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TikTok and Twitter can be... complicated. Even though SAI is, in my opinion, ranked worse than other albums, it is still a good album with many good songs (to be honest, Bounce Man is the only song I skip). People are just overly attached to things they like and usually can't deal with the fact that artists change. It's always been like this and always will be.


Why do people hate Bounce Man so much? The only song I skip is Saturday but Bounce Man is one of my favorites, I think I might be the only one who likes it?


Bounce Man is second to Redecorate for me


I just gotta say that when your comment popped up to me, Saturday literally had just started playing in my headphones. Not joking. Anyway, love this song and I'm not skipping. Haha


Right, I get lots of ppl like it (I don't like songs that go through the days of the week, it feels uncreative and boring to me) I don't see the issue with that, but people really hate Bounce Man for seemingly 0 reasons 😅


I don't really hate it. I just don't care for it much. Guess it's just personal taste? Some songs just ressonate with you more than others.


I went to a twenty one pilots concert last year, on a saturday, and sang that song for like 40 minutes with my friend on the subway back home 😅


Saturday feels like Tyler sat down and purposely tried to create the most generic pop song of all time.


And he still made a better pop song then a lot of people who exclusively do this.


Yet the lyrics are low-key some of the best on the album when you realize what the song is really about


>I can't feel the waves anymore. Did the tide forget to move?


Same, bounce man is a banger


I also love bounce man. Might be my favourite on the album


people claim that it's too cheery, almost comically so. i don't really get the issue with a cheery song, and also it's legitimately not that happy anywau?? like even if you don't listen to the lyrics there's never an enthusiastic tone in his voice; tyler's delivery is solemn all the way through.


I love so much Bounce man, dunno why almosy everyone dint like it, its so beautiful, the only song i (sometimes) skip is redecorate


Genuinely! I don't get it, I love redecorate a lot too! I wish Bounce Man got more appreciation because it does seem like so many of the fans dislike it. As someone who doesn't love Saturday, it feels over-hyped and Bounce Man feels over hated.


How do you skip Redecorate?! That’s my #1 TøP song of all time! 😳


I skip redecorate cuz i find the lyrics kinda sad hahaha its a great song, but i cant hear it without getting achicopalado😔 (discouraged/sad), same thing happens with truce, goner, leave the city, neon gravestones, etc. I love them all, 10/10 songs🔥, but i usually skip them


I agree I lost my cousin in law right after this album released and redecorate would break me but still a favourite


Oh… I see.


Also, it's the song whose lyrics make the least sense outside the context of the lore... Yet, to date, it's never really been center stage for anything. No music video. Nothing...


I love bounce man


It gets stuck in my head and I can't get it out and it makes me want to rip my brain out but that's definitely a personal problem lol


Am I the one schmuck whose skip is Shy Away? What’s to hate about Bounce Man?


I like Shy Away but I've skipped it a few times, I think I'm very emotional with music and tend to like songs that speak directly to my struggles (hence my love for Redecorate, Choker, Goner, etc) and some of the songs on Scaled and Icy don't really speak to that part of me a lot (like Shy Away or Saturday). It's still a freaking amazing album though, top tier in terms of recent music imo even if I don't 10/10 love every song, I still love TØP 10/10 🩷


Bounce man is like if twenty one pilots made an ajr song


Why does everyone hate AJR?! 🤣🤣😭 I won't say I love em but the amount of times I see them made fun of it feels like AJR is the new Nickelback. A decent artist that just gets trashed for the meme.


I do think that some ppl just hate bc other ppl hate. However, PERSONALLY, I rly don’t like their music, and I used to be a huge fan when I was like 14. But now I’m older and have listened to way more music and AJR is VERY cringe and childish. Their lyrics are the main problem, usually trying to sound very profound but quite the opposite, but their sound isn’t much better. I don’t hate it but usually when the songs blow up it’s very overproduced. I appreciate them for trying to use different sounds than most mainstream artists tho, even tho it doesn’t always work.


I like Bounceman even if it's on my lower end on the album. Why do you skip Saturday?!


I hate songs that go through the days of the week 😭🤷 I just get so bored and don't find it creative or emotionally driven, just a dance song


Well, that's why I enjoy it, that's why I specifically put it on. The other songs I will put on just to listen to whenever but Saturday is definitely a song I will listen to while I am having fun with friends, with or without party favors.


So, fair enough.


I love bounce man, you're not alone!


Bounce man is freaking great


Only song I skip is Never Take It, I used to not like Bounce Man but it grew on me heavy, it bangs to me now


Never Take It goes hard tho


Never take it slaps


Yes biscottibunni. you are the only one in the world who likes bounce man.


Okay? Obviously I know I'm not the *only* one, but anytime I see it mentioned here people don't like it. I just don't really get why it's so disliked?


I’ll give you an actual reason since nobody else seems to want to😅 Stylistically, my experience with SAI is that there are some songs that stick the cheery landing, like Choker and Mulberry Street. Bounce Man and Formidable just don’t for me, and my best reason for why is that there isn’t too much happening on the low end. A huge draw to TØP for me was the synth work and just how spacious the mix was on Blurryface, specifically. Bounce Man is just kind of a rock band setup, with that little Mellotron synth, which is not my favorite texture. But, to each their own! Music is so subjective. I think, though, that a lot of people don’t enjoy it because it’s not what people come to the band to hear.


This is what I’ve been saying. It’s the weakest album they have for me. Doesn’t make it terrible just doesn’t compete to the older albums


Yea, it’s like what happened to gorillaz, people keep on begging for demon days 2 and can’t except the fact the band has changed.


Here’s the thing. Every TOP album has sounded very different compared to whatever was before it. SAI just sounded waayyyy different than Trench. Some people don’t like the differences 🤷‍♂️ I do, but that’s me personally. Edit: that being said, redecorate and no chances are some of their best work


And right that’s what Tyler wanted us to feel. He wanted us to do the double take and ask ourselves is this the same TØP that made trench ?


✨lore ✨


fr, Redecorate is my favorite top song, makes me tear up every time


It’s tough to come off a career defining album like Trench and live up to expectations.


