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I made $103 in 3 hours this morning. Some days are bad some are good.


It’s the algorithm, UBER will make you good money on somedays and will disregard you on other days so they can make another driver feel good on other days. UBER will make you good money in some days but it will not be everyday.


100% agree with this. The Uber algorithm is unpredictable. You can't control it but you can control how you move around. Sometimes this shit reminds me of gambling.


$200 from 5 rides yesterday, its part algorithm and part knowing how get the most out of it


How much does uber pay you per comment?




This guy works for uber. How much they pay you per comment?


LOL it was 4 reservations and 1 good surge ride but keep pretending its fake because it didn't happen for you




what time of day and how did you make that? i’m just about to start


3am-6am is the best time in my market during weekdays. Lots of airport trips and barely any drivers out.


The airport is a slog because you have to sit and wait for hours sometimes for a fare. I could be out driving during all of that time and making money, since UBER doesn't pay to sit there.


I never wait at the airport lol. I take ppl to the airport especially at 3am-6am ain't no flights coming in at that time at least not here


Yep, I laugh when the directions try to take me to the waiting lot after an early morning drop off. Not sure what the people sitting there for 45 minutes+ are thinking.


Oh well, less drivers in the city 😂


Not sure what your market is but here in L.A. if you get a ride to the airport then you get priority to get someone out. Of course if you are taking people at like 4 am there’s nobody coming in BUT there are a lot of people who live within a few miles of the airport requesting rides at that time so usually I get on a loop of taking people and getting requests to get more people until someone is (finally!) going out.




TO the airport, not from it.


Hey OP, got a ride from LAX the other week. The driver said he was sitting the lot for 2 hours waiting for a ping. I asked the driver why they didn’t leave the lot go look for rides and they responded that they would lose their place in the LAX pick up line. I think I understand their point, but waiting in a lot for 2 hours waiting on a ping?


Yeah, I don’t wait at LAX


Leave them there then they're out of the neighborhoods where the money is. Let the airport riders have the airport while the rest of us scoop up the money


That was my thinking as well, I didn’t say anything as. Was just trying to make small talk. I did ask what he did for those 2 hours while he waited and he said talk to the other drivers also waiting.


Was he American?


lol.... nope


That's why he was waiting over there because he doesn't know any better.. and no one tells them either. They figure just let them stay there and then we get all the money. Not saying it's right.. but that's usually how it goes


The only time I pickup a ride from the airport is if I just dropped someone else off just before. If I don’t get a pickup ping by the time I’m halfway out of the airport, I’m back to work elsewhere.


He’s wasting his time. Not only is he waiting but people like me who don’t wait in the line and only take rides out if they get rides going in are getting bumped ahead of him every time we get to the airport to drop someone off. Waiting for a ride out of LAX is not worth it.


Here in Utah Mondays are dead. So I take off on Mondays


Agreed. The sweet spot I’ve found is Wed/Sat nights


So true I work wed to Saturday sometimes Sundays


I’ll work sometimes put in a few hours on Sundays if I’m REALLLY bored LOL


Exactly. Figure out which days/times are busy and work during those times. Why just sit there If nothing is happening? Thats such a waste of time. This is the main benefit to independent contractor jobs. Setting your own schedule.


When you don’t have ride send a text to support


But your Tip ratio is 100% - Amazing!!! $6.47 fare and a $5.00 tip - that is Genius level!


June is always the worst month of the year for Uber drivers, it was just like this last year too


reckon why that is?


I’m honestly not sure. There was a lot of speculation and conjecture about it last year, college kids getting out of school and needing a side gig for money so then the market gets over saturated with drivers. A lot of people leave on vacations as well. There’s probably a lot of compounding variables but yeah, June just seems to be the worst month.




