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That’s hilarious 😭 the clique can be so sensitive sometimes


Yeah lol I only remembered about this because I saw the same photo of josh earlier


Happy cake day!


It's insane. I poked fun at something I didn't like once and I had a bunch of people tell me I'm a stupid miserable human and needed to seek therapy instead of "slinging that shit" around


YOU got told to seek therapy too? 😭 dang I wonder if it was the same person


Lol nah I think that's just a very common thing to say


The funniest part is USUALLY those who say "seek therapy" (seriously, not in a joking manner) are the ones who need it the most 😭 bc they're the ones who let the tiniest of things get them all worked up


There’s a difference between being “sensitive” and just being a toxic asshole. “Sensitive” is a trait you usually see in nice people. “Attacking” is behavior you see from toxic assholes.


not to be offensive to the clique or anything but like, you gotta keep in mind and see the demographic and the kind of people that these type of bands will attract


>the clique can be so sensitive sometimes sensitive or insensitive? we have both, I think


You should see the kpop fans. Been swarmed by them for asking why they always spam gifs of Kpop into things that have nothing to do with kpop. She got her little fanbase from her profile and basically harassed me. It was kind of funny how mad they got and really shown me how they are


Kpop fans hating tøp is a common reoccurrence it seems


Sometimes? That's underselling it big time.


When scaled and icy came out, I saw people on Twitter saying they wished Tyler would go back to being unhappy so he’d write darker music. I made a post here saying that was inappropriate and got multiple DM’s saying I was lying about seeing tweets like that and telling me to kill myself 😃


You would think a community like top’s wouldn’t say things like that and would be accepting of everyone’s opinions. People can be so horrible and I do agree that it was inappropriate as well.


Do you know how many top fans are attracted to their music because of mental health issues? Lol. Basically all of us. Having fans unironically tell another fan to go kill themselves sounds exactly what some people would do.


The top community is amazing. But it can be hit or miss with lots of things. People just get too involved and make big deals out of nothing.


This is literally so ironic bc other clikkies have told me to kill myself but then preach "stay alive" and listen to music about mental illness and how you shouldn't kill yourself 😐 I don't get it at all


I know, right! It’s not at all an excuse for their behavior, but I stopped taking it personally when I realized they must be struggling tremendously if they’re going through with the decision to say something so hurtful to a stranger. I say a little mantra to myself wishing them healing, then I block and move on lol.


Exactly! - they are the same shitty, childish people as they always were, but now they're in the habit of thoughtlessly parroting phrases about acceptance and tolerance "stay alive brother!" 😉


Damn saying that you(not you lol I meant in general) wish Tyler or Josh was unhappier is WILD! That is SO inappropriate holy hell, what dicks my god. If I was Tyler and I saw that shit I think I would’ve banned all those people from ever going to any top show in the future because that’s fucked up.


“Kys” -Redditors on a sub about a band that says NOT to kys


The second verse of Backslide seems like a direct response to those Twi-diots “Is that a stain? You should change. Are you doing good? Did you solve all of your problems?”


What the fuck


Honestly I think half the problem is that reddit makes people mean. The discord for tøp I'm in is NOTHING like that and people are very kind to each other


That's interesting. With absolutely zero ill-intent - how does Reddit make people mean?


It's the whole "hide behind a screen" deal where people spew whatever anger they may have onto other people, just because they can't see their face or view them as a real person with real problems. I'm noticing it's kinda the norm on this hell app lol In my discord group, you're interacting with people directly, they're talking about their day, something that made them smile, or something bad that happened in their life. It's hard to be cruel to someone when you see all that


THE FACT IS, SCALED AND ICY WAS BARELY HAPPY AT ALL- IT WAS A MANIPULATION TACTIC BY THE BISHOPS N SHIT LMFAO MAYBE FOLLOW THE LORE DUMBASSES 😭😭🤣💀💀💀💀🇫🇷‼️‼️‼️ but in all honesty, that's fucked up to the highest amount. Hopefully they got their karma in some way, shape or form cus that's jus disrespectful and careless. BOTH THE PPL THAT SAID THAT TO TYLER AND PEOPLE DMING THREATS TO YOU FOR NO REASON, THATS JUS WILD 😭😭💀💀


I had the same thought of "damn I can't relate anymore" but I didn't start wishing they were unhappy wtf. Plus imagine having heard something like Save and not just being glad that he's still here (I know it's not TØP but there's so much pain in that song that it hurts just to listen to)


Holy macaroni that is insane. All of the songs from all of their albums I’ve found something I personally connect to because people go through “times” or “eras” they write what they think/feel at the time and I feel that can be the MOST therapeutic way to deal with or express the feeling. I mean we all go through that. It is awfully toxic and just absurd to say that to/about another human. People grow people change. I mean ffs what TOP song I listen to can be all over the place depending on how I’m feeling. People are so caught up in their own feels that they think everyone should only incline to them.


