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Consider yourself lucky. Those trips are 8 bucks in my market 😆


And cancels when you’re 2 minutes away.


But for xl and comfort you get a cancel fee when driving towards them beyond 5 minutes


X too and it has always been 3 minutes or less for me


Different markets yeah but I think if you are route to a destination for any level it’s an automatic cancellation fee after so many minutes nonetheless


One time I had a comfort pickup and it was 15 minutes enroute I was almost there by 3 minutes I got $15 😂😂 they was mad oh well


I had a reservation this morning...she almost made it. I like getting paid for not taking a trip. She texted me 30 seconds before I could cancel. She said that she would be down in a couple of minutes. Oh well not my problem now.


As somebody that’s habitually late. I feel for these people. But since Uber treats us like shit the other 99.9% of the time. There’s no way I’m waiting more than 31 seconds. Actually I’m probably starting to creep away at 20 seconds with the doors locked.


She made the reservation last night, I showed up 13 minutes early, from another run and she put down the wrong address, I really don't know how she doesn't know the address of her building, but she put down the Starbucks next door.


You keep the food and you are compensated for delivering the food. The miles get paid for and the food is yours to keep. Al thought midnight travels that long usually means a soup is very likely going out or some Asian food that we have no idea what it is. Happened to me once. I think it was some pig soup. Oh well, maybe a homeless person is around the corner. Try it


I don't think they're delivering food


The passenger is clearly being delivered as a sacrifice to a cannibal community.




$1/mi. And the majority of the trip you aren't stuck with a person in your car. Win-win if you ask me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Less passengers the better. Especially on XL. You obviously don't drive.


Would be if my car didn’t average 16 miles a gallon, I’m Uber Black SUV


I was down there all day/night working the dinner crowd and Newport Beach Jazz Festival at Hyatt Regency. I’m only Comfort/Electric, but saw a lot of those crazy pickup distances. I had a really strange long pickup drive from Montage to Crystal Cove. Which was insane, considering downtown Laguna traffic


This is a good offer! I get 40 MPG on my ‘23 Rogue


Isn't the Rogue is too small for UberXL? I thought XL was only 3rd row vehicles. Like a Nissan Quest, or Toyota Sienna.


It doesn’t have a third row of seats but I never said I drive XL. The Rogue qualifies for X, Comfort and Pet rides. Regardless, the offer OP got is paying $1 per minute, which is good for Uber these days.


Good for UberX, bad for Uber XL.


I’m not sure what the going rate is for Uber XL but at $1 per minute, I wouldn’t be complaining either way!


Here in Miami area it was like $2 per mile. At the speed we drive here, 60 miles ride will be completed in about 65 minutes. Again, driving a hauler with 5 people and their bags, do you prefer $2 per mile or $1 per minute?


The 17 miles to pickup has all kinds of questions on my mind. Granted I've had some 12 mile pickups, but I was in bumblefck at 2am, so I may have been the only driver over there. I'm not sure what black car and xl rides normally pay either. My truck only qualified for comfort. Be interesting to see what the passenger paid too.


Best ive seen all year


I try to only do XL work with my Odyssey, and this is the reason. In my region, I typically get almost $1/min including pickup for XL fares. Sadly, they're rare. Most XL fares turn to Lyft because it's cheaper, so I have to hop apps, but the Lyft rates are typically about 2/3rds that rate. What's really frustrating is when I'm one minute from picking up a Lyft fare and a nice Uber trip gets fed to me and I have to turn it down. I also think that big groups of people are happier when you pick them up, so I get all kinds of good energy for the ride.


Those are great trips here in austin-TX, I would take all of em, lol. I am also premier vehicle, but it's so rare to get a premier ride, I don't even think it's worth upgrading from anything other than confort/xl


i would have taken them honestly. not bad


I'd take pretty much all of these


That's what I hate about driving deep orange county. Because they don't have as many drivers, Uber and Lyft send you these 14 to 20 minute away rides. And, no, half of them don't tip.


Ok, but a couple of these are at least 50¢ a minute.


Do you rent or own?


Xl pays double and even triple in my market. Man American getting screwed. In Canada uberx pays that and xl is way way more


Yeah but in monopoly money.


I was about to say these are all actually pretty good but I noticed there all XL 😬


They're barely passable as x rides let alone xl/black


I don’t know much aboutBlackXL but those are the offers I get for regular Uber. Sorry this has reached the higher levels. The entire thing has gone to shit


Speaking from Uber eats I get that after 10:00 pm when all the business are closed in North LA. I randomly get 2-4 orders a week to deliver from the one place that wasn’t closed all the way to Long Beach and lord behold, there is a $20 bucks minimum but I deliver regardless of the amount. Usually get tipped ok. Sucks we are barely making any profit as once a customer tipped $3 when we drove 26 miles for them. But they


I would have taken every single one.


A lot of my rides look like that these days