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That ending though 🤣🤣


Now I see intentions don't mean much lmao


I should've loved you better, do you think that now's the time


Putting all your heart and soul into something, only for the music industry suits to treat it like it’s nothing.


Possibly about the music industry (they write about that from time to time) but might also apply to anyone in a position to judge your efforts, making shit of them. Does anyone recognize the guy in line behind them? That'd be funny if it was another musician.


its their lighting guy shap


I like this andI kinda took it further. I know a few people who are huge fans but skip smithereens and formidable cuz they are “cringe”. Kinda think it can be about fans who write off their more “basic” love songs. They get to this song in the album and say NEXT.


Could be... but the suits definitely make me think of label managers, not fans!


Yes. And also, success or failure is with the guy pulling the trigger, not the guys that prepared the shell. So, they not only gave it a cursory glance and then treat it like nothing, they fail on an effort that has nothing to do with artistic merit, hard work, and as the song says...intent.


For sure


Thank you for bringing the end of the video into focus. I was a bit stumped by it all, didn’t have enough coffee yet 😂


I mixed your two ideas together for my first thought I saw it more as fan reaction to their work as a whole. I.e. the release of SAI not hitting with a lot of fans despite them putting all their hearts into it


Makes sense for it to be the single version then


I like this idea. But I wonder what does the cartridge decoration mean — with bunnies and stuff


Just making it your own, personal thing, I imagine. And the idea of a cute scene (a love song) going on a bullet (a tool for the industry to make money) is pretty powerful. And then when it doesn’t “hit” they forget about it and all that work seems pointless or invalidated


Like u/jotyma5 said, personal touches — taking all the things in your mind, in your life, and turning it into a single bullet that gets fired out into the world.


Literally “shoot your shot” kinda thing.


The decorations apply well to this single version of the song in particular because the original acoustic version (Jenna's version) is the one from the album that is played live and it's very stripped back. They've intricately packaged and decorated up Jenna's version with more production and a music video for this single version, then handed off the single bullet to the suits who just shoot singles out constantly trying to get hits. The rabbit and heart are a theme running in top music (heart in a jar, she's the tear in my heart, death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit) so it's very fitting to have a cute version of them as part of the decoration for this love song.


I've been looking at the decoration closely in the MV, I think people are overlooking the decoration too much. Knowing TOP, **nothing** on that cartridge was an afterthought. The only reference to rabbits i can think of is in heavydirtysoul "Death inspires me like a dog, inspires a rabbit", so he compares himself to a rabbit. But the two rabbits, with one rabbit give the other a heart, perhaps indicates how he found Jenna, another person who fears death too, but that helps her understands him better than most people. And the song lyrics are also more directly him saying how he doesn't express his love as much as he should. This makes sense with the Jenna sound bite at the beginning of Jenna's Version? (I haven't listened to a pre-release so I haven't heard it myself)


Ohhhhhhh dude I was so confused by that… I thought it was him shooting his shot with Jenna and missing, therefore now being single


My thinking is: Tyler was inspired to write the song by Jenna, then the record label wanted a more radio-friendly version, hence Tyler suffixing the album version with ‘Jenna’s Version’, and then they made this music video as a subtle way of saying, like, “hey, we made this version to appease the label — if it’s a hit, cool, if not, whatever, hope you enjoy the album!”


I think the guy at the end is us.






The guys at the end are the members of the fan base that were dismissive of SAI. That hurts more than a record exec’s opinion.


The Craving? More like the Carving


She's a carver...


No, not her


A butcher with a smile


Is it just me or does the story of this video just sum up fan reaction? You put your heart and soul into something and then shoot your shot... And it's a miss. Just makes me think of the SAI release and how they were probably thinking with some of the people who bailed when they heard it


Remember when SAI released and people on this sub were unironically like „don’t panic people, the message was SAI IS PROPAGANDA. It’s supposed to be bad“ I just felt so bad for both of them


The general consensus wasn't that it was necessarily *bad* but rather that it was a more pop(ular)/common style and less TØP's typical style. In the setting of the lore it was propaganda, but it was also a freaking fun album with many subversive themes under the more colorful packaging.


YES! EXACTLY! I have severe depression, as I'm sure most of us here do, and sometimes I just need to hear something that sounds happy. It can be about the heaviest, shittiest experiences ever, but as long as it SOUNDS happy, my brain can be fooled into producing dopamine for a hot minute.