Especially in districts that don’t pay unemployment for the summer




May & October are always my slowest months. Nothing going on in those months. Not summer, no real holidays. Not a lot of events. June is usually good with lots of graduations, weddings, traveling, vacations etc


Guess it depends on the market and where you’re at


Every month is bad this job is a joke


Depends on the market, I’m sure some are bad every month


GO HOME… operate out of your house instead of inside your car


How exactly?


If your house is in the right location you just drive back after each call and wait in your house for a call that’s worth it. I do it from 11-2 on weekdays.


Yep that’s what I’m doing. Only doing tiny short runs. I’ll get the guarantee plus won’t waste gas.


Until you end up like the driver that got killed from sitting at his house waiting on rides and some idiots decided to catch his location and go that night and rob and kill him I used to do the same till I seen that story a few months ago now I wait at a gas station by my house


2 days, 1 uberx offer that was laughable and 1 ubereats that was barely decent.


Jeeezus, Chattanooga, TN is never this dead


Bro, same in Nashville, did 4.10 in my first hour and a half yesterday.


It’s hysterical how when we ignore an offer they enlarge it like, “LOOK SEE THIS BIG RUN!” I’m like “I saw those BIGGER MILES!” LOL


Yep, and they are pulling a move out of DoorDash book with going to the lowest bidder. Over last week and a half less then 25% of rides are “exclusive” to me the rest are their the ones that everyone gets, and of the sub 25% I would say a majority are shared rides which unless it’s like my first/last ride of the day and it’s taking me where I need to go I won’t touch them with a ten foot pole. Unless there is a cohesive movement between all drivers nothing will change. That will never happen though they know how the current job market is and how so many people need to depend on rideshare to make a living.


Days like this I just go inside and say screw it. If I have a bill that’s due that day and I’m short I’ll maybe chance it and drive to a different town that’s close, but I live by a destination lake town that rich people go to so sometimes it’s a good choice.


I drove cabs before Uber popped up EVERY SUMMER was dead. Some days we'd have 1 driver on and even he would be slow.


Yes cabs are slower in August though. May n June are great here. I may get back in a cab soon.


I’m getting offers runs galore! But no wonder they sent me an email to dive again. These rates are shameful! Many less than $1/mile plus they want you to drive 13 miles to pick someone up! You can’t make any money unless it’s a surge. So I’ve been active here n there for 2 days n my acceptance rates is 12% LOL


It's always weird how when one gig app is slow, it cascades to all in California. Very peculiar set of events


Turn on your destination filter to make it take you through an area where you would normally expect lots of requests. Why sit in one place and make nothing when you can reinvest that $11 in two/three gallons of gas and make much more? I’d recommend a trip to or through an industrial park or shopping center.


Damn OP you’re in orange county? I need to start work ASAP, and doordash, instacart, grubhub all put me on a wait-list saying there’s too many drivers out here in LA/OC. I hear uber doesn’t have a waitlist. Did you have to pay for a stupid car inspection fee when you started? How long have you been doing this for? I heard good things about Uber/lyft out here in the west coast so it worries me that i’m just gonna sit around and find nothing. Do you make a decent amount on average? Is today just especially slow or are there days when this happens? Wouldn’t it be better to get paid “by the hour” instead of “by the delivery” at that point? I hear that we get paid a minimum wage anyways being in california so even if you sit and do nothing you still get some money, right?


Well you should have Lyft/Wridz and Doordash at the same time and take whichever comes. Thats what I do. You are increasing chances of earning. And the pay from Uber is less recently


Yeah, Uber lowered the minimum fare in my market at the beginning of May. That combined with fewer rides, I’m doing Uber and Lyft simultaneously at about a 85/15% split favoring Lyft.


Time to go home for now.


I did. Just a bad morning.


Tuesday is usually my slowest day. 


Me too. I went home. I’ll make it up later.


Yea same. It will pick up in the afternoon.  


Do you have DoorDash or Lyft ?


Location dawg learn adapt and get more money




That me too man


Tuesdays are always bad


Monday - Wednesday always feels like a bust, so I just don't do it on those days tbh.