I got shit on because my reasoning behind doing my top tattoo “didn’t make any real sense” to some people. For reference, it is a sunflower (my wedding flowers) circled by “peace will win fear will lose” and a mirror image of the trench logo in the center. I chose to mirror it as a nod to Before You Start Your Day


This sounds cool. Photo?




um hello that's a beautiful tattoo i can't believe they would say anything negative to you about it


Thank you so much. It is absolutely one of my favorites and is a constant reminder of why I am still here today


I got some angry glares at a concert for loudly asking “what song is this” to my friend during Holding On To You lol (in my defense it was my first top concert and I wasn’t a fan at the time)


It would’ve been so funny if the noise all stopped just as you were shouting.


The band stops playing and stares at you


I’m gonna do this at the concert in September 💀


Do it for Stressed Out


Or trees LOL


Honestly asking about and engaging with new music Is better than standing around for songs you don't know good on you even if they did glare


I went to the show in Hershey PA a few years ago for my 30th bday with my then 25yo sister and 13yo niece. We played at Hershey Park all day and then got to the show at like 8:30pm and were in the back near the sound stage which was awesome because you could see everything, the sound was great, and there were big open spaces so you didn’t have sweaty peoples’ hair in your face/mouth. There was this group of girls who looked to be about 15/16 who were next to us the whole time and I didn’t think anything of them. Tyler ended up back near us during Car Radio and the group of girls ran around to see him, as did I, and then I returned to my original spot and was leaning against the gate of the sound stage. One of the girls (she came up to my shoulders) came over and tapped me on the back and rudely told me to get out of “her spot”. I was like “umm this is the pit, there is no assigned seating, and I was literally just standing here 2 minutes ago”. She kept insisting that I was in her spot and like any mature adult I just turned around and ignored her because Trees was about to start. She takes it upon herself to jump up and sit on the fence and kick me repeatedly in the back while calling me a fake fan because I hadn’t been waiting in line since 6am like she and her friends had. I replied that I was having fun at the amusement park all day and was still in the same exact spot she was, so where exactly did waiting 14 hours in line get her? She then started calling me an “old bitch” and said she was going to have me arrested for harassing a minor, at which point I just said “go ahead and try, Tyler and Josh would be severely disappointed in your behavior tonight” and then I ignored her the rest of the show, but this was all going down during Trees so it really put a damper on the end of the show for me and I still get really angry thinking about it. It was the first time in my life that I honestly wanted to punch someone in the face because they were being such a douche bag. That was also the last time I was ever in the pit besides Tour De Columbus because I don’t feel like dealing with idiots like that again.


Should have just flagged security if you could have and had them throw her out for assault. Now that would have been funny.


At all of the arena shows I've been to, I can walk in when the opening act is finishing and still make it way closer to mainstage than the sound booth without stepping on toes. Thankfully I've not encountered any rude people except some drunk guys I'm guessing in their 30's. Even them it was mostly talking loud.


LOL at the irrelevance of the drunk guys' age! Poor guys in their 30s getting singles out


People like that aren't real fans and I believe I speak for all of us when I say we do not claim them


I get what you're trying to say here but once again the "they aren't real fans" narrative doesn't really work, because it suggests that being a "real fan" means you never have poor behavior. Which isn't true and feeds into the toxicity that this thread is calling to light.


The petty in me would have wanted to push her off the fence lol I know that's not helping the situation though. I also think it's pretty funny these super young fans are saying the shit that they say when a lot of us were teenagers or early twenties when tøp first came out and have been fans of them since back then. Like, girlypop.. we're the same age as Tyler and Josh 😭 (And no that's not directed towards all younger tøp fans at all - just the try hard mean girls/boys/thems. The majority of fans, of all ages, seem to be very kind and friendly)


I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to me but my sister let her have it after the show and screamed at her while I stood there laughing. I didn’t fell bad at all because she absolutely deserved.


Writing 21p instead of top


God, people were so brutal about that during the *Blurryface* era. I kinda phased out after that, so I don’t know if it continued, but I know it made *me* wanna write it as 21p all the time!


I feel so bad for you man 😭


this reminds me of when i was like 14 and went to see a counselor at school and we talked about my interests and i mentioned liking twenty one pilots and she said she’s never heard of that band and wrote it down to go listen. i watched her write down 21 pilots and my 14 year old self was like 😐 but i didn’t say anything even though i really wanted to correct her😭


It’s not top….. it’s tøp 😉


I’ve always been a TOP or even TØP girly lol but I think Tyler made a joke in an interview once like “who is 21p?”


