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Hey babe..just got a 1280 trip. It’s roughly 20 hours up and 20 hours back. See you in 3 days..love you!! We can go take the rest of the week off when I get home!!


You still have a babe as a full time Uber driver?


Married!! I can’t really say full time. Took off about 2 months last year. Work when I want and play golf all the time!! Last time I did a 40 hour week was back in March I believe right before I went on vacation. Since then…golf golf golf!!! The money will be there when I need to go get it!!


Did you get married while you were a full time Uber driver? Big difference


No I got married when I was a full time chef..running restaurants. My wife told me to quit after 30+ years in the kitchen and joint a golf course….so I did…started ubering for shits and giggles money! Just didn’t know the turds and laughs would be so big!!!!


Oh ok that makes sense. I don’t see her marry you if you were a full time Uber driver, Do you think she would of married you as a full time Uber?


If he doesnt now, he will when he gets back...or at least more options🤣


My girl is the hottest girl on the planet and is loyal to a fault. She’s everything a man can ever ask for and I’m a full time driver. I do Uber and Flex. You’re the problem if you can’t keep a girl because you do Uber.


My girl is a stripper in disguise and she’s the same way with me. Sorry not sorry to people making excuses as to why they can’t bag a baddie just cause they are Uber drivers.


👏🏾🤣 Got’em…. More like he’s got a babe when her new boyfriend is busy




Who is this? Oh, Big_Smile? Yeah, she can't come to the phone right now. We busy. But I'll take care of her for you until Thursday. Can you venmo me $50? She wants me to take her somewhere nice tomorrow. I'm thinking Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster.


Lmao…babe hates seafood!! Must be someone else’s babe you’re with 😂😂


Either way, dude are you going to send the $50 or not!😅


You’re gonna bankrupt th….. ah crap, too late


Once they released that promotion in my neighborhood, they knew what they were getting themselves into. They can only blame themselves. Many a night, I've had police called to escort me out the restaurant while I demand one more round of garlic butter.


All this mouth running from guys who literally pay girls with social status to be with them. Do all yall have scoliosis or something? Are y’all’s dick game that weak? Do yall have a 2 inch dick is that the problem? Is that why money and social power is so much to y’all because yall are 5’5? 😂 the difference between guys like me and you is I don’t need money to pull woman. Woman cheat on rich husband with low income instructors all the time. Gym instructor, yoga instructor, and tennis instructor, remember that when you’re paying for your future wives lesson with “social status” money


I just don’t get it what customer thinks that this is OK…


A customer who feels they don't have a choice or know that they can take a bus for $30-$50. Or a person who is afraid to fly.


Makes sense. It’s one expensive ass trip though. They probably paid close to $3000. Sheesh


Or transport something else. Multiple riders with 4. That saves a lot than flying or bus. Baggage cost. Flying costs a lot. Last minute is cheaper decision with uber lyft


About 30 hourly , still need rest. Uber lyft would only allow 12 hours driving per day . You're right 3 days.


Always bring along an emergency overnight stay kit for these opportunities! (toothbrush, toothpaste).




Gonna need some meth 😂 No way I could drive 19 hours straight.


I took someone on a 10 hour trip. He phoned me as soon as I accepted it. He pleaded with me not to cancel, because three other drivers turned him down. He gave me $300 cash up front. I took him and I spent the night at a friend's house nearby.


Should’ve offered to cancel the ride and just have him pay you directly.


If I only knew then what I know now.


What was the reason? Why couldn’t he drive himself?


He didn't have a vehicle and had to move out. He only had a duffel bag.


Duffle bag of cokeeeee




Wouldn’t renting a car have been less expensive?


Or flying. You could probly buy a business class ticket and rent a car when you arrive at your city for less then what Uber is charging


His buddy that he was staying with paid for the ride.


Basically every other mode of transportation would have been cheaper, besides renting a party bus with unlike drinks and hookers.