I love SAI. Hard to rank it among the others and maybe it’s the “worst” but I have so much fun listening to it and sometimes I’m just not emotionally prepared to listen to self titled. It’s nice to be able to listen to TØP with the car windows down on a sunny summer day and not feel like the vibes are conflicting


thisssss! i love it! its just such a vibe ✨ and it’s a great summer album. edited to add that i agree with OP about outside being a banger.


100% agree with this 🩵


Definitely not. The reaction seemed to be really positive around the time it was released, and there was a lot of excitement with the livestream and how good it was. I think when the Takeover Tour happened though, a lot of older fans that didn’t like SAI just got excited about them playing smaller venues again and kinda jumped back on the TOP bandwagon, and started becoming more vocal about disliking SAI. I personally love Scaled and Icy. It was exactly what it needed to be - a nice little burst of color after a shitty 2020. It’s not my favorite TOP album (Trench still reigns supreme) but it has a lot of bangers, it’s only 30 minutes so I’ll listen to the whole thing regularly without skips. Shy Away, Saturday, Mulberry Street, Formidable… I can listen to those songs anytime. Also, Redecorate may be one of my favorite songs ever by them.


I also think part of the shift over time, was due to people who didn't like it from the beginning, finally started feeling like they could voice their opinions without as much backlash from the clique. Because when the clique is in "groupthink mode", it's daunting to have a different opinion.


Yeah I think it played a lot. Clikkies were wayyyy more annoying back in the days especially trench era with these meanny wannabe big twitter users. Since SAI the fanbase really feel like a comfort zone. There is some problem sometimes sure but it's because the fanbase is huge. Just that overall it's easier now to talk and people see less the boys as "idol that you can't criticize"


This is definitely a thing. I saw a lot of hate for it when it first came out to be honest, but it was usually not on places like this more like twitter and tik tok where the audience for posts isn't concentrated to just the clique


This sub was really harsh on SAI when it first released though.


I remember many people being livid when it came out. On Reddit and Instagram mostly. I saw the words "garbage" and "trash" (not in reference to the dragon of the same name) being thrown out (no p(h)un intended) a lot. I can understand why it has significantly less streams on Spotify compared to the prior two albums. But I think the production is top notch and all of the songs are quite remarkable. If I knew how to make music and were striving to create a peak album, I'd have made something very similar. *SAI* incorporates element from *Blurryface* and *Trench*, and I've even seen people comparing it to *Vessel* and *Regional at Best*. So, it's a very versatile and varied album that you'd *THINK* would've scratched the "clique"s itches. The petty backlash really concerned me at the time. People can have opinions, but much of the conversation was more venomous than constructive. I hate when bands I like release something only to get met with criticism, even if it's a loud minority. Because I *want* them to keep making music and don't want them to get discouraged. Yeah, initial reception was certainly mixed to say the least. A lot of people I know IRL have since lost interest in the TOP. I mean, I kind of get it? Their hiatuses are *long*. *Trench* was released in 2018, and you have to imagine how the people who don't like *SAI f*eel... that's practically six years without something to satiate their desires. Deliberately creating a "propaganda" album and skewing from their classic sounds was risky on TOP's part. But I for one will forever appreciate *SAI* for what it is. A retro-inspired, melodic, colorful creation by a well-meaning band.


Idk why people are telling revisionist history. The truth is, SAI was indeed met with heavy criticism by both the fanbase and the general public. It wasn't until later that people started having a more positive attitude towards it. That being said. The album is still really divisive.


Can’t count the amount of people who said it sounded like generic grocery store music on first release lol xD. Is it my favorite album? Not really. But I had a ton of fun on this release cycle. I respect it for what it is. I like quite a few songs from it even. No Chances is still a banger. And the livestream is literally one of the most if not THE most badass things they’ve ever done :D


I really like parts of the album. Not my favorite, but it has its moments. But I think it's important to admit that a lot of people don't like this album and explain why OP is seeing negative comments.


Oh one hundred percent! I’m always of the mindset that you like what you like and if you don’t like something, that’s fine. Maybe you’ll like the next thing they do. Maybe you won’t. Either way, doesn’t make you less of a fan.


I think it depends on what circles you're in. Here on reddit, Trench was received exactly the same way believe it or not. I remember falling in love with it instantly, and being disappointed cause a lot of people here didnt feel the same. They thought it was both too dark sounding and had too much pop and rap, which is silly obviously. I had to remind people of the band's darker sounding roots with seld-titled. I think it's somehow the thing to hate on the newest album until you learn to appreciate it in hindsight.


I remember being so confused that people disliked it, but over time I found myself listening to it less and less. Now I realize I was just extremely hyped for new music because trench was the goat.


Yeah, I remember being downvoted a few years ago for saying SAI was my fav album, at least this sub is more accepting now


Literally lol. Good Day was memed to death. People shat on Saturday for sounding like a Target commercial. I don't necessarily even think it's revisionist history as much as I think it's somewhat nostalgia. There were plenty of people who loved that album from the start, and it's easier to remember the positivity when you're a part of it than the negativity if you didn't pay attention to it


TikTok is full of toxic, asocial, and ignorant people. I wouldn't take what people say on there very seriously.


You lost me at TikTok =)


I absolutely loved SAI when it was released (loved Trench too), and I still love it to this day. I like how it has a different feel. For me, it was nice to have them make a record like that after the darker tones of Blurryface & Trench.


SAI is incredible and I will die on this hill


I got your back


There’s a lot of the twenty one pilots stanbase that’s stuck on the sound of Vessel & Blurryface, and alternatively, a lot of music critics loved Trench and wished SAI had followed that trajectory. Personally I’m hoping we get more in the vein of Trench (just cuz imo that’s easily their best produced and assembled project) but SAI wasn’t bad by any means. Didn’t care for Bounce Man tho, that song could disappear forever and I’d be fine with it.


