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This sounds pretty cool. Tulsa is finally getting some momentum shaking off the old economic structures and embracing the future! Now if green country could just break away from the rest of Oklahoma we'd be set.


The problem with Tulsa is that it's surrounded by Oklahoma.


Sad but true


Green but Country


A lot of people won’t even consider moving here because it is Oklahoma…


We're losing some of our best workers before the November election because they're gay/trans and don't want to be here if the election goes poorly. Which regardless in Oklahoma, it will be awful regardless who wins. Either trump or denial and inductions.


Top tier fear mongering


Keep drinking the Coolaid. Never heard of any other ex-President calling for military tribunals.


Best workers? Definitely not. I’m willing to bet people wouldn’t even notice if those mentally ill trans people left. Not like they could even afford to lmao


They are the specialist who are actually in a highly desired position in Healthcare.




Can OKC come to? (Genuinely asking: I don't spend any time there.)


If you leave the capital building behind


And Bull-stitt with it!


goes without saying!


Absolutely, but Tulsa gets to claim Thunder fandom as well! I've met a few OKCers who object to it being "our" team.


Here's an article that's not paywalled https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240702107478/en/Tulsa-to-Secure-U.S.-Position-as-Global-Tech-Leader-with-Approximately-51-Million-Award-from-Economic-Development-Administration A lot of people seem to hate on the Kaiser foundation, but they're doing so much more for this city than anyone else.


I think the Kaiser family understands Noblis Oblige (the obligation of the nobles). They're reinvesting in the city and making Tulsa what it is, and I certainly see it and appreciate it. That is not standard elsewhere


Agreed. I don’t understand the hate at all. Without them we wouldn’t have The Gathering Place, Turkey Mountain would be smaller and not as well maintained off the top of my head.


Solyndra and Great Plains Airlines.


…and Bank of Oklahoma, Educare, Tulsa Community Foundation, “Supporting Organizations” and the payout rule…might as well list them all. Still, the good outweighs the bad, imo. I can’t think of anyone else that comes close to the amount of good he’s done locally. Can you?


The tribes contribute as much if not more.


Oh for sure, and they do great things, but I was talking about an individual philanthropist.


No, it counts. Stop playing semantics. Kaiser is a cunt. For all his educrat meddling in local public education, it hasn’t really improved outcomes locally in a meaningful way. Not to mention the underwhelming results of his meddling in higher education at TU.


I think he gets credit for trying. Like I said, can you name another individual philanthropist that’s done as much or more for Tulsa? Most seem to just pay to slap their name on a university building and call it good.


Tate Brady


Solyndra and Great Plains Airlines


Solyndra and Great Plains Airlines


Tulsa and Oklahoma in general need to go from an oil state to an energy state. We have wind, we have solar, we have oil while we need it, we should be LITERALLY powering America. If we can just get past the no renewables mentality I have a little faith in the state


We need nuclear is what we need. We have the rivers and waterways. We could have cheep energy to properly grow the state.


Well, hopefully we would maintain a nuclear plant better than our other infrastructure like our roads. Otherwise, move over Chernobyl…


Wind and solar farms are an eye sore and the batteries required to store the energy massively and irreparably damage the environment (including direct death of millions of birds and bats every year). Cobalt and lithium strip mines are arguably the worst way you could damage local ecosystems. Oil spills can be cleaned up but there’s no fixing strip mines. It’s truly awful. I’m all for the diversification of the state’s energy production, but unless the hydrocarbon alternative energy is nuclear, hydro, or geothermal, I don’t want anything to do with it.


I disagree with every word you said about wind and solar and only a tiny percentage of the metals you mentioned come from those type of mining situations. Stop listening to fox news.


I have worked with and in the energy industry for the past 10 years - but not as long as the last time I watched Fox News.


FYI, oil tar sands are strip mined in Canada.




>wind and Solar farms are eye sores Not any more than coal and coal plants >batteries required to store the energy damage the environment Lithium mining definitely is not the greatest right now but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways we could discover to do it cheaper and cleaner. We can’t do that to coal. Additionally batteries don’t have to be made of lithium. It can be stored as gravitational energy instead, using excess energy to pull weights up a hill and then released as needed by a grid. We are a long way off from making enough electricity to require storage so this isn’t a huge issue right now anyway.


Can confirm, my uncle retired from working at Castle Metals years ago and we had an interesting conversation about wind energy, power farms etc…said its a waste of taxpayer dollars and also still wasting and burning fossil fuel energy to run the wind farms.


Federal grant? So thank President Biden?






Better build housing for those 56,000 people because it's looking GRIM out there current residents. Going to see more people living in their cars who hold down full time jobs unless we fix our affordable housing issues.


Certain news articles address this and mention a large piece of funding going to building housing, supplying child care, and other workforce wrap- around services. There is a lot of private dollars matching the federal funding as well, which is cool to see.


Thanks Biden


Our lovely state leaders will fuck this up as well..


[https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/business/effort-for-tech-hub-funding-in-tulsa-gets-big-political-boost/article\_03ed3748-f054-11ee-b81f-6b55b68a048c.html](https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/business/effort-for-tech-hub-funding-in-tulsa-gets-big-political-boost/article_03ed3748-f054-11ee-b81f-6b55b68a048c.html) This is something state leaders have been pretty good about supporting so far.


How much of it do you think they'll pocket?


The grant isn't being given to the city/state, but to a foundation that's run by the George Kaiser Family Foundation, Black Tech Street, OSU, TU, and a few others.


Solyndra and Great Plains Airlines


If markasswayne is involved I’m sure lots.


They’ll fuck it up in the long run.. Panasonic is a perfect example as well as many other big jobs that were supposed to come here but ended up going to Kansas.


Wrong group that was the Governor who messed that up.


Wonder if start ups are eligible?


56k jobs wont be coming to tulsa. lol those jobs are already filled.


OKC can have the NBA. Between the two Cities, Tulsa will end up with an NFL franchise. The 1.3 Million in the Tulsa Metro Area, then 150 mile radius around it, you draw a fanbase from OKC, Wichita, Fayetteville/Bentonville/Rogers, Springfield/Joplin etc. Total population is: 5,730,557 with a 10% estimated population increase by 2034. Oklahoma City with that same 150 Mile Radius gives you OKC, Tulsa, furthest Southern Counties of Kansas and Furthest Northern Counties in Texas. Total Population is: 4,281,557 with a 6% estimated population increase by 2034. Total Difference in favor of Tulsa and that 150 Mile radius is: 1,449,000 more as of 2023 and a 4% greater projected population growth by 2034. US DOT finally deciding to upgrade US Highway 412 into an Interstate (I-42 or I-46) connecting Tulsa and NWA is a big deal as well. It’ll run as far West to I-35, as far East to I-49. A game changer as far as a new Economic and Industrial corridor is considered.


New Urbanist DEI idiot twats want to tear 244 out by downtown.


Somehow, tech will be translated to Oil and Gas.


Does that mean that home prices might increase due to population growth?


It’s like the bastard lovechild of Solyndra and Skynet. ![gif](giphy|TAywY9f1YFila)