I write it as 21P out of spite


I was trashed and got my post removed for posting an edit I made because it "didn't meet the creativity standards"


That’s actually awful


bro my posts get taken down ALL THE TIME because i'm apparently asking about shit that is "common knowledge" but when i search the sub i don't find shit about the question i'm asking


hey would you be willing to send me what post was taken down? that doesn't sound like something we would take down unless it was AI, so I'd like to look into it a little more if that wasn't the case


it was in 2020 and I've changed phones since. But I'm possitive it wasn't AI


ohh okay that wasn't our current team then. I'm really sorry that happened though :((


Makes me remember the story of the girl who caught the drumstick and the girl behind her somehow found her profile and started insulting her saying she "deserved" the stick. 


That girl was me hi! Lmao I caught that stick at the Memphis show I still remember the girl behind me being extremely rude kinda ruined the experience for me lmao I have the stick upstairs I hid the stick under my shirt out of FEAR during the end of the show he talked about it during the trees speech I plan to mention it to Tyler when I eventually meet him that was my 6th show after that I went to SEVERAL MORE and I’m racked up to 15, crazy stuff.


Luckily I haven't experienced anything negative, personally speaking. This is a general comment that I've noticed, I guess I realized by being active in other communities. A lot of people within the clique are weirdly parasocial, at least to me? Feels like a big subsection of people feel like they know Tyler and Josh personally, and when they see someone they disagree with they bring up "well the boys would/wouldn't like this" etc etc. Which is just, ugh. I'm here because I love the music from this band and it has saved my life, but I don't really feel like I owe anything to Tyler or Josh other than a sincere thank you if I ever saw them. And I've hung around other communities centered around music groups, where it's not nearly as noticeable as here. A similar (but way more noticeable) thing happens in the Taylor Swift groups, which I'm not a part of but interact by proxy because of a friend. This isn't to say that the fanbase is bad, or majority toxic or parasocial, but it's something to be aware of and the main thing that keeps me away from interacting with it much, aside from on Reddit.


The gatekeeping and virtue signaling about leaks, the people screaming they’re offended at the simplest jokes. In reality a plethora of TOP fans are insecure and have mental health issues themselves, it’s become an overarching identity in the clique. So there’s that. It trickles down into the community. We can’t say that tho! It’s too offensive


I wish I could up vote this comment a hundred times


Buy Reddit gold then and give the comment an award


I don’t like it enough to spend real money


It’s a common one but I’ve been threatened many times for saying SAI was good/super fun and that I supported the boys if they continued down that route even if it wasn’t my favorite style of theirs when it first came out... I also got butchered when I said that this fanbase was super hypocritical and a bad fanbase at times because they actively send death threats to people even though that is exactly what TØP disagrees with and actively speaks against it but “NOooOo it’s different” like I love some of yall but the others are literally some of the worst people I’ve ever met.


I want to preface this by saying it is just my opinion and based on my own experiences. Because if I don't give that disclaimer, I'll probably get attacked for saying anything! But honestly, I don't really engage with the fanbase much outside of Reddit because of how much attacking there is of individuals and even sub-groups of the fanbase. The minute anyone does something that they disagree with or that they personally think Tyler/Josh wouldn't approve of, then the tone totally changes. I feel like there is a lot of projecting personal opinions onto the band, and acting like they can predict how Tyler/Josh would think, feel, respond, etc. I hate how petty a lot of the attacks can be. Even if they're just passive aggressive reactions. Like how someone might react if someone writes "21 pilots" instead of spelling it out, or broadly say that anyone who listens to an album leak isn't a "real fan." I anticipate that this comment will get a lot of downvotes, because I've seen a pattern of how ANY fanbase can behave/react when personal/internalized biases are challenged - which is defensively. That's human nature, but it can be discouraging to see it on such a large scale. And it's just so frustrating, because it pushes people away and causes the community to seem a bit exclusive. As a teenager, I was really involved in the clique and loved connecting with other fans but it eventually just became too toxic and exhausting - it's like walking around on eggshells because unless you're some big Twitter account or a "popular" account, you are sorta at the mercy of others (unfortunately it leans towards a form of elitism). It's like the whole line-leader thing with pit tickets at concerts - unless you're connected, you very well might have a bad experience and it will probably be due to the fact that you aren't connected in the right way or to the right people, or think/behave the same way as those people. Perhaps I'm being hypocritical by "attacking" the clique, but as someone who was a hardcore fan from 2013-2018, I can confidently say that it wasn't always like this. Acceptance, pro-mental health, and inclusivity wasn't always a facade that loosely covered up unnecessary attacks and judgement.


It may get downvoted but you definitely ain’t getting one from me I completely agree with all of your statements I also stopped engaging with top fans outside of Reddit there so god damn negative all the time it’s so sad to see given how great the band is


Man the 2012/2013 - 2018 years were so good. I had huge sense of community with a lot of the fan base online (tumblr, twitter, instagram). 95% of people being genuinely kind. Lining up after shows to give Tyler and Josh artwork. Little venues.


right! I miss that era. I don't know if this is still a thing, but Tyler used to have the approach to his tattoos where he wouldn't explain what they symbolized in big interviews or online but would rather tell people in a more personal setting. One of my all-time core memories is outside a smaller venue in Columbus, I think it was April (maybe march) of 2013 where some girl asked him after a show and a group of people gathered around for story time, and just listened respectfully and that was that. I feel like that could never happen now. It would be lots of yelling, shouting, trying to take pictures and record things, etc.


