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Neon Gravestones was a huge one for me. More recently, Jumpsuit. If I go furthur back into my youth then I'd say Migraine and Holding on to You


Anathema, Friend, Please, Lovely, Kitchen sink, Addict with a pen, Migraine, Neon gravestones and Truce. It’s more of a list but I can’t pick which one was most important


Most of them. But the hardest one was car radio


Car Radio 100%


It’s just when you hear it the first time when you’re young and you watch the video and relate to it.


Car radio hit me like a truck the first time I ever heard it


Same, I had never cried while hearing a song until I listened to Car Radio the first time


My cousin actually recommended the song to me and it was one of the first times I ever truly felt seen through music. I’d never felt understood listening to music before i heard car radio and it shattered me


Also happened with ( a care a torch a death )


It’s just the way you hear it for the first time when you are young and then you understand the video and relate to the song. I understand.


I disconnected from the internet for about a week and car radio became so real. No scrolling meant I had to listen to my thoughts and fears and work to confront them. Real scary (but productive) stuff.


Even when you’re speaking about you rhymed. This is TOP’ thing. Yes i understand you have to listen to yourself and decide what you want to do. Faith or sleep.


First time I ever heard TOP was them performing Car Radio at the 2014 MTV Music Awards - something in my entire bruh fundamentally changed from that night on.


I understand. I heard it in 2016 and I’m not stopping since then


leave the city, it brings me such comfort and i interpret it as like “one day ill be happy but for now im content where i am.” my mental health is always such a big struggle for me and having twenty one pilots’ music helps me navigate my way through life


This exactly. It's a constant struggle, but telling myself "one day... one day" is so helpful


Holding On To You. Always makes me feel comforted and like I can do anything.


Holding on to You, Kitchen Sink, Addict with a Pen, ACATAD, Taxi Cab, Leave the City, Redecorate


- ACATAD could mean "A Car, A Torch, A Death", a track from *Twenty One Pilots* (2009) by Twenty One Pilots. --- ^[/u/RelevantBike7673](/u/RelevantBike7673) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


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I want to say all of them, but choker dropped right at that time of my life where a lot of things were changing and i was struggling a lot with living in the past uncertainty for the future. The ending to choker made me cry the first time I heard it and I still remember the words when things get hard. “Like a silhouette that you can barely see As a shadow cast upon the ground where you’ll eventually Lay forever, but the day goes on, the sun moves behind you You get taller, bolder, stronger, and the rearview only blinds you”


Slowtown, Migraine, Goner , Legend, redecorate


Okay, one song per album (plus a beautiful pandemic-era standalone track that repeatedly inspired my entire family), starting with Blurryface, which is when I discovered TOP’s brilliance: Polarize, My Blood, Level of Concern, Redecorate.


Good day makes me feel less insane.




Truce I was dealing with serious depression a few years ago, and at the lowest point I was struggling with intrusive thoughts of “disappearing”, harming myself, and thinking my family would be happier without me. Obviously, I didn’t go through with anything, but it was scary. I listened to twenty one pilots before, during and after my struggle, but Truce in particular helped, particularly with “Stay alive for me / You will die, but now your life is free /Take pride in what is sure to die”. It helped me push through and ask for help, and today I still have some days where my depression comes back, but I’m happy to say that I haven’t dealt with intrusive thoughts since that lowest point.


I’m glad you made it, and that you’re still here with us. Stay alive. |-/ ❤️


Goner, Addict With a Pen, Taxi Cab, Before You Start Your Day, Holding On To You, Truce.


I truce always makes me feel comfortable


Truce helped me when I was younger, Neon Gravestones helped me a lot about a year and a half ago, and Redecorate helped me a little while back when I was having a tough time. Also Addict With a Pen has just generally been a really cathartic songs for years and years now.