This is definitely the most accurate answer in the thread. The majority of fans were picked up in the Vessel/Blurryface days and want more of that sound, or grew really attached to the Trench sound, and SAI was neither. I dont think that means its a bad album imo. That being said, TOP's sound changes a lot from album to album and I think people shouldn't get so set on this new album sounding exactly like "Trench pt. 2" or they're going to feel backlash as well. I'm sure this album will find a way to have its own identity while finishing the story, just like Trench has its own identity despite working off of Blurryface


i was around for sai dropping and i remember my non-tiktok spheres hating it lol, on tumblr and on reddit too. I listened like two days ago and I still really don’t like it bahaha, but im excited for a return to trench sound :)


Idk why people are telling revisionist history. The truth is, SAI was indeed met with heavy criticism by both the fanbase and the general public. It wasn't until later that people started having a more positive attitude towards it. That being said. The album is still really divisive.


I enjoy all their albums tbh. I like all the songs and there’s isn’t any I skip so I don’t get why people hate on SAI just cuz it’s a little different from their other stuff


Exactly this


it’s not because “it sounded different” that i don’t like it it, it’s because the songs themselves are very mid. The style/aesthetic is great but so many of them sound like old Disney channel songs. At least that was my issue with it.


Yeah, I'm pretty tired of this fanbase trying to shun people who don't like SAI by pushing the idea that we don't want "happy" TOP or whatever. It's not remotely true at all. The fact is SAI did not receive the same amount of effort that the other albums did. Tyler has explained this himself. When he finishes a demo, usually he will spend time adding all those unique production elements that make it feel like a TOP song. He chose not to do that with SAI and you can really tell. Aside from Choker, The Outside and Redecorate, most of the songs feel incomplete to me. Then you have tracks like Saturday which are so generic that I could imagine Justin Timberlake releasing it for a children's movie soundtrack (aka Can't Stop the Feeling). It's not a bad album, it just isn't up to the standard of the others and it doesn't feel like TOP - and "lore" does not excuse this. You don't purposely release a mediocre album just to tell part of a shoehorned story.


Eh, SAI is right up there with Blurryface for worst TOP album for me as a listener since 2012 and honestly Blurryface might be even worse. I know taste is subjective but I don't see how people can diss on SAI for tracks like Saturday when Blurryface had the biggest sell-out tracks of all like Stressed Out, Ride, and Tear in My Heart, which even Tyler acknowledges in Lane Boy. I think the best songs on SAI (Redecorate, Mulberry Street, No Chances, The Outside, etc) will hold up just as well, if not better, than the best songs on Blurryface. Again, neither are bad albums necessarily, but neither are as thoughtfull or well-produced as the other 3 imo. Also the TOP Fandom seems to have a trend of demonizing the newest album so don't be surprised if that happens again. Believe it or not, I was here on reddit when Trench released and a lot of fans were not happy. They thought it sounded too dark and too pop at the same time somehow, which I think we can all agree is a silly take now.


Those Blurryface songs you mention might be more mainstream but at least they still sound like TOP, as opposed to sounding like Justin Timberlake. That's the problem with SAI. The reception for Trench was overwhelmingly positive so I don't know why you'd bother to cherry pick a few negatives. Fans had a completely different reaction to SAI compared to other albums.


Nothing sounds like TOP tho. I'm not a SAI fans but take Blurryface, now take Self Titled or even Vessel, it's very far from these two. What is TOP coded is actually to change style everytimt they can. We were just not used to the poppy sound being that huge


I wouldn’t say it had a lack of effort, sure Saturday is very bland probably the worst one but all of the others are still very well produced especially for the goal he was going for! this album is also incomparable to the rest it’s comparing rock to pop or hiphop, can’t compare the lyrical skills of Taylor to Kendrick because there two very different styles of music. sure, you can have a favorite style but comparing em is impossible. And yes he did release a mediocre album for the full purpose of lore. He can do that it’s his platform he can use it how he likes. The sounds are generic because he’s “making fun” of basic pop music because it gets peoples attention and he’s not wrong some of the biggest names are basic pop artist and for lore purposes it also makes sense, propaganda was the whole point. Tyler has always been one step ahead of everyone he didn’t release this album and then built the lore after it he was fully aware of how the album should sound didn’t matter if it was to reach the people “standards”. For the record I don’t care if you do or don’t like the album I won’t hate you or non it’s your opinion. I just simply disagreed with a lot of your points respectfully no hate! Hope you have a good day!


>Tyler also said he didn’t want to push out another dark gritty album during probably one of the worst time periods of this generation and that is the best thing he could’ve done When you say stuff like this you're continuing to insinuate that people don't like SAI because it is lighter and happy, when that isn't the case. Pop music can be fun, happy and still be unique and interesting. SAI is just not the latter for most people. SAI is hardly a happy album anyway, at least lyrically. It literally ends on a song about death.


Some people* and again that’s the whole point he’s hiding these messages that everything is not as great as it seems with these trash pop instrumentals on top of it to cover up the truth. It’s a mediocre album on purpose the lore is not an excuse when it was specifically made to convey that message. And sorry I didn’t mean to say that people don’t like it cuz it’s pop music. But for a lot of people it is true that they don’t like it cuz it is that way. A lot of other pop songs are written very similarly to this album and that was the whole point Tyler was just commenting on the issues that happens in rl too. It is very lyrically bland but there creativity was stripped from them (which is what most rl labels do to artist) hence why the lyrics are the way they are and sounds how it sounds. Bland and basic. Made to be propaganda. It was not made for the people that typically like the grittier darker stuff with a lot of quality it was made for the masses of people that like trash pop and are easily influenced by happy sounds. I get that people don’t like it cause it lacks depth in quality and lyrics but that was kind of there whole point I believe if Tyler wanted to create actual quality pop music he would’ve but it wouldn’t make sense narratively




I find anyone that hasn't been paying attention to the lore hates SAI. I hope I Am Clancy has helped these people respect SAI for it's place in the grand scheme of things!


Don't get me wrong, I love SAI. Really, I do. But an album should be good regardless of any lore reasons. If people don't like it, well, lore shouldn't be what changes their opinion. The band had a good excuse to try out new sounds, with the being "controlled by DEMA" lore and all. And I respect that. But artists SHOULD be able to experiment and change without any excuses like that. People just need to accept it. If it's not to their liking, well, they can listen to their other albums...


