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I love trench, but I have to agree with scaled and icy. That album was so good and I feel like so many people didn’t like it which is kinda sad. The whole concept of bishop propaganda also mixed with the fact it came out during Covid which kinda tied into the theme. I also thought it was cool way for them to experiment with a different sound. Good day is definitely in my top 5 songs without a doubt and then you’ve got as you’ve said mulberry street, the outside, redecorate. It’s a solid album in my opinion


Didn’t it come out in 2021 post-Covid times?


2021 was NOT post covid  Still had us getting poked and prodded while wearing cloths


Haha depends where you lived I guess. NYC wasn’t fully embracing openness until mid 2022, but most places in the southeast and Midwest were back to normal life by early 2021. Politics had a lot to do with that too though, unfortunately.


Sorry it did come out in 2021, but I suppose I mean it was a commentary on the Covid times I feel like things were just starting to open back up especially where I am. things didn’t fully open again till 2022. So for me it was during Covid.


I mean Covid is still a thing so. Lockdown is what is over


Covid is still a thing, covid life is not (lack of access due to vaccination status, mandatory masks, directional tragic and limited amount of customers in stores) Just saying, there was a lot going on even when lockdowns weren't


It basically morphed into a common cold in a way, but yes that’s fair to say it’s still around


While Trench is my favorite album, I don’t think SAI is a bad album. While I wish you liked Trench more, I don’t think liking SAI is a bad thing. Enjoy what you like!


Oh I’m definitely a “like what you like” type person, so I’m not worried about matching others opinions, but I was just more curious to know what people think. I’m a big fan of Clancy album. Probably listened to it 5 times over in the last day


SAI is and will always be my special baby. Take a hit, join the club ❤️ You're not alone, my friend.


🙌 awesome to hear thanks


Sai is such a cheer up


I absolutely love Good Day and Mulberry Street for that reason


Mulberry Street is such a bop. Constantly stuck in my head.


I found something interesting on Genius regarding the different albums: “Tyler talked about the idea of each album compensating for the last in a Zane Lowe Interview. Trench’s experimental nature compensates for the meteoric rise to success that was Blurryface. Similarly, Scaled and Icy’s colorful nature compensates for Trench’s dark nature. So far, Clancy seems to strike a balance between the synthetic feeling of Blurryface and the organic nature of Trench.” https://genius.com/31022339


That’s actually exactly my thoughts with the sound of it. Clancy is a combination of several, which makes it kinda great


I feel you, it seems like everyone dunks on SAI (ESPECIALLY when it first came out) but honestly it’s such a fun album to listen to. Also I get what you mean about Trench, I find it harder to relisten to when compared to their other albums just due to how dark and like you said how serious it can get, even though objectively it is one of their best albums and I still really like it. I also think there’s a portion of people that were into twenty one pilots/BF in their teens that used SAI as an excuse to call them cringe when really they were just embarrassed about their “cringey phase”. Trench was honestly just too good to call cringe, so when SAI came out immediately people dunked on it. I remember when SAI came out Tiktok was flooded by people calling it “cringe Macy’s music” (nobody could even come up with anything other than that, they all just repeated the same point down to the store lol). That’s just my opinion, didn’t expect that to get so long lol but I guess you can see how tired I am of people hating on SAI when it slaps


That’s a great response actually. I think you nailed it with the TikTok culture taking over at that point and people just copying each other with negative statements on it


Thanks! And yeah, definitely felt like an echo chamber lol


SAI is my favorite album, but Trench is right up there with it. But there are others who rank Trench lower, so you're not alone. I'm leaving Clancy out of ranking until I've more time with it. I love it though.


For the record, I’m loving Clancy


Are you sure you never hung on Reddit? I remember a HeyJude, or maybe it was HeyJude47 ???


Been hanging around Reddit for close to a decade, but never in this sub




Thanks! I love how I start on this sub with a semi-controversial post and people are actually nice and engage in conversation instead of being nasty about it. That’s a bright spot on Reddit for sure


I think the production on Trench and SAI are **both** peak. But if I had to choose one, I find myself revisiting SAI more often, maybe because it sounds a little more like Clancy.