It’s cool that you have this nuanced opinion but many people on here didn’t. Some posts were so outright toxic that I left this place until they announced Clancy.


Me too. It's a backhanded insult. It was "from" the bishops, but people forget that a real human, a real person, made that album. Tyler. And I'm sure he was absolutely gutted when he saw fans' reactions. I would be. And he's already so critical of himself.


Yup. Really feels like the DEMA storyline has overtaken the music. It hurt the SAI reception and Tyler feels weighed down by the need to make everything fit. If there was no DEMA, SAI would have just been a fun, pandemic-era album.


the irony is that I've already seen people saying this song in the album is the weakest/a miss


It’s a perfect midway point for the album. An acoustic song to catch your breath because other than routines in the night and snap back, the album has a lot of energy


Huh? This is a beautiful song, although personally I do like Jenna’s version a lot more.


Yeah, also liked Jenna's version more because that one feels more personal but definitely saw some people saying that they would rate the song the lowest one in the album or that they feel kinda sorry for Jenna always getting the weakest songs.


how did you listen to jenna’s version? i went to spotify and could only listen to the single version


L-word 👀 😄


oh-i’ll wait 😭😭


and it's great that you will. There's only a day left, fren :)


I mean, I'd probably have it at the lower end of my list, but it's still easily at least an 8/10 song. Only thing I'd think of putting below it is Lavish, but that's because this whole album is near flawless.


I'm sorry... Did you say WHOLE ALBUM?! I've been gone doing adult bs today. Did I miss a 'leak'?!


CDs shipped early, leaks have been out since Friday at least


I’ve only heard the single version but yea for me it’s the weakest so far. Definitely not BAD but also not really impressive or on par with any of the other singles IMO. The mixing was pretty bad tbh with the instrumental sounding muffled like hell and nothing necessarily interesting happening on the song. Hopefully Jenna’s version is better, since that’s what I’ve heard. But hey maybe the track will grow on me since I think the core melody is decent. Edit: after re listening i realize the mixing isn’t actually that bad so i take that back. But the song isn’t all that great to me still, however Tyler’s vocals are pretty as ever


Jenna's version is different. I don't know if I'd say it's better, but it's more intimate and I feel like it has a lot more emotion. I'm glad we also got this version that includes Josh.


Honestly? If this is the weakest link, it's going to be a great album. I enjoyed that *significantly* more than Backslide


I get goosebumps every time I listen and cry half the time I’d say it’s a amazing ass song


Kinda wishing I never did Saturday… this vid makes me think it’s about the general reaction to SAI (just the vid, not the love song itself)


Which is sad bc it sucks when someone (or several someones) doesn't like something you poured your soul into, but also, I really like SAI. It was fun and poppy when we ALL needed something happy sounding


Wow I didn’t realize this at first, but it could kinda be referencing SAI


Oh this is genius. The sweet love song which began as the acoustic Jenna's Version from the album has been intricately packaged and decorated like a precious faberge egg in this single version. They put so much time and effort into it, but in the end whether or not it hits is entirely out of their control. What a beautiful metaphor for so many things in life. I love this band so much.


I’m confused


Lmao I messaged my TOP group chat and basically said the same thing


oh heck yeah https://preview.redd.it/dfm7q271k02d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9244b2f3b67389a9365c920087eada2bbfd1abae


Is this not about Scaled and Icy?


It can be.


You can see the dragon from Choker in the background when Tyler is painting.


Also, I like the rabbits. Death inspires him like a dog inspires a rabbit.


My daughter (age 8, glowing beam of positivity that she is) after watching the video after school: Well at least they still have Josh Dun's box! He worked really hard on it! From the mouths of babes. 🥰


The ending is sooooo sad! I need to know the meanings!!


Did you hear the bird chirping in the end? Sounds familiar.. 😌


I watched this video as a parent, with my baby daughter asleep on my back after a rough morning, and I’m just over here bawling ugly tears. 😭 I know it’s for Jenna, but listen to it from the perspective of a parent and how much we pour into our children… 😭😭😭😭


I love the two little rabbits on the shotgun shell. Maybe it's supposed to represent Tyler and Josh?


