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$59.40 for a 94.7-mile trip (one way) is far below the IRS per-mile tax deduction of 67 cents. The last time I remember it was when I was making Uber trips. It might have gone up since then, further pointing out what a money-losing venture this is for the driver. The dead head miles on the way back truly makes someone into a sucker. You might be making around 12 cents a mile and burning up much more gas than what the trip offer is worth. I'm sure Uber charged the passenger much more, and they are just breaking off the sucker who takes the minimum amount needed to go out there and take a loss.


Wait for it....somebody with an EV is about to tell you how wrong you are and how this trip makes perfect sense for them because they have NO maintenance and charging is so cheap.


I drive a Tesla and wouldn't touch this 


Uber has been good at giving the illusion of making money when you are actually losing money. The lack of transparency and gamification has been helpful to the Corporate cause of passing on the bulk of the risk and cost to drivers as they take more and more per trip. Obviously, things have to benefit all involved parties, including the Corporation, to work long-term. That said, Uber has taken things to an unsustainable extreme where this is unworkable. I think of it as a three-legged stool involving the customer, the Corporation, and the driver. It's out of balance, and it might work for a moment for the corporation, but it is becoming so bad of a deal that it's worse than taking a fast-food/retail job. People talk about flexibility, but that is worthless if you are essentially paying to work when dealing with Uber. And this thing about self-driving cars will not save Uber if they can't handle paying human drivers better, who take on the brunt of the costs and risks of Uber driving, because obtaining and maintaining a fleet of self-driving cars will demand a much more costlier operation than the lean-mean operation with minimum structure/support on the ground approach of Uber....that is when the tech actually matures enough to really be effective at replacing human drivers where it could be trusted to make the split second life and death decisions that driving can suddenly involve beyond simply following GPS (or however it might work).


Thanks for sharing all of this helpful and knowledgable information! Let us know if you have any other helpful information after you log on to Uber and perform trips all day for them as an independent contractor👍🤣 If you owned a company and reduced or kept reducing the amount of money you pay independent contractors to perform a job or jobs and more independent contractors keep signing up to perform those jobs at a cheaper rate. Why as a business owner or overall business trying to reduce expenses/overhead and maximize profit be motivated to start paying the independent contractors/drivers more money to perform the same work…? *Trust me I get where you’re coming from and support you. It’s easy as an outsider looking in to say if I owned Uber I would pay the drivers more money. At the end of the day as an owner of a company you’re trying to always maximize your profit margin. This day and time it is a rare occasion for a business to sacrifice a percentage of their profit margin inn order to better and financially satisfy their workers by paying them more. Let alone sacrifice any percentage of their profit margin to pay independent contractors more money. You aren’t an employee for Uber so technically they have no ties to you and you have no ties to them. You can pick up work from multiple different ride-share apps whenever you want. Which majority of the independent contractors do depending on the daily and or weekly bonus promotions. This doesn’t just apply to this industry. In other industries independent contractors pick up work from multiple different sources/companies. For Example: The New Residential Construction industry is notorious for having independent contractors perform work for them. A lot of times these New Residential Construction companies will have multiple independent contractors place bids with a quote on a job that the New construction company is needing to be done. Then the company picks the most cost efficient independent contractor to perform and complete the work.


I've worked on Uber when they paid more and when they started paying far less than anything far in connection to the value and money that drivers make for Uber. For what Uber is paying, they don't deserve having beat up old pintos....much less brand new EV Teslas. 


Bolt euv and even I wouldn't touch this.


I drive a leaf and still wouldn’t touch this, My simple rule is around 1$ per mile if it is t atleast 85 cents per mile I don’t touch it


Tesla driver here and hell no lol Double it and I’ll consider it


Yeah but what an EV driver is most likely not going to share with you is the money they lose while waiting 4th in line for other people to charge their EV cars. Not to mention the time it takes to charge their EV once it’s finally their turn.🤔🤗


Level 2 at home or youll spend too many hours at a charger for sure


I wish people would stop complaining about these things. Then literally log on and go drive for Uber all day, lol. Definition of insanity- is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. I wish people would quit driving for Uber so the numbers go down and I can actually start making some decent money lol 😂


65.5 this past year.