I mean it's not necessarily just a lore reason, SAI is a concept album, and so if you don't understand the concept it's trying to do than the nuance can get lost on you. I'm not saying the music shouldn't have to stand on it's own as well, but it is a big part of the appeal


I get what you're saying. And, yeah, the concept is important. But I think if you strip all the lore and concept from it, it's still a good album on its own, with good songs. I tend to believe many people didn't like because it was just not their cup of tea or they couldn't handle the fact the band wanted to experiment and change their sound a little, unfortunately.


Yeah I agree, personally its my fav album by them, but people have their own tastes I suppose


Theres not much nuance to it. It's just an album of soulless commercial music because "we are being controlled by Dema". This really doesn't need a whole album dedicated to it. Literally one single song could have conveyed this idea.


The album is still technically good it’s pop propaganda just because you don’t think it’s good doesn’t mean it’s bad or the worst album ever if anything it’s up there in ranks for being a banger pop record. It’s “bad” or “Mediocre” because it was also used to “make fun” of basic pop artist that get attention for being generic or basic/lack of substance other then having a good voice most of those people are heavily involved in propaganda. Tyler definitely knew what type of album he was creating and I think he knew that people wouldn’t LOVE this one but he did it exclusively for lore purposes. And knowing the lore really helps with enjoyment cuz that is what it was made for. The lore. Trench was good because it mixed the lore with his own style. The whole point as to why SAI was “bad/generic” is because his talent and substance was metaphorically taken from him and forced to create pop trash that people would eat up. And it even worked in rl I met a lot of new fans that loved them for SAI.


I'm sorry, but I think you misunderstood. I don't think SAI is bad. As I said, I love it. It is a good album for me, regardless of the lore. I wasn't even into the lore when it came out (even though I was a fan since Blurryface era). For me it was just a good album with good songs. I don't think they did the album "bad" on purpose. They did what they wanted to do: try out new sounds, experiment. Lore was just an excuse. As Trench is not a good album because of lore, it is good because the music is good. For a band, music is the important thing. Lore is just a bonus. I personally think the fandom gives too much importance to lore. It is cool and fun and all. But the music is what matters.


Okay yes it is a good album by pop standards just a lot of people hate it because it is basically “pop trash” which isn’t bad by any means but it’s basic and the whole point of this album specifically was lore I don’t think the boys would’ve made this type of album with very bland lyrics if it wasn’t to convey a message of some kind wether it be rl labels forcing artist to make basic pop music cuz people eat it up or it’s just Dema propaganda but no your right it’s not technically bad i just confused you for a lot of other people calling it “bad” or having a lack of substance(which it does but again that’s the whole point) cuz it is pop music. Pop music in general lacks alot of depth but that’s why people eat it up it’s not bad but it’s not very creative for the most part and focuses on being catchy more than substance and lyrics by pop standards it’s not bad at all it’s actually very well made. But by people that love alt and dark/gritty or lyrical deep stuff(mostly TOP fans) it’s “bad” I love all music and loved this album but I’m just trying to explain to the top fans as to why they made the record sound this way and why it doesn’t have the depth that is normally there sorry I confused you for one of them have a good day:)


i'm sorry, but i don't buy the excuse that they made a bad album on purpose. i don't like the album that much, i'll be honest, but i can also understand and respect that genuine work was put into the music, and they wanted to make that kind of music for the time that it came out (around the height of COVID). i feel that, regardless of your opinion on the music itself, justifying any sort of "bad" that comes from the album as "intentionally bad for the sake of lore" completely nullifies the work that tyler and josh put into it. you're essentially saying the music is so bad that the boys *knew* it was bad and that they *wanted* to make it bad, which is an insult to the hard work and creativity that goes into making any album, no matter if you like it or not


I think a lot of people missed the point of the air quotes I only said “bad” because that’s what a lot of people here call normal pop music and my English is very poor so sorry for the miscommunication I don’t think it was bad on purpose and by pop standards is very incredibly well made but lacks substance so when I said “bad” I really meant lack of substance lyrically but that was on purpose again whole lore aspect commentary on artist being forced to get rid of there creative blah blah. Sorry for the confusion. I can very clearly see the very hard work they put into it! But I know he wrote it the way it was for the sake of lore


Im a longtime fan who knows the lore and i still hate SAI😭 i skip every song on it besides like 2


same lmaoo the whole "it's intentionally bad for The Lore" excuse is such an insult to the band


I'll always like SAI for lore reasons, the live stream in particular was riddled with shit to analyze and I especially liked the Lane Boy/Nico/Redecorate mashup because that on its own was like a billion different stories in one. I'm not sure I'll ever love SAI as an album, I'm kind of in the middle with it liking some songs disliking others, but for lore? It was a goldmine and super super essential to the storyline


I don’t follow the lore at all and find trench unlistenable while blurryface and SAI are both amazing all the way through.


Sheeesh downvote city just for expressing my opinion I’m sorry I hurt your feelings TOP fans 😭


Yeah … upvoted, that’s stupid you got downvoted for having a different opinion. I think what you’re seeing is there are a lot of musical critics in the fandom who believe Trench is practically the holy grail from TøP, so you stepped on some feelings lol. Clearly you’re a fan of pop music and there’s nothing wrong with that. Lot of people are… that’s why it’s called “popular” lol. You being downvoted for expressing that is just stupid.


SAI used to be more hated but it kinda calmed down a year or two ago, though this sub is a lot more mature than Tik Tok seems to be.


SAI was propaganda. It's a one-time thing. I don't see why everyone's whining about it. And anyways, I guess people just don't like the poppy sound. I enjoyed it a lot, Bounce Man and Choker are a couple of my favorite songs. But it's a little mainstream, and I think a lot of TOP fans like feeling uncommon and unique listening to a slightly less mainstream band so they're frustrated with SAI's pop vibe. That's definitely why I used to hate it so much.


