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It's soooooo messed up. At Lyft drivers can cancel every time, no issue, no backlash-freezeouts (fewer rides offered to me, like uber)




Exactly the 10 seconds is dumb asf at least lyft give like 30. But fr stop rushing people I feel like thats why ppl take these bc they cant read fast enough to realize the scam


It's not even 10 seconds


in my market you got 3.98 secs


64 miles total for 24 dollars. It's a scam.


You definitely would not do that return trip empty. It’s still a scam but it would put you in another fairly busy area.


IF it's busy.


I work the market, never have an issue getting a ride out of that area. Do you?


It depends on how busy the day is; and getting good rides too.


Since Prop 22 getting “good rides” is somewhat of a laughable proposition. It’s a numbers game and a map game: The object once you’re out on the periphery is usually to work your way back. As to that area being busy, I’ve never had issues getting a ride or chain of rides back toward DTLA, Hollywood, or Santa Monica. Admittedly I prefer to NOT go that far out most of the time, but when it has happened I’ve been able to get back to base so to speak without too much issue.


I mean for me good rides and uber eats orders is finding orders that pays a lot for less time. For example, a mcodnalds order for $10 for 2-3 miles; that's a great deal. For rides it depends; if its busy for example at a college area and people are requesting rides all the time for short distances then I'm going to take them. I've done this before and made a lot of money by staying in the area and doing constant driving. Most of the college kids even tip me more than other people which is surprising. On a sunday I made $50 in over an hour by just accepting $10 dollar rides close by. There are orders out there; i think it's by luck. I used to do every order but I've wasted too much time and gas for little, so it's only good orders for me from now on.


I won’t touch Eats at this point. Make way more on Uber/Lyft driving pax. Might just be my starting area (SGV, and my goal is to never stay there and never go east from there,) but I made way more doing Eats/Doordash when I lived in Portland than since I moved back here…


Well said.


If these keeps going on, I will tell all my friends to stop doing Ubers and go to Lyft


Why didn’t you take 605-210 then 118


I didn’t take that.




Wow how pro Uber can you be. I'm just going through all your history. If you are making 2 dollars a pop?


Are you really that dense? It’s another post on how bad Uber is screwing the drivers….YEAH, we get it, we don’t need 50 posts a day about it.


We do


yeah, it's intentional. It's written into their algorithem. The time is \*always\* longer than they say. I know this so I make adjustments in what rides I select. But still, I hate it and I feel lied to every single time. What a stupid, clearly deceptive decision on their part. Such an easy way to make drivers absolutely hate Uber.


Quit, get another job or stop complaining. Pretty simple.


Useful comment thanks. What I wrote is still correct


If people were not accepting the rides they would pay more.


I use didi. They give me so many discounts.


Ok I understand


If only people would turn these down.....


I agree 100 %. The government has to investigate them. Maybe they have the government in their pocket. They are criminals


Can someone please tell me what the exclusive Designation refers to I have been seeing


It means only you’re getting that offer.


Thanks! !


I also been noticing that that the mileage to destination is always more than what they displayed prior to acceptance


Survey says… YES! IT! IS!


I just did the math. This is only 35% of the total cost. WTF


That’s the new rate I think San Diego is doing the same. The more who leave uber means the high the rates so maybe time for an exodus of drivers?


There are many factors at play when it comes to pricing. Uber is factoring in: (1) Competition: What are other TNCs charging for the same ride? How much does public transportation cost? (2) Price: What are consumers willing to pay? What are the current economic conditions in the local market? What are the trends? Which major events are taking place in the market? Etc. (3) Timing: Peak versus non-peak days, weeks, months, etc. We all know that when the market is slow, they offer less. 100%. You won't be posting this during peak hours. You will gladly accept rides during peak hours because they pay MORE at these times. It's a supply vs demand issue. Here in Phoenix, February, March, April, October, and November are great months. Most rides have a surge charge during peaks hours. Driver's here are NOT complaining during these months. The other 7 months, every other driver is bitching and crying about how bad this market is. Every year..... Ultimately, the price you're seeing is **based on many data points.** Uber is trying to balance price equality for all parties; believe it or not! In the end, Uber is a "for-profit" organization, not a non-profit. Just like you and me. We all have expectations. You are proof of that. The key to success is simple. Set a financial goal for the day, week, month, and year. Then, hold yourself accountable for achieving these goals. You'd be surprised by how much you will \[exceed\] your goals. And lastly, I'm aware of how ridiculous some of these rates are, **but they are offset by generous tips from SOME customers that appreciate my outstanding service.** And lastly, have a compelling vision for your life (maybe you do, no offense!).


Seeing worse in Richmond VA. 30 miles for 18 bucks. Lol a apple store delivery 24 miles under 6 bucks. Absolutely a scam...


This is ≈$17-18/hour after expenses. Everyone complaining here needs to go find some jobs that pay that or better and stop driving.


Honestly bro who cares? Just decline and move on. We all get tons of shit offers everyday. This is nothing special. I've personally seen a dozen offers worse than this today.


You don't appear to understand what a scam is.


Do you Understand what a scam is ? Or just trying too hard to comment on something.


Hint: this is a business transaction, not a scam. Go back and finish school.




Yes you are, but I don't hold it against you.


This made me chuckle. Also, how do you get negative upvotes? This is the 1st time I've ever seen that 😂😂😂😂😂


Almost 30 bucks an hour, so what do you want?


Profit would be nice. This offer is well below the break even line.


You think that’s bad? What about the Amazon guy who delivers about two hundred dollars worth of stuff for $20 an hour?