I wouldn’t take this trip but You don’t understand taxes, do ya. For 2024 the deduction is .67 a mile. Example: you drive for 2 days both making 200 and working 8 hours at the end and for the sake of this example taxed at 20%. -*no need to consider other expenses in the calculation since they aren’t mileage dependent and should be the same for both. Day 1 CPM-.70 a mile or 286MI - 191.62 deduction Day 2 CPM-$1 a mile or 200MI - 134 deduction -Taxable amounts Day 1-$8.38 Day 2-$66 -Taxes paid 20% Day1-1.68 Day2-13.2 Total income Day 1-198.32 Day 2 186.8 -let’s say you kept this up 5 days a week over the year your total income -1-51,563.2 -2-48,568 Difference= 2,995.2 more driving more miles over same time frame. You make more money driving more miles, instead you should be focusing on your per minute ratio instead, I try to aim for .5 a minute. Disclaimer: I’m not sure where you live but here in Nashville 2-3 city miles can take twice as long as 15 highway miles. So if I went on a by mile basis I would be making like minimum wage not averaging over 30 an hour while doing mid morning and afternoons like I have been here over the last 6 months doing full time.


I think what he is saying makes perfect sense. The wear and tear on the vehicle and gas cost is “theoretically” 67 cents a mile. If Uber can’t pay above that, then we’re just suckers working for free


I’m glad people are understanding this now.




1. Unless it changed the rate is 65 cents 2. Lyft would pay you way better at least from everyone I heard that does both and from my experience


Since only they are creating the price and no one else can affect it. The only thing left for drivers is just too beg for better pay




Who took this


Not me.


Good, I was about to sayyyyyy


But didn't you thank uber for raining down coin on you?


I didnt take it. You know sarcasm?


Dude’s embarrassed he took it. It’s all good buddy, we all do dumb stuff sometimes. Just do better 😃




How the hell do they get the fake accounts with the facial recognition?


If anyone is still choosing to Uber as a driver, which is increasingly becoming a sucker's gig (you are essentially paying Uber to work because that is the only way they can be profitable as a Corporation from their perspective) even when cherry-picking the occasionally worthwhile offer, it will only work to make short trips during high-demand times. Even then, have a Plan-B because they basically reward increasing experience with Deactivation over Bullshit such as riders making complaints to get free rides who absolutely do not care what happens to the driver as a result of their bogus complaint. They prefer new inexperienced drivers that can easily be sent off into a sucker's errand who think they are making bank in the process.


I couldn’t agree more! Uber deactivated my account for one of the stupidest reasons I have ever heard; “your account has been deactivated because you were not ending the trip upon completion, resulting in fraudulent activity” FIRST OF ALL, If you are an Uber driver then you know that once the trip is completed, you have followed the steps to obtain your pay/mark the order as completed, in order to move on to the next opportunity. Then you would also know that it is impossible to steal time from Uber due to the fact that closing an order out is the only way to obtain pay for the delivery. In short, because I advocated for myself and I made sure to contact Uber support EVERY SINGLE TIME there was a mistake made on Ubers behalf; I was deactivated for some made up reason. It’s time to get together and file a CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT???


This depiction is extremely accurate


When you know exactly who did the complain follow what i did. Call support. Tell you aant to complain on rider who when got into the car took off his pant and started J***ing off cuz he was extremely intoxicated. If a girl then again smthng similar. Or closer to the end of the ride if you completed it. Pretend crying.tell you got it on camera. Bit cant show them cuz it will make you pornographic material distributor


Buy a Tesla, they come with dash cams that record the entire time you’re driving.


Honestly I'm assuming you live on the "Westside" of Southern California so really it's a great offer 🤷 in East Coast people complaining far worse offers like $4 for 26 mile drive 🙊💩


The map clearly shows SoCal. Nothing to assume. By your logic none us should say anything since for people in Africa even 4$ for 26 miles is a manana from the sky I am exaggerating. But you know what i mean


That would make them even more of a sucker for driving for even worse offers. You can expect Uber to do you dirty when you keep going out there to take those money-losing offers. You are paying Uber to drive by accepting such offers only fit for a sucker...that is basically how Uber sees you when you accept these lowball offers that are beyond trash.