The stars are reminiscent of Josh's wall in Level of Concern.


"Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit"


this is such a silly little video. enjoyed the heck out of it. these dudes rock


Beautiful. As everyone is saying, you can put everything into your art and have it not be “enough” for someone. I also think love is the exact same way. Tyler, and many of us, feel like if this relationship fails it’s because I didn’t love enough. I didn’t try enough. *I* wasn’t enough. All we can do is hope that we can satiate their craving for whatever it is they need. Both in art and in love. This one will really stick with me.


Ok Tyler looks really unhappy in this video. He doesn't look like he's pretending for the video


I agree and I HATE that I agree


This video is amazing. And the production is top notch. It’s awesome that they gave us both of these masters


So much better than the album version.


It feels like a part two. The album version impressed me because it was entirely acoustic, and Tyler’s voice even cracks at the end. Most big artists wouldn’t do that (maybe) But this one is so nice how it ramped up


Definitely intentional to sound more desperate in that version


Well the album version is probably exactly how he presented the song to Jenna, he did the single version showed it to Jenna and she like the acoustic because it's more personal and intimate


Crazy how different opinions can be, because I feel the complete opposite! In comparison this one feels less genuine and more over produced. Jenna’s version actually evokes the true emotions of the song and has a raw feel to it. This one has the more contrasting “happy beat with downcast lyrics”


the album version is a bit too stripped down for me, i like this more


Why is it not on Apple Music yet?!


Wondering the same. Hopefully soon


It's up on AM now


Not for me


Go to their artist page, it's in their singles. It's not on the album


Thanks Edit: just did that. Not there. Edit again: the song is there, but not the video.


Yeah the videos are always a bit delayed on AM


I much prefer the album version, but love this video


Crazy how I’m seeing so many people with total opposite reactions. I’m with you!


Processing it still but I don’t know which version I prefer


Is this not getting put up on streaming?


It's on Spotify for me


i wish this was the album version. it sounds a lot better than jenna’s version :/


Lmao "That's a miss"


I like this version a lot better than the live/album version, but have no idea what the meaning of the video is other than it was pretty and funny


i thought it was kinda straightforward. they both put a lot of time/ prep into “shooting their shot” only for it to not amount to anything (a miss). i’d love to hear others interpretations though!


I like that, makes sense. Not sure exactly how it connects to the song though?


again i can make a few connections. to me it sounds like the song is from the perspective of a person ruminating about love. they desperately crave connection and don’t know how to ask for it, or they did ask and the other person doesn’t feel as strongly.


“Now I see intentions don’t mean much” It doesn’t matter that Tyler wanted to make a happier sounding album to help out during the dark times of covid if people didn’t actually like the music.


Oof that one hurts 😆


I think it’s like they put all this work into a song or something (the bullet) then hand it to the label or music industry (men in suits) and the song or product is a miss (shooting it)


Maybe the men in suits does not symbolize the industry but rather the "fans" or listeners not liking their songs. Would be a second reference to "Kind of wishing that I never did Saturday" from Backslide.


So do we not get the single version if we ordered the album?


🤷‍♂️ not certain, but it’s already up on Spotify so it’s not like it’s wholly unavailable. Maybe it’ll be a bonus track or limited edition? Something else to buy prolly 😞


Read the other comments


Lol yea, they weren’t there when I posted the original comment 😆


10 minutes!!!


this is much better than the album version


Good lord, that was awesome!


The shotgun shell being the similar level of vibrancy to SAI is genius


Video made me cackle with laughter at the end. So good. Love both versions of the song as well


Just watched it and it was FIRE- Can’t wait for paladin strait and Midwest indigo to come out tho


Beautiful song. Gut wrenching message. Show them the love. Share their stuff everywhere .


I wish this version was on the album


This song makes me weep


Yep real ones been waiting for 2 days


I ain’t feeling this one


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am i the only one who likes the album version way more? (both are good loved the video)


What a sad video. I think it’s a metaphor for all of the work and effort that they put into SAI, only for a large portion of their fan base to call it a miss.


i JUST got this notification right as it started to play in my phone and it made me giggle


I’m just gonna be honest, I don’t like this song. You’re allowed to like it, but it just doesn’t hit for me. (Watch people downvote my ass lol)


Disappointing honestly :/