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Vignette sounds incredible - immediately one of my favourite TOP songs now and I can't wait to hear it live


Secured tickets for the Clancy tour as well and I have been trying to pick which songs would be the sickest live… the chorus definitely carries and will be so fun to enjoy amongst others!


Gotta be navigating for me!


I hope he was kidding about it potentially not being on the setlist!!!


Half sure it was tongue in cheek and they have something special planned for the live show with it. I can't see any of the lore based songs not making the set list.


Definitely Navigating. I literally went “FUCK YEAH!!!” at the end the first time I heard it


Dude I punched the air.


Deserved! What a pumped up track and never failed to surprise me as it unfolded! Definitely hold this one high in my tier list!


Even tho that’s Tyler’s least favorite 🤣


That feels like Josh's graduation song to take him to the next level


This is it for me as well!


It's soooo good


seriously, what a track


I completely agree


I really liked Routines in the Night, was giving me Hometown vibes


Couldn’t agree more! Could definitely live on the Blurryface album and is such a easy listen!


it gives me very heathens, it’s not my favorite on the album yet, but i’m sure it will grow on me


just like, his vocal range and then tone


How is it anything like Hometown? It sounds more like Message Man to me If any Clancy song sounds like Hometown, it would probably be Midwest Indigo


Just has the similar edm vibes that hometown does imo 🤷‍♂️


Same. best song on the album fs


oldies station hit a special spot somewhere in me for sure


This one is solid! Especially love how nostalgic it makes me! Sends me back to Vessle era and it’s definitely an easy listen because it is on the softer side!


as i‘m in a very bad situation in my life the phrase „when darkness rolls on you, push on through“ lets me hear something that no one really says to me and gives me motivation to motivate give up entirely. i‘ve always loved tøp‘s songs and they have been big reason i‘m still standing today


Sending you love and support from Australia! TØP has definitely played a massive hand in providing me strength when I needed it most, so I am glad that you found a lyric strikes a major cord with you and let’s you hear what you need to hear!


Feelin this my man. Keep your chin up.


Just posted this as a comment but I totally agree: I think that Oldies Station objectively captures the whole storyline the best. Instead of trying to avoid tragedy and dumb mistakes, it allows us to expect them, embrace them, and grow from them. That's the whole point of the lore, that you can't really escape Dema and life gets better when you learn to deal with the cycle instead of trying to block it out and run away.


Snap back


My partner’s favourite! He listened to the album before me and gave me his take on Snap Back! It’s strong but has such laid-back qualities!


If I'm gonna snap necks then I gotta snap back


Sounds like a Quadeca song, really nice


Bro that beat on the first “Snap back” sent chills thru me.. like I was losing it


Funny how this track is Tyler’s favorite yet I think it’s one of the weakest songs on the album.


that’s interesting, it’s my absolute favorite


My favorite on the album. I hope he makes more like it tbh


Vignette that chorus is stunning


Agreed! Love the strings and it feels so fresh!


The chorus is so Pantaloon. I love it.


Kind of reminds me of the pantaloon.


Dang bro vignette is just next level. So good.


There are a few Vignette lovers in here! Glad to see it is getting the love it deserves!


yeah i love it, i think it gives a bit of self titled vibes, especially in the drums


personally i can’t get over lavish. snap back is my second. i feel like a lot of people disagree though. AT THE RISK OF FEELING DUMB IS SO GOOD TOO


Didn't expect to see a fellow lavish enjoyer not so deep in the comments. The video is awesome, and the song itself is fun because of how weird it is. But tbh, I liked all the songs. But routines, lavish and vignette are the ones I'm gonna learn by heart very soon


At the risk of feeling dumb is on another level


I honestly hold it in my top favourite Twenty One Pilots songs of all time! It’s fun but so incredibly honest. It takes me back to Blurryface and Trench but feels unique! ‘At the Risk of Feeling Dumb’ live will be unreal and it’s one of those songs you can just fall into and drown out what is around you!


I agree, the lyrics brought me to tears 😭


I can’t get enough of it! Feels personal and everyone can take away what they need from it! Similar to Navigating, it feels like a released of pent up emotions and almost frustration! It’s a perfect song for me




BRILLIANT PICKS! Next Semester brought something completely different to the table in my opinion and the single version of The Craving is right up there! I completely understand why Tyler chose Jenna’s Version for the album itself and it breaks up the tracks beautifully!




Ooo that is tough! Like most people, I need more time with the songs but my current top 5s are: At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, Midwest Indigo, Navigating, Overcompensate, The Craving (single version) and I’ll throw in a cheeky 6 with Paladin Strait… I don’t believe that is my set favourites in terms of order, but they hit so hard for me




Train journey listen through?! Sounds amazing! Just about to go on a lunchtime run and I’m keen to pump it through another time! See what I take away from it! I’m quite excited to exert a bit of energy to Navigating as there is a lot of power in parts and I’ve understood it like an expression of frustration in a way!