Yeah I would never pick someone up in Pawtucket or Woonsocket that’s the armpit of Rhode Island


I was told Rhode Island was the arm pit


No Connecticut is.


No its new jersey


Always will be.


Connecticut is more of a bleached butt hole


Oh… why?


Connecticut resident here. We have gnarly cities like New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, and worst of all, Waterbury.


And y’all go to Rhode Island or Massachusetts beaches


I don't know where other people go. I don't go to the beach. 🤷‍♂️


I’m very uninformed with the East coast. I have a friend in Boston but I only go by his info lol


Really cheesy odor. Heavy stench.


Come on man. Put some respect on New London. It’s also kind of good-terrible. I had meth heads and schizophrenic people breaking into my apartment complex because there was a detox center right behind it. I also watched a 200 year old church collapse in front of me there. AND! I had an upstairs neighbor threaten to jump out of their window for an hour causing a police stand off. Good times. I live in NYC now and those situations are just a bit more special now that things like that happen all of the time here and I don’t bat at an eye


I don't know much about New London, so I didn't comment on it. Sorry 😅


LOL. Please visit it’s actually a fun town. But a shitty fun town. It has my full endorsement


My late husbands from Oxford CT... We moved to CT and lived in Naugatuck..... I agree with y'all.... I hated CT The entire time we were there.


I dated a girl from coventry. Her 🌮 smelled bad


You misspelled Massachusetts


Yeah when Imm on here most the time I type quick without proofreading


😂 I'm from RI 🥲


I live near Woonsocket and refuse to bring anyone down there. We have a Ups and Amazon center that has a lot of Woonsocket Rockets working in them.


What is a “Woonsocket rocket”? My mom was born & raised there, but I’ve only passed it on the highway. I didn’t realize it was an unfavorable place to live. She did grow up dirt poor though…


I've lived in the area my whole life, close to 60 years. When I was younger, Woonsocket was a blue-collar former mill town. The population was mostly made up by people of French Canadians who came to work in the mills. You could still hear people speaking French there. I worked with a bunch of them when I was a kid working at a warehouse job in the early 80s. The city has been overrun by Central American gangs now, and it's very unsafe. I feel bad for the hardworking people who have to live there. As for the Rocket comment, it's just what we used to refer Woonsocket residents as.


My mom was the daughter of first generation immigrants, mother from Belgium, father French Canadian - they met in ww2 (he was stationed in Belgium, met her at a hardware store she worked at). They were both mill workers in RI so that all checks out. Interesting. My mom never really wanted us to visit back there, her father lived with us when I was a child & her mother was long dead, so there was no reason. I appreciate the info!


That’s very unfortunate it’s been overrun by gang activity… I’ll have to bring up “Woonsocket rocket” to my ma tho! Maybe she’ll get it. She’s 67 so I think close to your age


I wish it could come back as a city. It has some decent restaurants and has a nice theater for music acts, and it's part of the Blackstone Valley, which was critical for the Industrial Revolution.


Lmao I stg


You have to book hotel room(s) and schedule places to eat 18 is bs any way and that of course is a low ball offer


Da fuq? I ain’t feeding the passenger lol 😂 $1300 in the pocket in 48 hours ? Fuck yea


Driver challenge: do not talk to the pax the entire trip after saying "hi, how are you today?"


Half way through, go to a rest stop and take a 6 hour nap while the pax stares at you the entire time


Put up a sign that says "legally off the clock due to Uber hours a day limit. I set the alarm. Have a great nap."


Right! thats rent right there lol


People will call unicorn offers low balls. I saw someone here call a $500 2 hr drive a rip off 😂




I mean, what the hell do you like Stop and get a motel room with a passenger and take a break overnight I mean, I don’t really understand this.


Even if it was real, driving 18 hours straight is hard to do. Plus, you would time out at 12 hours.


