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Poor Donnie diapers as actually never once been caught laughing think of it have you ever seen him laugh?




I couldn't possibly disagree more. Poor Don.




You can just see the miserable old fuck sitting rage watching, being unable to contain his jealousy. He just trots out the same old lame shit, and his racist supporters cheer like it's some new thing. He's such an old, worthless piece of shit....he's the complete package of a total piece of shit in one orange skin.


I think the only times Colin didn't get a major reaction was due to the audience. Not everyone there was a Democrat, and also some journalists don't want to give away that they don't care for Trump. Also, some were a bit hard hitting, such as the one about the man who set himself on fire outside the courthouse that was holding the criminal trial. Hubby and I thought Biden, Jost, and the impersonator (I thought his Obama was a bit disappointing, but hubby said he's seen him perform before and has done Obama so much better). Trump lacks a sense of humor anyway, but he especially can't take a joke directed at him. Biden seemed to really enjoy himself, even when he was the butt of Colin's jokes, and he made some self-deprecating jokes, too.


Biden has always had a wicked sense of humor. Trump, none at all.


If I remember correctly, Trump had such thin skin he was the first president in history to not host a Correspondent dinner; so the irony that he's hate watching Biden's is hilarious. Trump has the typical sense of humor of a narcissist bully; he literally doesn't understand humor if it's not punching down on someone.


You hear his cultists say, "Oh he was only kidding/joking!" But he never jokes, never laughs.


One of the things that always struck me was when Penn was on Rogan talking about The Apprentice, was that he'd never seen a person who had never laughed or understood jokes. The closest he got to "joking" was punching down like a bully. Also that he'd never met a person who didn't listen/understand music. It was the most graceful way of saying he's about as sociopathic/narcissistic you can possibly be.


Oh so it was good then? I’ll check it out.


At least Jost’s wife showed up. Where’s Melania?


Yet he watched the entire event.


Another lie from the orange wonder. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just for reference we watched the WHCD from the year that President Obama roasted the crap out of " the Donald " Trump Was obviously triggered. Nothing better than watching that heathen squirm in his seat..


I was watching on CSPAN and either that channel or the dinner itself showed a clip of Obama roasting Trump and Trump was just staring.


That was the Nexus event for our universe. Trump's humiliation at the hands of a black man was too much for him to handle. He dedicated his life at the time to dismantle Obama's legacy.


And it worked. Unfortunately. He channeled a lot of Americans' resentment.


The stuff that occupies this morons mind is just...pathetic


Jost got a standing ovation at the end of his spot.


To be fair to Trump, "bombed" is a word. How can you expect him to know what those mean?


How embarrassing.


The full event is on youtube, or you can search for segments. [Watch the 2024 White House correspondents’ dinner (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C16cHdbEQdI) Edit: The first part is watching them eat. The show starts at 1:32:30


Maybe if you had the balls to go to any of the WHCDs while you were in office, this post would carry any level of merit. But we all know you’re a sniveling coward lol


I can’t believe he commented on this. That pos never went to a single one. the last one he went to Obama roasted him in front of everyone. He’s still upset about that.


I am amazed every day what a cowardly weak piece of shit this guy is and how many people still think he is some strong manly leader. Fuck him.


It is weird. Complaining and being angry is like a sport for these people.


It's their whole fucking existence.


He can’t stop himself. No self control. Just weird defensive aggression. Any normal person that had a friend or family member that acted like him would have cut contact long before it got to this point. But a certain percentage of our country roll in the mud with him. So strange.


If I had a family member that acted like this I’d make them see a dr. He is clearly mentally unwell. Unwell but still a piece of shit.


The absolute most consistently negative person in my life by proxy. Like, by far, I know nobody this consistently hateful and agitated. How can his hard-core fans enjoy this?


>How can his hard-core fans enjoy this? You just described *them*


Republicans run on anger and fear. I’ve never consistently seen such unhappy people until Obama was in office. Between his tan suits and his wife wearing something that showed off her shoulders, they went off the rails and trump only added to it.


They think life is zero sum; if someone else is having fun, they think they aren’t by default. It’s a failure in child rearing.


Did mango mussolini not get an invite?


It blows my mind that millions want to see this fragile snowflake as POTUS.


So I guess this means it was probably pretty good. I'll have to check it out.


Trump is a no-show coward


It’s funny how they say the left is all sensitive, triggered snowflakes who get their feelings hurt and can’t take the truth. Their leader is the epitome of that.


That's the P in GOP.


Neither CNN nor MSNBC had any late nite coverage of the event, but surprisingly Fox News did. They had a red carpet crew that was practically gushing about the event and even some kind words for Biden and Democrats. Kennedy was touting coming together. It was the fairest coverage I've seen on Fox since Ailes took over. The show was hosted by a comedian named Jimmy Failla and they were bragging about hanging with Fetterman and Gov. Pritzer. I've always dismissed Biden's quest for Bipartisanship as wishfull thinking, but at least for one night, community and civility were back. #BidenBuildingBackBetter [https://twitter.com/FNSaturdayNight](https://twitter.com/FNSaturdayNight)


Watched the event on the West Coast. I had on CSPAN so no after event commentary as far as I know. But hubby watched it on CNN, and there was some guy who was making snarky comments (I don't know who it was), but the hubs and I strongly disagreed, and thought Biden and Jost did an excellent job.


I don't get off work until after midnight. CNN was running Tapper's Scandal series and MSNBC was running Dateline, so I tuned into Fox as they were running a news program. It was a replay of their Fox Saturday night show. Despite some snarky comments about Biden, the Fox personalities had some really good things to say about the event, especially how it was bringing both sides together and how that was a good thing???. It was kinda surreal, but maybe the tide is turning and Americans are tired of the fighting.


So, Colin killed it and Joe was on point as usual. Got it.


Colin‘s four minute-ish ending is worth a listen. I can’t find a link, and for that I apologize, but he does a great job.


People on twitter were praising that. It had to do with his grandfather who had passed last year. He was a Staten Island firefighter and voted for Biden in 2020 because he felt he was a decent man.


Yes. I watched it live and it moved me. I’m a big fan of Colin‘s, and thought he did a great job. That ending killed me, though. So perfect.


You can see it on C- span you tube channel




I hope this trends.


Somebody got his fee fee's hurt.


Womp womp


He's still smarting over the Obama roasting.


Good He is such a vindictive ignorant excuse for a man . Revenge Election 2024 .