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Broody older brother ≠ bad boy.  I’m personally team Conrad but calling him a bad boy when he’s just broody is hilarious 


Also the prom thing, he had a lot going on all at once.  - It was near the end of the school year so final exams were coming up.  - His mom was getting worse by the minute and he wasn’t able to there with her. He was probably terrified he’d get “the call” at any given moment.  - He wanted to give belly that special moment but his brain was in overdrive and unfortunately he couldn’t.


Seeing Susannah at Thanksgiving vibrant and healthy and then seeing her during the video chat before prom in Jere’s pov episode and how sick she looked was so sad.


I added that in! Thanks for telling me that :)


calling conrad a "bad boy" is so funny because nothing in the show has made him seem like one


Hahaha exactly and especially when people compared him to the older brother on walter boys?? Like that's the best part of tsitp that the roles are reversed The inferiority complex having younger brother is popular, fun and jock-ish and doesn't have an issue with the ladies (or jere's case guys too haha) The brooding emotionally distant older brother is the nerdz maybe a bit of a jock but truly excels academically who isn't a 'player' perse And I love that about tsitp because it gives depth to the issues Conrad and Jeremiah have Conrad is the nerd without an inferiority complex And Jeremiah has more to his personality than just being a golden retriever player It's so great that the roles are reversed and they have so much more depth to them than the cliché And Jeremiah's inferiority complex is not because Conrad gets the girl always and oh he got belly again like in walter boys but so much more deep rooted and complex Especially their relationship with Adam


https://preview.redd.it/eeytwzs8y59d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd584c320b9e012594beef8cc7cea18acfa4384 Me anytime I see this brought up lol


he didn't feel too old for prom, his mom was literally days away from dying and he was depressed and afraid that he was ruining prom for belly


The biggest Bonrad factor is that he's the one she really loves. The fact that he's always on her mind proves it. She has doubts about staying with Jer but pushes them down. Jer was definitely a rebound for her. She does love him, but not the way she loves Con. (Jer knows that deep down too).


Tbh, I rarely see this reasonings for either side. At least on Reddit, people will get in heated debates and write essays about their ship. I generally don’t see people saying they want one ship cause the guy is cute or a hot bad boy


Most fans of jelly definitely like them for different reasons than you listed. Honestly it comes down to preference. I know jelly isn’t end game but I prefer them on screen. I prefer their chemistry,friendship, playful love for each other. I feel butterflies when they have their moments on screen. That is all personal preference/opinion. I actually prefer jere with someone else who’s not belly because he deserves more. I just can’t help but root for them on screen. I know how it ends but it doesn’t really matter to me in the end. I just hope jere is happy.


I think... maybe you're not talking to the right Jelly fans or you're over generalizing. Most of my friends are Jelly fans...actually I think all of them are and I am a major Conrad fan. One of my friends, is definitely someone who likes Jere more because she thinks he's hotter. And I think there is something to be said about physical attraction for sure when it comes to who you like more. Given that, most of my friends who like Jeremiah more...I think tend to like the fact that Jeremiah doesn't leave Belly second guessing like Conrad does. What i hear more often than not is that he's communicative. He tells Belly what he wants and that is HER. People also tend to like that Jeremiah is fun and easy going and a lot of more people like the friends to lovers trope. Perhaps it feels more organic to them. And I've seen a lot of women (specifically older women and by older I mean like older than the age of 23) tend to say that they feel that it feels more mature to go with Jeremiah and not go with the man you've crushed on for your entire life. Which is I guess a fair point but to me, not really a major reason why I'd "ship" Jere more than Conrad. Regardless, what I think it comes down to so is personality preference. You either really like Jeremiah's personality and understand him or you really like Conrad's personality and understand him or you don't. I think generally, it really has to do with what type of communication style you prefer and also whether or not you're able to sympathize with Conrad or not. I think a lot of people who ship Jeremiah and Belly don't tend to sympathize with Conrad and therefore don't think his reasoning for doing what he does in season 2/book 2 as 'good enough' or something they can forgive. And as an adult and as someone who has many friends, I have learned to realize that what \*\*I\*\* can tolerate in a boyfriend is very different than what my friend can. For me, Jeremiah was immature in the books and in the show. I think Jenny Han was very purposeful when she wrote book 3 and even book 2. I also think Jeremiah tends to have more anger in the show. Do I think that he's actually someone who has anger management like some specific users? Nah. Not really. But I think I'd like to see more emotional range from Jeremiah besides anger and sadness and happy-go-lucky-golden-retriever. I sympathize with Conrad because I feel like in a lot of ways, I react similarly to the dude. And I think Belly, in book 2, idolized this man for so long, she didn't feel he could he could do wrong until he did and she assumed that because he was growing distant, it meant he didn't love her.


if I forgot any big reasons people say, please tell me!!