Ride won’t shut off after 12 if you’re still driving. It will after you drop the Pax off


As long as the rides active you don't time out.   I often have airport reservations at the end of the day with 20 minutes of drive time left that take like 2 hours


Good to know, I had an early airport reservation the other day and I was almost out of hours so I logged out to avoid losing the ride. I probably could have snagged a few more beforehand if I'd known that didn't count towards my hours.


I always thought they don’t send you shit unless it’s under your drive time.


I’ve done Chicago IL to Amarillo TX straight shot just stopping for gas… alas I was young 🤠


Not true.


For me it’s true. If I go for a long ride with only 20mins left on my clock. Uber doesn’t shut me down during the end of 12 hours, it shuts me down after I’ve completed that ride.


MA and RI both require us to go offline at 12 hours. It kicks you off mid-ride if you push it too long.


It doesn't in my market. You are allowed to complete a ride that you started, regardless of how long it is.


ROAD TRIP…. I can’t believe you accepted out of curiosity, I’ve always think about those types of request if there real or not.


Lmao, I had to bro I had one for $400 11hrs and I failed to screenshot that and always wondered if it was a mistake or what so when I saw this one I said fck it let's see if it's real 🤦🏾


Fellow RI Uber...er too LOL. If you have Android download Maxymo. Change changer for the area. Enable screen shots and when a request comes in it'll screenshot it for you as well as have a bubble that breaks down the fair by mile and per hr/min.


Someone just messing with the system out of curiosity , will prob instantly cancel


Long trip (45+ hour) 😂


Just about!! I do 1100 miles to go back to my home state, takes 16 hours. I did it twice in 10 days once. Went to get my mom and MIL so they could spend Xmas with us. Drove straight through, slept at my moms for 6 hours, then straight back! Then had to do it again in 10 days to take them back! Neither would fly, even if I flew up to fly back with them! It about killed me.


You’d find really quick that they are tourists that accidentally put in the wrong address.


Or drunkards that didn’t look at the price when they entered the wrong address. One night, I picked up a woman in Amherst, MA who thought she’d ordered a local 1/2 mile ride to Massachusetts Ave, but instead had ordered a 2+ hour drive to Massachusetts Ave in Boston.


Memorial drive in Belleville could either be the Hospital or funeral home in that area of Belleville. Wonder if someone is sick and they are afraid to fly


How is it even legal? Be nice if you could just drive them to the nearest train for that money lol


Yeah isn't there laws that truck drivers can only drive for a certain amount of hours.


About two weeks ago I got one of those mistakes. Pax setted the address of a street that has the same name here in my city and in another city almost 600km from here. I was so happy before she figured out her mistake.


I think that's Illinois, not Ohio. Bellville is OH. Add an E and you're either in MI or IL, and I can't find a Memorial Drive in MI.


Thanks.... Idk or do I gaf where this place is at lmao no but I looked it up quickly and saw Ohio. Thanks 😊.


No worries. I was stoned when I saw your post and my neurodivergence was popping off.


Silly it would’ve been Belleville Illinois lol. I just checked.


Yeaaa, I addressed it in another comment. Just here cause the "silly" reminded me of someone 😊


That's on the Illinois side on the outskirts of St Louis.


Yeah that's Belleville, IL. St. Louis metro area.


and then the passenger cancels the ride half-way thru so you get $0.


Belleville is not in Ohio


Just take a plane 😅 ![gif](giphy|BwqxBFQprJOTwHtfNE|downsized)


Why tf don’t I get these


I’ve had a similar one, from CA to OH, which was also a mistake.


I would take that in a heartbeat


Id be calling into work


I'll do it if they let me pick up my girl


I went from Knoxville to Coastal South Carolina once before Uber was telling me where I was going (I was a newbie who accepted everything and never canceled anything)...lol it was a $300 trip before tip. That was before all the bullshit skimming was happening.