I was wondering this too- I wasn’t involved in the fandom and drifted away during their trench era. IMO each album has a different purpose for each individual. SAI has a special place in my heart because it brought happiness and good vibes/music during a year so full of disaster and anxiety. I loved the music even though it was a departure from their previous work and it brought me back to the fandom when I needed it the most. It may not have spoken to each individual but if you find love and belonging in it, that’s all that matters :)


I love SAI. Maybe not as much as other albums, but it stands its ground imo. I think it really shows The boys range musically and it’s a decent album in its own right and I’ve never understood the slander 🥺


I think a majority of people agree it’s probably their “worst” album. Personally I respect what they did and I didn’t hate it but it ranks last for me and I also hope they go back to their more original sound


I still remember all those think pieces around SAI release theorizing that TOP made it purposefully trash, cause of the lore reasons - here on Reddit... I think it's ridiculous and just one of the ways people try to justify not liking music made by their faves. I had to take a break from the fandom, cause it pissed me off so much. Yes, people had opinions like that since SAI came out, because of how different it was from Trench. I personally like SAI and calling it trash on purpose is just pure disrespect to the guys, who wouldn't be making an album out of songs they themselves didn't find worthy. All those people that say they want old TOP back remind me of Arctic Monkeys fans who cannot let go of AM (which came out over 10 years ago!), even though the guys took a completely different creative direction and it doesn't seem like they're likely to go back to AM sound. I really hope TOP take us on a journey forward instead of regressing to the past because of fans' demands. Not necessarily SAI coded, but something entirely new.


SAI was my favorite since Vessel..... 👁️👄👁️


I love SAI. I’ve been bumping it a lot lately.


It was a propaganda album, your not supposed to like propaganda 👀. But also, the whole album slaps if you’re open minded about music and different sounds/vibes.


I would argue not that SAI is hated but that those who do hate the album are very outspoken about it. It is probably the least liked album, at least with the social media/internet fanbase, but I don’t think it’s hated as much as it seems to be. A similar comparison would be albums such as self-titled and RAB, which a small amount of fans are incredibly outspoken online about loving, but in real life are not that popular.


I really like SAI. It was fun. People just hate fun


In my opinion SAI is a great album, and doesn’t deserve most of the hate it gets. The only skip on it for me is formidable because it makes me cry. But i do get why some people don’t particularly love it because it’s pretty different from the other albums. I think that most of the fans that kinda stopped listening or listened less around the time that SAI got released were like older fans that grew up on self-titled and vessel(i did too but i love SAI so🤷‍♀️)


I just don't understand how people can hate on SAI. Especially with absolute bangers like Redecorate, Choker, and No Chances.


I don't get the hate. SAI is a very solid album overall and I revisit it very frequently.


Been a fan of TOP for almost 9 years. I listen to SAI without seeing opinions on the album on social media and to be honest I really love it because of how upbeat and cheerful the songs are and because of how different it is to their other albums. I also love it because back then I would listen to their other albums like the self-titled one and vessel to project my dramatic emotions but now that I got older, it felt light listening to SAI because I felt like I’ve matured blahblahblah. Haven’t really followed up to the lore and probably didn’t even care about it until they released I Am Clancy.


Honestly SAI wasn't my fave when it 1st dropped, especially because at that point, I LOVED the blurryface album sound so much more. BUT. After I saw them perform on their SAI tour, a lot of my opinions changed! And I now have equal but different love for all of their albums.


It feels almost like TØP's Danger Days. A sudden burst of technicolour and a brighter sound from a band known for being darker. Neither deserve hate, they're both wonderful albums, but I can see why they may not be received quite as well as their predecessors. Saying that, I think they're both my favourite albums from their respective bands.


I love Sai there are dozens of us! Dozens!


cant speak for the community, as i barely, barely, interact. but i always hated it from day one


Tbh, I actually liked SAI, BF and Vessel all better than Trench🤷🏼‍♂️


I liked it when it came out and my homie didn't, we've been joking since the lore video came out that Tyler made it "bad" on purpose but honestly it was not a bad album and it was even better played live


The album itself gets hate from Tiktok and Twitter bc most of the clique on there can be a little toxic, but I personally like the album. I'll admit it was a bit different bc I was expecting something that would've sounded more like Shy Away, which tends to be a heavier song on the album and I didn't really enjoy it on the first listen. But, I love it now, it's in my opinion good for story and just overall music, it was a nice change of pace, I feel. And Shy Away, No Chances, The Outside and Redecorate are my favorites from the album, excited for what's next!


Idk, to me, other albums' songs just had a deeper something, a bigger something... a something kinda something the songs on SAI don't. Now don't get me wrong, I like mooost of SAI, but it's idk different. So if "people" type cast 21 pilots or something, and now SAI doesn't have that same oomph they know and love.


TikTok and Twitter have always been... eh, But SAI has always been hated because of how "happy and upbeat" and different the songs are.


SAI is one of my top albums for sure. I love the 70/80s vibes it brings. Love the variety and then the depth. No hate for SAI here


I'll probably get some downvotes for this, but it's was easily their worst album for me. That said I do enjoy Shy Away, No Chances, and Redecorate. There are a few others but some songs are straight up unlistenable for me (*cough* Bounce Man *cough*). Choker and Mullberry Street were also pretty weak for me out the gate but Mulberry Street grew on me a decent amount. Overall, its a decent album and I can understand why people might like tracks like Bounce Man and Choker but it was just absolutely not what I was expecting or wanting from TØP. Can't wait to see what they have in store tho. Stay safe, guys. I-/


I loved the album. Definitely different, but idk why people felt so strong about it. I just took it as part of the lore. Blurry face always wanted Tyler to make radio songs. That feels like this whole album, so I thought this was propaganda from day one. Either way it just feels like music in general bands can't change their sound without being hated. But if they don't change they will be hated for not growing. No one is ever happy in today's world.


I think that’s pretty accurate to how the initial reception was. I generally like to give albums a chance and I think Redecorate/No Chances are genuinely brilliant songs. But as a Trench enjoyer, the rest of the album to me was painfully mid. So I would have the same reaction where I hope the new album is not like SAI and instead explores more interesting ideas and sounds like Trench.


The vocal internet fans are a bunch of children or overgrown children. Ignore them. When any fanbase gets as big as they’ve been since blurryface, it always gets filled with awful people who ruin the fun.