Oh my gosh yes and it always was so cool to see people actually respect that. I think I remember one person on tumblr posting what he’d answered with but took it down after backlash. We’d have a full video of him explaining it nowadays, someone would hold their phone in a way that wasn’t obvious and think about all the likes they’re gonna get.


Honestly same, I've been in many fandoms over the years and definitely had my fangirl era where I was a bit much (my sisters can attest to this haha) but nowadays it's insane. It's not just the clique either, but since I've been a part of the fandom for so long I notice it more. I used to feel safe but now my anxiety is just something that holds me back again because I'm too scared to say or do something that will be deemed "unworthy" cause with my busy job I don't have the time I had when I was a teenager to read up on all the lore.


Not me but literally Tyler himself: I went to the small London show in the Electric Ballroom on the 9th of May and Tyler was about to debut the song that's literally dedicated to his wife live for the first time ever (The Craving) and as he was announcing it and getting ready he started playing the uke, and it takes only a few seconds until a girl near me in the crowd shouts "don't mess up." in frankly a bit of a pretentious tone. Keep in mind the crowd was getting quiet to let him play the song so she stood out. I also heard her really well and since I was pretty close to the barrier I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler heard her too, and that's honestly the worst thing you could ever tell Tyler in that moment when he was clearly nervous already and he was getting ready to deliver a song that's so meaningful to him


Oh man! Yes even if that was a reference to something else it's certainly a bad time to make that callback


Someone also cheered halfway through the song as well but got very quickly sushed


Maybe she was quoting him from the MTV show. I'm sure he said that to the audience before sampling them.


Oh true that could be, but idk it wasn't a playful tone and out of all references why this one specifically 💀


I think a some of the community can be insanely sensitive to any critique towards the band & their works. I think if someone is being needlessly callous, then of course it's fine to have a judgmental reaction; but I see posts where someone will give their reason for disliking a song or album civilly and people will berate them, almost on behalf of Tyler & Josh as if they aren't grown men and very successful musicians. Like, it's okay to say, "I love the band and their music but I didn't really vibe with this." I might not understand how you vibe with something I might not like at all, but you're respectfully expressing that and it's all good.


That's one of the biggest things I've seen too. It's OKAY to not vibe with or like certain things ANY band puts out & imho, it also doesn't make you any less of a fan. Bands/musicians/artists are CONSTANTLY surrounded by "yes men" & that absolutely 110% clouds judgement on any form of criticism given to the artist. They're choosing to release art with the world and USUALLY they will want honest reactions not a plethora of "omg this is the best song ever!! You killed it!" reactions from their fan base when it's not genuine. They ALSO don't need their fans policing people's opinions. It's OKAY to agree to disagree & it doesn't mean that person is a bad person or a fake fan (which is a whole other issue, not just in this situation but everywhere - over the last 10 years ish, so many ppl immediately HATE on someone if they have differing options instead of agreeing to disagree OR trying to understand that person's point of view. It's weird.).


The fact that I like and enjoy scaled and icy 😭


Honestly I think i started enjoying it more and more out of spite after seeing people hating on it for being too happy. But I loved it anyway


Mulberry Street is straight up my happy-jam. If I ever feel down I can just put it on and instantly feel the good vibes haha


I got yelled at during the blurryface Columbus show by a person who was recording the whole concert on their phone. I started to jump during car radio, got bumped into this person, and they proceeded to yell at me that I ruined their video and how they’re going to lose so many subscribers because of it.


They’re the sad ones who care more about subscribers than having fun at a concert


That’s when I knew the fanbase was going downhill


They certainly will but more likely because they yelled at you, not the fact you were jumping around at a concert 🤝🏻


At one point I was Disagreeing with the fan made line leaders on Twitter and some people got grouchy with me.


observing how clique acts just baffles me to the point where I'm hesitant to even assume myself to be a part of it. Clique acts totally different from what tøp states and lives for and that just makes them look pretentious and hypocritical :(


fr, honestly im just happier just listenin to the music and like not interacting at all with the fanbase lol. i dont need that shit in my life. i only really talk about the songs with my friends. but also theres r/cliquesupport whic is a pretty small community like a subset of fans, and i had only positive experiences there, perhaps because we all go to try to lift eachother up there. i know that i can post my problems there with no fear. thats what the whole fandom should be ideally but i know its impossible since its so ginormous now


asking a question about something I noticed and misinterpreted in a Mv


Online I couldn't tell you. But at a show and I just commented about this in another post but I got some weird looks and comments from people at the front of the line during the takeover tour at a smaller show cause I was wearing a Slipknot tour shirt.