Uber should add a scheduling feature that somebody could opt in but prepare for a drive like they lol


Pull up and ask them what their paying for this ride. Knock off $300 and tell them you’ll do it for cash. Stop at the closest bank for payment upfront and drive. I bet Uber charged them $2500


Gas would've ate up about 300 plus food and lodge you would be lucky to see 750 profit


If you log your miles that's essentially untaxable income after gas


$300 gas?? Bro you driving a Lamborghini for uber?


Maybe more that's an 1200 mile trip it cost me 60 to fill up at avg 275-300mpg you do the math with avg national gas prices so there and back what would it cost


That would be “Trip updated” once pax is in the car and trip started.. new fare “$14.42


You should be allowed to call the person up and negotiate a price. Say like what do you expect the tip to be? Or something like that.


Damn, bro. That's a whole week right there.


Back when Uber paid slightly better a few years ago I accepted a ride going from Philly to DC. Can’t remember what the exact fare was but at the time it seemed worth it to me. When I picked the guy up he was blackout drunk. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to go to DC because it was a long ride. He stared at his phone for probably 3 straight minutes and the goes, oh damn, I put in the wrong address, let me update it. He updates the address and it ended up being literally a block and a half ride to the next street over. You never really know with some of these people. Lol


So based on the Total mileage of 1,162 miles and what Uber is willing to reimburse drivers for an UberX passenger mileage rate of a measly 66 cents per Mileage rate and a mere 17 cents per minute was this passenger Trip worth it .?? I see some of these extremely Long passenger Trip requests and I wonder how anyone would accept .? Especially when Uber takes anywhere between 50-60 percent of each passenger Trip and where UberX has an absurdly Low mileage reimbursement rate of only 66 cents per mileage rate to the driver.? I guess if you’re Foolish enough to accept and have a Low IQ and willing to put excessive mileage on your Vehicle without considering all the harm with the Wear & Tear on your Vehicle until you get the repair & maintenance costs after you rack up excessive mileage driving for Uber .? Uber does not reimburse drivers for their return Trip back to the home base of operations and once you cross into another State you’re unable to pickup any passengers.


Yup but there are still some out here that would defend it!


LOL that isnt Belleville Ohio, its Belleville Illinios, nearly halfway across the country.


You can only drive 12 hours at a time so how would you be able to even accept this ride?


No, you could only work for 12 hours at a time if you get a ride with 5 mins left in your day (so you worked 11hours and 55 mins) they're not going to be like oh well take the passenger home with you, you are done lol. I know I'm acting stupid but all in all they won't shut off your app cause you are going over the 12 hr limit but once you drop the ride off it locks.


No what you said makes sense I’m just saying how is it even a offer knowing it’s 18 hours? Cause those extra hours they take from you the next day but technically it shouldn’t even be an option right due to the laws


Aaah I get you and I agree it's bs but we all know they don't care cause they'll just blame the algorithm 😒


I would


Gotta pay for the pothole damage somehow. Lol fuck the bucket. I hate rhode island. My brothers still live there.


This is fake, right?


I still find it funny it says 45 minutes plus




I hope you did take it, then ask the rider what’s going on 😆, they probably will cancel or change it


To Me I Would Take That Drive😭😭😭😭😭🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


Holy Shit The Mary Jane Had Me Seeing Things That Shii Says 18 Hours Almost 20😳😳😳Gotta Be Teddy Bonkers To Go On That Advennture


I would take this offer.


Accept it and tell that Mf take a plane then cancel


How did they even do this??? I’m in denver and tried to replicate a similar distance ride and basically kansas is the max before it tells me to try uber shuttle.


Breach of Contract that you agreed to. I’d complete the ride lol


I'm confused, google says that's a 200mi trip?


Bruh worth it take the rest of the week off


Actually…..that I might take.


18 hours. Shoot me now and get it over with


Wonder how these work with time limits? Does Uber just not gaf if the trip itself exceeds 12 hours? 18 hours driving is incredibly unsafe. I’m assuming this will require a sleeping break. Then what? Like how do you sleep with a passenger?


