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I’m not going to make any specific recommendations, because 99% of the discog are my favorite songs ever and that’s not unbiased help 😂 But I will share an experience that may offer up an idea for you. I’ve been a fan since 2016 mid-Blurryface era. Quickly dove into the older music because its ebbs and flows were so unexpected and I loved that. My best friend, however, refused to even give them a chance. That’s cool, to each their own, right? 💛 BUT in 2019 she was going through some life challenges and I was in year 3 of going through my own life challenges, and I KNEW she needed the music. So I spent a 3 day weekend at her house and very forcefully said “Sit down, shut up, and read the lyrics. You don’t even have to hear the music, just read the lyrics.” I then played most of the ST, RAB, & Vessel lyric vids for her. Needless to say, she’s been hooked ever since. So if you’re the type who goes for the lyrics and the meaning, I’d recommend watching the lyric vids. But if you’re the type who goes for the beats & melodies over the lyrics, then maybe those earlier albums just aren’t your thing. And that’s perfectly okay!


love the advice! great story about your friend, so glad she could find comfort in the lyrics, (they aren’t for everyone only few understand)


I once was in this exact situation. I remember hearing all the hype about Vessel, then listening to it and not liking a single song. Now, It's one of my fav albums of all time. The only thing that I did to start enjoying it was to just listen to it more. The more I listened, the more I liked it. After a while once you start to get familiar with the melody, lyrics, production, it just becomes so fun to listen to. Same goes for RAB. So my advice for those two would just to listen through the full album more often. For some reason I still can't really get into ST though. It's growing on me, but a lot slower than Vessel did. Fall Away and Friend, Please are amazing though.


thanks for relating! so far i’m actually liking guns for hands bc of the lyrics, and the chorus of air catcher is perfect for my taste!


My picks for artists: Future Islands, The National, Arcade Fire, The Strokes and Sufjan Stevens


Holding onto you, House of Gold, Car Radio, Guns for Hands. Linkin Park, Nirvana, Childish Gambino, AJR (depending on what part of the music you like)


https://preview.redd.it/i6fsqv91e39d1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad11f659aaeb76706f9c4b6ab950d76d1855e47 Bro casually threw in AJR


i dont get it lol Do they have beef or do people just not like them?


It’s just funny that you named a few of the greats then threw AJR in the same sentence


OH Lmao! The greats would be a subjective I guess, no way I would call LP one of the greats considering they only had 2 (and a half) great albums out of 9 but to each their own


LOVE gambino so much


Possibly unrelated but his bit about sign language interpreters and words that may or may not be in the sign lexicon kills me every time and is easily one of my favorite stand up jokes of all time


yes that is so funny! he’s such a talented guy


i agree with Holding onto you, House of Gold, Car Radio, Guns for Hands. holding onto you and guns for hands are the 2 songs that introduced me to TOP. they've grown musically (although if you really do listen tyler does some really creative stuff even in the older music) so if you didn't start with the older stuff I do understand it might be a little hard to get into but Vessel is a great album. After those songs you'll be ready for ode to sleep in no time.


tbh i just can’t enjoy car radio for some reason but loving guns for hands


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I think Holding Onto You sounds like Vignette in some ways, so maybe that? As someone who prefers SAI and Clancy over everything else, Trees is my favorite from Vessel so maybe that? And I think Forest is the most accessible from RAB if you're used to newer songs. I just wouldn't jump into self titled yet until you get more used to their older style in Vessel and RAB because it's a big difference from Blurryface


Holding onto you has a similar sound! i love vignette a ton so thanks for the rec! 🤙


Bad Suns.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfT5qVREqlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfT5qVREqlM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ede39Vm7OU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ede39Vm7OU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7GF0USktIo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7GF0USktIo) IMHO, this is the heart of what TOP was, post-ST, pre-Blurryface. THIS is the vibe that got everyone's attention enough to get them signed.


For some reason I feel like some stuff Self-Titled - Vessel is really you love it or you hate it.