Whaaatt I’m pretty sure I would do the same thing since most of my twenty one pilots merch has been taken from me from my previous relationships


kind of a badass thing to do at a tøp concert


Ha! I remember a time in the 2000’s when it wasn’t cool to wear a tshirt of the band you were seeing in concert. It was a weird unwritten rule in the emo/alt/hxc scene. I would always wear the tshirt of a similar band. Looking back that was so weird to think. Haha


they definitely shouldn’t have given you dirty looks, they need to mind their business >:( but i saw a post of some girls at one of the small shows they did recently- and someone had on merch for the new billie album😭 (that dropped clancys original release date) and that just felt like a smack in the face☠️


This is very minor and I very quickly forgot about it but I got Blurryface for Christmas the year before Trench came out (I had no idea about the lore or the fact they were on a hiatus, I just found an album I liked listening to) and some friends came around to my house to see if I wanted to hang out and I had the chance to show them the fact I got Blurryface cuz I knew they both liked the band and one of them had the immediate reaction to call me a fake fan


then they're a fake friend. what a goober.


I personally am not a fan of Air Catcher and Trapdoor, I mentioned this at the Trench Tour in Detroit to another group of fans and was told that I'm not a real fan, and I didn't even show up with yellow tape so my opinion is not valid. Concert was amazing, and It was my wife's first time seeing TØP so I wasn't going to let that ruin my concert experience, was just really sad to see such behavior from fans of a band that preach about mental health and awareness of how we can affect others with our words and actions.


Being 30 😭


These darn kids! I’m 34 😉


oh i got my post taken down when i talked about tyler’s platform post on twitter like 3? years ago lol. people have such a strange parasocial relationship to both of the band meme er and if you critique them in ANY way it’s like key bye for you lol. like i never really cared THAT much, these are two people i don’t know, i like their music but that’s it. it’s a weird thing where if you discuss how somebody “misstepped” or whatever you get attacked. there was that time the really popular girl on twitter was receiving like real whole death threats and racism and i told some girl to leave her alone cause she was like a kid and also got told to kms lol. tyler like tweeted at her an apology after all that i think.


I wasn't exactly attacked or anything like that, but recently at the listening event when I was vibing to Overcompensate and doing little dances here and there (basically mimicking Tyler's moves from the music video, I wasn't like moving around like crazy or anything) these 3 people who were with each other next to me gave like a disgusted look and scooted away from me and closer to the speaker. Like, I'm sorry I was having a little fun at my first listening event :( I wasn't trying to be annoying or disrespectful or anything


Well I hope they’re not going to a concert then. You know how many people will be doing that?!


Just the other day I comment on the TOP official insta that I got tickets to the secret show in Columbus this Friday and I had people in my DM’s harassing and threatening me to give up my tickets.. it’s not my fault the rest of them weren’t fast enough 😐 one guy had the audacity to tell me I didn’t deserve the tickets because I live in Indiana not Ohio. Like that’s now how concerts work? People will travel all over the world to see concerts. Get over yourselves.


Back in like 2017-2018 (can't remember exactly) when Tyler held up the pride flag during a show, I posted a photo of him with it on instagram and said "twenty one pilots is for the gays" or "trench is for the gays" (again, can't remember) and I got called slurs, told to kms, all sorts of stuff lol. It was so obviously a joke... Also yesterday at the listening party, I asked someone if she knew anything about lining up, we were both wearing merch, and she turns to me with a stank face and goes "lining up for what?" I recognized her as one of the line leaders for the Seattle show, she was REALLY rude to me when I went to get a wristband the night before when we were camping out. Like I'm sorry you've been here for 6 days but I just asked for a wristband 😭 Some clikkies have been unnecessarily rude to me for no reason when I've been nothing but kind.


Out of curiosity was it the line leader with the half and half hair colors?


Yes it was 😦


We were both that that show then! She was a lot nicer than the Portland crew at that show but yeah I've had plenty of the undesirable clikkie interactions, thankfully most of the people in my immediate vicinity were really cool though :) Sorry you've had lots of ick but there are definitely nice fans out there, just sucks that it feels impossible to know what one's you're going to run into before having a bad interaction :/ If you're going to the Seattle show this year, maybe I'll see you there! I hope it's lots better and I've been hearing rumors of the band disbanding the fan lines altogether! 👀


I plan on camping again for this show, only the evening before like last time though. My boyfriend and I were #92 and #93 last time and we got there around 6:30 the night before. I think if the venue or the band's crew were to organize the line it would run a lot smoother. It just sucks that random fans make themselves in charge of the 1000s of people that are going to be in line. I also think there should be a limit to how long you can camp because the line leaders at the last Seattle show were there for SIX DAYS to make sure they were at the front. It's just not fair. But yeah, maybe we will see each other there :)


Is it me or is the TOP fanbase plagued with homophobics in some places?