Well this 90 mile drive won't be a $90 offer anymore


Honestly, that is no justification unless you are simply driving for charity and to meet new people just for fun.


I hesitate when it comes to government regulation, but this should be straight up illegal.


Uber has been all about getting around Cab Company regulations from the very beginning. There is nothing innovative about them. I imagine the Cab Companies with apps could do a better job because they know what they are doing whereas Uber comes off as late adolescent kids trying to run a major Corporation who just want all the money and perks but no sense of the responsibility and obligations. However, Uber does have scale and marketing advantages on their side that they are leveraging to get away with being so recklessly incompetent as a Corporation. The venture capital money from Dad Investor on a large scale has kept it going to this point.


Geez, what should we do then? How about we open driver hubs in every city, and drivers will get in a company vehicle, we will get 50 cents on the mile, plus $30/hr, but to make sure only good honest hardworking Americans are driving, we will have an in person interview, if approved you just need go to city office and pay $20,000 yearly for some sort of object, like I don't know, a medallion we'll call it, and... Oh, you mean Uber and Lyft completely ruined the taxicab industry and now that they basically have no formal competition, the very next logical step is to charge the customer as much as they can bear to pay and then reduce the amount of money you pay the independent contractors, because it's the true spirit of Capitalism at work. And if anyone thinks Lyft and Uber aren't working together, you clearly don't understand how things work. It's like when you see two different gas stations across from each other and don't really grasp, they're usually owned by the same people. Neither has to be cheap, because odds are, actual taxi service in your city is practically non existent. If Lyft says the ride is $50, Uber only has to say it's $46. The driver in both cases is gonna see what, $12? Lyft and Uber basically work together because they can keep increasing profits.


not true spirit of Capitalism. Its work force exploitation, breaking fair competitiveness rules, its banditism, human trafficking, indirect rape, its anything you wanna call this MFers. In Capitalism there is nowhere written that you should do all these when you can. This is what happens after capitalism system fales due to the fact that companies become too powerful to force them follow the rules. Its called Tyranny or in orher words naturally after its failure it will be replaced Marxism or socialism.


Capitalism refers to an economic system in which a society's means of production are held by private individuals or organizations, not the government, and where products, prices, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Merriam Webster definition. Taxi service required you to pay a huge yearly payment for the right to operate as a taxi driver. Uber and Lyft were willing to be cheaper than the cab companies and willing to pay high prices to drivers to get lots of drivers out on the street. But for the most part, very few cab companies are still running these days. This means that our ability to get around town except for the bus system or train system is now in the hands of 2 private companies. What we are seeing here is pure Capitalism. Maximize profits by minimizing costs. Now, if you were an employee, everything you said would be at least vaguely true. Work force exploitation? Actually from what I've heard they pay customer support in India more than others. Their it team, they're all paid well too. Unless you are trying to say you're being exploited at a job that you willingly choose when you work and what rides to take while choosing your own hours...you're not an employee. You are the middleman between point a and point b. Sorry. Fair competitive rules? They don't care if you run both Uber and doordash and Lyft, grubhub. Not really sure what you are saying here. As for rideshare technology companies in relation to Marxism or Socialism just proves you probably believe that we are a democracy, or a constitutional republic, when in fact we are an Oligarchy and have been since Ronald Reagan in 1984 with trickle down economics. You're not an employee. You're not being exploited.


Is the getting .34 per mile a week later for prop 22?


I havent got it yetp




I did ue n Palm Springs summer of 22 and would put In 30-35 hours and always made no Less than 1700 per week


Uber started this in Nivember of 2023. Huge reductions in pay .


SMH .... 😔


Don’t worry, things are getting better


That's For you and with your account . But my account isn't . I gave about 7 years , 365 days straight chances to Uber . Never went better.


Are we uber-account-twins?? Mine is approximately the same Or are you me from another dimension or reality?


LoL interesting take but Im not a Uber PR shill on social media monitoring team members .


Who knows 😁😁😁 how much they pay you? Lol You put so much shit in uber woth this account ! You can be an identical twin driver account. Lol


They created Minus account balances on my bank account and I'm going to post even more when they exploiting my account. They treats me nice I treat them nice.when they treats me like make him just enough to eat slim Jim a day or a sandwich for food then they surely know what's coming to their head completely out of nowhere and no one wants to experience that one.


