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I kicked a fella out of my car for smelling too bad. No shade or judgement, but if I can't drive safely because I'm too distracted by the eye-watering onion fungus billowing from underneath your meat curtains, you gotta find another ride.


Meat curtains lol šŸ˜‚ hilarious


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Amen!




I guess you don't know what meat curtains are.


Dare you to try me. :) The term is being used loosely. Simmer.


Lmfao! That's one way to describe it! šŸ¤¢


I cancel on those if I drive, or if I am a passenger


I usually just take it off recirculate. Works quite well, but some people just stink and leave a wafting smell for hours.


Yeah that's how I have my air going for all rides. I'd rather an occasional whiff of exhaust than somebody's awful BO


If they said they are going to report you, u shouldā€™ve ended the ride right there and report them first.. with such threat, fuck the money, make it a little miserable for the rider (make them wait and get another ride) You are not an asshole for trying to satisfy your breathing senses.. some people just have intolerable body odorā€¦ they shouldnā€™t be entitled. Iā€™m guessing this is UberX.. Either way, next time you donā€™t need to turn off the A/C just lower it to lowest and crack the windows..




Itā€™s a part of their culture. Maybe it would be good to bring awareness. But thereā€™s also a diplomatic kind way to do it. And not much of what is mentioned in this thread is covering that. Itā€™s ok to have a problem with it, itā€™s not ok to speak your mind abusively, if that makes sense? Iā€™m not trying to be a dick to you. My tone is conversational.


being a smelly turd isnt part of the indian culture. They prefer running waater to standing, so showers to baths but they stilll shower and bathe and use soap. those two dudes were just too lazy or gross.


That is simply not true! Your statement could not be further from the truth... I ubered full time for 8 years and Indian folks were the worst smelling people. Not body odor bad but a distinct intolerable odor I really cannot put into words. I am guessing it is their diet that contributes to this phenomenon....


Tumeric and curry and onions are huge staples in Indian food, all 3 of them create that situation..combined, it's...distinct.


Exactly. They could fully wash every hour on the hour and still stink. Because it's coming out the pores, not due to filth.


But itā€™s not the person and the shower so much as the spices that are innate to them. Think of the compounding effects of money, only in curry powder, and paprika that stay in your body. Certain spices commonly used in Indian cooking, such as garlic, onions, cumin, and curry spices like turmeric, can potentially contribute to body odor. This is because these spices contain compounds that can be released through sweat, affecting body odor.


Why does it seem like you're trying to cosign and justify them being stinky? Like we should somehow understand and be sympathetic to them? Mofo I don't care WHAT you eat...... there are standards of hygiene that we maintain here in public interactions. Them being stank and then getting mad about it is just yet another example of their poor ability or willingness to assimilate into the culture of the nations to which they migrated.


It has nothing to do with hygiene is the point some are making. You cannot wash your insides to prevent the odor from emitting through your pores. Go eat a bunch of garlic and onions, no amount of bathing or brushing your teeth is going to prevent you from smelling like garlic and onions. Just how it is. Indian cuisine has spices that create this distinct aroma, they are not going to change their diet to satisfy you. Some vegans might think you smell bad because you smell like a meat eater. Believe it or not, to a long time vegan the smell of the meatball sub you ate is as offensive to them as a cigarette to a non smoker.


(for assistance with how to tell people you're full of shit without saying "I am full of shit"? Ask shitshipt)


Honesty with tact is an important virtue.


Not part of their culture per se, but their diet. They could normally wash same as everyone but smell just as bad. It's due to their typical diet and the seasonings and spices used. Just like someone who LOVES garlic will stink of it no matter how often they wash.


This comment šŸ‘†šŸ»




Wow, this is kind of feeling like a racist rant, but then again, I have the same attitude towards young women whoā€™ve sprayed themselves head to toe with some cheap body spray. It makes me gag and stinks up my car. Or the other night when apparently 2 out of 3 people ate tacos for dinner. Guess it depends on market. As an aside, what do you do when someone has horrible BO? How do you justify cancelling the ride? Tell the truth? I keep air freshener and windows down when that happens, but itā€™s disgusting and always feel like I need to wipe down the seats as well.