House of gold and holding on to you. Holding on to you is still my go to song going through tough times


Cancer is still my most listened to song of all time, I have not listened to it in five years. Shows how strong I held onto it then


Truce was helpful for me for a strange reason. I was literally dying of stress because I was on track to get my first B (it was calculus). I interpreted it a strange way then (that's what I love about twenty one pilots; the songs can adapt to whatever you need). "Now the night is coming to an end" - This is a season that is rough but will pass "The sun will rise and we will try again" - The next semester (ooh that's a song on the new album) was coming soon and I would have a chance to start over "Stay alive, stay alive for me" - Hope for my 4.0 to stay alive "You will die, but now your life is free" - My grade was likely to be a B, but there was still a chance and it was in my control "Take pride in what is sure to die" - I had worked hard to get there "I will fear the night again" - I'm afraid of going back into this slump again "I hope I'm not my only friend" - Actually taken literally And then the same. I listened to this before a big redo and while I ended up with a B for the quarter I got an A for the semester, meaning it didn't affect my GPA. I then proceeded to listen to it before every calculus test, and got an A for both of the next quarters. I know this isn't as serious as most people's, but it is a story I hope you guys find interesting!




Holding onto You


Coconut sharks in the water


Lmao I don’t know this one, and knowing 21P taste for songs names I can’t tell if you are joking or if this is a real song


look it up lol


Anathema, by far the top listen when I was at my lowest. Migraine also in terms of lyrics. Vessel in general. Friend, please. As well Hometown sometimes also hit the spot


taxi cab ❤️


Truce taxicab trees


Same, but for me it was Screen Taxicab Trees


Car radio - such a bleak realistic view on depression Redecorate - its message on suicide it’s super impactful and made me think a lot


Johnny boy, anathema, lovely, slowtown


Car radio saved my life


forest. All songs had some imoact on me and changed my pov in some way but firest was the one that was with me during worst days




Not Today and WDBWOTV


addict with a pen and friend, please




Ode to sleep, HOTY, Doubt, Goner, Bandito, Migraine, Car Radio, The Judge, HDS, and Nico & the Niners


Truce, Car radio, holding on to you, goner and most recently redecorate


Kitchen Sink, Anathema, a Car a Torch a Death, and probably so many others


Addict with a Pen, Taxi Cab, Migraine, Car Radio, Mullberry Street, Chlorine (Mexico city), Time To Say Goodbye


Truce and holding onto you


I used to not make it through Polarize without crying, and Neon Gravestones hit me so hard that it was a major influence to me when I came out as genderfluid and now go by Neon


Polarize, yes! I haven’t seen anyone else mention that one, but it’s definitely HIGH on my list.


Oh miss believer, taxi cab, march to the sea, holding on to you, migraine, car radio, trees, truce, the judge, tear in my heart, not today, chlorine, cut my lip, leave the city, redecorate, and trees again


I lot of them but i have to say Taxi Cab  Because I remember very well I was riding a train to other city to their concert all alone and I was scared and anxious and couldn't sleep and when that song came on and Tyler sad "don't be afraid, we're going home" i felt such comfort because technically it was true


Oof, uhh... basically all of them? Haha, its kinda a cop-out but its true. A few major ones off the top of my head are Redecorate, Leave The City, Bandito, Neon Gravestones, Jumpsuit, Fairy Local, Car Radio, Migraine, and Holding On To You. It's more of a list than just one song, but this band and their music means so much to me and has done so much for me in so many ways. I'll add other big ones if I think of/see any


Oh also Level Of Concern was just so nice for the time that it came out and was such a good and needed boost


Neon Gravestones, Leave the City, Hometown, Chlorine, Friend Please, and Pet Cheetah 


It is hard to nail down just one, but songs like *Save*, *Implicit Demand for Proof, Addict With a Pen, Taxi Cab, Holding On To You, Screen, Fake You Out, Trees, Heavydirtysoul, Doubt, Polarize, Hometown, Goner*, and probably more that I am not thinking of were super helpful for me as a young teenager grappling with my faith. They helped give me language (and not just language, but artistic catharsis) for expressing the struggles that I was having with God. It was a great leaping off point for so many things: knowing I was not alone, as a starting point for fleshing out questions and feelings below the surface, as an introduction to my own journey of creating art as a form of catharsis. I am really thankful for that, and while twenty one pilots music often actually moved me *towards* dark places, it did so with a characteristic 'hopeful undertone' that helped me navigate those places that are so important to navigate and not ignore.