Make sure all your preferences on one day that Halle ed and somehow only Uber comfort was switched on somehow u feel share Uber x everything has been turned off. So now I always check when I login it happened once and after an hr and only getting 2 Uber comfort rides I figured it out


Try waiting 4 hours, which I've done often. If you really want to do this job, you will be sitting around waiting more times than not, even if you tend to sit at the busiest spot.


In my its too bad wait is around 2 hours for 1 ride bcz too much drivers


Yeah, there are too many drivers. We get it.


Why dint you switch to food deliveries?


That's not true!!.. Most..but not all ap rides tip. I had 1 the other day.. Did an uber green ride..had nice conversation with lady.. Helped put bags in trunk and take out. Dropped her right in front of destination. Still no tip..


It is summer, so it is busier on weekends, Thursdays, and Fridays. Therefore, it's a good idea to go home and get some rest, as everywhere experiences the same issue.


It is summer and it is always slow.


Is your app on? And you are not an employee. Why would you do that? 🤔


Same shit happen to me today while it was busy as fuck! This has resulted in me, putting an extra effort to get out of my Uber in between job


Its not worth it anymore


Had that before was out for 2 hours and no ride


That’s under these days sadly. Prolly only mad 3.79 for the ride you get


😂😂😂 go to a real work


I think people are also decreasing their usage of these (shitty) apps like Uber and Lyft because people on BOTH ends (riders AND drivers) are getting FED UP with the fact that they're charging customers MORE all while DECREASING driver pay! Rumor has it, at least in my town/market people are actually going back to using actual taxi's, moreso than using Uber and Lyft now! I may just start promoting myself as a private driver and/or go work for a cab/chauffeur place if that's going to be the case!


Dunno. Cabs are still outrageously expensive in my market. Like 3x a rideshare fare according to a couple pax the last couple months




The passenger gave you just the tip. Uber gave you the whole 8 inches.


you better not be cherry picking. and see if theres an app update or phone software update


Where are you? Same here.


If you sit somewhere for longer than 10 minutes, I’ve noticed not much happens. So much for being environmentally friendly


Where? That’s absurd


Make sure your phone isn't overheating and close your app out completely sometimes. I've had the app freeze on me without noticing.


Go home watch tv


Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.


Yeah. It's a Tuesday. Where do you live?


Stop sitting in one place waiting for a ride shut off the app n drive to a populated area


It is normal. It happens to many drivers now.


I’m currently in the same situation in Los Angeles.


Never stay in one area if the area you’re in is slow. Go to a neighboring city / location


Yowch I hate those days. Less than $3 an hour...


Make sure your wifi is off and just have 5g on.


Today has been a terrible day


Fake surges all the time in Chicago too. They drop the base pay to absolute lowest and jack up the surge. It's all bullshit.


What area u in?


Welcome to summer 🤷🏻‍♂️


Change your market, or change your job. I’ll get downvoted for it, but it’s the honest truth.


That'll barely get you two McDoubles.


The market you are in is dead. You either multi-apping or switch out


That's another thing that was good about cab companies. They didn't over-hire.


Go home 🏡!!! I made $11.41 the other day but luckily Lyft was busy and I made $68 but overall I’ve noticed a slow down this week. Now it’s only worth driving from like 6 am or earlier to 12 pm then it tanks big time


What’s is your acceptance rate?


Yeah, similar thing began happening in my market. I began running both Uber and Lyft at the same time. Rarely do I go more than 5 minutes without a ride


Quit, get another job or stop complaining. Those are your options.


what’s your acceptance rate or cancellation?


So what you are saying is 6$ 15 min 24$ an hour!?!? Wowww


I had $0 yesterday in Los Angeles


Sometime you dont want sit down, but keep driving around so the algo is in your favor.