Guaranteed you don't get a tip either lol. What kind of a nut job would hire an uber for that long if a trip?!? Just take a train if you're on the no fly list. Odds are you don't want to be stuck in a car with this guy for 18hrs if he is on that list


I’ll take it!


Honestly I would take this. We can stop at drive thru’s, Pax can rent a motel, I’ll sleep in my car


Nevermind that the ride exceeds the 12hr limit huh


In my car, where i live it's around $40 to fill my tank from gas light. Highway miles i can get 400ish miles before i have to fill up. About 3 full tanks one way, so knock 240 right off the top of those earnings. I would probably take it. After gas that's still most of my week's earnings in my pocket all at once. That's not including the oil change I would probably need upon return.


Cannonball Run!!!


Nope. You would be lucky to find a ride back. You won't be able to work that area. You're forced to drive back immediately and hopefully uber Lyft insurance coverages for way back. I would just pick up then drop off at edge of townn. Tell them to get out that's as far as your driving them and they need to find another way to continue the trip. They are crazy to think any driver would go further. Safe location drop off at airport or bus. That will fix them real quick and driver still gets paid, doesnt hit acceptance rating for pickup.


And you thought you would start & end the ride using google maps address asking from rider and get paid like $1.2K 😁


I'd take it. Imma have a small vacation, then come back, lol.




Then the customer says they put in the wrong city! Lol.


Masturbate on the drive home, complain the destination filter doesn’t work as it should, get back and organize an airport strike!


Yeah tbfr. I'd take it just to get a 50 dollar motel room and drive back I won't need to work again the rest of the week.




$1200 to go from providence to pawtucket?! sign me up :)


I'm dropping them off and continuing my journey lol fuck it


Yeah as a chauffeur these drives and picky customers are why our services still exist.


Pawtucket the bucket that’s hood right there…


Still not good 😅 a $1+ per mile


And the return? More or less .54/mile 🤔


Wait for a ride back? 😅


You can't just pick up and drive where ever you want, I know I can't drive in ny, NJ, pa, IL.


I know, sometimes it just happens you get a ride/order that just goes same place as you going


I'd do that.




Get a damn plane ticket!


I had one like this it was $1157 for 8 hours from San Diego to Sacramento I took it and stayed up north with family and did small rides coming down and made $750


Never in the entire time as a driver have I gotten one of those...




Did you do it?


Wow!! I don't see any like that.


BS amount for that many miles anyway SMMFH be glad it was a mistake


Love that they will keep submitting and each time you don’t accept it hurts your AR on the same stupid request.


Fly?? $1200 gets you to Hawaii faster than this…


With the position I’m in right now, I would’ve took it


Is that belleville il?


You got lucky, remember you don’t get paid to get back home so….. it would have been a 1282/ 36 hours = 35 per hour ( not including gas cost )


Big number. Still a crappy ride. It’s only about $32/hour minus food gas and possible a hotel. If you got a huge tip might be $35/hour before expenses. Could do close that at home in less miles.


2340 miles and 40 hours round trip? $0.67 per mile expenses? Like working a full week, but you have to pay your boss $7 each hour you work.




For $40 an hour? Fuck it buckle up buttercup 20 hour ride baby


How yall getting these 😭 I want offers like that so badly


And I still would of taken it bc rent dueee and that’s more then I pay for rent 🤣


Is that guaranteed or can the amount be reduced. You know like Uber eats


Come live in Corpus. Then you can complain. 🪦🏙️


Over a dollar a mile.   Minus 200$ in tolls each way??


They entered the wrong zip code. You'll start driving then they report being kidnapped ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Just wait till they have ones across sea


Id be all over that in a heart beat lol


I would not. 18 hours back too!! After gas and 36 hours of drive time, which most ppl would need a hotel to sleep (or sleep in car) totally not worth it!