Scaled And Icy still plays out like a good TØP album, and instrumentally does a good job at selling the upbeat vibes they wanted. I think that every song has something to like. There were some concepts that, while executed well, could’ve been executed better. I don’t like pointing at any of the songs and saying “this is bad” or “this is a skip,” because SAI is still a pretty solid album. It’s a very necessary album for them. I can’t wait to see how it all ties together on the new one.


From my experience, the people I talked to irl and on online forums seemed to be more underwhelmed by SAI compared to their prior efforts, and I agree to some extent. Trench was just a huge step forward for TØP in almost every sense: lyrics, storytelling, production, sonic diversity, and vocal delivery both in singing and rapping. SAI wasn’t necessarily worse in all these aspects, it just wasn’t better or was worse in many people’s subjective opinions. The songs just don’t sound as impressive and there’s less of an introspective angle to the lyrics. The fact that many people here had to justify it by saying things like “No, it sounds generic on purpose” is kind of an indictment on its own. Anyways, I still enjoy parts of it; it starts really well with Goos Day, Choker, and the Outside, and finishes super strong with No Chances and Redecorate (probably my favorite TØP album closer), but there’s too many weak tracks in the middle for me personally to rank it higher than any of their other albums except Blurryface. Still a solid 6/10 album if I were giving it a number, not bad at all.


i loved SAI! at first glance it seems like a happy and carefree album. but when you listen closely it is far from that. in my opinion it was very well crafted and i was so excited when it came out. i remember listening to the whole album at 4am when it just came out


SAI is a banger. The Outside, Mulberry Street, the duo of No Chances and Redecorate? Choker? All excellent. Even Bouce Man is catchy and a lot of fun! The musical style is not to everyone's taste, sure, but anyone saying SAI is garbage should be thrown in the bin. 🤣


SAI is a fine album from a general standpoint, but it’s not what I like about tøp. If that was the only album they had I wouldn’t really be a fan. But that’s just my opinion, and it doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme


yes it has!! i also have been getting some tiktok’s like that just saying they couldn’t even make it past the first song or two, or the only good song on it is redecorate. personally, i liked scaled and icy, i loved that it was a different sound and it seemed more happy and upbeat during a time i feel like we needed some happiness. i’m not 14 and angsty like when i first discovered tøp lol. (it’s okay to listen to happy music! you can’t have to be sad all the time! not a crime to enjoy SAI!) it was a easy and fun listen, something you can just easily dance and sing along too. i loved the color scheme and the whole propaganda story behind it 🩵💛🩷 not to mention its only 11 songs compared to 14, and 2 songs (no chances and redecorate) aren’t that different from their “normal” style, i feel like you could even compare formidable to smithereens - just my 2 cents but i love to see all the support for this album here


I’m at work right now so idk if anyone said this already but when SAI was first released tiktok “clique members” were so mean! I’m putting them in quotes on purpose because the people who said awful things shouldn’t be in the community. I kept seeing about how Tyler should become depressed again to write better music, and stuff all along those lines that were heart breaking to read! And my tiktok algo did not get my vibe right and constantly showed me the SAI hate instead of the love so much that i was worried i was among only a few that like the album! I’ll admit that it took a moment for some songs to grow on me- namely Good Day (for the lowkey line which made me giggle at first) and Bounce Man- but now I love them!! But me taking a second to grow on those songs reminds me of when I first started listening back in 8th grade (2015)- someone in my class was singing/making fun of car radio and kept saying how “somebody stole my car radio and now i just sit in silence” was the dumbest line ever written and first i agreed with him bc it sounds silly, but then I listened to Vessel and I loved it! Anyway long message but I like to think people only listened to SAI on a surface level once and just need to listen again, and some people are jerks about it |-/


I've personally loved every album they've released. I didn't even follow the lore when it came out, I just thought they had new music, so I put it on, and it was one of my top spotify albums I played that year. I agree, I've been out of the community for a while, too, and don't understand why the "tiktok" generation vehemently hates it. Unfortunately, all bands will always have that one song or album that, for some reason, certain people hate. As someone who listens to everything from Renaissance to classical to house/EDM to death metal and everything in between.... I'm just excited about new music 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember seeing a lot of criticism for it on here when it released, but that's the only place I've noticed because I get tired of seeing people argue over how bad a song sounds to them so I don't follow anywhere but here. I love Scaled and Icy just as I love all the other albums, I have a hard time criticizing music because it's entirely subjective. I just listen and vibe.


What i found from asking people is they like the heavier albums they put out, which i can understand. SAI is so far off from what they normally make since it was a lore based album and the whole point was to make it sound fabricated and 180 from what they are used to putting out. Most people won't deny that it's still GOOD for music, it just isn't TOP People not into that sound and/or the lore ofc won't like it because they're expecting heavy instrumentals, rapping, and partial screams and since SAI lacked 90% of previous sounds it's hated on HARD


I didn’t hate their last album like that but I didn’t listen a lot to SAI because it’s just not music that works for me.. right now I am trying to listen to it more but I just can’t it doesn’t get me like their other albums


I’m a new fan. I casually liked many of their songs but never dove into their albums until recently when my daughter went absolutely nuts over them and forced me to watch a bunch of YouTube videos about lore. Anyways. I’m a runner and I do an hours-long run once a week. I’ve listened to Vessel, Blurryface, Trench, SAI, and now Clancy on my long runs, several times each. I. Love. This. Band. As a new fan who didn’t live the hype in order… my humble opinion is that the only sin of SAI is that it wasn’t another Trench. I know some critics blasted SAI for being too pop or too mainstream. Trench is amazing, no doubt, But damn, SAI is a solid album on its own. I love every song in it. Even Saturday, which annoyed me when I heard it on satellite radio because they just overplayed it, had grown on me. Good Day? So wholesome and happy, but also a super well-crafted and executed pop song. Choker? The Outside? Shy Away? Any of those could have fit on Blurryface. And damn if Never Take it, Redecorate and No Chances wouldn’t have also fit on Trench. Formidable is sweet and clever. Bounce Man and Mullberry Street are just cute snd fun. And well written pop music. What’s wrong with that? Most of these songs would have fit in on Vessel too. So yea it’s not unusual for this band to put out earnest, sweet, and in in some cases a little bit corny (but endearing) music. I didn’t notice it as a huge departure from their earlier work. Some of my favorite songs are on SAI. F- the haters, SAI rocks. Edited: typo’d Smithereens instead of Formidable, fixed that :)


To be fair the shift in quality from something like Trench to SAI was pretty jarring. Basically everything about the album was worse. The writing, the actual music itself. Blurryface didn’t have the greatest writing, but it DID have some very catchy songs. So it was well received by a lot of listeners. However SAI had nothing really going for it, so I can understand why it wasn’t well received by a lot of fans. I’m stoked to hear what this new album will sound like. I’m really hoping it returns to Trench levels of awesomeness.