Stop crying go find something else to do You are not being forced to stuck with Uber


Don’t drive. Don’t drive. Don’t drive. Day after day. Week after week. Year after year. What the hell do you need to happen to keep you off the road? You went online without a surge. You went online without a bonus. You went online without analyzing the demand for the area.


God, y’all are fucking toxic. I average $26 an hour in my market. I do this part-time for spare cash. It’s just a bad morning and I’m letting off steam.


This has to be one of the most miserable subs on Reddit. What's your market?


Welcome to the recession my guy


Thank all the teachers that decide to become Uber drivers during the summer and saturate the market even more


The fact you don't diversify apps is on you bud.


That's the problem, move around and quit sitting in one spot.


It’s Tuesday during working hours, what do you think people are doing? Did you just start driving today for the first time ever? Just curious.


Damn sounds like you need a real job that pays you for the hours you work. Idk man


There's dozens of gig work apps on the market, especially in major cities. There is zero reason to sit idle for that long.  Some of you have no understanding of what it means to be self employed. It's no wonder you are struggling. 


I’ve never sat that long not even at a airport lol


Once I'm sitting more than 5 minutes I'm opening up every app I have to source a gig. I get moving again and then it's off to the races for a while. 


Yes I just do Uber


There has been 10M-13M (MILLION) border crossings since Biden took office and a lot of them are becoming Fuber drivers so that’s what happened. They’re stealing your job


I just said the same thing and was called racist. I guess they probably voted for democrats and don’t want to hear the truth


It’s facts tho. We need Trump back in to shut down the border and send these people back. Reddit is a liberal bias platform so that’s expected. If you’re pro republican at all you get shamed and banned.


You’re right. Some people won’t accept it. It’s literally happening everywhere in the country. I live in Florida and we actually enforce this shit here. Many Uber drivers have been busted doing this here. They were busted with fake identities and driving rented cars and family members cars.


Think about it dude 10M-13M crossings since Biden took office. Is he trying to get more votes at the destruction of our country? Guess what Venezuela crime rate is down 75% wanna know why? Because they’re sending all their criminals and mentally ill people here


Exactly dude. I wish more people were informed but they want to remain ignorant


Watch the 2 hour long Dr phill X Trump interview it was pretty damn good they talk about all this on there. They hid this interview and shadowbanned it Trump is a beast in it. It came out 5 days ago.


I saw it I bet half the people out there also don’t know that Trump said he won’t tax peoples tips in the service industry anymore which puts $10k or more in your pocket every year. I was a bartender for 30 years and that would’ve been huge for me not to get taxed on my tips. Anyone, democrat or republican or independent in the bar business or restaurant business or valet or any tipped position that doesn’t vote for him is a fool.


Cool, glad you found a friend to circle jerk.


Watch the 2 hour long Dr. Phill X Trump interview then come back to me.


Bro Bidens the reason why you’re making shit on uber right now and not getting any rides.


Trump is the reason you’re working for Uber in the first place


No it’s not I chose to drive uber just like you did. And Biden is the reason why I’m quitting


I heard Biden also ate the last donut and put the empty milk carton back in the fridge. It’s always Biden. Fuck you and your boogeymen.


Come on man join us Trump is was funnier, cooler, and better. I’d rather go out partying with Trump than fucking Biden. Biden has dementia and is brain dead


Don’t be mad at us for being more informed than you are. We actually voted for the guy who was going to stop people from taking your job. You should be thanking us not insulting us.




How do they afford a late model car/insurance/gas and all then?


They give them free money look it up. They give them $450 a week for food per person and put them in a hotel for free in my state. Also most of them are renting. Take some ubers and you’ll see that most of them don’t speak English


A single person gets approx 210 per month for food stamps. No way they give that much for food.


Facts... I was recently in between jobs and had to collect food benefits for two months until my new position started and that is approximately how much we received for each person in the household. Just over $600 a month for the three of us.


