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You said it yourself, it’s online. It’s not all trans guys it’s just people online doing online shit they don’t do in real life because they know they won’t get taken seriously. Teenagers think they’re the shit and they act all edgy, that’s a phase we all go through and unfortunately remember. It’s best to ignore and treat it as it is, just a phase.


Yup the edgy teen we all go through that stupid attention seeking rebellious phase. Kicking fences to make dogs bark, swearing at homeless people and laughing at ugly girls. 


Could just be confused gnc women too. I’ve seen a lot of women recently, asking if they’re trans because they’re not the typical fem, skinny, long hair, woman that social media puts on a pedestal. What really frustrates me lately is when these people openly talk about their genitals using feminine slang or some weird halfbreed language in trans spaces. I’m so tired of hearing boypussy, mangina, man tits, bonus hole, etc. wherever I go. There was a post about this language recently in ftm, and I was genuinely shocked to see that I was about the only one in the thread that uses strictly male terms for myself. This could just be a me problem and I’m some weird outlier, but it makes me severely dysphoric and almost physically sick reading any of those terms. I don’t bother browsing some of the major ftm communities anymore because of them and the endless mentions of bottoming for cis boyfriends and using their “front hole”.


I mean…everyone is comfortable with different things sexually man…


Sure, people can do what they want. Never said they couldn’t. Personally, I get skin crawling discomfort and suicidal thoughts over the existence of that area of my body… which is why I tend to avoid any place that it’s mentioned as I said. It’s also extremely triggering for me to read about anyone getting fucked that way, because I personally consider that to be one of the most “female” things that you can do.


That’s great for you but different things trigger dysphoria for different people. They may have bottom dysphoria in other ways. 


I wouldn’t consider suicidal thoughts and an inability to function like a normal human great, but yeah I’m sure they do. Good for them. I’m not denying dysphoria, I’m just further explaining why I avoid those people because you seem to have neglected to realize that I was expressing my own personal struggles with the triggering content in my original comment.


Because the normal trans guys aren't all over the internet acting like crazy people. Truth is most trans people are completely normal and try to be stealth. It's the crazed attention whores you see the most of on the internet.


everyone in this sub should post what they look like i bet none look like that cuz we arent trenders


I dye my hair sometimes! Gosh! Haha


While this is largely true, it’s also important to remember that some afab teens can’t even cut their hair short because their parents would go into hysterics. Things may not always appear as they seem.


Are you only looking at a specific group of people? This seems oddly specific and like you haven't looked at the larger demographics.


They always have the same face shape, it's weird


Probably the low dose testosterone.


the septum changes the face shape i swear


Because they are born female


I mean yeah there's a stereotype by now with that look. but we can't really assume that they're just teenage girls and not actual transmen considering we don't know what kind of access to transitional care they have. Might be limited by their parents or can't afford it or they may not want to medically transition yet, whatever. Maybe they don't want to transition at all. And fashion trends are trendy for a reason- people like it and it gives them a way to express themselves outside of the binary, gender conforming norm. At the end of the day- who are we to judge? The tucute types may give people who express themselves in a similar way a negative image, but it's juvenile to lump everyone together and assume they're all the same. I do notice the general idea of what you're getting at, which is something I've pondered at times with seeing a lot of online teens explore gender expression and identity. I think \*sometimes\* it's more just not wanting to be a woman in general- be it internalized misogyny or physical/sexual trauma or thinking they'll be treated better if they try and be a man in our patriarchal society. Again, we don't know them, and aren't ones to judge. Live and let live.


Alt styled trans guy here with dyed hair: I am doing an effort to pass, I pass mostly especially to older cis people, please don't put me in the same box with tucutes thank ya


Eh I don’t think it’s all of us, especially the guys in this sub, I know at least I’m not one of those stereotypes. I think these tucutes you’re mentioning are just the byproduct of people disliking the idea of being seen as a woman socially, so they change pronouns and labels but everything else is completely female. They don’t fit in with other girls, so they think they have to be some totally different thing, and they like to feel like they have some special, exclusive community. They can’t just be a “normal” person, something HAS to be unique about them.


teenagers can’t exactly go on testosterone that easily bud, and just cause someone likes alt style doesn’t suddenly remove their gender dysphoria. difference between not passing and maybe liking some damn earrings and literally just not being a trans man


Who are you? Are you a trans man? Trans woman? Cis? This is asked with a very narrow minded view, imo. I’m stealth, whenever I can be, and I’m not going to out myself to prove someone wrong (unless absolutely necessary). There are more stealth trans men than you think. There are definitely terminally online people who repeat the trends, pretend they are trans, and generally act foolish. Like someone else said, it is best to ignore it and treat it like the phase it is. Teenagers are notorious for being dramatic, insensitive, and exaggerative - best to leave them amongst themselves.


Hi, I do kinda fit into some of these stereotypes. For example, I'm a teenager, I don't really pass well, (albeit I try to), I'm gay and have a cis boyfriend and I'm kind of grunge styled. I tend to have this fear about myself. I do genuinely have crippling dysphoria and I wish everyday I was born a boy. It's terrible. I try very hard but I still sometimes think I'm viewed as one of these people. Some of these people are hurting the true trans community by putting this image on us, and its so harmful to some of us.


Bad fashion choices, but I forgive them cause they're bro's🙏


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Red cars




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