Where’s the evidence that jere treats her better we haven’t seen them together out of the summer house yet he ghosted her for months he’s not perfect either Jere mentions things that has nothing to do with him a lot of people do say they find Jere hot but I don’t or they simp over Gavin.


As a member of the Jelly community, people ship Jelly for much deeper reasons that’s you’ve listed here.


Yeah, I’m wondering if this person ever actually talked to a person that ships them.


Ive talked to many but they were very generic in why they like the ship. Im gonna add deeper reasons because now that I see your comment I def agree


I had no idea about the books. But I like Jelly more from S1 itself. To me it’s more about the smaller moments that make a difference. In S1, there are so many times when Jere makes Belly feel seen. Right from the first party she crashes, driving lessons to help her get better, picking up on her insecurities with Taylor, hyping her up against the mean girls at the dance. “I’ll always come and get you Belly” - that had me goneee :) You see a carefree and golden retriever Jere, when he is blissfully unaware of Susanah’s cancer. The empathy he’s able to show everyone in S2. Especially when there isn’t one person who is in his corner on that show. There’s just so much to unpack there, stuff that probably runs too deep for teen shows anyway. In S2, the way both of them do that telepathy thingy. Belly proves she knows him well enough at the video game parlour, half cherry half coke. Jere proves he’s going to be there for her through the tough stuff - the tower of terror, the beach convo, delicate. Even with that sour patch thing, sure he didnt know. But then he did know her fav drink and the way she liked lil umbrellas on it. So I never got the deal about it. At the end of S2, the way she knows what Con feels for her. And she actively makes the choice to be with Jere. I mean XO was peak tv.


The XO scene was something else, peak TV as you described it 🤌🫠


The XO kiss. Best kiss of the show BY FAR!


I am personally team Conrad especially because imo jeremiah didn't liked her since the begining it happenend when she became "pretty" but with Conrad it shows that even when he was playing with the boys he always thought and cared abt belly too! and i think belly and jeremiah fit more into the best friends category and not the couple category ( and their story is rly like a rollercoaster even if they know they love each other all the time that's what i like ) ( and jere make me cringe sometimes 😅 )


I actually prefer bonrad over jelly because I mean it makes perfect sense, belly only ever had a crush on Connie the whole time during her childhood and entire life, he was there for her in somewhat ways . I think that they belong together in the books and probably in the show . I hope Jenny Han pleases all of bonrad or jelly fans. Well mostly the bonrad fans


I love Bonrad because they.have this gravitational pull between them. They know each other deeply and have very deep and intimate conversations with each other. They started out as friends and that grew into love for each other. They always seem to know where the other is and when they gaze at each other even a room full of people, it is like they are on the two people in the room. They are very insync with each such other such as during the volleyball tournament. The fireplace scene was full of love, tenderness, and I love how awkward Conrad was and how Belly took the lead. Conrad is more introverted and a deep thinker and more sensitive which I prefer over Jere's extraverted, outgoing, touch-feely persona.


In my opinion, the show spends way more time building the relationship between Jere and Belly. I also think they have more chemistry.


This 👆None of the reasons OP listed is why I’m a Jelly. I can write a paragraph on why I ship Jelly and none of them are superficial.


Same! I’d love to hear your reasons!


Im changing/adding more reasons because what I wrote is usually what I hear from the generic Jelly/Bonrad shipper. Id like to hear reasons!


It’s always funny to me when Bonrads say we like Jeremiah because he’s better looking. You think Chris is ugly? What? 😂😂 Jelly shippers love Jeremiah. That’s the heart of our ship. He’s (the majority of us, anyway) our favorite character and we want him to be happy. He is outgoing, warm, compassionate, helpful, communicative, and honestly just all around better in most aspects than Conrad. (IMO, of course.) Conrad lovers think the same thing about him. I personally don’t care if he ends up with Belly because I think he deserves better. But as a Belly fan I definitely don’t want her to end up with Conrad because I think he’s just awful. Just *awful*. Does skipping years into the future make him a better person? Suuuuuure. 😂😂😂


Damn this is the first time I'm seeing someone on team jere put team belly over team Conrad I thought an agreed upon fact by all was that Team Jere/Conrad >>>> Team belly


I like her a lot better than I like Conrad. Although to be completely fair, I think that it’s his fan based that has soured me on him the most


I'm not jumping to Conrad'a defense or anything but I always wonder why the empathy doesn't kick in towards a barely 18 year old is the sole bearer of the secret that his mother is dying and his father cheated on his mother when she was sick I will even give Jere the benefit of doubt all through S2 for everything that happened but belly???