Liking scaled and icy, not liking trench 🫡


when i was 12 i got canceled on twitter bc i said i didn't like josh as a joke


Errrrmmm I’m gonna cancel you now 💀


i got heavily attacked a few days ago over a reddit post where i explained how I prefer when TOP's music doesn't get leaked and also how i don't like listening to the leaks.


🤝 same 😭


Fr like I’ve been a chill dude in this fandom for 10 years and now I have these prolly 13 year olds yelling at me for being against the leaks😂


I think leaks are bad but I still listen to them lol


Lol probably when I said I have been a fan for 11 years. And granted some people (lucky asssssses who lived in Ohio or states surrounding who knew then since 2011) have known then longer… a lot of people didn’t discover TØP till after BlurryFace while others many years after. And I’m glad they have new fans and are growing, of course, but I appreciate their old stuff wholeheartedly, because that’s what made me love them. But in 2013 I was listening to Vessel and the self titled album, telling everyone this was my fave band, and no one who knew they were. I got my first tøp tattoo in 2014, and still so many people were not familiar or were like “omg I like them too! I love Car Radio!” 🙃 but idk I’m proud I have been a fan for so long and I’m jealous I didn’t discover them sooner.


Saying Tyler and Josh aren’t racist or homophobic Saying that Twitter line leaders are unfair and act really entitled. Saying that it’s weird to worship certain fans just because they’ve been barrier a bunch or have met Tyler and Josh. Saying that stressed out was the first song I ever heard Saying that I don’t think they have made a bad song


Do some people think that Tyler and Josh are racists and homophobics ? I'm so lost?


Yeah the whole platform Twitter thing had some ‘high level clikkies’ really livid saying he’s racist and I was like this is so dumb. They then said if I don’t get what’s wrong with what he said then I’m part of the problem lmao. and I’ve also heard others say that because Tyler is religious that means he *has* to be homophobic because the church is homophobic and again I said that was really dumb and they were like he’s never even said happy pride month or anything and I was like he doesn’t have to?!?! Which again circled back to the platform thing. It’s really really dumb. I don’t go on Twitter anymore and haven’t in years because of Twitter clique


That's the dumbest reasoning I've seen


Saying I think listening to leaks shouldn't be as widely approved as it is 😅 yall were there


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but any "fan" that tells another to kill themselves, attacks them, or any hateful thing, is in fact NOT a real fan. It's an obsession. Their behavior goes against the boys' music. Pretty sure none of us claim them anyways even if they are "real" fans.


That Overcompensate wasn’t my favorite


I'm not the biggest fan of Ode to Sleep and I've received threats over it


Not liking Goner as much as the other songs on Blurryface. 🫤


I don’t like the album closers that you can only listen to really unless you want to hear the whole album. Redecorate is such a good closer and is a song you can listen to without getting the piano ballad sad vibe


attacked over not listening to leaks💀


I just shared photos of my album collection. I got death threats.




Not liking Stressed Out and Ride.


I got banned from the discord for saying it’s stupid that people think Captain America could beat Thanos in a fight. This was when Infinity War came out, and I was in spoiler chats so I wasn’t breaking any rules lol but the mods literally banned me for hating on Captain America.


Maybe, out topic?


This is a really nice healthy thread and I applaud OP for thinking of it! Some fans' love can definitely grow into obsession and that can lead to them bullying others for one reason or another. This is a great opportunity to wipe clean from those shitty experiences.


I said I don't really care about the lore and got shit for it in the discord.


Not quite an answer to the question, but back in 2015 when blurryface dropped, every clikkie would collectively agree you aren't a fan unless you know every lyric to every song, know about the lesser known stuff like NPI, Be Concerned, Time to Say Goodbye, Dollhouse, so on. It was a really weird culture that you weren't a true fan unless you knew more about tøp than Tyler does. I'm glad that the clique has moved on from that but I guess if I had to answer your question, a few months back I got berated for saying that SAI was their worst album by a wide margin. I still stand by that after listening to the leaks.


Yeah people still think this. Idk what dollhouse is and I’ve been a fan since stressed out music vid dropped. And idrc. I haven’t listened to the entirety of NPI either. Tyler said he doesn’t even like it so why bother. People overreact


unfortunately i think there is still a large portion of the clique that has not moved on from that type of thinking


I get trolled whenever tornadoes touch down in the US and I post warnings to TOP FB pages and Reddit pages. PLEASE keep in mind that many places don't have sirens, sometimes cell phones, TV stations, and radio stations either don't have warnings or don't get heard. But tons of people have notifications that come through on their phones. So I post warnings to try and keep people safe. And get trolled for it.