My Car radio, was my son. My sig. other at the time, let my half brother adopt him. Causing a huge divide in my families. leaving both sides of my family to treating me differently. One side, very Christian, expressing that I'm an Heathen. Cause infidels at least have a moral to take care of family. And the other to push me out, so he can forget me, and move on with his new family household. Caused me to move halfway across the country, and turn into this song for a long time. Drinking and fighting to feel something, besides the silence, that haunted me. Couldn't call family, friends, or anyone, just the debilitating silence, that left me sitting in the destruction of my own rage.


On a brighter note. My son and I are great, and I took him to see TOP in Dallas for the SIA tour. His favorite band at the time was Slipknot. But, that quickly changed, when he got to experience that show. He noticed, I knew every song, word for word. When they performed Car Radio, I was singing and crying. It came full circle looking at him, listening to it. Everything I put myself through, and yet here we are, together. He saw, and knew, I related that song to him, and how much I loved him all along.


Hometown and Guns for Hands and Neon Gravestones


Friend Please and Air Catcher


Multiple off of blurry face, cut my lip, shy away, choker, the hype, level of concern, holding onto you to name a few


I would say holding onto you. The song reminds me a lot of my grandpa who took his own life in 2014 (jesus almost 10 years ago) and for me it serves as a double meaning about holding onto his memory but also holding on/staying strong in my own fight with my mental health


Friend please, isle of flightless birds, implicit demand for proof and mostly addict with a pen


Slowtown idk It just makes me feel like a kid again


Trees 🫡


Holding on to You 2014 I was pregnant with my first, and my husband's cousin chose to leave us. I listened to HOTY on repeat, crying in the shower. The line "tie a noose around your mind loose enough to breathe fine then tie it to a tree, tell it you belong to me, this ain't a noose this is a leash and i have news for you, you must obey me" echoed in the reverberating loss of such an amazing soul, i still struggle with it (coming up on 10 years since we lost her, just before memorial day, not long after the new album comes out) That line literally helped me reel in the whirlwind my mind was throwing at me daily. That song will always be my favorite by them, and will always remind me of Melissa, and remind me to cherish every day and all those i love


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Kinda long list: Blasphemy, Lovely, Forest, Anathema, Kitchen Sink, Addict With A Pen, Taxi Cab, Isle of Flightless Birds, Trapdoor, Car Radio, Fake You Out, Guns For Hands, Semi-Automatic, Goner, Heavydirtysoul, Neon Gravestones.


Kitchen Sink: Motivates me to do something, anything. Migraine: I’ve made it this far, and I can keep going Neon gravestones: It would hurt people if I gave up Leave the City: I just need to stay alive, for now |-/


1. Car Radio (actually the entirety of Vessel) 2. Friend, Please 3. Fall Away 4. Lovely 5. Goner 6. Redecorate


when i was first allowed to listen to music 21 Pilots almost instently became for favorite band, this was also during a time when i was very depressed and suicidal, and years later they still are my favorite, maybe because its one of the songs that i first listened to a lot by them but Chlorine, and then also Freind Please, Car Radio, Neon Gravstones and Leave the City, but really, most of their songs have helped me so much


The entire first album helped me regain the childlike faith in Christ that I lost when I became a theology nerd in early adulthood. Particularly March To The Sea because I was just in awe at how simple the gospel is. I'm fr just a guy who got a transmission from a spaceship telling me not to walk into the ocean.


Migraine. I listened to it every Friday after the school week, when I was struggling with mental stuff and just getting to the end of the week was torture. It felt like my way of celebrating another week I survived, and after a while being able to remember how many weeks I'd done it made me realize I'm probably stronger than I realize if I've made it thru x amount of weeks, months, years etc.