I think Conrad is a nasty person. The way that he attacks everybody’s insecurities when he’s upset with them bothers me. He does it to Jeremiah, Belly, and even Aunt Julia. It is just so unnecessarily nasty. And this is a character flaw that I don’t believe has anything to do with anything going on with his mom or his dad or anything else. This is simply just something Conrad does to hurt others. It’s obviously a personal thing, since I cannot abide it and other people don’t think it’s an issue at all.


But I'm so surprised that when Jeremiah says such nasty things to Conrad, he's not trying to hurt anyone or that the character flaw has nothing to do with his mom? Let's talk about the party episode in S2 when Jeremiah unnecessarily dragged Belly in between Conrad and jere's fight to which belly HERSELF tells Jeremiah not to use her like that as an argument In season 1 when Jeremiah sabotages Conrad and Belly's moment as a 'distraction' that time he was unaware of his mom's situation so could I not say that this is just a character flaw that has nothing to do with his mom or anything else and that he's a nasty person? It's the hypocrisy that's really bothering me I think both the brothers are flawed in their own ways and act in ways because of the situations they're put in But when you stop treating them as characters without flaws and look through the tinted glasses, you only view them in nasty ways


Jeremiah in the moment shooting a firework was in no way him trying to be nasty. It was impulsive, but he wasn’t actively setting out to hurt people. I don’t understand what’s so difficult about that to understand. I think it was very clear that when Jeremiah mentioned belly, he seemed to think she would agree with him or want to be part of the argument. Again, this is not him intentionally being nasty, they are in the middle of an argument. Once again, I don’t really understand how that’s so difficult to understand. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now, how about, “I can see why my grandpa liked you less than my mom” or whatever. WTF? That is so nasty. “You hooked up with seven people last summer.” And? Tf? “Why don’t you look in the mirror some more?” Okaaaaay.


So when Jeremiah says things, it's impulse but when Conrad says anything we don't throw in some empathy of what he's going through? I don't know man I'm not saying Conrad is a saint and as I say this again, I believe both the characters are flawed but I don't think Jeremiah should be justified to this extent or put on a pedestal unnecessarily and neither should Conrad for the bonrad fans Like it's so bizarre that for Jere the behaviour is impulsive and hence understandable for some reason but Conrad carrying the burden of the secret that is his mother dying absolutely should have no effect on him? Let's lose the tinted glasses and start seeing them as humans yeah?


Agree with this.. Jeremiah dragging belly into an argument that has nothing to do with her is absolutely nasty. Especially when he knows nothing regarding what happened in their relationship and knowing that both belly and Conrad were/are hurting from it. Funny for belly’s best friend and someone who supposedly loves her, he really doesn’t give a crap about her feelings, as long as it benefits him. This is why I struggle to engage in Conrad/Jeremiah debates. Jeremiah’s behaviour is usually justified with a “it’s understandable, he’s hurt”. None of the boys are perfect, they’ve both said some hurtful things. I can acknowledge that Conrad has said unpleasant things out of spite because he’s pissed/jealous but for me, difference is we see Conrad more often than not apologise for his behaviour. We see Jeremiah say several nasty things to/about Conrad for the most part (with the intention to sway belly’s opinion of him or to simply hurt Conrad) with no good reason.. purely because he’s resentful that belly loves him. We never ever see Jeremiah apologise, that’s why I can’t stand the little shit among a million other reasons.


I hated that he had no reason to bring her into it and never apologised the thing is Conrad doesn’t use his mothers cancer as an excuse


You are the one mentioning Jeremiah. I never said that Jeremiah didn’t do things wrong. I’m just pointing out that I find Conrad and his behavior to be nasty. Once again, I literally never said anything about Jeremiah not having any flaws. That’s a you thing. Conrad intentionally – multiple times – says really nasty things to multiple people to hurt them. That’s it. Asked and answered.


Yeah but I'm mentioning Jeremiah to say that he's being defended for things that are equally nasty so why does he get the benefit of doubt but Conrad doesn't?


Imo I feel like though Jeremiah is the better brother overall, Conrad is better for Belly


How is Jeremiah the better brother when for the last two seasons, he has done nothing but insult and put Conrad down, thrown a firework at him and Belly, inserted himself between Conrad and Belly when he knew they loved each other, punched Conrad, thrown mud at him, and forced Conrad to admit he was in love with Belly, and then got with her anyway? Jere is immature and selfish and for the last two seasons has only thought of himself, his wants, and his feelings without regard to anyone else's. Conrad is selfless- he will make sure everyone else is happy above and over himself. As a child, he didn't tell anyone he broke his arm because he didn't want to be a burden.