I also became a fan later than most people and because of that was kinda 'unbiased' when first listened to sai (didn't know most of the lore or more niche songs). So for me it's a really fun pop album! I love Choker, Shy Away, Outside, Saturday, Mulberry Street. At the same time I absolutely love the songs that have some hints of lore in the lyrics. I think a lot of people dunk on it because everyone does it and because of this unconscious peer preasure it feels right to pick it as your least favorite. As an older fan I understand the desire of younger clikkies to listen to darker-sounding songs that speak about problems that are extremelly relatable. I was like this myself, disregarding anything pop-ish. But as a person who \*in a way\* learned to deal with my own Blurryface, sometimes I just want to vibe to the songs of the favourite artists.


Opinions are opinions, shouldn't let other's influence yours! Twenty one pilots is a great band with huge variety so everyone can find their sound! :) Having said that, I realllly reallly don't like SAI, love Trench but Blurryface is still my favourite. But it's fine that we disagree, how boring would life be with everyone having the same opinion!


Fully agree on the life would be boring if everyone agreed


The reason I like TOP mainly is because of their diversity of music style. SAI is a perfect example and makes me like them more. I don't want album after album all sounding very similar.


While Trench has a special place in my heart and I really enjoy the songs I do like, Trench does have the most amount of "skips" for me. The lore makes it more fun and I loved doing all of the puzzles and learning more about it, so I do still have happy memories associated with it. I always felt alone in this opinion, but have learned that I am not the only once since joining the reddit. I absolutely love SAI and have since it released! I was going through a really tough time emotionally when it released, so having a happier sounding album while I was in recovery was so beneficial for me. I feel like the time of release was such a turning point in my life and mental health struggles, so it definitely holds a special place in my heart. It makes me sad that so many people dislike it, but to each their own! I'm happy that fans have all of the other albums to connect with 😊 I've been a fan since 2014, so I've been around for a while haha.


I very much respect your opinion! Even though Trench (so far) is my favorite album, I really loved SAI. This fandom can be crazy and brutal at times, but ultimately it’s about the music, how you connect to it, and how it makes you feel. I honestly feel sorry for all of the people that can’t relate.


No I don’t hate at all I love SAI it’s not my favorite but I think people did and still do go so unbelievably hard on it. Like if you don’t compare it to trench it’s still super solid it’s not serious but that’s kinda the whole point it made me a whole hell of a lot happier and that was Tyler’s whole goal so I’ll always value that project with my whole heart. Plus that era was sick! SAI is also my GF favorite project whereas mine so far is trench/clancy so I understand how it could be somebody’s favorite I love it too pieces as well.


I love all TOP albums from Vessel onwards, including Scaled and Icy. My boyfriend is personally a big fan of SAI despite being exposed to their other albums, so I wouldn't judge your taste at all! In the end of the day it's still their music and we should enjoy it :)


I couldn't get into Scaled and Icy and still not hugely into it. I've been listening to Twenty One pilots since 2013, kinda got into the lore with Blurryface but not a lot and felt too overwhelmed. Didn't get into the lore for Trench and really wished I did, but I still think it's a good album.


I’m so glad someone said it! When Clancy was officially announced I went through and listened to all of their music again. When SAI first released I joined in on the hate, but I had never listened to any of it. So I gave it an actual listen and it’s genuinely now one of my favorite albums by them. No Chances and Shy Away are just <3


Looovvve Shy Away. Shy Away and Saturday are two songs my daughter requests me to play in the car when we are driving around town


I mean idk why some people are like: omg he hates this, omg he loves THAT? Music is subjective, people can like/dislike whatever they want :) For me personaly self titled is my least liked album by them (if we dont count RAB). This is my first time saying it in this sub, cause sometimes i felt like i wouldve been burned alive for my opinion. But the older i get, the less i care about what other people think about my music taste. Just be you dude :) If someone tells you to give Trench another try for this and that reason, you can do that, but dont be hard on yourself just cause you still dont like it as much <3


If SAI was released after the Clancy lore maybe it wouldve been praised. Cause I think people were just disappointed they didnt get trench 2 I genuinely enjoyed SAI and its a fun and energetic album