I will do one for each album. Self Titled: March to the Sea I remember I would listen to this song every morning on the bus ride to school when I was in middle school. This song always gives me hope for another day. I still listen to this song at least once a day. Vessel: Guns For Hands This song has always been a favorite, but it became even more meaningful to me after I began a career in EMS. One of my very first shifts after I graduated, I was about 20 hours into a 24 hour shift when we got called for a mental health crisis. I remember hearing this song again a few days after that, and ugly crying in my car. This song has been amongst my top plays since then. Blurryface: Ride I know it might be cringe, but when I moved to college in a different state, I remember listening to this song every single day. It always made me smile, and would help me through some of my loneliest days of my life. Trench: Cut My Lip & Jumpsuit Jumpsuit gave me chills, and is so comforting to me. Cut my lip because the line “I’ll keep on trying, might as well” is a good daily reminder to myself. SAI: Choker I have had a lot of moments in my life where I have came inches from the finish line and choked, such as dropping out of college a week before college ended, because I was failing not once but twice…. This song just kinda hit different I guess.


My Blood helped me when I was going through PTSD-type symptoms after a concussion. I would avoid a lot of things, got startled and ran away randomly, was even agoraphobic at one point, because I was scared of getting injured again, and would particularly avoid anything having contact with my head. I vividly remember having the lines “I’ll go with you” and “no, you don’t need to run, stay with me” stuck in my head while I went to my first dentist appointment in almost 4 years after the injury.


ode to sleep, taken by sleep, save me, guns for hands, truce and forest


Kitchen sink helped me understand purpose in life and how we have to create our own purpose


Trees, My Blood, Redecorate. Top-tier writing and message, can't get enough of them even today.


Migrane. Felt a lot close to me for so long. Leave the city always helps me to keep calm but still excited during some trips or relocation moments.


Addict with a pen, truce, taxi cab, friend, please, leave the city


Addict With a Pen!


Simple, Truce. "The sun will rise and we will try again" is the line that helped the most. It's also my first tattoo. It's the phrase that saved me




Wouldn’t have made it through my teens without Car Radio, forever thankful I was able to go to their Minnesota show in 2015 and shout that it saved my life as the song started. So that’s in a league of its own. Addict with a Pen has also always been a go to, and Legend help me mourn my grandparents a lot. Honestly I could name so many more.


truce, neon gravestones and friend, please are the main ones that got me through my hardest times🙏


Jumpsuit. Helps me calm my anxiety to this day. Only a handful songs are capable of doing that for me




Car radio, Migraine, and stressed out mainly




Choker and Migraine


neon gravestones, car radio, bandito, leave the city, redecorate, and truce. but if I'm picking one it's definitely neon gravestones, idk if I'd be here without that song.


I'd say migraine- it was the song that got me into the band in the first place (I had only heard stressed out at that point, and I couldn't remember the name of it at the time). I remember a friend had set it as their alarm while I was sleeping over, and it resonated with me a lot. I was 11 at the time, and it's still my favorite song of theirs (kitchen sink is up there though)


Addict with a pen


OHHH BOYYYY like all of them tbh Let’s see…like all of vessel, like all of self titled, most of trench, and some of blurryface, and kitchen sink, oh and redecorateI dont listen to much RAB(I should tho I just forget about it rip) some current honorable mentions; ode to sleep, migraine, fake me out, friend, please, before you start your day, trapdoor, the run and go, leave the city, neon gravestones, we don’t believe what’s on TV, morph, semi automatic, omg addict with a pen, FRICKEN GUNS.👏FOR.👏HANDS.👏…ok at this point I’m just naming full track lists if I keep going. There’s many more. Like the rest of Vessel and Self-titled lol Should probably be dead by now. Wish I was everyday, but yeah those songs and albums help A LOT.


ADDICT WITH A PEN, FRIEND PLEASE, Johnny Boy, Car Radio, TREES, Heavydirtysoul, the Judge, House of gold, My Blood, NEON GRAVESTONES. The all-caps ones are like that just for emphasis. Addict With A Pen perfectly encapsulates the feeling of straying from one's faith, and coming back. Friend, Please just has very impactful lyrics, and speaks to my fears and my love for my friends. Trees is beautiful, and feels like a prayer. Neon gravestones also just has very impactful lyrics about the culture and conversation around mental health, suicide, and celebrity culture that I agree with a lot.


Truce, Redecorate, Leave the City, Chlorine


Neon Gravestones, Redecorate, Migraine in no particular order.