Talk to your friends who all speak this poorly. They’re the ones accepting these rides/orders.


Why I have to talk to them for you ? Are you gonna pay for that ?


I drive in LA as well trying to make rent and I’m not getting anywhere! This market is so fucked I basically drive for gas. Fuck this app!


We are first who’s going down in this chain.. . Domino effect brings economy to knees lol


This is an example of a very poor ride. I’ve seen $50 rides only go 12-15 miles.


That was more of the reality when Uber first came out and was working to create a market of drivers and passengers which was subsidized by investors. Now investors are like, we have the volume in the market place, squeeze driver compensation to the lowest possible levels where someone will still be stupid enough to take the offer even if losing money in the process.


I’ve driven in two cities. In one that’s true, in the other you just have to focus on doing the right rides. Still very possible to reach over $30 an hour regularly


Basically it has moved from more of a private driver experience to being an unlicensed and unregulated Gypsy cab with increasingly shitier and dirty cars because it is not sustainable to provide a private car experience on Uber X in relation to the poor driver compensation levels. Uber Computer AI is working very hard to make all offers are very shitty in an efficient computerized race to the bottom as programmed by Uber.


At the end of the day all those trash companies wanna see us poor , miserable , they want us to be doing this for them for life , unbelievable .


Talk to these people. I’m sure they’d loved to save $25 on their ride….


Ur being sarcastic, right?!




Somehow I knew this was going SOUTH from the start lol, only on UBER


How was the desert during the weekend? I was debating on heading over there instead of staying in Temecula


If this guy took that, total moron! 4 hr. Round trip, 15 an hour, then knock off 20 for gas at least, now your at 10 per hour, Yada, Yada, yada!!


With that “yada yada” do you try to justify your nickname? No i didnt take it of course. Left it for you yada yada


Uber knows they are grossly underpaying and screwing over drivers when they try to convince the media that drivers are making $2 a mile when they in reality they have issues with paying over $1 a mile. From a tax standpoint, it has become a money losing venture qualifying for tax deductions based on their per mileage formula of approximately 65 cents a mile. Uber used to pay closer to 2 dollars a mile years ago when they were courting drivers to build their market. But now with a market lock, they do not see any reason or incentive to pay shit and will have you out there paying them to work with their trash offers. 


Generally where I’m driving Uber gives us 96c per mile and 11c per minute idk if I would take that lol


U lucky one


You should make 1$ per miles at least


Only way I am taking this is if for some God-awful reason I got stuck on a series of rides that took me out there and it was the end of the night and this was saving me from getting back in the general area of home without a ride otherwise. Since this would reduce my go-home time from 90 minutes to about 20.




if you are dumb/desperate enough to take this then you are prob. from a 3rd world country & $1 USD must be worth like 100x in your country! pathetic! uber preys on rookies & immigrant drivers!


You are glad for this ride? It’s a very sad thing and that’s why Uber continues to scam the drivers because some just love to drive for Pennies. This ride is terrible


I just did a similar trip I got $174


Per minute ratio 👌


So 180 miles for this, that's an absolute nope. 😂


Wait a little over 190 miles ouch


111 minutes for ride (not counting traffic shenanigans) 107 minutes to get back to your area (can't rely on return rides) 228 minutes ~ 2.5 hours 59.50 / 2.5 = $23.80/hour gross pay Gross is the operative word here. It's disgusting. Scenario 1: You drive an ev with low maintenance, and you have a home charger. You just killed your whole day, making $24/hour for 2 hours. Whoopee! Scenario 2: You drive an ev, and you fast charge to get back on the road. OR. You drive an ice that's old but low maintenance. Let's call the refuel or recharge $30. So now you're making $10/hour for 3 hours. Your babysitting niece makes more money than you. Scenario 3: You drive a newer ice. Your fuel and depreciation/maintenance exceed the $60 pay. Send Uber a trophy for winning at the slave labor competition.


This person only saw the first leg of the trip


It's not bad if trying to just back to la but if u live in palm springs it's real bad since you will definitely be empty coming back. Probably a noob took it though.