Yeah its a propaganda album but the writing for most of the songs is still awful and i have to skip most of them because they sound like they should be played in old navy


I'm seeing everyone saying that most people who don't like SAI don't like it because of how different it was from their previous albums. I liked their previous albums. I don't like SAI at all, haven't listened to it in years. I dislike SAI not because it's different, but because I truly think the songs kinda suck. Obviously lots of people like it, so it must be a taste thing. I'm fine with pop music, I'm fine with it being different from blurryface and trench. But the worst song on blurryface is better than the best song on sai, in my opinion


I personally love SAI!! It may be lower in my ranking but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it Im still very excited for them to go back to their old sound though


I wasn't too excited for the new direction SAI was taking, aside from a few standouts (Shy Away, Choker, Redecorate). But ever since it was made canon in the lore that SAI was Dema propaganda used to keep the citizens dumb and happy, it makes perfect sense to me that SAI is considered by many to be inferior to TØP's previous work. It's literally bad, in canon. So therefore... I actually appreciate it more now!


When you realize that an artist or band IS NOT their current sound and that their sound can change whether a little or drastically, only then will you reach nirvana. Hate the sound if you hate it, but not for the fact that it is different. There is no unspoken rule that says "tøp has to be gloomy pop-rock", they can be anything they want.


SAI is TRASH it sounds like the music in a target commercial


When SAI came out my first thought listening to it was “these songs sound like they would be played in a Walgreens” lmao


Was u around when it dropped ?


It’s a Dema propaganda album so maybe it’s best that it’s “hated” 🤷‍♀️ /hj


>now I respect for both the story aspect Well that's the thing about *SAI*. It doesn't really have much of a story aspect. Most of the stories aspects aren't contextualized within the album, and you have to look toward other lore on social media or Clancy's cryptic notes. Sure, "Good Day" is clearly designed to be "propaganda"—the whole bubblegum pop aspect is—"No Chances" features bishops. But the actual lyrical storytelling is very minimum, and mostly done with the music *videos* or other promotional videos. That's my biggest criticism. People praise TOP for the "conceptual" stuff, but I don't think "concept album" is a very suitable description of *SAI*. Similar to MCR's *Three Cheers* and *Black Parade*, which allegedly tell stories, but the story aspects are very hidden. Having said that, TOP is my favorite band and I was one of the ones defending *SAI* when it came out. It's a 10/10 for me. I love pop pleasures and it checked all the boxes. But I just thought I'd offer a contrasting perspective.


I never understanded the SAI hate. Yes it was different than their more recent stuff (at the time) but it gave me a similar vibe to their older stuff (RAB and Self Titled) I still thought it was an amazing album.


SAI was generally hated by people who weren't really fans of Twenty One Pilots but listen to twenty one pilots. Fans of top and casual pop/electronic listeners were a little divided, but I think fans mostly understood what they were doing with the propaganda caused by the bishops, or if they didn't realize then they are starting to realize now with the new video I am Clancy. I loved certain tracks immediately but took a little while for me to really understand the darkness behind tracks that otherwise sounded very cheery and sunny. Now I love the whole album and can only really think that songs like Redecorate (possibly Bounceman) are non-canon with No Chances (while being about sports as far as inspiration) being the song where Clancy/TØP are starting to fight back the most directly and obviously against the bishops.


Personally, I hate the album. There’s 3 songs I would skip on it and that’s choker, Saturday, and shy away. A lot of people hate it, but for sure no one actually thinks it’s better than the other albums. That was meant by tøp bc it’s propaganda in the lore and it’s supposed to sound different and weird. There’s some background for ya


We kinda know that it's going to be a different musicality. We know SAI was Dema's propaganda, that it was made to be more comercial then the other ones. But only people who's familiar with the lore knows that. People that just listens to the albums are just comparing with the other ones, they don't have that theory we have to guess more precisely because of the lore


sai is their best album IMO


My thoughts have always been that they aren't supposed to be "good". They are propaganda produced by dema. The music isn't made for "us". It's produced by the bishops to promote vialism. We actually shouldn't like it but "clancy" was able to sneak in songs like the outside. That's how I've always seen it.


That’s so insulting to the band


anything past blurryface doesn’t do it for me. good day is okay, but none of the new stuff compares to the old stuff. It’s most likely due to the fact that I stopped listening after blurryface came out.


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I liked SAI!


Loved loved loved SAI just like I did all of the other previous albums. It’s mostly happier than the other albums which is maybe some hate on it. But absolute banger like the rest.


Yes just because it’s not what people are used to


It is definitely different now. Imagine Tyler holding back so much to make a "pop" album that I'm sure he knew would get sone disappointment, and it makes sense now on relisten and is really good.