Yes and itā€™s all types of body sprays especially the ones that burn your eyes. Itā€™s like crazy.


Last week I picked up a teenager girl going to work early in the morning to Starbucks, she smells like she hasn't showers in a week, It was unbearable, good thing she was going a few blocks away, I was worried the smell is going to linger around so after I dropped her off I opened up all the windows and got on the freeway to air it out.


I picked up 3 Indian dudes one night and they didnā€™t just smell like they ate curry, they smelled like they used curry deodorant, used curry body wash, used curry shampoo, used curry aftershave, used curry cologne AND rubbed their ass and balls in curry. How much damn curry do Indians need?!?!?!


Curry is a specific blend of spices, almost everything they eat has at least one of the spices that could be contained in curry it doesn't really mean they had curry specifically. Tumeric, Anise, Cumin, coriander, garam masala etc etc. Sort of how like not all Mexican food is a taco, but all Mexican food contains some of the ingredients in a taco. Or how all Italian food isn't lasagna, but most Italian food is some variation of the ingredients in a Lasagna...the noodles just might be shaped differently..lol


As much curry as postings, they have sex in curry.


I feel like I get smelly drivers all the time who bathe in putrid cologne


It works both ways .


It's the vape they aren't supposed to be using in the car.


Vapes donā€™t smell thank u


Uh yea, they do lol


Vapes do not smell like cigarettes do but they definitely have an odor, usually a strong odor of whatever your flavor is mixed with burnt oil...because that is what it is...burnt oil


Yup and itā€™s so strong


Everyone that gets in my car compliments how nice my car smells and talks about how so many cars theyā€™ve been in are nasty


And if ur smelling burnt oil, change ur coils šŸ™„


WTF? Yes they do! The aroma is intentionally added to vape juice. Iā€™ve vaped for years and never once have I run across one that doesnā€™t have a smell to it. I specifically ask for that too, cuz I like to be discrete as possible out in public.


You are delusional.




Na they stink real bad like it's not even right how they just stink it up calm with no worries


Imagine the smell while they have sex


Half the people running Uber app are Indian šŸ˜‚


what you do is you casually set the Air from recirculate(max mode to some) , to outside vent, . it will still blow cold air, but not AS cold. and will keep the odor out of the front part of the car.. if that doesn't work, I suppose you can just kick them out. really bad odor isn't excusable.


I have to do this with smokers. I don't turn the ac off though I just roll my window down and turn off the air circulation. Cause eff that.


Be careful, in ten months the Uber CEO will be Indian and deactivate your account.


Don't turn the ac off just roll down the window to combat the smell. If they say anything just say I need the fresh air.


Just kick them out and be honest that they stank so fkin bad that you couldn't complete the ride. And report THEM to Uber. You're not the problem, they are


I just crank my ac and drive faster.


What you do is apply Vicks to your nose in front of them to let them know they stink. Vicks is a must to have in the car


Nah, you did the right thing. I've turned the AC off circulation and on to outside air, put all the windows down, and that was that. If they don't like it then they can cancel. Now, I try to see if they are gonna be a problem or not before I start the trip. That way, they cannot do anything on their end if I decide to cancel.


This is why my cancelation rate is close to 20%. I cancel depending on names. In this Houston heat I'll put fresh air on and vent the sunroof if someone is foul.


If somebody doesnā€™t have a name you like you cancel? šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Sometimes I do this. I cancelled one where the name ā€œShyā€ came up and I cancelled. I picked up someone named Sabine and my instinct was to cancel. It was two women and they said it smelled good in my car and if I work off the app. I said no then she got mad after and started saying it was hot in my car and I dropped them off asap.


Combination of name/location gives enough info about pax demographics to lead a smart selective driver to cancel..... do you not exercise some judgement and/or standards in the rides you select? Or you just let the app decide who you pick up and where you drive?


