’t be a massive success. If he bails and it fails, it is a billboard worthy sign of his failure as a businessman, right before the election.


You'd think so. But the people who follow his business dealings so closely, I imagine, are those hoping it fails or involved in his investigations. Will his cult actually know or care?


You should do your daily post at the close of market not at open.


I think I forgot yesterday. lol


He's going to have a real problem when he starts unloading this thing. I just did some quick math based on average daily volume, and he holds 14 days of the average daily volume. At best it would take him many months to fully sell everything, at which point everyone will know the jig is up.


You're assuming the people buying it are buying it because they want the stock. He'll sell quickly because lots of rich foreign parties want to give him money