After SAI I just lost interest I only like bounce man and Redecorate , like I loveddd trench so much and everything I went to both concerts for the eras before SAI .But here is just confusing like the whole clancy thing is so confusing I just listen to BF and Trench and before then. I just cant get into it all. I feel like Tøp was just a phase for me But sometimes I like to go back. Always will have a place in my heart for the struggles I had in my life❤️


Been a fan for 11-years now and I Iiked SAI especially choker and shy away. What I didn't like is they didn't do an EU tour with it. I'm a massive concert addict, I go to about 50 a year and I need that TØP shot, cause they are the best I've ever seen, which is also my reason for being a fan, I think I have 3-5 other artists which musically better hit my taste, but TØP's live performances is just out of this world. I'm quite bummed about I never got to see SAI live and never will. My favorite album would be Blurryface though, cause the tour was an experience out of this world that will never leave my body no matter how many other concerts I go to it seems. My second favorite would actually be SAI. Third would be Vessel was also a crazy concert, considering we were only about 150 people. Best about trench was the crowd amount, I teared up about their growth, so deserved, I'll never forget that. No trench song really hit me that much, I liked them, but I didn't need to overhear any, I didn't find them as creative as Blurryface, which was packed with creativity But ye well some ppl really hate against SAI, which I find odd, with the lore and everything, the album made sense, less dark, more polished. I guess many people likes TØP for their rebellious sound, which I do to. I also guess much of the fanbase got in on Trench as their first album as a mainstream band after Bluryface made them blow and for many of those SAI was a step in a whole other direction, where as for those who came in pre Blurryface or even earlier have a more likely hood of appreciating what SAI put to the table. I found SAI quite comical to the lore, and it's has paved the way for what I believe will be one hell of an album to come.


I think it’s more that Trench is so loved and since SAI is sooo different from Trench people were taken aback by it. I think people have grown appreciative of it especially lore wise since it came out plus it gave us Redecorate which is in my top 5 TOP songs ever!


Personally I love the album and would honestly rank it in my top 3 from them but yeah I do seem to see a lot of hate towards the album because its too poppy and just isn't on the same level as trench


I loved it.




The thing is that I expected more from them when i came to lyrics. The production was fine and the live shows was the best. But I waited since 2018 for that album and it just opened on Good Day which is the worst song i've ever heard. I was actually pretty down after LOC because that type of music is not for me. Also i think the 11 songs are to short and when they are very straight forward, the album is over pretty fast. I do like Saturday, Bounceman, Mulberry Street, Redecorate but they are not in my top ten.


I find that the people who actively hate SAI without reasoning tend to be the same people who joined the fandom after the release of Trench. what I mean by that is, that they think nothing the band has released outside of Trench is good and every other album is either trash( no pun intended) or is mid. they go to lengths to put Trench on such a high pedestal that is only rooted in bias


I thought the prevailing theory was that SAI was supposed to be Dema propaganda or whatever. It's a pop album because the bishops wanted it that way.


SAI is such a good vibe and chill album


I didn’t know there was hate until recently…I really like this album. I wasn’t sure at first, but it really hypes me up in the morning when I’m getting ready for the day.


Trench is my favourite tøp album and people doesn't give SAI a try, they don't listen to the lyrics, if they give it a try they would see it's an amazing album


I don’t hate it, but I do think it is clearly their worst album. For my personal taste, every album has gotten progressively worse since Vessel and I have been waiting and hoping for a new vessel. So when SAI was what it was, I was definitely pretty disappointed. I have learned to appreciate it more over time and come to terms that they will very likely never make an album as good vessel again, and that’s okay.


I didnt mind the last albumb But isnt the album litterally called trash? Its Scaled and Icy and whats scaled and icy? The blue dragon on the front named trash. The album was called trash by the creators.


Everybody is talking about the sound change which I understand, but that aside, I don’t like SAI because I couldn’t relate or take anything away from what was being said. It felt almost meaningless and bland to me and it was really disappointing. I listen to a couple songs now, but I still don’t have any emotion for any of them except Redecorate. Also, I think what people are talking about when they say “It doesn’t sound like TOP” is that in their songs, they usually have drops of intensity and slower parts. All of SAI sounds like a straight line. No unpredictability in terms of sound at all.


idk but in the video he literally says that the bishops basically made him a puppet and none of the music was really his. i think that album is amazing but there's an obvious reason why everything about it is so "happy" and different


I personally love scaled & icy , I like it continued the story they were trying to convey .


Why has this question been asked frequently this week??


I LOVE ALL THE SONG'S, I only listen to twenty one pilots. I've heard all the gongs and I'm so obsessed. I know all of the songs and I don't have a problem with any of the songs.


I remember hearing people talk about it like that when it first came out. I was still warming up to the sound so I kind of understood how they felt. Now I really don’t get the visceral hate a lot of people have for it, I adore SAI in the same way I love how holding onto you sounds different from heavydirtysoul. All my clique friends talk about how it took some getting used to, but in the end they jam out to all the songs and play the right alongside the other albums songs.


I get the sound is different and the album isn’t AS good as past albums, but it was still so brilliant… especially in terms of how it fit into the lore. The sound even grew on me the more I listened to it and respected how it fit into everything.


I’ve actually only heard about the hate of SAI last week. When it came out I only heard a lot of positive things about the album. Especially with the Livestream Experience and the Takeover tour I didn’t see many negative things said about it. Maybe i wasn’t looking in the right places but I only saw good stuff.


Yall saying always like it’s been out for more than a few years. It has been less liked than most other albums as it seriously deviates from their normal formula of darker vibes. I wouldn’t say it’s hated, but it’s definitely not the favorite of many. I enjoy it for what it is and was at the time.


Yes. I respect the story aspect but the music and lyrics were mid asf


I LOVE SAI, I love every song and tho all the others are better it is by no means bad. Seeing live was great and choker, no chances and redecorate are some of my favourite songs


If anything people were more negative about SAI when it came out than they are now. Don't get me wrong, there were people who always liked it and did back then as well. It wasn't exactly a cesspool of hatred when the album came out, there was a decent amount of people who enjoyed the album from the start. But likewise the people who passionately hated it have pretty much always been there too. The key difference is there was also a wave of people who didn't passionately hate it, they were just disappointed or wanted something else. It has been long enough that those people have either moved on with life, or the album actually grew on them. So now you see way more "I used to not like it, but it grew on me" or "I've never liked it and that's okay" alongside the "I hate it" vs "I love it" than you would've when the album was initially released. Back then it tended to lean pretty heavily in either the "I hate it" or "I love it" categories with most of the middle ground still being negative from the disappointment about the new sound/direction the band had taken.


Some people came for the more Trench vibes, so when the lore came in and they made a pop album, people hated on it. I personally lile this creative approach to wanting to experiment and like almost all the songs on SAI, except Bounce man, but I will give it a shot


Don’t forget that scaled and icy is just Dema propoganda 😭😭