I will add that I absolutely love the build up for Overcompensate and that is a brilliant track for running haha




Update: Did my run… and WHAT A BRILLIANT ALBUM TO RUN TO! Also, I did remember that I also did a train listen when SAI came out! Was such a ethereal moment watching trees and landscape pass while discovering new favourites from TØP!


Next semester is so underrated I love it so much! Glad to see someone who agrees


Mine too


I can't lie, Overcompensate still holds #1 spot for me. I thought it might have been because it was the first single and all the hype around it, but no I think I just vibe with it the most. Of the new drops, I haven't been able to relisten fully yet, but Midwest Indigo and Navigating stood out to me. I enjoyed the album, much better than SAI but not as good as Trench. The final 20 seconds on Paladin Strait left me feeling a bit like "wait, now I need a whole other album after this, you can't just leave me on this cliffhanger". It sounded like it was the intro to some dark, Trench-esque side B album.


Love your take! Overcompensate was such a strong track to introduce us into Clancy! Brings back what I loved so much about TØP: The storytelling and narrative! Since I have played it to death, I am excited to revisit it when I have listend to all the others properly and can stack them up against each other fairly without recency-bias!


This will be quite a sizzling hot take but I'd rank this album below SAI. Risk of feeling dumb dumb and Navigating as well as the first 3 tracks are bangers for sure, rest are just kinda... ehhhh. I guess I prefer the darker tones like a lot of Trench, No chances, Redecorate etc.


Completely Valid! Trench is my favourite album and has been hard to surpass! The darker/heavy tracks on SAI were perfect and made the album for me!


Musically, Navigating goes soo hard, I havent drilled the lyrics into my skull yet so in terms of that I can't really say much, so far it would have to be next semester for me


I agree. I was like taken aback with the hard rock in the beginning.


Routines in the Night just has such a driving beat to it. I can't get enough


For me it's Vignette, Lavish and Snap Back Edit: also Next Semester, for some reason I wasn't considering the singles.


The ones that hit me the hardest were *Next Semester*, *Vignette*, *Snap Back*, and *Oldies Station*.


Probably still Backslide for me tbh


Felt like the love dropped off for backslide! This track absolutely HITS! Love the end instrumental and was hoping for more of taste somewhere in the album! Nevertheless, is such a great song!


I’d say Vignette


My favourite is Routines In The Night, it just has such a good beat and was an instant repeat for me. But also loving navigating because of the 80s feel


Navigating scratches me right where I itch


Literally facts


at the risk of feeling dumb or paladin strait


My #1 is definitely Midwest Indigo, followed by Vignette, Lavish and Oldies Station!




Next Semester has vaulted to my favorite TOP track ever


Who gives a shit about “objectivity”? My favourite was Vignette.


It’s a bit of fun, but you are on the ball with Vignette! Lots of Vignette lovers in the comments and I’m so excited to hear it live! What a brilliant track!


I know it’s my favourite because on my first listen it was the only track where I rewound mid song to hear a particular part of it again. Those synths in the last third are delicious




Objectively? Musically? I don't believe such a thing exists! lol However, if I were to look at the production value, sound, and lyrics, and try to come up with an "objectively best track", I think it genuinely is Navigating.


For me its routines in the night


Vignette, I love it so much!


For me, it's Routines In The Night.


I’m a huge TOP fan but can still judge things objectively. As of right now I’d have to say it’s Vignette. Just so well done.


I Know will be the minority, The craving ( really enjoy both versions) The melody of the chorus is stunning, beautiful song overall


Every comment in here is talking about people’s favorite. Objectively, probably vignette with solid flow through the track and really great instrumentals and music. Second is probably overcompensate with the strong evolution through the song.


Love this breakdown! That is a solid argument in terms of what is ‘objective’. I am with you here!


Routines in the night is absolutely fucking incredible. I mean I can’t stop listening to it, it gives me goosebumps. The lyrics, production, vocal layering, transitions, drums is TOP perfection.


Oldies Station


I feel like objectively Vignette, Next Semester and At The Risk are the best made songs. Shoutout to navigating and the craving single version though too. Subjectively Oldies Station is so special.


lavish and overcompensate Only heard it in its entirety once, gonna have to hear it a few more times to form a full opinion but the standouts are overcompensate and lavish


I loved Routines in the Night!


I think the best 4 songs are (not in any specific order): 1) Navigating 2) Vignette 3) Midwest Indigo 4) Overcompensate.


Overcompensate is leaving the tier lists of so many people, but it’s such a strong track that puts us right back to Trench! The layers, the vocals, the throwbacks! Can’t get enough!