Of course it's very well-intentioned of you, but . A. Most people who see your posts won't be anywhere near the tornado. America is huge, and TOP's fanbase is even more spread out, living all over the world. A worldwide music sub is not the place to post localised stuff like that. . B. Maybe you could post to a local subreddit - eg Florida News or whatever? . C. If they've chosen not to have any news apps, not to be in any local subreddits, and to have their WhatsApp muted then I guess they don't want to hear about tornadoes. If they've muted everything except TØP notifications I suppose that's all they want


That does make sense. A lot, actually. I tend to over worry about people, especially during storms!


It's undeniably from a kind place of you to do that though, so good for you! Maybe join some local sub-reddit, I'm sure your city or state has one. I'm in a UK subreddit and a London one and they're both quite fun 😊🇬🇧


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i feel like every time i tell ppl i like top they say something along the lines of “i thought they were bigots bc they are christian so you shouldn’t listen to them” like tf????


Whaaaaattt??? They're Christians therefore they are bigots? What a psycho opinion!


fruit. iykyk tøptwt was an experience in 2020


I NEEED an explanation


it was layered, perfectly lined up rube goldberg machine if the result was for people to have to make a "safe space" or block anything with fruit as self care. we did a fruit takeover and it went insane like truly trending and then there was a whole fruit vs vegetable takeover war. there was tension because it was triggering for people who didn't want to see food. they also had a problem with the actual "war" of fruits vs vegetable. (we literally just tweetd nonsense all related to fruit being better) everyone was then mad because we were blowing up the timeline and taking over twitter (🤔) . Then idk it was something about our responses and the fact that we didn't respond correctly or something. idk. when we said ok we're having fun thats all or we'd say that they didn't have to interact with us or twitter at all it was unacceptable to them. There was a lot going on 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am taking a risk here by even bringing it up but I have repeatedly been ruthlessly torn apart for explaining why people don't like Never Take It lol. Not even saying it sucks (I think it's a pretty good song) but just laying out that the politics of it are very hollow and that the bridge comes across as tasteless to some ppl (I don't think it's -that bad- but I can absolutely see why ppl take issue with the last line)


Got downvoted to hell for saying that Tyler sings Holding On To You on a lower vocal register during live performances.


I don’t remember ever being “attacked” in my years in this sub so far. The Reddit fanbase is much nicer than the Twitter one, but that’s common to every fanbase. The Imagine Dragons Twitter “fanbase” is insanely toxic, when they had to postpone some shows because of Dan Reynolds spraining his ankle some Twitter fans claimed that he was faking it. Absolute cringe.


Being called a 'fake fan' years ago because I said Blurryface was my favourite album in the TØP Amino.


I use top instead of tøp.


Someone posted a question asking people to rate the albums from favourite to least favourite. I put trench last and got blasted. I don't hate the album, I love it but it's just not my go-to 🤷‍♀️


After reading a few of these I'm pretty glad I haven't engaged with the tøp fanbase outside of Reddit


i once made a post over on tumblr dot com about how it's kind of annoying when in show recordings the fans are much louder than tyler (something that is most likely caused by low quality phone recordings. a fact i mentioned in the post.) someone then proceeded to call me unhinged for getting offended when they called my take "bad". It was obvious they truly did not read my post, because nowhere did i say that the fans shouldn't scream. at a live show. they then vagued about me, but denied doing so upon being called out, all while being incredibly condescending and acting as though they were so so so smart and rational. still one of the most baffling experiences i've had online. goes to show you that tumblr users truly do not know how to read. the moral of the story is to block people who come picking for arguments, even if they do it under the guise of searching for intelligent discussions or whatever.


I got banned from a FB group because a mod made a post of how the fan base had grown from 10s of people to thousands and I said that’s a stranger way to spell millions, and they got upset and responded with several posts in a row, so I blocked them then the other mods came at me for blocking the first mod and that was that. Another FB group posted Jenna’s boudoir pics with Rosie as a baby and I commented, “boudoir pics with a baby are strange” and then the mod went several posts on me for claiming I was “body shaming” and then banned me. They are a lot of people out here that aren’t doing well and are projecting a lot of trauma on others. Sometimes it’s really not that deep


I've been dogged on for NOT listening to the leaked Clancy music 😂😭


Lmao people are so sensitive sometimes


I’m just impatient and listened to it on friday


And I'm not hating on anyone who HAS listened! Especially considering the hard copies are being delivered already. It's just wild that someone get mad at me for that 😂


I don't interact with this fan base because of shit like this. Extremely toxic and belligerent towards both fans and non fans alike. I just enjoy the music. That's all I need.