Seems a bit racist/prejudice but alright. As long as they donā€™t look sketchy but I donā€™t judge based on race and where they can afford to live


Ahh that's interesting. Couldn't be me. Not racist, just savvy. Been doing this for a while and I know my market well. Way to jump to conclusions though


So many racist drivers out there! I never cancel a ride based on being in a bad neighborhood or for an ethnic sounding name. Thatā€™s really messed up, yā€™all! I have my least favorite pax (single middle aged white women with disabilities because they spew complaints about the world and their lives continuouslyā€¦ btw, Iā€™m a middle aged white male). BUTā€¦ I donā€™t even cancel rides because I suspect my next rider will be one. Iā€™m professional, courteous, patient, and friendly. I drive them safely to their destination and I get on with my life. I havenā€™t gotten less than 5 stars in months, and I make good tips. Body odor, regardless of ethnicity, is annoying but it doesnā€™t linger longer than an hour. I can always stop at a carwash and vacuum the upholstery.


Ease up on the virtue signaling bud; no one here cares. If we aren't selective about what rides we take, we end up operating a charity for pax that wouldn't hardly spit or piss on a driver.


I can smell this post.


No matter what when thereā€™s a passenger in the car I leave the windows rolled up and ac full blast. Everyone smells at times. I can always roll windows down and febreze after the ride


Yup. I turned the AC up to full blast, instructed them how to use it in the back, and tilted the roof up. The open roof helped to suck the smell out.


Nah, homie. The tokers that hot box just prior to getting in, that smell stays for at least 2 days regardless of ozium or febreze. Even my kid notices it the next day. If he notices the next day, Iā€™m petrified of what the next riders I pick up think of me.


Exactly. It's over with quick. Avoid the confrontation and give them 1 star if it makes you feel better. In many cases I don't fault people for a little BO if they're coming from work or the gym. But if your feet/shoes smell like crazy, that's ridiculous. You have to make sure the AC is not blowing on the floor or else the stink will be unbearable.


Oh on, I tried to be nice one time and took 4 teens smelling like the sun and bo from the theme parks to DTLA(close to 1hr ride) outside temp 104 F. Had to leave the AC on and simply cracked my window a tad to get fresh airā€¦wish I had a snorkel.




I agree. I would only roll my window down if I was getting sick from the smell, and that's pretty rare.


I just give them a 1 star for bad body odor. Itā€™s also why I mostly avoid picking up Indians.




That's some racist ass shit right there.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking lol


This whole thread is pretty racist. You just took it to the next level.


That's why I always drove with a plug in and used a portable air purifier. They eat a lot of curry. People that smoke like chimneys are far worse along with marijuana smoke. Nothing like having your car permeated by cheap skunk weed! šŸ¤®


Which is baffling now that it's legal. Why choose to make it smell like garbage when you can get nice stuff cheaper?


I constantly have this problem with indians and middle easterners. I wonder why higiene is not common with them. Anyways, what I do is I put onde of those air vent scents on the AC vent, and blow it max on my face, it masks the smell enough. After they leave I spray the seats with interior cleaner and wipe it. Also use ozium air sanitizer. Also, always give 3 stars for bad higene


Indian people please air out your home and wear deodorant!! I'm hesitant about picking them up because they smell bad.


hope it wasn't the driver window because then you're just drawing all the smell towards you which is a rookie mistake


correct thing to do.


I did something similar... I mean, I drove them there but I had to put the windows down a bit because I kept coughing due to the smell. During Covid... it was awkward trying to hold it in.




With me, you're either 5 stars or 1 star. Better not stink too bad.


No I open the windows if people stink. It is polite way to signal to smart people itā€™s bath time.


That just makes me want some curry and tiki masala.


Turn the Ac up....turn it towards your nose and put your window down slightly...only your window


should of kicked them out


No, I donā€™t think youā€™re an ahole. Iā€™m black American, extremely sensitive to race issues, strong scent, etc., and as wonderful friends with tons of Indians, their hygiene culturally is treated much differently than we in USA. I usually have to hold my breath when getting too close before most I know are more of a ā€œnaturalā€ scene kinda person, than using deodorant and things like that. So, honestly, I feel it is the responsibility of all people to ensure they are not offensive to others, and entering someoneā€™s car with strong scent is extremely rude.


Not to be mean, but I have all friends of all nationalities and Indian men tend to be very bossy and very demanding. Not the younger ones, but the ones that like in their country, especially against women they donā€™t like to listen they like to tell them what to do.