I really thought Scaled and Icy was such a bright and poppy album. At the time of its release I (along with the rest of the world) was going through some heavy stuff (estranged father croaked and I had to do all the stuff for it, my dog had to be put down, my uncle committed suicide after a decades long substance abuse problem) and I couldn’t listen to sad music. SAI came around when we all needed a lift. But, clikkies being clikkies, reviews and opinions were that the album was garbage because Tyler wasn’t struggling with his mental health and singing about it, it wasn’t somber and pulsing, it wasn’t HEAVY. It was also (in the lore) propaganda put out by DEMA to show that they had control over the artist. I thought it was brilliant


I love the realness in it (reflecting Tyler) and also the storyline with it being propaganda. That’s fun. I’m a fan of another band that did a similar concept (being controlled by the “machine” in a sense) back in early 2000’s


I love a concept album. And granted the boys don’t release full concept albums, but their storyline and the way they present their music videos are so epic. That’s what really keeps me on my toes with them. I can listen to it on a base level, sonically enjoying the music and lyrics, or I can choose to delve deep into the lore. Use my imagination to find connections or easter eggs in the stuff they release to their audience. Few other bands out there right now are so nuanced. I love music for music’s sake but my neuropsychology mind love the intricacies of a well developed plot. (Like The Moody Blues Days of futures passed album, or King Crimson in the court of the crimson king)


I was a very casual TOP since 2016 (my good friend introduced me to them as she was a huge fan) and when scaled and icy came out, we both were so happy for Tyler as we felt it reflected his journey with mental health really well as the older music was really dark and reflected someone struggling with their mental health journey, which I certainly related to in my teens, but looking back on it I’m glad Tyler is okay now. To say it was disheartening to see people angry that the songs weren’t depressing was disheartening to say the least. I’ve been a SAI defender since day one and I still love that album and the livestream experience is perhaps one of the most well put together forms of a music video/concert I’ve ever had the luck of watching. People were too hard on it and while now they’re starting to be kinder to that album, it’s still sad the way that people bashed it.


You like what you like. Nothing wrong or bad about that. SAI is an amazing album :)


Love your opinion, u/HeyJude21! I have been a fan since the Blurryface release. I was around when Trench and **SAI** came out. And I fell in love with the latter instantly. Well, I still rate it higher. But Self-Titled and Vessels are my two real passions


I've been a fan of these guys since before Vessel and let me tell you, better late than never :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is an NPC. I love all of their albums, including but SAI, but Trench is my favorite lol. Overcompensate has become one of my favorite songs in their entire discography. It's up their with Heavydirtysoul and Trees.


Anyone who judges what art you like in whatever order you like it, is missing the point.


I hated SAI, never liked it Clancy washes it by a mile I’m sorry lol


I’m loving Clancy so far for what it’s worth. Clancy has that pop feel to it that takes up the beat whereas Trench has so many “low” feeling songs


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same here


Sai is my favorite 2nd is Vessel


SAI is so good and doesn’t deserve the hate. TØP has no designated “sound” which has been made clear for years by their avoidance of a single genre. SAI was different and people didn’t like it because of that, but it really was such a good album that I don’t understand the criticism


I listened to Scaled and Icy with the same mindset as you as I joined in 2022 and originally hated Trench and loved Scaled and Icy but even before I went on this subreddit I started to like Trench more and more until it became my favourite album (behind Clancy).


I love SAI and youre free to enjoy the music in every way you like. It just makes me happy to see people are finding them and are willing to dig in our rabbit hole without leaving after a few days because I can imagine we might seem a little bit overwhelming.


Ive never been a big fan of Trench. There are some songs that I really love but the album as a whole is my actual least favourite one. While SAI isn't on Top I rate it higher than Trench and do really enjoy it!


To this day I will never comprehend how some can slight others for enjoying music. It’s a personal experience. Especially with TOP. Don’t ever change your opinion because of others.


I love SAI and will bop to any of the songs almost anytime, with that being said, it’s very mid. It deserves a lot of the criticism it gets and that’s okay. It’s okay to like something that’s mid. I didn’t like the album when it came out and it grew on me and i love it now, but it’s still mid and that’s perfectly fine !