In order so far: Blackslide, At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, Next Semester, Paladin Strait, and Midwest Indigo


Fantastic to see some more love for Paladin Strait! Just love how it develops and the beat is the right speed!


I got this out of Paladin strait: it’s like people around you have watched you overcome your struggles and when you’re back in the water so to speak you’re expected not to fail again, all eyes on you and you gotta put your money where your mouth is here’s my chance, time to take it can’t be sure that i’ll make it anyway, life is hard and we have to push through and take the risk


That’s beautiful! I will go back in with this at the forefront of my mind!


Navigating and Vignette


I'm caught between Midwest Indigo, Lavish and Navigating. They're all so good.


On first listen through, Navigating just hit every spot in brain perfectly. Over time and multiple plays, we will see if it remains my favourite.


I don’t know yet the livestream is soon!!!!!


Midwest Indigo is such a catchy gem, it’s definitely up there


That’s such a hard question to answer. I don’t know… I’m latched to so many of them.


It’s a toss up between At the Risk of Feeling Dumb, and Vignette for me


Backslide is def my fav idk it just resonates with me on a personal level. Snap back just straight slaps first listen I fell in love and it gave me goosebumps lol. But I also really love at risk of feeling dumb!! This album is so sooo freaking good I love it so much




Either At Risk of Feeling Dumb or Navigating


It was Vignette and Next Semester for me. I love the whole album though but those two just hit emotionally so much


Next Semester


Navigating hit a spot in my brain that just scratched it so well. I can't describe it, but it's definitely my favourite of above all else now. Also the unhingedness of Lavish was beautiful. There are no skip tracks in Clancy though that's for sure!


Whilst Lavish seems to get the least amount of love, you are not alone in thinking it’s beautiful! I really loved the song and it was a nice shake up from the rest of the album!


next semester stays as my favourite. it released during a very stressful college semester and it just hit me right in the guts


Haha felt that! Next Semester is such a pumped up track but have variety! Definitely a favourite!


This is the best of all the worlds IMO. The raw emotion, the perfect production, and the maturity of it all. I didn’t get into them when I fist heard it bc my (then) middle school kid thought they were all the rage, but we’re not that far apart in age and half my family is from OH. (Shout it, Columbus!) they’re like fine wine, they only get better with age.


Vignette is so damn good


Lavish is kind of a banger but navigating is still very good :3


Navigating gives me Bandito vibes! Such high production value!


A popular opinion but so true! It unfolds beautifully and it’s a track I’m unlikely to ever get sick of!




If I were to predict which song on the album has the most potential to go viral/ be chart-topping, I’d definitely have to say At The Risk of Feeling Dumb. Or even has some Stressed out vibes with the rap sections. And the beat drops(hehehhe) are super catchy. I’d bet money it’ll be a popular one.


I can see this. It has some vitality factors to it and it pumped up nature would surely land it in may people’s playlists! As much as I would not love for it to get flung onto Tiktok and become overplayed, I doubt it would taint my love for it! Lyrically, it hits!


bold opinion but I speak my truth ITS LAVISH




Honestly Overcompensate or Next Semester.


sonically, routines in the night or at the risk of feeling dumb. lyrically oldies station.


Snap Back is the best.


Routines in the Night is AMAZING


Its Next Semester for me


Objectively probably Overcompensate




Navigating has my heart in chains


Vignette was beautiful, including that chorus with the orchestral hits, was done so so well


Oldies Station for me, it just hits close to home


Navigating or Overcompensate for me. The drums are amazing in both


Favorite single is definitely backslide for me, top song 😭 can’t do that just yet give me 3 years, but for now Midwest indigo, navigating, and paladin straight got the lead, the music is so nowstalgic, that’s how I would describe top’ music In my opinion


Vignette 😍


Routines in the night


DEFINITLY Vignette I love it!!


Vignette and At the risk of feeling dumb DEFINITELY


Routines of The Night and Navigating. Honorable mention of Lavish.


Lavish, I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did but it's a total bop 10/10🔥🔥🔥


I think that Oldies Station objectively captures the whole storyline the best. Instead of trying to avoid tragedy and dumb mistakes, it allows us to expect them, embrace them, and grow from them. That's the whole point of the lore, that you can't really escape Dema and life gets better when you learn to deal with the cycle instead of trying to block it out and run away.


For me it’s either vignette or overcompensate


I think that from a technically musical point of view, Navigating is very elaborate and impressive. Not my favorite though.


Doing a first listen through, it has to be at the risk of feeling dumb


between Oldiest station and at the risk of feeling dumb for me at least


ready for a hot take? easily routines in the night for me. amazing vibe, amazing production, amazing lyrics and an amazing music video. i absolutely love it.