Also, if you notice if you request an Uber lately I’ve noticed many of them just started driving within the last week or month


Yup that too!! They’re all new drivers and immigrants. Look at what they’re doing in my state https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/vendors-charging-massachusetts-taxpayers-64-day-feed-each-illegal-immigrant-report.amp


Oh bro, I already know. My family is in Massachusetts and that place is as messed up as California with illegal immigration


One guy came up to me in the airport lot he said he just came here over the border and he went to Chicago and just moved to Boston and he’s living in his car while driving for uber full time


One person has the account another drives it’s not that complicated. And in other cases the have their own/barrow/work out some other deal. Either way they are getting it done.


Keep your xenophobic racist bullshit to yourself.


So you voted for it I assume because you don’t want to accept that you voted for people taking your job.


It’s a slow morning at work. Nobody asked for your political opinions. Shut the fuck up.


It’s not political it’s a fact dude. I’ve been driving Uber for years and I’ve seen this happening a lot within the last year. There’s nothing racist about it. I never said anything racist about these people. I will say if you voted for the people allowing it than you are a moron because Biden campaigned on it.


It’s not bullshit dumbass it’s facts. Wake up.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/us/politics/biden-executive-order-border-asylum.html Read if you’re able


If you read this I’ll read that https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/vendors-charging-massachusetts-taxpayers-64-day-feed-each-illegal-immigrant-report.amp


Bro. I read it. Did you? It’s “vendors” charging the government to feed these people. The dream really, if you’re a grifter. I’m willing to bet that these companies charging $64 a day to feed people are right wing shitbags. Let’s be honest. I don’t feel like doing the detective work on who owns the company mentioned in the article, but you can if you think it’s a liberal. I’ll happily read any links you provide.


I vote for who’s better for the country and if it’s biden c trump I’m voting for trump. Biden has caused too much destruction in the last 4 years and he’s not even cognitively there he’s basically brain dead. Watch this dr phill trump interview unbiased. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KkBkgqt_mT0


You think the right wingers are the ones feeding the homeless? My how the waves have shifted. I thought that was a Democrat thing. It's hard to project when your teams is the shit bags huh.


If there’s a grift, you better believe I think there’s a Republican front and center. But anyhow, feel free to provide evidence that Spinellis is run by democrats. I’ll concede to that.


Seriously? Even after the grift Biden and Hunter Hold On Us in the Ukraine? You really still like the Republicans would be behind it? That's pretty wild


I’m not subscribed to new york times so I can’t read that and if that’s true it’s too late the damage has already been done 10M-13M immigrants came in since he’s been president that’s a shit ton no wonder why there’s housing crisis’s and inflation through the roof and shit




It would really suck if you guys vote for democrats because they let all these illegal immigrants in to the country and gave them ID’s. What jobs do you think they can do without knowing English? It’s happening everywhere and Uber allows it.


Don't they need a late model car and how do they afford it?


Man, you guys are clueless. Do you not see how much money your government is giving these people and making them citizens?


Seattle wants the to be police officers to offset their pitiful numbers. You think they can’t figure out how to drive for Uber?? Clueless dems everyone of them


That definitely sucks. What area are you driving?


I’m in Orange County, California surrounded by very high earnings potential. Tuesday mornings aren’t always great but this is unbelievable


Dude! It was it was unbelievable yesterday. Usually I start about 5pm after I get out of work in Anaheim Hills. I gassed up at the Costco off Weir and turned on. Absolutely nothing. I started toward home and turned on again in Corona. Nothing. Stayed on all through Riverside too. I got one ride that I was going to go back six miles to Magnolia and take them in the dead of evening traffic to Ontario for $17. Hell no. I went home and chalked it up to it just being bad.


Try three with no rides where I am at 😡😡 I gave up and went home just oversaturated here ….4am-7am there was pings but shyt rides for like $5-6 dollars phuck that where’s the big numbers smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Get a real job


I just watched the app give another driver the job. It was like "matching..."