Did they smell like they were cooking food or did they just have a body order ! thatā€™s the problem is that itā€™s hot out but when people like smell like weed or they smell like smoke with sweat, you have to roll down the window


Wait what did you do that made them upset and curse at you? Did you TELL them that they smelled? Or did they just assume that based on your actions? Or they just didnā€™t like that you turned off the AC and opened the windows?


No, you are not!! I keep the air on in the back and roll my windows down. I'm not paid to have my nose burning or vomiting!! And I have thrown up before!!šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Had a kid smelling like weed. Stank up the entire car, I had to stop after letting him off to freshen up. I didn't say anything during the ride. Also had an Indian family that wasn't fresh either. Also, I didn't say anything either. I just stopped and freshened up. Sometimes, it feels unbearable, but I just mind my business and clean after them. The kid left fries in the backseat, and there were napkins everywhere.


I have a couple of those fares and just tell then straight out, I need to lower the windows, I can't take the smell and report 1 star.


I've driven 100s of these types of passengers. Suck it up. The ride is probably relatively short. When you drop them off, ride with the windows down for a minute, spray some air freshener, and move on with your life. I once picked up 2 ladies that smelled like a cat litter box that hasn't been cleaned in a while. Yes, literally. I know the smell as I used to have cats. It was so strong my eyes were watering and I wanted to gag. But thankfully it was a less than 5 minute ride. I rode around with the windows down for a full 5 minutes to air it out. I don't know how, and don't wanna know how they smelled like that. It was like they used their clothes as a cat box liner.


Iā€™m gonna report you to Uber but yet I just got in your personal vehicle having not showered for days. Kick them out 3 star review and move on


Onion Fungus is the name of my new band


No. I have had this issue with French dudes. One star and report.


Dont take the 4.88 or low rating riders. Problem solved.


Yea they dont wear deodorant next time try to just breath through your nose šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


The moment they start cursing at me I would had ended the ride and let them out at a nearby gas station. Not going deal with yo funky a** and funky attitude at the sametime


If you have to ask../


I've had several instances like that. I keep the a/c on and crack open my window. But there are days I wish I carry deodorant in my car to give to passengers.


I would but extra deodorant at 99 cents but theyā€™re close nowā€¦


I always use the air circulation whenever I get pax with bad odor or bringing in food. Then after dropping them off I spray odor eliminator and give em 1 star


I turn the ac on no circulation and always have my window half open idc which passenger


Towels, check! Cleaning solution for seats, check! Spray to kill all odorsā€¦needed! Smelly A$$holes, gone!


I hope I donā€™t smell like beans!


Those MF smell like shirt.


People get used to their own smell so much that they donā€™t even detect it anymore until it gets really bad. They might have no idea they have odors offensive to westerners.


I do the same thing.... they need Mando, lots of it




Keep in mind they probably can't smell it. They are nosebleed to it since they are around it 24/7. That veing said I kicked someone out of my car because I could bot stand the smell. It's as bad as weed smokers.


I had indians that smelled like they consumed indian food and i really enjoyed that smell.


Here what everyone can do. ..keep your windows half way down before the passengers get in. If they smell keep them down or roll them all the way down. Nobody is going to say or complain. If they dont smell you can slowly roll them up again


If i get a sense of someone being smelly i roll the windows before they get in. In particular when i approach the passenger and i see them smoking or bring paper bags of food like mcdonalds. In both cases i know that even the 2 front windowz been half way down will eliminate any odors


It is very common. Majority of Indians I've had in car had bad BO, doesn't matter if it was a man or a woman. I personally just deal with it to avoid any arguments and as soon as they get out, I leave my windows down for a few minutes while driving and it airs the smell out.


You're kind of an asshole for thinking it was an important detail that they were Indian. You could have left that part out and probably have found support.


Who farted


I picked one up who had presumably just showered for work and still stank. Do they just not do deodorant? Ugh. I one star themĀ 


Imagine the women who have sex with them


why are they here is what i wanna know


Why is who here?


Ummā€¦ xenophobe much?


Just tell them its nice outside and that gas is expensive and that you prefer fresh air. Also you should always have some febreze and lysol in your car.


You sure that you werenā€™t just playing out the racial stereotypes in your head??