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love it


1. Trench 2. Clancy 3. Vessel 4. Self-Titled 5. Blurryface 6. Scaled And Icy


1. Vessel 2. Blurryface 3. Self-Titled 4. Trench 5. Regional At Best (for the rab exclusives, I block out the demos in my mind) 6. Clancy 7. Scaled and Icy


Fun to see Blurry so high on a list! Good point about RAB. Kitchen Sink, Forest, Lovely. Some absolute classics on there.


This is a good list


Interesting opinion. Respectfully I disagree with literally everything


I think we need at least a good month with the album before we can make a decision like this.


Valid :)


For me the ranking goes 1. Trench 2. Blurryface 3. Clancy 4. SAI 5. Vessel 6. RAB 7. Self titled


1. Trench 2. Self titled 3. Clancy 4. Regional at best 5. Blurryface 6. Vessel 7. Scaled and Icy


This list is very, very tentative. Don’t kill me. 1. Trench 2. Vessel 3. SAI 4. Clancy 5. Blurryface 6. Self-Titled Here’s why. For me, Clancy has some songs that I don’t really care for. Scaled and Icy wasn’t groundbreaking in its composition, but it’s a light, fun album for summertime. I appreciate it for that. I do LOVE many of the tracks on Clancy. Much of that album has my favorite TOP music on it but the back half is hit or miss for me. Currently. But, as I said, it’s tentative. SAI and Clancy have been switching spots a lot lately but as of the making of this post, this is where it sits. Trench is #1 for me for obvious reasons. Vessel is #2 because I love the uniqueness of the songs.


I won’t kill you! You make a good point. It’s cool to see SAI ranking higher for some people. I certainly loved SAI when it came out, and I still do. Like you said, it’s tentative. As the years go by, wouldn’t be surprised to see it jump higher on my list. Mulberry Street is an absolute gem.


As is the case with a lot of cities, my city has a Mulberry Street. Every time I pass it I start singing that song haha


Same lol


1. Trench 2. Clancy 3. Scaled And Icy 4. Vessel 5. Blurryface 6. Self Titled 7. Regional At Best


My ranking changes every now and then, but this is where it’s a currently Pre-Clancy Ranking: 1. Trench 2. Vessel 3. Self titled 4. Blurryface 5. SAI (Like op said, it’s not that I don’t like SAI, I just think I like the others better and like was said in the Clancy live stream: one of them has to be last) I’m not sure how accurately I can rank Clancy yet, but so far I think it might be my favorite


If SAI if their ‘weakest’ album, that’s saying a lot, because I still think it’s a great album


Agreed! SAI is great


1. Clancy 2. Self Titled 3. RAB / Vessel 4. Blurryface / Trench 5. SAI Clancy instantly became my favorite, no question. I think because it gives what I was unconsciously looking for - a return to the raw lyrics & unexpected cadences. Self Titled, well, raw lyrics & unexpected flows. RAB & Vessel tied - there’s no way I can choose. Same with Blurry & Trench. SAI is really good and I love 90% of it. Saturday is the song I dislike most and is the only reason why it ranks last for me.


Yes! The rawness of the lyrics (with some lore but not hiding behind lore to mask the meaning) is exactly what I’m appreciating too. Only time will tell but part of me thinks Clancy may go down as my all time favorite too (so far)


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1. Trench (duh) 2. Clancy (trench watered down) 3. Blurryface (good concepts, questionable writing) 4. Vessel (new and brave sounds but can be annoying/bad writing) 5. Self-Titled (if a theatre kid made a piano rock album) 6. SAI (pop-rock garbage, horrible writing,)


Honestly....I have it as one of my favourite. Alongside Trench and Vessel. Because they're all so different but all so good. It's just plane old incredible music.