I like navigating the best so far


I can't choose between at the risk of feeling dumb and navigating like navigating hits so hard


Vignette and routines in the night


Lavish, Routines in the night, paladin straight Top 3 💗


At The Risk of Feeling Dumb and Snap Back 🙌


Paladin Strait. Big. Epic. Beautiful.


Uhhhh probably Routines in the Night OR Snap Back. I could totally see non fans liking it and maybe it being on the radio


for me, definitely ‘Snap Back’ i can’t stop listening to it, it’s so ethereal, and like soul contacting if you will


Snap back hit home for me tbh, I know it might not be the popular opinion but to me it's one of the best


The Craving (both versions are good) is my favourite from the album. I listened to it for like 2 hours straight today it is such an emotional piece. I think Clancy is my fav album from them, but I do still REALLY love SAI (controversial fav but the vibe is so fun and I never need to be like “I am not in the right headspace to listen to this specific song” like I do with their more emotionally devastating older music).


I personally really like both Routines in the Night and Snap Back. I do prefer Snap Back, but both have been on repeat for me!


Apart from the first 3 tracks which I've grown to love and nurture like my own children, Lavish stands out on my first full album listen.


Feel this haha! Interesting! I’m on the same boat as most and need to give Lavish more time I reckon!


Navigating, snap back and lavish I cant pick between them


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Why do only certain people have it? Its not on yt music yet


It releases at midnight according to your time zone




One of the perks of living in the South Pacific!


Ok not gonna directly answer your question because favorites are really hard. Navigating and Next Semester are the best bangers. Overcompensate, Lavish, Vignette, Snap Back, and Routines in the Night have great atmospheric “vibes.” Oldies Station, Backslide, the Craving, and Paladin Strait are just SO deliciously melancholy. At the Risk of Feeling Dumb and Midwest Indigo are just solid, fun, and poppy. After it all settles I’ll probably have 2-3 favorites. If I was forced to pick now I’d say Navigating and Oldies Station.


No one mention to The Craving?😭 This is one of my fav in Clancy. His voice is so beautiful. Also, I really like Midwest Indigo, Oldies Station, Backslide.


Paladin Strait for me. The last song on each of their albums are always masterpieces


Oldies Station!


scrolling thru- looks like people love vignette, routines and navigating. thing is, everything else is getting big mentions too, even the ones that have been out for awhile (which of course is why they lead and were released first) bottom line = banger rare in this day and age


Next Semester was my favourite now followed by Midwest Indigo, At the risk of feeling dumb, Navigating and Vignette.


Why is no one saying Overcompensate? At first, I loved it. Then I overplayed it haha. But now, I just realised how much of a banger it is. For me, it is the one most like Trench. If all the songs on Clancy had been like Overcompensate, we would be in a whole different ball game. (Although the only one kind of like Overcompensate in its uniqueness is probably Routines in the Night. Incredible, evocative sound.) Yeah got to be Overcompensate for me, man. The emotions. Probably goes something like this: 1: Overcompensate 2: Routines in the Night 3: Navigating 4: Oldies Station 5: At the Risk of Feeling Dumb 6: Midwest Indigo 7: Backslide 8: Next Semester 9: Vignette 10: Snap Back 11: Paladin Strait 12: Lavish 13: The Craving (Jenna's Version)


They are all so awesome. The one I like the most is the Craving especially the single version, the sound is just amazing. 


I’m surprised this isn’t marked spoiler. And to answer your question probably Next Semester


It's out on Spotify now


I haven’t listened to the leaks but I think The Craving is my favourite right now. I can’t wait to hear the rest of it tonight |-/


I haven’t listened to the leaks either and didn’t know there were leaks. I’m situated in Australia and we have had the album available to us for a while now. Very much worth the wait!


Leaker listeners over here!


People in different time zones over here!


Yeah, but the livestream literally only started less than an hour ago and this post is 4 hours old


Australia has had access to the album on Spotify and other platforms for a while now because we are 17 hours in front… sounds like a skill issue to me


you downvoted my comments bro that’s petty😭 Sorry that I wasn’t aware that Australians had early access Plus looks like you aren’t watching the stream cause Tyler was poking fun at people and called them “leak listeners” I was trying to be funny mb mb catguy


I’m allowed to exercise a button that is available to me, especially as I didn’t appreciate you accusing a vast majority of the population of being ‘leak listeners’. If you have been in the clique for a while you would know this also happened with all the previous albums as well. Our time zone is ahead. We received it on May 24th just like everyone else.


Meow meow? Meeeooooooorrrrrrroooowwo!


Asking this before the release is wild. Get outta here.


Fun fact: Time zones exist and it has been released. I am situated in Australia so it has been available on Spotify for a while now. People have also received their purchased vinyls/cds/ect. Saying this on a public forum when the majority of the population has has it available to them is wild. Get outta here.