Someone spoiled something that just got leaked for me in the comments and I was a little sassy and people blew up at ME for being annoyed someone spoiled something from the new album


Are you the girl that got mad about someone “leaking” how long the songs are 😭


I never say I’m a fan so I don’t get heat


when trench first came out i got made fun of for liking trench so much i was so confused but i later figured out that was a very unpopular opinion on their part 😭😭


Leaks and not spelling 21 P out


One time someone asked “what song is better than guns for hands” and I said a few songs (some of them were Trees, Neon Gravestones, Isle Of Flightless Birds etc) but I made sure to say “this is my opinion” and they had the audacity to tell me I’m wrong. I never said once that they were wrong at all, and it felt like they yelled at me tbh even though it was through a comment


At my very first concert I was made fun of by a group of girls for fidgeting with my hands cause I was anxious


Nothing but tbf I don’t really engage with other fans. Top has always been a super personal band for me, I don’t really find the need to share my feeling about them with anyone other than close friends and family 


Remember when tyler posted a pic on Twitter in big platform shoes and said I'm using my platforms for good. Then talked about suicide awareness and prevention and it nearly broke up the clique ? I deleted Twitter bc my Stan page was a MESS after that


Not praising clancy as their best album ever


Feels like, in some places, the fanbase is plagued with homophobia or racism, and I just think it's sad


Omg I had a similar thing happen to me! I reposted a Vine to my Twitter (yes I’m that old lol) from someone else who was freaking out while holding up Josh Dun during the Trees drum finale. The tweet had the caption of the Vine and I kept getting comments saying I needed to chill out. I was so confused and saying “well that’s not me, I’m just sharing it”. NGL I would probably have reacted the same way but no one in the comments believed me when I said it wasn’t my Vine. 🙄


I got attacked because I agreed with someone that the easter eggs before the album announcement was similar to like Taylor does and it's a cool thing. They were like "She doesn't have lore!" And I'm just like...I never said she did?? Just the little hints and such to build the hype ya know?


i was in a group chat for fans from my country a few years ago (bc i wanted to meet people who were fans as well and hopefully make friends) and i sent a screenshot of a twitter post and people made fun of me because i didn't have my twitter app in dark mode. to this day is the most ridiculous thing that has happened to me hahahaha but honestly i think all fandoms have groups of people that are awful and will attack others over the most insignificant things so I don't really participate much in them


i got attacked for not wanting to see lyrics from midwest indigo (they didn’t put a spoiler warning and i asked them to, someone else got really mad abt it)


I wasn’t attacked it was only like one or two people. During around blurry face era I said that drawing fanart of Josh and Tyler kissing was weird because they’re real people, they’re friends, and are in their own relationships. I think I commented on a instagram post. They called me homophobic, like that was their only defense 😭. Also like I’m not the biggest lesbian you could ever meet. Back then I was really insecure about my homosexuality so it did hurt me a little, I was only a teenager. But now I don’t care lol, you can draw whatever you want just don’t go harassing the boys or anything.


Oh my gosh that’s horrendous 🫤🫤🫤 I do think there’s a lot of parasocial stuff in a lot of band fandoms. The Bastille one is toxic af as well as


After a concert during the bandito tour, I went to grab some of the My Blood streamers, and I was gonna like separate them so that more people could have some. Well this girl walked over and started shouting at me because she wanted some and I hadn’t had a chance to separate them yet. So I freaked out and grabbed a little piece and ran away, and then she took all of it.


I feel like my best friends and I were given an ageism treatment because we had this group kept looking over us and can feel their judgment as we were waiting outside! 😂 They eventually made small talk and I guess they thought we were posers, losers or whatever because suddenly they were trying to bomb us with many questions about them and just throwing the “aren’t you old?” nonsense. We love the band, but clearly didn’t put them in a pedestal like these kids.🫣 I didn’t want to to flaunt or get attention but when they got super passive aggressive to my best friend, I just shut them down when I told and revealed to them I’ve known about twenty one pilots since regional at best December 2011. Small small cafe show. They finally just were like. “Oh… ok” and kinda took back their words or age, like who cares if we’re a little older, it’s cool to seen the band grow as we grow.😬😂


i haven’t been attacked about it, but a lot of people are super upset w the proctologist line in lavish (if you don’t know, you will know, and it’s incredible) which is so dumb? it’s just a funny way of saying someone is butthurt


The discord server banned me a few years ago for making a joke that Nazi black metal was my favorite genre of music after someone more liked than me mentioned it first with zero repercussions 💀💀


Do u remember me? The fox. E


By a lot of things.


I got banned from a rlly big tøp discord server bc I said skinwalkers aren't real and a native American girl called me racist and got me banned




Not liking Tyler’s old vocal style on any album before Vessel.


Made a joke post on here about Clancy having arthritis because 'corazone' sounds like 'Cortisone'. Mods took the post down and told me I'm not allowed to make jokes on the sub.




For being first in line at a concert back in 2015. We got to the venue at 6am the day of and were the first ones there! I brought water and snack, enough to share and everything, and by midday we had a good amount of people all waiting and getting along, but then this group of kids showed up and tried to sit in front of us in line, like at the door to the venue. When we told them where the end of the line was they called us elitists (?) and said we’re “not real fans!” It was nutso!!! A few hours later I was scrolling twitter and saw they made a call out post about me and my group for “kicking them out of first in line” and claiming to be there waiting all day lmaooo it was wild!